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Yoel Tobin From:

Raj De [[email protected]]


Monday, December 01, 2003 3:13 PM


[email protected]

Subject: FW: DoD document responses FYI re DoD Req 3 - please see Dianna if you want to review the documents that have come in so far; Melissa has not yet made copies for the hallway safe

Original Message From: Raj De [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 2:04 PM To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Cc: [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: FW: DoD document responses Dan and Steve, Yesterday was the deadline for all responsive MFRs from DoD (the deadline for URs was Nov 26). Hyon has reviewed the documents produced to date (a stack about 7 in high), and her initial unclassified remarks are below. I spoke with Stewart on Friday, November 21 (from Los Angeles), when he informed me that there was an issue with the classification of some of the MFRs. We worked out an arrangement whereby DoD was to produce these documents on schedule but would stamp these documents "Classification to be Determined" (so that we could review them while the classification issue was worked out). Last week, I received a voicemail from Stewart (which was left on my personal cell phone and was not retrieved until yesterday) in which he stated that he had spoken with Dan subsequent to my conversation with him, and that an agreement was reached whereby the MFRs in question would not be produced until the classification issue was resolved. I am not sure where things stand today. I am relaying this information by way of suggesting that since the DoD deadline has now passed, the Front Office should evaluate whether DoD is in compliance (perhaps by touching base with our POCs to see where they stand on production). If not, we should issue the subpoena. Raj Original Message From: Hyon Kim [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 1:41 PM To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected] Subject: DoD document responses I have looked at the document responses from DoD. The problems are as follows: Out of the 111 individuals listed in DoD Document Request No. 3 and the four supplements, there are responses for 10 individuals. Although DoD may have provided other responsive materials, it is impossible to determine if they have done so because in more than half the documents the detainee's name has been redacted. DoD's response does not refer at all to the document requests, so we do not know whether there are no documents for a particular individual, or if the individual is not in DoD custody. There are a very small number of MFRs in comparison to the number of IIRs.


Page 2 of2 There are numerous documents that do not correlate to any individual on the document request and supplements. There are significantly more redactions on the documents than on the comparable responses from CIA, often entire pages of a document.


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Fourth supplement to FBI document request #3

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RETRIEVAL #: 281 00010 0026 46

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Yoel Tobin From:

Raj De


Friday, December 19, 2003 4:20 PM


Team 1; Team 1 A; Team 4

Subject: FW: 9/11 Commission Doc Req No 3 Hello all Below is some information re DoD Req 3. As you are aware, some materials have been provided to the Commission. Under the agreement reached with the Front Office, ASPs and RTBs will not be produced, but may be available for staff to review at DoD. ASPs and RTBs are, from what I understand, essentially summary analytic products created for prosecution purposes - thus, they usually gather all source intelligence info re particular individuals. Several of the individuals for whom DoD is making ASPs and RTBs available are individuals in whom various teams have expressed an interest, so I just wanted to pass along the info below. Because of classification issues, the individuals are identified by request number and letter. Raj Original Message From: Aly, Stewart, Mr, DoD OGC [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, December 19, 2003 3:14 PM To: Raj De; Aly, Stewart, Mr, DoD OGC; Dan Marcus Cc: Steve Dunne; Dieter Snell; Downs, Pat, Ms, OSD-USDI; Deitz, Robert, Mr, DoD OGC; Dalton, William, Mr, DoD OGC; [email protected]; Lehner, Johnathan, Mr, DoD OGC; Lussier, Norm, Mr, DoD OGC Subject: RE: 9/11 Commission Doc Req No 3 Raj:

It has taken longer than I thought to go over our files, and we have lost the lawyer who worked this up to a new job at NASA. The following ASPs are at hand: ASPs: Supp. #1i Supp. #2m Supp. #2q Supp. #3a Supp. #3u Supp. #3v Supp. #3w Supp. #3x Supp. #3y Supp. #3z Supp. #3aa Supp. #3bb Supp. #3dd As to RTBs, we have a group of about 20 but many of them we are not able to match to your list. I asked for samples to evaluate, and it appears that a number of familiar names were selected rather than responsive ones. We did not do a full search for all RTBs responsive to your request, as we knew they would not be releasable. Also we have had some difficulty in matching names. The bottom line is that I expect we have more RTBs than these three, but these are the ones we have identified and have at hand. Request No. 3q


