Student Handbook 08-09

  • November 2019
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MCNAIR MIDDLE SCHOOL 2800 Burdett Road College Rd, GA 30349 SCHOOL TELEPHONE 770-991-4160 SCHOOL FAX 770-991-4165 Welcome to McNair Middle School I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all of our students and parents to McNair Middle School. We are pleased to be able to provide you with this student planner. It will enable each of you to keep track of school assignments, school events, personal planning, and school information. Policies which students should be familiar with have also been included. On behalf of the McNair Middle School faculty and staff, I wish you a productive and enjoyable school year. Ronald L. Taylor, Sr., Principal Motto Success is the end result of your child’s learning experiences. McNair: we expand the walls of the classroom. -Taylor ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Principal- Ronald L. Taylor, Sr. Assistant Principal- Cheryl Perkins Assistant Principal- Gregory Thoms Instructional Support- Robert Wilson GUIDANCE COUNSELORS Denise Russell and Dean Chandler TELEPHONE DIRECTORY School Office 770-991-4160 Guidance Counselor’s Office 770-991-4168 FAX Number 770-991-4165 Fulton County Transportation 770-969-6060 GENERAL INFORMATION School Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 3:05 p.m. School Colors: Red, Blue, and White

Commitment Statement We believe in the success of all students. Each student while unique and different has the capability to be a successful learner. We believe our students can learn with family encouragement and involvement. We remain committed to the success of our students by working in partnership with parents, guardians, and other stakeholders to bring all available resources together to ensure efficiency for effective learning in the classroom. This we commit to you daily throughout the school year! CLINIC Internal medication (prescription or over-the-counter) may not be given without the necessary forms on file in the clinic. Prescription medication requires that the form be signed by the prescribing physician; over-the-counter medication requires that the form be signed by a parent. Medication should be clearly labeled and sent to the clinic, where it will be administered under the direct supervision of school employees. Students may NOT carry medication while at school. ACCIDENTS/MEDICAL EMERGENCIES All accidents, however minor, must be immediately reported to the main office. McNair has a clinic for student illness or injury; however students who are too ill to remain in school should make arrangements to go home. Paramedics will transport students who are injured to the nearest hospital. Attempts will be made to contact parents for consent prior to transport depending on the seriousness of the injury. The school board does not provide medical benefits for injuries occurring on school property. However, an Accidental Medical Expense Insurance Plan is available. For more information, contact the bookkeeper in the main office. ATTENDANCE Absences Regular attendance is essential to the learning process and is required by state law. Excessive absences may result in a contact from the School Social Worker. Students who are absent from school are deprived of a variety of educational experiences shared with their peers. Whenever a student is absent for any reason, a note from the parent must be sent to the homeroom teacher upon return to school stating the reason for the absence. Due to the in-depth teaching and learning that occurs everyday, it is critical that students not miss school. If a student is absent from school, it is imperative that he/she meet with each teacher to get all missed assignments. Excused absences 1. The excuse must state the reason for the absence and be signed by the student’s parent or guardian. 2. A student’s absence from school or class will be considered excused when it is due to any of the following circumstances: a. Personal illness of the student. b. Attendance at school would be detrimental to the health of the student or others.

c. A serious illness or death in the student’s immediate family necessitating absence from school. 3. Compliance with a court order or an order issued by a governmental agency, including an order for a pre-induction physical examination or service in the armed forces, mandating absence from school. 4. Observance of religious holidays, necessitating absence from school. 5. Conditions rendering attendance impossible or hazardous to the student’s health or safety. 6. Serving as a page in the Georgia General Assembly. 7. Absences not exceeding a cumulative total of three (3) days per semester for the following reasons, but only if the absence has been pre-approved by the principal or designee: a. Scholarship interviews/college visitations. b. Travel opportunity with educational benefits. c. Graduation or wedding of a close family member. d. Specialized educational experience. e. Other circumstances agreeable to the parent and principal. 8. Up to 10 instructional days (60 instructional hours) per year for schoolsponsored non-instructional activities (defined as functions during the school day that are under the auspices or sponsorship of a school or the school system) that are specifically approved in advance by the principal or designee. The principal shall ensure that an accurate record of all such absences is maintained. Unexcused Absences A student’s absence from school or class for any reason other than those listed above will be considered an unexcused absence. Make-up Work for Excused and Unexcused Absences Parent(s)/guardian(s) and student(s) are encouraged to request make-up work for any excused or unexcused absence. Make-up work may be requested before, during or after the student’s absence, subject to the following: Requesting Make-up Work Before or During an Absence 1. Students who are absent should ask to get class assignments and homework may request assignments in person, by may be picked up one school day after

another student in the same class for them. Alternatively, parents phone, or by letter. Assignments the request is made.

