T3 B4 Hurley Reading Material 1 Of 4 Fdr- All Notes And Emails In Folder 990

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Download & View T3 B4 Hurley Reading Material 1 Of 4 Fdr- All Notes And Emails In Folder 990 as PDF for free.

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  • Words: 1,385
  • Pages: 14
Absence of key EOF document September 4, 2001 PC Meeting & Summary of Conclusions (SOC) NSPD 9 - Draft a-Q strategy on president's desk on Sept 10 Ask Mary McCarthy & current Senior Director

Team 3 Points Points to Make •

Keep in mind we need to answer key questions/arguments raised in Woodward's book and in Benjamin & Simon's book. Warren's response: ask questions of people like Shelton: Are you getting a bum wrap re charges that the military didn't take the right actions, sufficient action?

When we revise/modify/add to any common document on the shared drive, please include the date and time revised and your initials. Just update it.

Note to Dan Byman re policy, things we need to know for interviews

Need to get letters out to interviewees, begin last week of June

Who is going to do Saudi Arabia? Pakistan? See Dan Byman

Separate interview files for each colleague

List of completed interviews

Sharing with other teams the key points that we find in our research

Nudging Agencies

All colleagues need to read interviews. Follow-on questions: What are we missing? What needs to be clarified? Who do we need to pin down?

Before each interview meeting, read joint inquiry interview. What did they leave out? What should have they asked?

Bonnie/Warren: Look at FBI index for material provided to JIS. What was left out? This was in an email

Philip's question on travel; make recommendation

Push back on Dan Byman's ability to look at documents

We should go to Fort Bragg to get a demonstration of JSOC's capabilities. Bring Commission Members, as part of our recommendation and our assessment re how the fight against terrorism is going.

David Tucker and Tim Naftali: clarify

2nd round of doc requests

Letters on interviews

Speak to Kevin S. about Covert Action side of review: policy instrument -What actions did the U.S. government take, and how effective were they?

Kevin S. about KC and the steps that they have taken there

Team 1, Dana Lesseman has a black 3-ring folder containing background on the history of AQ. See Dana.

Interviews Did we invite all interested teams? Are they aware of the interview Repeat I nterviews Critique our style, etc.

Document Requests Need final copies on all requests

Actions Assigned •

Warren B.: draft list of matters we need guidance on; e.g., footnote policy, uniformity of source descriptions

Ask for Dan Byman's thoughts

Scott: Tickler System

Logos for Marquittia

For Stephanie •

Re Excel and the Interview Calendar: add 31 to August; add 30 to November; add 30 and 31 to May

Ensure my name is added into Staff bios

Administrative 2 cork boards 3 wire folder racks New chairs for everyone! Business cards Name plaque

Who do I know who is strong on Afghanistan & Iraq? For a policy position? Speak to Philip Zelikow

Civil-militarylash-up How is it working? Ambassadors in control of everything? We thought we could contain UBL, that there would be some overseas attacks but that we could absorb these Disruptions Renditions That we could go along and do this for awhile We did not perceive just how much of a threat we were in, and did not translate this into action? We thought we could contain him and put a fence around him and figure out ways to deal with him What was the Bush administration strategy for dealing with UBL? They didn't have one; Clarke was just "maintaining", we were on cruise control Foreseeability: "tort doctrine", what standard? A high standard for those entrusted with national leadership. Apply legal doctrines Palsgraf doctrine, negligence? Robert Samuelson: "if the Times were serious about self-examination, it would have assigned the task to outsiders. It is hard for insiders to be too critical of their organization for both psychological reasons (their assumptions may be part of the problem) and economic self-interest (they may censor themselves to protect their job and to not impede advancement) Candid appraisals Pentagon What you couldn't get past, or get done Tenet's declaration of war, but doesn't shift policy process What was his sense of dealing with Pentagon? FBI: useless and obstructionist Why didn't Clinton cut through this b.s. Was the system not giving you the full range of options to engage the problem? Did the president sink his teeth into it? Leadership - the truth is somewhat more activism on specific things-but the nsc was insulated, no one was saying let's put boots on the ground, it didn't happen Concept of use of force against aQ was limited

Why didn't it shift after '98 Shock of something new creates new opportunities How hard were Clinton folks pressing for greater activism? At levels higher than Clark? How hard was Cohen pressing for greater activism? Shelton? Was the military just not going to do anything unless ordered otherwise? '98 was not going to get sold on invading Afghanistan 12 Americans killed can't find on a map no imagination as to what they could do Military still don't see it as their problem It's an intelligence matter and a civilian war Pentagon/military didn't trust him as a commander Which president in '98 would have gotten this right. A democrat or a republican? Turf is not going to decide this You have to have a strategy We are in this for the long term Where is the strategy? National Strategy for Combatting Terrorism 7-8 pages, overall plan Hard part is changing the landscape Easy part is killing people


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42.57MB / 476.84MB (8.93%) Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 09:10:49 -0400 From: "" ^P To: "" <mhurley@9-11 commission.gov>4P Cc: "" 4P Subject: Re: Teams 2 & 3 Thanks. I think that Mon is best, and Wed and Thurs are possible.


Quoting "" <[email protected]>: > Gordon: > Great idea.

Let's have a brown-bag lunch meeting next week.

I'll check with

> my team to see what's a good day for us and then we'll coordinate with you > and > Kevin. > Mike > Quoting "" : > > Mike, > > > > > > > > > >

> Good evening. Given that Teams 2 and 3 will be working closely together, > Kevin > and I thought it would be useful to bring together our teams for an informal > > meeting, perhaps over lunch. And perhaps we could set up a regular meeting, > > such as every-other-week. Perhaps we could schedule a meeting for next > week?

> > Thanks, > > Gordon



Mail:: INBOX: Interview with Philip Zelikow

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41.92MB / 476.84MB (8.79%) Date: From: To: Subject:

Wed, 30 Jul 2003 12:06:08-0400 "" «[email protected]># "" <mhurley@9-11 commission.gov>9 Interview with Philip Zelikow


At some point, it would be useful to informally (or perhaps formally) interview Philip on at least two topics relevant to our work. The first concerns the transition from the Clinton to the Bush administration. Topics include the emphasis given to counterterrorism during the transition and changes in the organization of the NSC, particularly with regard to Clarke's status. The second topic is Philip's perspective on bureaucratic reorganization at the NSC. Our team may suggest changes to the interagency process as part of our recommendations. Philip is a recognized expert on the subject, and it would be good to get his input early so we can weigh his ideas as we do our work. Best, Dan

http://kinesis.swishmail.com/webmail/imp/message.php?Horde=6e3f79a9f02ffce501 efa47a9...


Mail:: INBOX: contact

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89.83MB / 476.84MB (18.84%) Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2003 13:47:23 -0400 From: "Maguire, Dan, CIV, OSD-POLICY" 4| To: "[email protected]'" <MHurley@9-11 commission.gov>41 Subject: contact Mike,

It was nice to chat with you this AM. beer soon.

I hope we can gather for coffee or a




CMH Writing Responsibilities NSC: Background to NSC And to decisionmaking President Role of National Security Council What does the act say? President Authorities Constitution: President is Commander-in-Chief Title 10, Title 50 DoD, CIA, FBI, etc

CIA: Budget Predator Story Legal Story





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