Page 2 of4 'upp. #2q Supp. #3dd

If you believe that a review of ASPs or sources for RTBs would be useful, please give me a call, I would like to discuss the best way to proceed to find anything you may be able to use. Stew —Original Message— From: Raj De [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2003 18:59 To: Aly, Stewart, Mr, DoD OGC; Dan Marcus Cc: Steve Dunne; Dieter Snell; Downs, Pat, Ms, OSD-USDI; Deitz, Robert, Mr, DoD OGC; Dalton, William, Mr, DoD OGC; [email protected] Subject: RE: 9/11 Commission Doc Req No 3 Thanks, Stewart. We would in fact appreciate it if you would send the Commission the list of the 20 or so individuals for whom ASPs have been set aside for staff review and for whom RTB source documents are available. Thanks again,

Raj Rajesh De Counsel National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States T: 202.331.4368 F: 202.296.5545 Secure: 31113 [email protected] Original Message From: Aly, Stewart, Mr, DoD OGC [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 4:08 PM To: Dan Marcus Cc: Steve Dunne; Dieter Snell; Raj De; Downs, Pat, Ms, OSD-USDI; Deitz, Robert, Mr, DoD OGC; Dalton, William, Mr, DoD OGC; '[email protected] Subject: 9/11 Commission Doc Req No 3

Dan: This email confirms our conversation last Friday concerning request number 3. We have conducted a search and provided the MFRs and MRs we found which are responsive to this request. As to the Analyst Support Packages (ASP), we have identified ASPs on about 20 of the individuals. There may be ASPs on other individuals, and we are continuing to review our records to identify them. We do not believe they are responsive to this request, as each is essentially a compendium summarizing all source information on the individual which does not clearly indicate which information comes from which source. These summaries do not address the subject matter of the request. As to the RTBs, we have identified approximately 20 on individuals listed in your request. These documents are prepared in connection with the


Page 3 of4 preparation of cases which may be tried before military tribunals, and are under the jurisdiction of the prosecution team. Each contains a factual summary with sources of the information in each paragraph annotated. We are not providing the ASPs to the Commission as they are not responsive, but we are prepared to allow access for you to review them to see if they lead you to any helpful information. We are not providing the RTBs because of their prosecutorial nature, but we are prepared to provide you with a list of source documents for any of them on your requestPlease let me know whether the Commission seeks to review any of the ASPs or wants a source list for any of the RTBs. We can identify the ones we have for you if you like. Thanks, Stew

Original Message From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 17:30 To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: 9/11 Commission Doc Req No 3 Stewart, Thanks for speaking with me this afternoon. As we discussed, I am writing to identify the individual that we would suggest using as a test sample in order to determine whether we have identified the appropriate materials for DoD to provide in response to DoD Request No. 3 (and the supplements thereto). That individual is identified as letter "w" in the original Request dated June 6, 2003. My understanding of the process going forward then, is that the folks at your end will pull one sample ASP for individual "w." Once you and Pat have had an opportunity to review what the ASP represents, and to determine precisely what other type of custodial interview materials exist, we can resolve whether the ASPs will be sufficient for the Commission's purposes. At the end of the day, the Commission is interested in receiving whatever materials DoD considers the closest thing to a transcript, write-up, report, or first-hand summary of any given custodial interview.


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As you suggested, I would appreciate it if you would confer with Pat regarding this issue. Thanks again for your cooperation, and please feel free to follow up with Dan Marcus, Steve Dunne, or me. Raj

Rajesh De Counsel National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States T: 202-331-4368 F: 202-296-5545 Secure: 31113 [email protected]


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"Agencies Responses Chart"

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by: \t*> V

RETRIEVAL #: 281 00010 0026 47

Page 1 of2 /9/11 Closed by S t a t u t e Yoel Tobin From:

Dan Marcus


Friday, February 06. 2004 2:06 PM




9/11 Closed by S t a t u t e

Team 1; Team 1 A; Team 4

Subject: FW: DCi Doc Req No 4 Scott: per the request that you and Rudy made at our New Year's meeting and you reminded me of yesterday, here is our cut-back list. Because it turns out that the three teams involved here are interested in people for different, reasons, the cutback is not as great as you hoped - but it is still a very substantial reduction. I endorse the reasonable caveats suggested by Raj. I Ivou may want to pass this on to RR. Original Message From: Raj De Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004. 8:10 PM To: Dan Marcus Cc: Team 1; Team 1A; Team 4 Subject: DCI Doc Req No 4