Requesting Make-up Work After an Absence 1. Upon returning to school following an absence, it is a student’s responsibility to contact the teacher or teachers to request make-up work. The contact should be made on the day the student returns to school unless the teacher allows a longer time. Make-up work must be completed by the student within the time specified by the teacher. Homebound Services Homebound services are available to students expected to be absent for ten or more school days due to surgery or non-contagious illnesses. A doctor’s statement is required, and referral forms are available through the school office.

CODE OF CONDUCT McNair Middle School supports the State Superintendent in efforts to reduce school violence. It is our belief that good discipline is one of the cornerstones of a good education, and that to ensure good discipline a cohesive and cooperative relationship must exist between the home and the school. The policy we have developed provides close communication with parents at the onset of discipline problems. We feel that together we can find alternatives for students, so they can experience success in relationships at home and school. Certain forms of misconduct or disobedience of classroom, school, or bus rules and Board policy by students make it necessary for disciplinary action to be taken. This misbehavior may occur at school, on the way to or from school, or at school-sponsored activities. In addition to the conduct rules listed below, students are expected to follow all rules of conduct passed by the Fulton County Board of Education. Each student will be issued a copy of Guidelines for Student Behavior, published by the office of the Director of Student Discipline. Parents and students are expected to review all information relating to discipline. Behavior Expectations: At McNair Middle School, the learning environment must be established and maintained by the entire McNair family: students, faculty, parents, and community members. We expect all McNair family members to be responsible, prepared, respectful, and cooperative. 1. Be responsible a. Come to school every day! b. Be on time. c. Display appropriate behavior at ALL times. d. Accept the responsibility and consequences for your actions. e. Dress appropriately. 2. Be prepared. f. Bring all supplies. g. Be on time. h. Do your homework. 3. Be respectful. i. Respect the learning environment. j. Respect yourself. k. Respect adults. l. Respect peers. m. Respect school and personal property. 4. Be cooperative. n. Help others. o. Follow directions and procedures. p. Participate in all class activities. Rewards for Meeting Expectations: Rewards for good behavior will range from tangible items and privileges to more intrinsic gratification. Rewards will be sponsored by the teacher and administration. School wide programs designed to promote a positive climate will be implemented.

Consequences for Failure to Meet Expectations: The principal or other duly authorized personnel will determine the appropriate level of consequence dependent upon the severity of the infraction. 1. Warning 2. Parent contact 3. Team meeting with parent, student, and grade level administrator. 4. Detention 5. Office referral Guns, Drugs, Gangs 1. The Fulton County School System takes seriously its responsibility to educate its students in safe and drug-free schools where they are free from fear of harm or intimidation by a few. Therefore, weapons, drugs and gang activity will not be tolerated in Fulton County Schools. Students who violate Board of Education rules or State laws related to these offenses will be suspended or expelled from school. Violators will also be reported to the police and may be charged with a felony and arrested. These rules apply to all students: at school or school-sponsored activities including field trips, and on buses, athletic fields, stadiums, parking lots, official school bus stops, and any other sites used for school-sponsored activities. 2. Violations and consequences include: a. Students found with a DEADLY WEAPON (pistols, shotguns, rifles, stun guns, knives with 3” or longer blade, pellet/bb guns, martial arts weapons, razors, etc.) on their body or in their book bag, purse, locker or car while on school property face expulsion from school and will be reported to police. Violators may be charged with a felony, which can result in a fine of up to $5000 and/or one to five years in jail. b. Students found selling or distributing ILLEGAL DRUGS face expulsion from school. Those found in possession of or using illegal drugs will be suspended or expelled from school and will be reported to the police. c. Any student who engages in an ACTIVITY that threatens, intimidates, or physically harms another student faces possible expulsion from school and the filing of charges with the police. Be advised that if this activity is gang-related, additional criminal charges may be filed under the Georgia Street Gang Terrorism and Prevention Act. d. Possession of mace, tear gas, acid, pepper gas or other chemicals on school grounds and/or to and from school events is prohibited. Consequences of possession range from suspension to expulsion. Violation of this rule is a mandatory referral to the system level Disciplinary Tribunal. McNair Conduct Rules and Regulations 1. Students shall not be absent from class or required school functions without permission of a teacher, principal or other school official. Students shall not enter off-limits areas (including teachers’ lounge and workroom). 2. Students may not leave the school grounds during the instructional day for any reason unless accompanied by an appropriate adult. Students who do leave must be signed out through the office. Students shall not be absent from school without parental permission. 3. Toys, radios, computer games, cassette players, CD players, or any other

