T1 B26 Closed By Statute Fdr (1)- Entire Contents- Withdrawal Notices- Emails- Notes 620

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Folder: 0026 Document: 13 Team 1 Files Pages: 8 ACCESS RESTRICTED

The item identified below has been withdrawn from this file: Folder Title: [Closed by Statute] Document Date: 01-22-2004 Document Type: Memo of Conversation Special Media: From: To: Subject:

Interview of [Closed by Statute]

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ACCESS RESTRICTED The item identified below has been withdrawn from this file: Folder Title: [Closed by Statute] Document Date: 01-22-2004 Document Type: Handwritten Notes Special Media: From: To: Subject:

Notes of interview

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1 >

vT v\

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P e r s o n a l Priva

Yoel Tobfn From:

Yoel Tobin


Tuesday, January 20, 2004 3:34 PM


Nicole Grandrimo; Tom Dowling


Melissa Coffey; Doug MacEachin

Subject: |"

- /?/?

\8\ interviews Thursday

NikiandTpm: I have placed an/outline of questions for| In Tom's safe, and on Niki's chair. Please let me know if you have any revisions/deletions/additions. As for logistics, we are supposed to meet POC| ~~"|no later than 9:30 AM on Thursjja^by the Pentagon military e_sI3ianj^rjLoilsJcteJh5-exitiQdb£^ picture ifls. Both this intervlewand tn linterview will be conducted in a SCIF. I do not anticipate taping either interview. I am also assuming that susan Ginsberg is not coming, unless she tells us otherwise. I would be happy to divide thd butline in thirds for purposes of who is going to lead the interview, or do it anyway you feel comfortable. .Also, lef s figure out the logistics of meeting and getting to the Pentagon -- we will also need a lockbag for the/interview. Re:| |l assume that/torn will take the lead? I have not done an outline forj [Also. fo1 |we will need to read sojTie_Qpmmissrbri boilerplate at the outset of the interview which I will take with me. {We don't need to read it td because has already been interviewed.V Yoel





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9/11 Closed by Statute



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The item identified below has been withdrawn from this file: Folder Title: [Closed by Statute] Document Date: Document Type: Talking Points/Briefing Paper Special Media: From: To: Subject:

Questions for [Closed by Statute]

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ACCESS RESTRICTED The item identified below has been withdrawn from this file: Folder Title: [Closed by Statute] Document Date: 07-01-2002 Document Type: Memo of Conversation Special Media: From: To: Subject:

Memo of interview by Joint Inquiry staff

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The item identified below has been withdrawn from this file: Folder Title: [Closed by Statute] Document Date: 12-11-2003 Document Type: Memo of Conversation Special Media: From: To: Subject:

Interview with [Closed by Statute]

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The item identified below has been withdrawn from this file: Folder Title: [Closed by Statute] Document Date: 12-30-2003 Document Type: Note/Notes Special Media: From: To: Subject:

e-mail exchange re: embassy bombings

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9/11 Closed by Statute


•kjilyenflke'fe^ofefeg Identify yourself and the Commission ("I'm Pat Doe, a staff member with the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States."). ItJ^ond^/July-S^^^feom^^e^mf^ndA^g

So that everyone is clearRon notrCe state that the interview is being recorded \ ^***^^^ ^f ^ ("Pursuant to our standard haficy, and our agreement withjhe^dministration, this interview is being renrj*f£ '^ <~ ff

Ask everyone in the room, including other Commission staff, to identify themselves and their affiliations for the record., 4- -tea^, <^'&^\<^tc^./&t^e ,4?^&^/fr *** ;<*> - At

If classified material might be discti^sed, telj^e witness that all Commission staff members present have Top Secret/SClyCjjearances (assuming they do). Ask the witness to inform you during the intemfew if he or she discusses classified information, and if so, what the proper classification level is. Give the witness general background information about the Commission •

The Commission was established by statute; signed into law by the President.