Hey Dan, Teams 1,1 A, and 4 have consulted, and we have narrowed the list of individuals for whom would like to continue receiving monthly updates per DCI Document Request Number 4 to about half (64 of 114) the original number. We would, however, request two significant caveats in making this compromise: 1)

The Commission reserves the right to name new individuals and/or rename any of those removed from the original requests as the need arises in the future. 2) The DCI will provide reporting from ANY individual (whether or not the individual is named on our original requests) that bears directly on the 9/11 operation. This requirement should not be a significant burden as presumably any such reporting must have been brought to the attention of the DRG. Following is the list of individuals for whom we would like to continue receiving monthly updates: Original Request: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, i, I, m, p, q, r, s, u, v, w, y, aa, cc, ee, kk First Supplement: a, b, c, d, e, i Second Supplement: b, e, f, g, i, j, k, I, m, o, s, u, v, w Third Supplement: b, c, g, h, i, j, n, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, aa, bb, cc, dd Fourth Supplement: a Fifth Supplement: a Rajesh De Counsel National Commission on Teirorist Attacks Upon the United States T: 202.331.4368 F: 202.296.5545 Secure: 31113 rde@9-1 lcommission.gov


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Yoel Tobin From:

Yoel Tobin


Thursday, February 05, 2004 4:50 PM


Raj De


Team 1

Subject: RE: DCI Doc Req No 4 In addition to those that you and'Team 4%ant to keep receiving, we have the following additions: Original Request: m, p, u, cc, ee First Supplement: a, b Second Supplement: g, k, I, o, u Third Supplement: n Fourth Supplement: a Fifth Supplement: a Thanks! Original Message From: Raj De Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2004 7:01 PM To: Dieter Snell; Hyon Kim; Yoel Tobin; Nicole Grandrimo Cc: Dan Marcus Subject: DCI Doc Req No 4 Hello all As I mentioned earlier, Dan M. has asked that we reduce the number of persons for whom the CIA must search with respect to the monthly updates to DCI Doc Req No 4. Here is a tentative cut for those Team 1A would like to keep on the list (Hyon and Dieter, please let me know if there is anybody else I may have missed). Please take a look tomorrow and let me know if there are additional persons you would like to keep on the list. Thanks,

Raj Original Request: a, b, c, d, e, g, I, q, s, v, w, y, aa First Supplement: d, e, i Second Supplement: b, e, f, i, j, v, w Third Supplement: b, g, h, I, j Fourth Supplement: none Fifth Supplement: none


Page 2 of2 Rajesh De Counsel National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States T: 202.331.4368 F: 202,296.5545 Secure: 31113 [email protected]


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RajDe From:

Doug Greenburg


Thursday, February 05, 2004 11:30 AM


Raj De


Dan Marcus

Subject: RE: DCI Doc Req No 4 Raj Here are our additions to what you had: Original Request: f, i, r, kk First Supplement: c, Second Supplement: m, s Third Supplement: c, r through dd Fourth Supplement: no additions Fifth Supplement: no additions

Original Message From: Raj De Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2004 7:40 PM To: Doug Greenburg Subject: FW: DCI Doc Req No 4 Hey Doug, Sorry, I just left you off this a few minutes ago. Let me know if you have any additions. Raj

Original Message From: Raj De Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2004 7:01 PM To: Dieter Snell; Hyon Kim; Yoel Tobin; Nicole Grandrimo Cc: Dan Marcus Subject: DCI Doc Req No 4 Hello all As I mentioned earlier, Dan M. has asked that we reduce the number of persons for whom the CIA must search with respect to the monthly updates to DCI Doc Req No 4. Here is a tentative cut for those Team 1A would like to keep on the list (Hyon and Dieter, please let me know if there is anybody else I may have missed). Please take a look tomorrow and let me know if there are additional persons you would like to keep on the list. Thanks, Raj


Page 2 of 2

Original Request: a, b, c, d, e, g, I, q, s, v, w, y, aa First Supplement: d, e, i Second Supplement: b, e, f, i, j, v, w Third Supplement: b, g, h, I, j Fourth Supplement: none Fifth Supplement: none

Rajesh De Counsel National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States T: 202.331.4368 F: 202.296.5545 Secure: 31113 [email protected]


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Folder: 0026 Document: 48 Team 1 Files Pages: 1 ACCESS RESTRICTED

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Names from DCI Request No. 4

