T1 B26 Dale Watson Fdr- Entire Contents- Emails 626

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Yoel Tobin From:

Christine Healey


Friday, January 02, 2004 10:40 AM


Team Leaders

Subject: Dale Watson interview Dale Watson is going to be interviewed on Tuesday morning at K St. If you have any questions you would like asked at the interview, please let me know today and forward the questions to me by noon Monday. Thanks.


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YoelTobin From:

Yoel Tobin


Friday, January 02, 2004 12:50 PM


Christine Healey


Nicole Grandrimo; Sarah Linden; Thomas Dowling; Doug MacEachin

Subject: Watson interview Thanks for the opportunity to pose some questions. I may want to amend or add to these questions after I look at Watson's closed testimony to the Joint Inquiry (which is currently signed out), but in the meantime, please go with these. By the way, I don't think any of these questions are classified except maybe the first part of the Khobar question -1 assume you can pose that question to him even though he's in the private sector?: •

In retrospect, was WTC I an AQ operation? How about Bojinka? OPM SANG?

Khobar: Why was much of 1C excluded from Khobar traffic? Is there any evidence suggesting that AQ assisted Saudi Hezbollah in carrying out this attack? Is there evidence refuting Al Qaeda tie?

Non-Khobar links between Iran/Hizballah and AQ? E.g., do you credit Fadl's testimony in Embassy bombings trial about Hizballah training AQ members in early 90s? Any Hizballah/Iran ties to AQ after AQ returns to Afghanistan in 96?

According to press reports, U.S. officials believe they just missed capturing KSM in 1996 in Doha, Qatar, because KSM was tipped off by a member of the Qatari royal family. What can you tell us about this reported episode?

AQ's return to Afghanistan in 1996 thru 9/11/01 would seem to be very "successful" from their point of view, i.e., several major attacks against US, and UBL becomes world's leading jihadist - how do they pull it off? (perhaps he could specifically address such factors as recruiting; financing; training; getting people in and out of Afghanistan and other countries; PR; and operational issues such as target selection, operational security, selection of operatives).

What kind of counterterror cooperation did FBI receive from Saudi? From Pakistan? From Yemen? Were e^ments of these governments helping (or allowing others to help) AQ?

When did FBI definitively conclude that AQ was behind the Cole bombing?

Any ties between Saddam Hussein's Iraq and AQ?

How many people went thru AQ or other jihad camps between 1993 and 9/11 ? What were the most significant camps, and why?

Although everyone focuses on the successful attacks, many UBL/AQ plots were also foiled around the world prior to 9/11. What were the most important attacks that did not occur? What UbL cells were rolled up around the world prior to 9/11?

Can you please describe everything you know about any Al Qaeda attempts to acquire, develop, or use CBRN?

Why haven't we been hit again since 9/11? Do you believe there are AQ sleeper cells currently in the US? How many?


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