There are 10 Commissioners;\ll come from/nitside the government, but all have prior government experience

The Chair was appointed by the Pkeside/t; the remaining Commissioners were appointed by Congressional leade

The basic statutory mandate of the/CoVimission is three-fold: 1) to investigate and make/full and complete accounting of the facts and circumstances surrounding the 9/H terrorist attacks; 2) to investigate the country's preparedness for, and immediate response to, those attacks; and 3) to identify and evaluate the lessons leaVned from those attacks.

The mandate of the (Commission is to determine the facts and make policy recommendations, iiot to establish individual culpability.

The Commissioii will report its findings to the Presioient, Congress, and the American peop/e, as well as make recommendations fo\preventing future attacks.


If the witness has any questions^ offer the witness a cooyolf the statute (Tab D). Give the witness general instructions about the ponduct of the interview. •

"If you don't understand a question, or if/it isn't clear, please tell me so that I can restate it or try to make it cleare

"If you need a break at any time\just let me know so that we can finish up a set of questions and take a break." / N 'As to historical facts, we arejust looking for your best recollection. Please be as precise as possible with details such as names, dates and locations, but also give us your best estimate if you don't remember exact details."

Start the substantive portion of the interview by asking the witness to give his or her full name, with a spelling of the last name, official title, and work location or address. Before turning off the recorded make clear thatyou are ending the interview or that portion of the interview. ("Tharconcludes [this portion of] the interview.")

Whenever you turn the recorder backon after any stop or break in the recording, re-state your name, the date, and theyevent. ("This is Pat Doe on Monday, July 21, 2003, and this is a continuationx>f the: interview of Chris Roe.") / \f anyone not identified ajxthe beginning\>f the interview join ask them to identify themselves for the record.
If an agency representative is present at the interview and you believe that his or her actions are interfering with the conduct of the interview, you should request that the agency representative discontinue his or her actions. If such behavior persists, you should conclude the interview and indicate that the interview will be continued at a later date. Report such occurrences immediately to the Front Office. If an agency representative raises questions re possible claims of executive privilege which cannot be resolved, your should consult with Dan or Steve by phone. You may, at the end, ask the witness if there is anything else that s/he would like to add at that time. Finally, tell the witness that s/he can contact you later if they have more information to offer or want to change or add to any answers they have given.


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Yoel Tobin From:

Yoel Tobin


Friday, January 16, 2004 9:45 AM


John Tamm

Subject: RE|


Yes, we will ask the questions that you sent to me.earlier. This is just a list of topics submitted to DIA in advance so that he can get a general idea of what the interview wiW cover -----Original Message-From: John Tamm .. Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 3:20 PM To: Yoe! Tobin ., Subject: RE:| Copies


Closed b ^


Yoel: Yes, assuming that he discusses the Cole attack or planned attacks on U.S. Naval vessels. John T. Original Message , From: Yoel Tobin Sent: Thu 1/15/2004 12:42 PM To: Melissa Coffey,. Cc: Team I; John Tamm Subject:) ^topics •

The history and growth of Al Qaeda;

Al Qaeda's ties to other terrorist cells and organizations;

Al Qaeda's ties to governments or elements thereof;

Any attempts by Al Qaeda to acquire weapons of mass destruction;

Al Qaeda's training camps and operational tradecraft;

Terrorist attacks and terrorist plots that Al Qaeda or related groups have executed or attempted to execute from Al Qaeda's founding through September 11, 2001.

(John: I think your questions are sufficiently subsumed under the last bullet, do you agree?) Melissa: This does not include anything from Team 5, should they wish to participate. Also, please check if the room set aside for the interview is a SCIF. Thanks!