electronic devices deemed inappropriate by administrative staff are not allowed during the instructional day. Items will be confiscated and only retrieved by a parent or guardian. Students will be expected to make restitution for damaged or stolen property. Failure to attempt to return found personal or school property shall be considered theft. 4. Students shall not alter school forms/documents or forge signatures on papers, forms or documents. 5. Gambling in any form is prohibited. Examples are flipping quarters, rolling dice, etc. 6. Profanity, obscene gestures, and obscene acts are prohibited. Inappropriate materials are not allowed. 7. Fighting and generally disruptive behavior including making harmful/deadly threats (regardless of intent) is prohibited on the campus, on the bus, en route to and from school, and school-sponsored activities. 8. A student shall not carry, possess, or have under his/her control an explosive compound, weapon of any variety, or look alike objects which take on the appearance of a weapon, including but not limited to starter pistols, water guns, and toy pistols. This rule is in effect on school property, at school functions and en route to and from school or school-sponsored activities. Criminal charges will be filed against any student found in possession of a weapon, tool, or instrument which is included in the state’s definition of prohibited weapons (O.C.G.A. 16-11-127.1). 9. A student shall not use a cellular phone during the school day. All cellular phones must be turned off and kept in student lockers. Cellular phones seen or heard during the school day will be confiscated and returned to the parents. 10. Harassment and/or bullying in any form (written, verbal, or physical) of any nature (sexual, racial, religious, etc.) is prohibited. Students shall not engage in intimidation or extortion. 11. A student shall not possess, sell, attempt to sell, use or transmit alcohol, drugs,or any psychoactive substance, or drug paraphernalia of any kind. Students shall not possess, sell, attempt to sell, use, or transmit any substance under the pretense that it is alcohol, drugs, any psychoactive substance, or drug paraphernalia of any kind. This policy is in effect on school grounds, during school-sponsored activities and while en route to and from school. 12. Students shall not possess, sell, attempt to sell, use, or transmit tobacco in any form or tobacco-related products such as rolling papers, matches, or lighters. This policy is in effect on school grounds, during school-sponsored activities, and while utilizing transportation provided by the Fulton County Board of Education. 13. There will be no inappropriate displays of affection 14. All students shall dress appropriately so as not to disrupt or interfere with the educational program or the orderly operation of the school. Determination of appropriate dress shall be determined by administration. Students not able to get a change of clothes will be sent to the ISS room for the day. Students will not be allowed to attend class improperly dressed. 15. Students may not sell or distribute products of any kind on the school campus or on school transportation unless duly authorized by the principal. 16. Students are not permitted to ‘visit’ another campus without permission. No students are permitted to visit the campus of McNair Middle School without permission from the school administration. 17. Students shall comply with school rules and the directions and commands of all authorized school personnel. 18. Special rules or standards of conduct will be set up for extended field work and special events. Parents will always be notified of these rules and regulations. 19. Students who are suspended in or out of school are suspended from all school activities during the date(s) of the suspension. 20. Students may not bring computer software and/or disks to be used on school

computers without prior approval of school administration. 21. Fulton County policies and procedures will be followed in all disciplinary cases. 22. Students shall not engage in any behaviors that may be associated with gangs or similar organizations. 23. Students are expected to behave in an appropriate and courteous manner when in the common areas of the school, i.e., hallways, cafeteria. When inappropriate behavior occurs students will be assigned a consequence and parents will be notified. Listed below are examples of inappropriate behaviors: a. Shouting, running and general horse play b. Showing disrespect to a staff member: inappropriate response when addressed by any adult in the building, which is to include ignoring or disrespectful tone c. Being in undesignated area: time periods include before, during, and after school d. Behaving inappropriately in an assembly e. Being in the hall without a pass f. Going to a locker at the wrong time g. Showing public display of affection h. Displaying physical or verbal abuse to another student i. Using inappropriate language (which is to include profanity and vulgarity) j. Creating unsafe hallways by clumping and grouping so that passage through the hall is difficult Please refer to Fulton County Code of Conduct for a complete, detailed description of policy and procedure. Book Bags Rolling book bags are not permitted at MMS. Book bags should be a standard size and should easily fit in lockers. Students will not be allowed to transport book bags to class during instructional time. The school will not assume responsibility for lost or theft of student book bags. Unauthorized Use of/Tampering With School Computers 1. MMS’s purpose in providing access to the Internet is to support research and education by providing access to unique resources. The use of this access must be in support of educational research and consistent with the educational objectives of Fulton County Schools. Sending or receiving of any material in violation of any U.S. or state regulation is prohibited. 2. The use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use will result in cancellation of the privilege. The administration will deem what is inappropriate use. a. Rule– Students who use school computer equipment must follow guidelines outlined by the instructor. Unauthorized use, tampering with, or altering computer hardware or software is prohibited. In addition, students may not use disks brought from home. The use of school computers for unauthorized access to the Internet is prohibited. b. Procedures– Students will be prohibited from using the school equipment for a designated period of time and held responsible for the cost of repairs and down time that results from the misuse. Disciplinary sanctions may also be imposed by the administration.