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Folder: 0026 Document: 49 Team 1 Files Pages: 16 ACCESS RESTRICTED

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Updated detainees response lists, dated 2/9 and 21 13/2004

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NND:281 Withdrawn: 04-18-2008


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• '/ je*cs^i~4s<

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Yoel Tobin From:

Yoel Tobin


Monday, February 02, 2004 1:51 PM


Team 1; Team 4; Team 6; Dianna Campagna

Subject: MFR of Fitzgerald interview We have finalized the MFR, and it is on the classified share drive in the Team 1 folder, Interviews & MFRs subfolder. Dianna, I will give you a paper copy when it's convenient for you, just let me know. After Team 6 has read the MFR, perhaps we can discuss scheduling another interview with him. Thanks to everyone for their help on this.


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Folder: 0026 Document: 50 Team 1 Files Pages: 7 ACCESS RESTRICTED

The item identified below has been withdrawn from this file: Folder Title: Detainees Document Date: Document Type: List From: To: Subject:

Lists of detainees for FBI Request #3, DCI Request #4

In the review of this file this item was removed because access to it is restricted. Restrictions on records in the National Archives are stated in general and specific record group restriction statements which are available for examination.

NND: 281 Withdrawn: 04-18-2008


RETRIEVAL #: 281 00010 0026 50

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Yoel Tobin From:

Melissa Coffey


Wednesday, December 31, 2003 1:13 PM


Team 1


Susan Ginsburg

Subject: DCI #4 and FBI #3 Hello Teams 1 and 1 A, I wanted to let you know that all of the responses and updates for DCI #4 and FBI #3 have been added to their respective folders. DCI #4 can be found in the second and third drawers of the hall safe, and FBI #3 can be found on the shelves in the hallway. I have yet to catch up on the DOD responses. Additionally, for Team 1 A, ACS Material from 11/07/03 forward and miscellaneous requests documents can be found in the bottom drawer of the hall safe. Graham said the combinations for the new safes will not be here until next week because of the holidays. I am off the rest of today and Friday, but will return on Monday. Have a wonderful New Year!

Melissa Coffey Staff Assistant National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the U.S. 202-331-4080 tel 202-296-5545 fax


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Lists of detainees for document requests

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Document requests (FBI #3, DCI #4)

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NND:281 Withdrawn: 04-18-2008


RETRIEVAL #: 281 00010 0026 52


Office of General Counsel 30 March 2004


Mr. Daniel Marcus, General Counsel National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States Third Floor 2100 K Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20427 Re:

(U) Additional Responses to Item No. l.a and l.b of the Seventh Supplement to DCI Document Request No. 4

Dear Mr. Marcus: (U) Enclosed please find document Nos. 0400940 through 0400963 responsive to Item Nos. l.a and l.b of the Seventh Supplement to DCI Document Request No. 4 (DR#4), issued by The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (the Commission) on 25 March 2004. Please pass copies of the enclosed TDs to Mr. Dieter Snell, a Commission staffer, as soon as possible. (U) Document No. 0400942 contains information concerning Zacarias Moussaoui. The Commission should take particular care with this document and all Moussaoui documents as they are not only classified, but are also subject to the Moussaoui Non-Disclosure Agreement.

Downgrade to UNCLASSIFIED when Separated from attachments


Closed by Statute

Mr. Daniel Marcus

Contact me

If at

vpu have anv

about this letter, please

I S/ll Closed by Statute I

£?l nr*

9/11 Closed by Statute

Assistant ueneral Counsel Enclosures: As stated


U.S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation Washington, D. C. 20535-0001

February 12,2004 Daniel Marcus, General Counsel National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States Suite 300 2100KStreet,N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 RE: Commission's Request for Documents Dear Mr. Marcus: In response to the Commissions Request for Documents, please find the

"\J " '


' '•

following: Documents responsive to Document Request 3 Supplemental #2-a; Documents responsive to Document Request 3 Supplemental #2-s; Documents responsive to Document Request 3 Supplemental #2-t; Documents responsive to Document Request 3 Supplemental #3-a; Documents responsive to Document Request 10-la; Documents responsive to Document Request 10-lb; Documents responsive to Document Request 10-li; Documents responsive to Document Request 18-1; Documents responsive to Document Request 18-2; Documents responsive to Document Request 23-5c; Documents responsive to Document Request 23-5d; Documents responsive to Document Request 23-5h; Documents responsive to Document Request 23-5p; Documents responsive to Document Request 24-2; Documents in response to Miscellaneous Request #26 [Documents Requested by Commission Staffer Doug Greenberg - Attachments for NY FD 302]; Documents in response to Miscellaneous Request #27 [Documents Requested by Commission Staffer Doug Greenberg/Financial Timeline - Hijackers/Facilitators Spreadsheet]; 1 Floppy Disc -Documents in response to Miscellaneous Request #27 [Documents Requested by Commission Staffer Doug Greenberg/Financial Timeline Hijackers/Facilitators Spreadsheet];