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Yoel Tobin From:

Melissa Coffey

Sent: To:

Thursday, January 15, 2004 2:07 PM Graham Giusti


Yoel Tobin

9/11 Closed by Statute

Subject: clearances for DOD interviews HI Graham Yoel Tobin, Tom Dowling, Niki firandrimo. and Susan Ginsburg are going to the Pentagon for jDd.Susan tor DIA interviews on Jis from 10am - 2pm. The second interview (ofj ^will begin January 22. The first interview (of L immediately after from 2-4pm. The DIA POC Haaga in the office of congressionafarrairs. nis phone # )C is Steve Haaga, ij I Will you please make sure their clearances are passed?

Thank you. Melissa Coffey Staff Assistant National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the U.S. ^202-331 -4080 tel I 202-296-5545 fax


9/11 P e r s o n a l



9/11 Closed by Statute

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Yoel Tofairi i I \: \\\

Melissa Coffey":; ...


Thursday, January. 15;: 3304 1:56 PM JOSD-USDI1

! I \: \\'Haaga, Stephen C, Mr, J I \y Finalize details and Topics f<

Shelton, and Carney

| HrSteve and] . i

•voyr request, I am sending topics for the interviews that the Commission has requested withl \a Shelton,| | and Christopher Carney. Please see below:


10am-2pm): •\6 history and growth of Al Qaeda; • A.1 Q¥eda's ties to other terrorist cells and organizations; • Al Qaeeta's ties to governments or elements thereof; • Any attempts by Al Qaeda to acquire weapons of mass destruction; • Al Qieda's training camps and operational tradecraft; • Terrorist attacks and terrorist plots that Al Qaeda or related groups have executed or attempted to execute from Al Qaeda's founding through September 11, 2001. Tina Shelton arid Christopher Carney: Links between Al Qaeda and Iraq JO/22 2-4pm):

\e repdrting and dissemination by the Department of Defense

The attendees for thq bndl linterviews are Yoej/Tobin, Tom Dowling, and Niki Grandrirno. Susan Gjnsburg mayattend thel Jnterviewj'Yoell^anted me toTaskyoujYtheroora. lC760Tis^ (SCIFT/Fhe attend^es~will meet Steve^nRelTietro enBaTICetothe rentagon~aT9:30 am on Thursday Iary22. As far as scheduling Tina Shelton and Christopher Carney, we would like to schedule them on the same 1/15/2004

Page 2 of2 day, back to back, for two hours each. Possible dates are January 21, 29, or 30. Thank you for your attention and assistance in this matter. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. Regards, Melissa Coffey Staff Assistant National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the U.S. 202-331-4080 tel 202-296-5545 fax


Page 1 of

Yoel Tobin From:

Yoel Tobin


Thursday, January 15, 2004 12:42 PM


Melissa Coffey


Team 1; John Tamm


9/11 Closed by Statute


• The history and growth of Al Qaeda;

• A! Qaeda's ties to other terrorist cells and organizations;

• Al Qaeda's ties to governments or elements thereof;

• Any attempts by Al Qaeda to acquire weapons of mass destruction;

• Al Qaeda's training camps and operational tradecraft;

• Terrorist attacks and terrorist plots that Al Qaeda or related groups have executed or attempted to execute from Al Qaeda's founding through September 1 1 , 2001 . (John: I think your questions are sufficiently subsumed under the last bullet, do you agree?) Melissa: This does not include anything from Team 5, should they wish to participate. Also, please check if the room set aside for the interview is a SCIF. Thanks!



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Yoel Tobin From: Sent:

Melissa Coffey Wednesday, January 14, 2004 1:16 PM

To: Yoel Tobin; Team 5 Cc: Team 1 Subject: RE:| Interview I've spoken with Susan, and due to the interview's.clpse proximity to her Team's hearing, there is only a 50% chance she will attend, or send questions. I will clear her irv to go, and if Team 5 can't make it, he gets to go early. Other questions or concerns? '"/?/H Closed by Statute

Melissa Coffey / j Staff Assistant National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the U.S. i 202-331-4080 tel \5 fax —Original Message From: Yoel Tobin Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2004 4:03 PM To: Team 5 Cc: Team 1 Subject: FWJ [interview

i : j




j j

This interview is going to be rescheduled becaus j |has a conflict this Friday. Melissa is trying to set a new date with DOD (possibly Jan. 22, 10-2). We will Keep you informed. See below for how we would like to conduct the interview in conjunction with your team's interests.