PARENT’S/GUARDIAN’S RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Encourage child to attend school regularly. Students should not miss school, unless there is a legitimate need. 2. Encourage child to attend school on time. Students should not be tardy or check out early, unless there is a serious need. 3. Communicate with the school by sending notes for any instances of child being late, absent, or having to leave early from school. Always include the reason for tardiness or absence or need to check out, the date(s), and a parent contact phone number, so that note can be verified. CHANGE OF ADDRESS Teachers and school staff must be able to reach parents/guardians to communicate about student’s progress, to send information, or to reach someone in the case of an emergency. Whenever a student’s address or other pertinent information changes it is critical that the new information be given to the school. To update student information, a student or parent can complete a Change of Address/Student Information form, available from the guidance office. A parent must make changes to emergency contact information in person. DRESS CODE Fulton County Dress Code Policy (Fulton County Board of Education JD, Rule 12): Students at McNair are expected to dress and groom themselves in such a way as to reflect neatness, cleanliness and safety. All students shall dress appropriately so as not to disrupt or interfere with the educational program or orderly operation of the school. Extremes in dress and grooming will not be permitted. Examples are: lack of cleanliness in person or dress; shoeless; “short-short” skirts (legging undergarments are not permitted), clothing; bare midriffs; “tank tops”; see-through clothing,, apparel which designates gangs or similar organizations, drugs or any dress that is disruptive to the educational process. Heavy, long jewelry is prohibited. Designated dress involving school activities approved by the principal shall be acceptable. The principal or other duly authorized school officials shall determine whether any particular mode of dress or grooming results in a violation of the spirit and/or the intent of this rule. McNair Middle School Dress Code-The school administration reserves the right to determine whether the student’s attire is within the limits of decency and modesty, and it interferes with or distracts from the learning environment or the operation of the school. (Policy 6.310) 1. Clothing must fit correctly. Pants, shorts, and skirts must be worn at the waist. 2. Sagging pants will not be tolerated. 3. Young men must tuck in their shirts and wear a belt. The belt should be visible and at the waist at all times (large belt buckles and mouth grills are not permitted). 4. Halters, see-through blouses or pants, low cut blouses, sun dresses, blouses made to show the bare midriff (stomach), tank tops, or muscle shirts will not be permitted. 5. Pants or skirts with frayed edges (or holes) are not acceptable during school. Pants may not drag the floor. 6. Undergarments must be covered by another appropriate article of clothing at all times. 7. The leg(s) of pants may not be rolled up.

8. T-shirts and pants must be in good taste (no suggestive wording or illustrations or advertisements for the items, which are illegal for middle school students-i.e. alcohol and tobacco products, weapons, violence or of such a nature to cause disruption in the school). 9. Hats, curlers, head scarves, combs, hair picks, bandannas, sweat bands, sunglasses, and gloves may not be worn during school. 10.Head apparel, except for religious or medical purposes, must not be worn inside the school building. 11.Shoes must be worn at all times. Flip-flops or house shoes (including beach shoes) are not permitted for safety reasons. 12. Clothing should not be worn backwards or inside out. 12.Only lightweight jackets or sweaters may be worn in the classroom. 13.Body piercing (facial piercing or tongue) is not allowed. 14.Tattoos should not be visible.

