T1 B26 Document Request Dci 5 Fdr- Entire Contents- Response- Emails- Notes- Withdrarwal Notices 638

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Download & View T1 B26 Document Request Dci 5 Fdr- Entire Contents- Response- Emails- Notes- Withdrarwal Notices 638 as PDF for free.

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23 July 2003

Mr. Daniel Marcus, General Counsel National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States 3rd Floor 2100 K Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20427 RE:

Partial Response to DCI Document Request No. 5

Dear Mr. Marcus: This responds to DCI Document Request No. 5 ("DR #5"), dated 18 June 2003, issued by The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (the "Commission"). By agreement, this response is part of a "rolling" production in which the Central Intelligence Agency is providing documents to the Commission as soon as they are identified as responsive. The first page of each enclosed document has been sequentially bates-stamped. In this and all future document productions, the first digit of the bates-stamp identifies the specific DCI Document Request to which the document responds and the remaining digits refer to the document number. So, for example, the fiftieth document provided in response to DR #8 would be marked as "80050." This production includes document Nos. 50001 through 50003, which respond to item Nos. 83 through 85 of DR #5.

9/11 Closed by Statute Mr. Daniel Marcus

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•nagi-i'r.r.0 aV.Am- this letter, please contact : me at | | j/ncerej,y,

Assistant General Counsel Enclosures: As stated



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Date: Won, 30 Jun 2003 18:21:27 -0400 From: "" <[email protected]>4P To: ""^ Subject: Fwd: courier to deliver more docs 7/1 re:DCI Document Request #5

Part(s): ^2 unnamed text/html 1.57 KB H|

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Forwarded message from I Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 1STT5720 -0400 From: Reply-To: Subject: courier to deliver more docs 7/1 re:DCI Document Request #5 To: "" , John knepper <[email protected]> /

The following documents responsive to Doc Request 5 will be couriered to K Street / / tomorrow afternoon, Items: 16, 18, 86, 87, 88, 90, 91, 95, 98, 109, 110, 111, 112, / / 114, 115, 121, 122, 123, .124, 125, 126. These are almost exclusively OCA MFRs _The following items contain CA /information accessible to only sped f ically "designated staff (MacEacbin & Tobin)_andJar.e,niar)ced-Jwith^a~'Elue tab:_ 109, 110. _112, 113, 114._J115. ^^^i' W?"£p«nt-_inue >'°r to work on the remaining outstanding documents, regards,!

dcampagna@9-llcommissit>n.gov wrote: > > a > > is >

In logging in the documents provided in your June 23, 2003, delivery, it appears that the;items /referred to as Items 80 and 81 are actually items 79 n d I I I ( 80 on our DCI Document/ Request No. 5. Would you please let me know if this is correct and confirm that for our records. If you need to call me, my number I / / 202 331-4082. Thanks, Dianna Campagna, Manager for Operations

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Forwarded message from Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2003 09:51:36 -04OO From: Reply- To: Subject: update on doc request 5 To: doug maceachin , Steve Dunne <sdunne@9 llcommission.gov>, Dan Marcus •'•; / ^ Wf just to let you know — we were able to very readily locate 53 'of the documents out of the list of 126— -between DCI review group & OCA--the OCA docs won't be ready until next week, the others I'll get to you as soon as I log them. The remaining docs will have to located by the divisions, that'll take longer.. Just wanted to let you know also --- i noticed some of the docs- just weren't indexed very well (that's our fault, not yours but,) the description is a little cryptic, I'm not sure how to go about locating/those, but we'll try--if JI could give us more info on what those, docs are, that may also help us out, just an idea-- | | / End forwarded message

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