Daniel Marcus

Documents in response to Miscellaneous Request #28 [Documents Requested by Commission Staffer Dieter Snell - Germany Trip] Documents in response to Miscellaneous Request #29 [Documents Requested by Commission Staffer Chris Healey].

This is part of the FBI's rolling production and thus may be supplemented in the future. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 202-324-9613. Sincerely,

Robert S. Sinton Assistant General Counsel

£ffc£ 0 U.S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation Washington, D. C. 20535-0001

January 27, 2004 Daniel Marcus, General Counsel National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States Suite 300 2100KStreet,N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 RE: Commission's Request for Documents Dear Mr. Marcus: In response to the Commissions Request for Documents, please find the following: •

Documents responsive to Document Request l-8d: Memoranda of Understanding between Field Offices and other Federal Agencies - Newark Field Office Documents responsive to Document Request 3-lz; Documents responsive to Document Request 3-1 aa; Documents responsive to Document Request 3-1 ee; Documents responsive to Document Request 3-Iff; Documents responsive to Document Request 3-lgg; Documents responsive to Document Request 3-lhh; Documents responsive to Document Request 3-lii; Documents responsive to Document Request 3-111; Documents responsive to Document Request 3-lnn; Documents responsive to Document Request 3 Supplemental #2-y; Documents responsive to Document Request 3 Supplemental #3-f.

This is part of the FBI's rolling production and thus may be supplemented in the future. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 202-324-9613. Sincerely,

Robert S. Sinton Assistant General Counsel

U.S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation

Washington, D. C. 20535-0001

January 23, 2004 Daniel Marcus, General Counsel National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States Suite 300 2100KStreet,N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 RE: Commission's Request for Documents Dear Mr. Marcus: In response to the Commissions Request for Documents, please find the following: Documents responsive to Document Request l-8a: Field Office Organizational Charts, etc. for Washington Field Office; Documents responsive to Document Request l-8c: Memoranda of Understanding -San Diego Field Office; Documents responsive to Document Request l-8j: JTTF Organizational Charts, etc, for Washington Field Office; Documents responsive to Document Request 2-la; Video Tape responsive to Document Request 2-la; Documents responsive to Document Request 3-In; Documents responsive to Document Request 3-1 o; Documents responsive to Document Request 3 Supplemental #3-y; Documents responsive to Document Request 3 Supplemental #3-z; Documents responsive to Document Request 3 Supplemental #3-bb; Documents responsive to Document Request 3 Supplemental #3-dd; Documents responsive to Document Request 3 Supplemental #3-ee - 2 Packets; Documents responsive to Document Request 3 Supplemental #4-a; Documents responsive to Document Request 10-la;

Daniel Marcus from Robert Sinton; January 23, 2004

Documents in response to Miscellaneous Request #21 [Documents Responsive to Commission Visit to Phoenix Field Office] Documents in response to Miscellaneous Documents for the Commission #3 ("Terrorism and Civil Disturbance Threat Assessment" January 2004)

This is part of the FBI's rolling production and thus may be supplemented in the future. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 202-324-9613. Sincerely,

. Robert S. Sinton Assistant General Counsel

U.S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation Washington, D. C. 20535-0001

January 14, 2004 Daniel Marcus, General Counsel National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States Suite 300 2100KStreet,N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 RE: Commission's Request for Documents Dear Mr. Marcus: In response to the-Commissions Request for Documents, please find the following: • • • •

Documents responsive to Document Request 2-li; Documents responsive to Document Request 3 Supplemental #l-f; Documents responsive to Document Request 3 Supplemental #l-h Documents responsive to Document Request 3 Supplemental #3-cc - 2 Packets.

This is part of the FBI's rolling production and thus may be supplemented in the future. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 202-324-9613. Sincerely,

Robert S. Sinton Assistant General Counsel

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