T2 B4 Team 2 Workplan Fdr- Workplan For Intelligence Community Management 578

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  • Words: 604
  • Pages: 3
Unclassified/Commission Sensitive Team 2 Workplan for Intelligence Community Management This memorandum sets forth Team 2's workplan concerning management of, resources for, and Congressional oversight of the Intelligence Community (1C) relating to the 9/11 attacks and the prevention of future attacks. Key Questions Management • Did senior Administration officials effectively manage the 1C concerning counterterrorism; if not, why? • Did the DCI effectively manage the 1C concerning counterterrorism; if not, did such ineffectiveness stem from insufficient legal authorities, inadequate management practices, organizational culture, or other reasons? • Does preventing future terrorist attacks require changes in the IC's management, and if so, what changes? Resources • Did the 1C receive sufficient resources for counterterrorism before 9/11? • How did the 1C utilize the resources it did receive prior to 9/11 for counterterrorism? • Does preventing future terrorist attacks require changing the IC's resource allocation levels or process? Congressional Oversight • Did Congressional oversight improve the IC's performance in counterterrorism? • How should Congress conduct oversight of counterterrorism? Informational Briefings (July 2003) • CTC Documents Management • Intelligence theory: Herman, Intelligence Power; Lowenthal, From Secrets to Policy (June 2003) • Legal: National Security Act, E.G. 12, 333, etc. (June 2003) • Joint Inquiry, Sen. Shelby's Addendum, interviews, hearing transcripts (JuneJuly 2003) • The IC's formation and history: Department of State, Emergence of the Intelligence Establishment; Zegart, Flawed by Design; Jeffrey-Jones, CIA and American Democracy; HPSCI, IC21; Aspin/Brown (July 2003) • Document requests to the 1C (August-September 2003)

Unclassified/Commission Sensitive

Unclassified/Commission Sensitive Resources • Document requests to the 1C and Congress (July 2003) Congressional Oversight • Material on Congressional oversight in general: Fisher, The Politics of Shared Power; CRS Manual on Congressional oversight (July 2003) • Material on Congressional oversight of the 1C: Smist, Congress Oversees the 1C; Ott, "Partisanship and the Decline of Intelligence Oversight"; HPSCI, IC21; charters of various committees (July 2003) • Document requests to the 1C (August 2003) Interviews (Commissioners will be invited, as appropriate) (August-October 2003) Management • George Tenet, DCI • John Deutch, former DCI • Jim Woolsey, former DCI • Robert Gates, former DCI • General Michael Hayden, Director NS A • General Bill Odom, former Director NSA • General Brent Scowcroft (ret.). USAF _> Admiral David Jeremiah (ret.), USN John McLaughlin, ADCI/Collcction Joan Dempsey, DDCFCM James Simon, former ADCI7Admin Richard Haver, DoD Steve Cambone, DoD Art Money, former DoD former DoD John Gordon, NS( MarySturtevant,Jormer_NS C Tish Long, ExDir/ICA • Larry Kindsvater, CIA • Mary McCarthy, former NSC • Randy Beers, former NSC • : ^_ Resources (none) Congressional Oversight • Senator Pat Roberts • Senator Jay Rockefeller • Senator Bob Graham • Senator Richard Shelby • Senator Bob Kerrey • Senator David Boren

Unclassified/Commission Sensitive

Unclassified/Commission Sensitive • • • • • •

Senator Arlen Specter Representative Porter Goss Representative Jane Harman Representative Nancy Pelosi Britt Snider, former SSCI Staff Director Art Grant, former SSCI Staff Director

Policy Briefings (October 2003) Management • Creation of Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence • Functioning of DHS IAIP Directorate • Creation of position of ADCI/HS Resources (none) Congressional Oversight • Agenda and functioning of the House Select Committee on Homeland Security Findings and Commission Briefings • Draw initial findings and recommendations, brief front office and other teams (early November 2003) • Brief the Commissioners on initial findings and recommendations (Commission's November 25, 2003 meeting) • Conduct additional research, as necessary (December 2003-January 2004) • Obtain Commission's concurrence on new findings and recommendations, as necessary (Commission's meeting in early February 2004) Monograph • Draft scholarly monograph (February-March 2004) • Present to front office (March 2004) • Revisions, as necessary (April-May 2004)

Unclassified/Commission Sensitive

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