T2 B4 Team 2 Workplan Fdr- Team 2- Intelligence- Emails And Document Request Chronology 544

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Team 2: Intelligence Document Request Chronology As of July 1,2003, no documents requested by Team 2 to the Office of the DCI have been provided. These requests are now 27 days late. Additional document requests for EOF, DoD, DCI, CIA, NSA, MAC, SAC, HPSCI, and SSCI are pending approval from the Front Office.

April 7, 2003

Draft work plan to Front Office. Comments incorporated into draft.

April 10, 2003

Team 2 work plan submitted to Commissioners with initial document request included as an appendix to the work plan.

April 23, 2003

Document request #1 for materials related to counterterrorism resources, Intelligence Community management and Congressional oversight is forwarded to Front Office.

May 1, 2003

Team 2 meeting with CIA PO?/11 closed by statute access JI files. Significant issue arises over the "rules of engagement" for Commission access to Joint Inquiry (JI) files kept at CIA. No files were made available to Team 2 at this time. Access to files becomes dependent on an agreement between Front Office and CIA POC.

May 1, 2003

Dan Marcus and Steve Dunne meet with AG's office regarding document request #1 and are requested to provide the AG's office with a "determination" that the JI did not review certain intelligence related materials and that the Commission was not duplicating the JI's efforts.

May 2, 2004

At Front Office request, Team 2 drafts determination since we were the first to have access to the JI materials and the first to forward a document request.

May 6, 2003

Second draft determination coordinated with team leaders, meeting with Dan and Steve on draft.

May 12, 2003

Determination completed and approved by Commission members.

May 14, 2003

Document request #1 is resubmitted to the Front Office for consideration in light of the "determination."

May 19, 2003

Meeting with Philip, Dan and Steve to go over the details of the request initially submitted May 23, 2003.

May 19, 2003

Steve Dunne re-writes document request #1 and turns it into two separate requests: Doc Req. #1 items that we wanted copies of; and Doc Req. #2 which were items that we want to have access to. Both document requests

were to be delivered June 3, 2003. A new item #7 is added to this request by the Front Office. May 20, 2003

Document requests #1 and #2 submitted to CIA and the AG's Office via email to the respective POCs.

May 30, 2003

Item #7 of document request #1 provided by CIA directly to Philip. No other documents provided at the time.

June 3, 2003

Email from CIA POC indicating that: 1) some items requested will have to be requested of Congress even though CIA is in possession of the actual documents; 2) some items will require the "approval" of the Office of Management and Budget since CIA believes that that office was responsible for the item's origination; and 3) some items will take longer to compile than originally thought.

June 12, 2003

Additional document requests forwarded to Front Office for the following entities: HOP, DoD, DCI, CIA, NSA, HAC, SAC, HPSCI, SSCI.

June 20, 2003

Team 3 provides document request to Front Office for HOP, DoD, State, Justice. The two teams decide to combine their requests facilitating the Front Office's review. Requests that are not pertinent to Team 3 (HAC, SAC, HPSCI, SSCI, NSA) remain with Front Office for review.

June 24, 2003

Team 2 and Team 3 meet with Front Office to go over draft document requests. Consolidations, redundant requests fixed.

June 26, 2003

Commission members question FBI and CIA on their lack of response to document requests. CIA POC calls Team 2 next day indicated that some documents are becoming available.

June 30, 2003

CIA POC indicates that items 1, 2, 5 of document request #1 are ready for pick up; items 3, 6 are not yet available; there will be no documents associated with item 4.

July 1, 2003

Team 2 goes to CIA to review available documents. CIA POC has meeting that conflicts with the Team's visit and documents are not provided. To date, no documents have been provided to Team 2 that have been requested, except for the one item added to our request by Philip.

Mail:: INBOX: correction of the correctionRe: DCI document request no. 1

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Date: Mon. 30 Jun 2003 17:41:45 -0400 Prom;|

9/11 Closed by S t a t u t e

\: "" <[email protected]>^, John knepper <[email protected]>^

Cc: "" ^,"" 4J '> ''•• Subject: correction of the correctionRe: DCI document request no. 1 . @ 2 unnamed text/html 1.39 KB rj|) I have 1,2 & 5—nothing responsive on 3, still Inokinn on 4 A nnthinn rflfinnngiua nn R & you already have 7. that's it, I swear that's right, now i'm giving up & going home-j 9/11 closed by statute I

[email protected] wrote: 9/11 closed by statute, promjsed, here is our first document request to the DCI. A second requestwill follow shortly. Please arrange for the production of these documents directly with Kevin Scheid, and please ask him if you have any substantive questions. Please feel free to call Dan or me as well with any questions. Thanks. Steve

Name: DCI Document Request no 1 .doc DCI Document Request no 1 .doc Type: Winword File (application/msword) Encoding: base64

http://kinesis.swishmai].corn/webmai]/imp/message.php?actionID=148&mailbox=INBOX&b... 6/30/03