—Original Message— From: Yoel Tobin Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2004 11:31 AM To: Susan Ginsburg; Melissa Coffey; Lorry Fenner Cc: Kevin Scheid; Joanne Accolla; Tom Eldridge; Doug MacEachin; Team 1 Subject: RE: Duecy Interview Susan: After batting it around here, we would like to keep the number of people in the room down, but at the same time, we probably don't need all 4 hours. So the best way to do this is probably for Team 1 to do our part of the interview from 10 to 1, and for your team to arrive at 1 and take over from there. (If you're only sending one person, one of us would stay with you from 1-2.) If this works for you, we will try to arrange the logistics with DOD. (Perhaps they will consider changing the venue to K St., although the conference room here is booked from 9 to 11, so we would have to change the time as well). Alternatively, if you want to submit questions, that's fine too.

—Original Message From; Susan Ginsburg Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 12:33 PM To: Yoel Tobin; Melissa Coffey; Lorry Fenner



Page 2 of 3 Cc: Kevin Scheid; Joanne Accolla; Tom Eldridge; Doug MacEachin; Team 1 Subject: RE: Duecy Interview Yoel, I would like to send someone if possible, but if not, we will submit questions. Let us know. Thanks. Susan Original Message From: YoeiTobin Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 11:40 AM To: Melissa Coffey; Susan Ginsburg; Lorry Fenner Cc: Kevin Scheid; Joanne Accolla; Tom Eldridge; Doug MacEachin; Team 1 Subject: RE: Duecy Interview Thanks, Melissa. Susan, do you want to attend or just submJLflljestions? FYI, at present we are planning to have 3 people from Team 1 attend thel interview. Original Message— From: Melissa Coffey Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 8:57 AM To: Susan Ginsburg; Lorry Fenner; Yoel Tobin Cc: Kevin Scheid; Joanne Accolla; Tom Eldridge; Doug MacEachin Subject: RE: Duecy Interview Thd jinterview is scheduled for Jan. 16 from 10am - 2pm at the Pentagon, Room 1C760. I need, to let our DIA rep know who is coming, so Susan, just let me know. Thanks. ""-•-...

Melissa Coffey "9/11 Closed by S t a t u t e Staff Assistant National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the U.S. 202-331-4080 tel 202-296-5545 fax

\l Message

From: Susan Ginsburg Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 7:24 AM To: Lorry Fenner; Yoel Tobin Cc: Kevin Scheid; Joanne Accolla; Tom Eldridge; Melissa Coffey; Doug MacEachin Subject: RE: Duecy Interview Thanks very much Lorry. That is helpfuLiaSjjIways). Yoel, would you let me know when you are interviewing] fr —Original Message— From: Lorry Fenner Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2004 7:15 PM To: Melissa Coffey Cc: Susan Ginsburg; Yoel Tobin; Kevin Scheid Subject: Duecy Interview



Closed by S t a t u t e ::;


I understand Team 5 would like to attend/ask questions. Of -::; . course they are welcome. However, they might want to instead "--.::'--. or also consider attending a second Team 1 interview with I ..I Duecv was the Director of JITF-CT and at a very senior level wh'itj ivas the senior CT analyst and might be able to answer those questions better. We should also remember that they are not a collection organization but strictly an all-source analytical unit focused on their Department's requirements (like INR with State). They might also want to look at the Jl interviews with DIA people in prep. Melissa, would you also please let the other team leaders know who we have over the next couple of weeks so they can let us know if they want to attend or give us questions. Thank you Lorry


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