T2 B4 Team 2 Workplan Fdr- 3-28-03 Draft Staff Work Plan Re Intelligence 567

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Download & View T2 B4 Team 2 Workplan Fdr- 3-28-03 Draft Staff Work Plan Re Intelligence 567 as PDF for free.

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3/28/03 10:41 AM Staff Work Plan

US National Foreign Intelligence: Collection, Analysis, Management, Oversight and Resources General Approach 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Open Source search and review Document search and review of classified materials Investigative briefings Data compilation and analysis Dialogue with Executive Director and Commission members Perform additional analysis, interviews, searches per Commission feedback Draft findings and recommendations for Commission review / approval Draft final report

Areas of Investigation 1. Intelligence Collection a. Human source intelligence collection capabilities worldwide (CIA, DIA (DHS), FBI), priorities and targeting, specific counterterrorism efforts (1985 to 2003), foreign liaison against terrorist targets, covert action support and execution, strategic planning, relationship with federal law enforcement b. Signals intelligence collection capabilities worldwide (NS A, CIA, military services), specific counterterrorism efforts (1985 to 2003), priorities and targeting, strategic planning, relationship with federal law enforcement c. Imagery intelligence collection capabilities worldwide (NIMA, CIA, NRO, Commercial Imagery), specific counterterrorism efforts (1985 to 2003), priorities and targeting, strategic planning, relationship with federal law enforcement d. Open source intelligence collection capabilities worldwide (CIA-FBIS, DIA, NS A, military services, Dept. of State, Dept. of Treasury, Dept. of Justice, Dept. of Commerce), counterterrorism efforts (1985 to 2003), priorities and targeting, strategic planning, information sharing 2. Intelligence Analysis a. National Intelligence Estimates on terrorism (1985 to 2003), substantive conclusions on global terrorism and policy reaction to these estimates; NIEs on specific terrorist threats, including al Qaeda; b. Strategic warning of attack on the United States (1985 to 2003); strategic and tactical warning on global terrorist attacks against the US and US facilities overseas; reporting of the NIO on warning; the existence and exercise of a warning-response system throughout the federal government;



3/28/03 10:41 AM c. Finished intelligence reporting and policy maker feedback on global terrorism; global terrorism situation reports (1985 to 2003) particularly around the time of the attacks (CIA headquarters, WTC ('93), Kohbar Towers, Embassy bombings, 9-11); d. In depth analysis of the Afghan War and the significance of the Soviet withdrawal and the future of Afghanistan; analysis on Muslim societies and their culture, politics, economic development, and demographics; analysis on Muslim radical fundamentalism and its strategic significance to the United States; e. Cable traffic on terrorism from the field to headquarters across the 1C (1985 to 2003); internal memoranda related to analysis on global terrorism, interviews of analysts, supervisors, and contractor support 3. Intelligence Community Management a. History of intelligence community management since 1947; significant analyses, recommendations, reforms b. Current state of Intelligence Community Management including basic responsibility, authorities, and accountability of the senior leadership c. Comparison of 1C management with other federal and private sector organizational structures; strengths and weaknesses of existing system; management of intelligence priorities, particularly global terrorism; d. Organizational alternatives and their implications for US Intelligence 4. Oversight and Resources a. Executive Branch oversight of US intelligence policy and resources and its implications for global terrorism (collection, analysis, production, covert action); Executive Office of the President oversight (NSC, HSC, OMB, OVP, etc.); Secretary of Defense oversight of US Intelligence; Attorney General oversight of US intelligence; DCI oversight of US Intelligence; oversight at the agency level and below b. Legislative Branch oversight of US intelligence policy and resources and its implications for global terrorism (collection, analysis, production, covert action); House and Senate intelligence oversight committees; House and Senate appropriations committees; House and Senate armed services committees; House and Senate judiciary committee oversight of intelligence and law enforcement; GAO and other legislative branch investigative entities; c. Judiciary Branch oversight of US intelligence and its implications for global terrorism; FISA and the Court's rulings.


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