Mail:: INBOX: correction Re: DCI document request no. 1

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32.88MB / 476.84MB (6.90%) Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 17:36:32 -0400 From! 9/ll Closed by Statute | To: "" <[email protected]>^, John knepper <[email protected]>^ Cc: "" 4J, "" ^ Subject: correction Re: DCI document request no. 1

today is not my day---sorry folks have to correct re: Doc Request #1 — what i have is a response on Items 1 & 5. We found nothing responsive to Items 2 & 3. I'm still checking on Item 4 and we had nothing responsive to Item 6. Apologize for the Confusion. [email protected] wrote: 9/11 closed by statute As promised, here is our first document > request will follow shortly. Please arrange for > documents directly with Kevin Scheid, and please > substantive questions. Please feel free to call > questions. Thanks. Steve > > > >

DCI Document Request no l.doc

request^'to the DCI. A second the production of these ask him if you have any Dan or me as well with any

Name: DCI Document Request no l.doc Type: Winword File (application/msword) Encoding: base64

http://kinesis.swishmail.com/webmail/imp/message.php?actionID= 148&mailbox=INBOX&b... 6/30/03

Mail:: INBOX: correction re: Item 5 Re: DCI document request no. 2

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32.88MB / 476.84MB (6.90%) Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 16:37:04 -0400 Fromj

9/11 Closed by Statute


To: "" <[email protected]>4J Cc: "" ^,"" 4f,"" ^, "" 4f Subject: correction re: Item 5 Re: DCI document request no. 2 CMS tells me that this document is OMB originated and that it should be obtained from OMB, we only have RMO's request for the NFIP, not OMB's approved list. [email protected] wrote: 9/11 closed by statutevttached ag a Word document is DCI document request no. 2. Please > note that we are only asking for access to these documents in this request. > Please coordinate with Kevin Scheid on the production of these documents, and > please ask Kevin if you have any substantive questions. As always, you can > also give Dan or me a .call with any questions. Thanks. Steve > > > Name: DCI Document Request no 2.doc > DCI Document Request no 2.doc Type: Winword File (application/msword) > Encoding: base64 .': |i:.

http://kinesis.swishmail.com/webmail/imp/message.php?action!D=148&mailbox=INBOX&b... 6/30/03

Mail:: INBOX: Re: DCI document request no. 2

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32.88MB / 476.84MB (6.90%) Date: Mon. 30 Jun 2003 16:29:44 -0400 From a"

9/ll Closed by Statute


To: "" <[email protected]>4f, John knepper <John.Knepper2@usdo|.gov>^ Co: "" 4J,"" 4P, """j;[email protected]>
Item 1 requires OMB concurrence. Item 2--we have responsive documents, they have been pulled together, but have not yet been provided to OCA—there may be additional clearances required to read portions of this material which we'll have to obtain, but that's not a problem and again, this is CA material for which I understand only Mr. Salvetti & Kevin are cleared for. Items 3 & 4 should be obtained from the authorizing committees Item 5—CMS is searching their chronological files in order to obtain. Item 6 should be obtained from the appropriating committees Item 7 requires OMB concurrence. [email protected] wrote: 9/11 closed by statute Attached as a Word document is DCI document request no. 2. Please > note that we are only asking for access to these documents in this request. > Please coordinate with Kevin Scheid on the production of these documents, and > please ask Kevin if you have any substantive questions. As always, you can > also give Dan or me a call with any questions. Thanks. Steve > > > >

Name: DCI Document Request no 2.doc DCI Document Request no 2.doc Type; Winword File (application/msword) Encoding: base64 ;';;')'••

http://kinesis.swishmail.com/webmail/imp/message.php?actionID=148&mailbox=INBOX&b... 6/30/03

Mail:: INBOX: update Re: DCI document request no. 1

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32.88MB / 476.84MB (6.90%) Date- Mon. 30 Jun 2003 16:21:52 -04C Prom] 9/11 Closed by Statute To: "" <[email protected]>4P Cc: "" 4J,"" 4P,"" ^,"" <[email protected]>^ Subject: update Re: DCI document request no. 1

I have a binder in my office which I will give to Kevin tomorrow which contains responsive documents for Items 1-3. This does contain CA material for which I understand only Mr. Salvetti & Kevin are authorized. Item 4—we are still looking, we may not have anything responsive here. Items 5 & 6--we do not believe we have any responsive documents, we cannot attibute •:.. any thing we do have to CT. ..''•• Item 7 was provided on May 30. ••• :sdunne89-llconrnxission.gov wrote: 9/11 closed by statute As promise<j, nere is our first document request to the DCI. A second > request will follow shortly. Please arrange for the production of these > documents directly with Kevin Scheid, and please ask him if you have any > substantive questions. Please feel free to call Dan or me as well with any > questions. Thanks. Steve > > „ „. — _.._..__. _..____«.-._,.___.»..«., > Name: DCI Document Request no l.doc > DCI Document Request no l.doc Type: WinWord File (application/msword) > Encoding: base64

http://kinesis.swishmail.com/webmail/imp/message.php?actionID=148&mailbox=INBOX&b... 6/30/03

