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  • Words: 363
  • Pages: 2
1.Substantive num�rabile - (cuontable nouns); Exemple : a book - two books; a dress - two dresses Obs. Au form� at�t la singular, c�t si la plural. Pluralele s�nt de dou� feluri : a) regulate ; b) neregulate ; a) Pluralele regulate - se formeaz� ad�ug�nd un -s la sf�rsitul formei de singular ; Exemple : hat - hats; head - heads; country - countries; boy - boys; Obs. 1. Consoan� + y => ie+s la plural; 2. Vocal� + y => y+s la plural; -se formeaz� ad�ug�nd -es : -la substantivele terminate �n :-s,-x,-z,-ch,-sh; -la substantivele terminate �n :-f,-fe (s�nt si exceptii); -la substantivele terminate �n consoan�+'o' (s�nt si exceptii); Exemple : bus-buses ; box-boxes; watch-watches; life-lives; roof-roofs; hero-heroes; potato-potatoes; piano-pianos; photo-photos; Obs. -f sau -fe devin c�teodat� v+es; b) Pluralele neregulate man-MEN; woman-WOMEN; foot-FEET; tooth-TEETH; mouse-MICE; ox-OXEN; child-CHILDREN; Exemple : a man - two men; a tooth - two teeth; Not� : Compusii cu substantivul man au aceeasi pronuntie la singular si la plural,desi ortografia difer� . 2. Substantive ce se folosesc numai la singular : a) -news; } -nume de boli (measles) +altele ; } -nume de stiinte si obiecte de studiu }=> + verb la singular ; terminate �n -ics } (Mathematics,Physics,Accoustics) } b) advice furniture information luggage knowledge money

} } } }=> +verb la singular } }

Not� : Cuantificarea (num�rarea) substantivelor news,advice,information, luggage,knowledge,se face cu ajutorul cuvintelor: A PIECE OF 3. Substantive cu form� de plural trouses } (a pair of) pyjamas }=> +verb la plural glasses } Not� : Substantive cattle si people - desi au doar form� de singular se acord� cu verbul la plural. 4. Substantive ce se folosesc dup� �nteles cu: a) verb la plural: c�nd referirea este la membrii colectivit�tii.

Exemplu : Paul's family are at home . b) cu verbul la singular : c�nd se denumeste colectivitatea ca un �ntreg. Exemplu : Paul's family is large. family class crew public team audience committee 5. Substantive nume de materie si substant� -s�nt num�rabile; ' -Cuantificarea (num�rarea) lor se face cu ajutorul cuvintelor : a piece of; a kilogramme of; a spoon of; a slice of; a bottle of; a bunch of;

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