Mail :: Team 2 operations: Re: Item 6 on DCI document request no. 2

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Team 2 operations: Re: Item 6 on DCI document request no. 2 (52 of 194)

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Delete I Reply I Reply to All I Forward I Redirect I Blacklist I Message Source I Resume I Save"- Back to Team 2 operations as I Print V'-' jj Date: Fri. 06 Jurt 2003 12:49:34 -0400 Fromj 9/11 Closed by Statute I


To: "" <[email protected]>4J Cc: "" 4P,"" ^,"" 4f, "" ^ Subject: Re: Item 6 on DCI document request no. 2

I just had word from the House Appropriations Committee, they would like the Corom'n to request the classified annex material regarding the supplemental directly from the Appropriations Committees rather than from CIA since they are congressional documents. The contact I had was with HAC-D s t a f f e r John Shank. So j u s t to sum up on Doc Request 2, Items 3 & 4 should be requested from SSCI & HPSCI (per HPSCI & SSCI Counsels) and Item 6 from HAC & SAC.I 9/11 closed by statute I sdunne69-llcommission.gov wrote: 9/11 closed by statute Attached as a Word document is DCI document request no. 2 . Please > note that we are only asking for access to these documents in this request. > Please coordinate with Kevin Scheid on the production of these documents, and > please ask Kevin if you have any substantive questions. As- always, you can > also give Dan or me a call with any questions. Thanks. Steve

> > > > >

.&' -.______

_.»— .

,„___ Name: DCI Document Request no 2.doc DCI Document Request no 2.doc Type: WinWord File (application/msword) Encoding: base64

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Mail:: Team 2 operations: Re: DCI document request no. 2












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Dale: Tue. 03 Jun 2003 10:14:44 -0400 From| 9/11 Closed by Statute | To: "" <[email protected]>^ Cc: "" 4P, "" 9, "" ^, ""
With respect to Doc Request 2 : 1. CMS fc CFO have a copy, but since this is the Presiden's document, we'd need OMB concurrence . 2. CFO is checking into this one. Need OMB concurrence. 3 & 4. HPSCI Counsel (Chris Barton) has indicated that the Commission should request this information directly from the authorizing committees. SSCI Dep . Legal Counsel (Milhorn) is aware of this request and of Bart'on's determination that this information should be obtained directly from them. . 5. This again is the President's document, we'd need OMB concurrence to share. 6. We are talking with the staff of the Appropriations Committees, they (like the authorizers) may request that you get this information directly from them. 7. CFO's office will locate via the chronological file, we also need OMB concurrence to share these . I ' l l try to get back to you later in the day with time lines for production. Thanks, I

9/ll Closed by Statute


[email protected] wrote: 9/11 closed by statuteittached as a Word document is DCI document request no. 2. Please > note that we are only asking for access to these documents in this request. > Please coordinate with Kevin Scheid on the production of these documents, and > please ask Kevin if you have any substantive questions. As always, you can > also give Dan or me a call with any questions. Thanks. Steve > > > Name: DCI Document Request no 2.doc > DCI Document Request no 2.doc Type: Winword File (application/msword) > Encoding: base64 Delete I Reply I Reply to All I Forward I Redirect I Blacklist I Message Source I Resume I Save as I Print

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Mail:: Team 2 operations: Re: DCI document request no. 1

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lelo Arid resshnnk Tasks nnmrtINBOX Compose Folders Options Search Problem? Help Addressbook Tasks Mpmnc Memos (~al<»nHar Calendar ILogout

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request no. 1 (76 of 194)

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^ |>

Date: Tue. 03 Jun 2003 09:59:27 -0400 From:|

9/11 Closed by Statute


To: "" <[email protected]>^ Cc: "" ^,"" 4P,"" 4f,"" ^ Subject: Re: DCI document request no. 1

Steve: Wanted to give you an update regarding this doc request, I hope to have at least some timelines by COB from CFO's Office, CMS & OMB today, I'm doing my best to push for that Thought it would be easiest to go through them item by item: I' ve sought OMB concurrence/guidance regarding both of these requests. 1. CFO's office to give me timeline for locating all of these, they'll have to be identified by culling through chronological files. Their IMO was out until today—hope to have a timeline by COB today. Need OMB concurrence. 2.

Same as 1.

Need OMB concurrence.


Same as 1.

Need OMB concurrence.

4-6. 7.

CMS to pull together.

Need OMB concurrence.

Delivered to the Commission via courier on Friday, May 30, 2003.

9/11 Closed by Statute

[email protected] wrote:

9/11 closed by statute As promised, here is our first document request to the DCI. A second > > > > > > > > >

request will follow shortly. Please arrange for the production of these documents directly with Kevin Scheid, and please ask him if you have any substantive questions. Please feel free to call Dan or me as well with any questions. Thanks. Steve _£_ Name: DCI Document Request no l.doc DCI Document Request no l.doc Type: WinWord File (dp'plication/msword) Encoding: base64

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