IMPORTANT REMINDERS • No CD, MP3, iPod players, etc. at school. They are really distracting and often students misplace them or they are stolen. • Communication devices, especially cellular telephones, must be in the off position upon arrival on campus. Students should have phones turned on while on campus. • No tank-top t-shirts (wife-beaters), spaghetti-strapped shirts, sleeveless shirts/jerseys, head gear in the building, wave caps/scarves on campus or school events (excluding religious or medical garments), eye shades in the building, exposed midriffs, see-through shorts or skirts with lengths above the finger tips. • No derogatory phrases or graphics on garments promoting unlawful practices on clothing or student possessions. • Students must wear pants at sagging. • Any items and/or behaviors deemed counter-productive to safety and/or student achievement will not be tolerated. ENTRY AND WITHDRAWALS Registration for students NEW to Fulton County Schools can be done on Mondays and Wednesdays from 8:00 a.m.-12 p.m. or by appointment with a counselor. The following documents are required for registration: 1. Photo ID from parent 2. 2 proofs of Residency -Lease agreement or mortgage statement -Current utility bill 3. Birth Certificate 4. Current Immunization Record on GA form 5. Ear, Eye and Dental Form 6. Social Security number 7. Transcript from previous school 8. Discipline Record from previous school 9. ****Beginning with the 2007-2008 school year, persons enrolling a student shall submit notarized Affidavit of Residence (SS-8) upon enrollment and at the beginning of each school year, stating that their student resides in the school attendance zone, or has an approved hardship or other placement, for the school they attend. To withdraw from McNair Middle School student and/or parent must:

1. Inform Records Clerk before 8:30 a.m. of intention to withdraw; by completing a withdrawal form (parent/guardian will complete for students under 18 years old). 2. Student will continue to attend classes until summoned to the guidance office by secretary who will be checking status of outstanding fees for lost books or equipment, fines, etc. 3. Pay all fees/fines to receive student records and process the withdrawal. 4. Pick up withdrawal forms and student records from the records clerk within 48 hours between 8:00 and 8:30 a.m. FIRE AND TORNADO DRILL Fire and tornado drills will be held monthly. All students must be familiar with the Fire Evacuation Route for each room in which they have a class. Drills must be executed seriously, quietly, and in an orderly manner for everyone’s protection. HALL PASSES Students are not to be in the hallways during class time without written authorization from a teacher, counselor, or administrator. Students will show their hall pass to any teacher or administrator who is monitoring the hall. LOCKERS A. Students may rent lockers for the safekeeping of books and personal property. Only school assigned locks may be put on lockers. It is the responsibility of the student to guard his/her combination and to see that his/her locker is secure. Lockers remain the property of the school and are subject to periodic inspections by school personnel at any time during the year. Periodic general inspections of lockers may be conducted by school authorities for any reason at any time without notice, without student consent, and without a search warrant. B. Fees may be paid at the time a student registers for school. The only acceptable forms of payment are cash or money order. No personal checks will be accepted. PERSONAL PROPERTY/LOST AND FOUND The school makes every effort to help students safeguard their valuables. However, the ultimate responsibility for this lies with the student. Name labels should be placed on personal articles and wearing apparel, especially on P.E. uniforms. All lost articles will be placed in the lost and found. Students should not bring large amounts of money to school. All valuables should be left in locked lockers, particularly during P.E. The school is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen articles. In the event a student is missing a personal item, the student should file a theft/damage report in the office. All lost and found items will be placed in a designated area. Parents are encouraged to check the designated area for students’ lost personal items. Unclaimed items will be donated to Goodwill at the end of each month. Clothing marked with a student’s name will be returned to the owner. BUS CONDUCT All students are expected to follow the rules and procedures as outlined in the Fulton County Code of Conduct and Discipline Handbook. Consequences include, but are not limited to:

a. Warning/Parent Notification b. Bus suspension short-term or permanent c. Additional consequences determined by Fulton County Discipline Cycle.

CLASSROOM PARTIES Classroom parties are not permitted in the middle school. This includes birthday parties as well as parties during holiday seasons.

VISITORS The school extends a courteous welcome to all visitors who have a legitimate reason for visiting the school. All visitors must check in at the main office to obtain a visitor pass. Passes will only be issued to parents and adults. Under no circumstances will a visitor be allowed to infringe on students’ or teachers’ class time. Parents may request a conference through the guidance office, but are not permitted to go directly to a classroom. Non-McNair students will not be given visitor passes and if found loitering on campus or in the building will be charged with criminal trespass. WEATHER EMERGENCY During periods of inclement weather, when buses have difficulty traveling or school may have been closed, students should listen to WSB or WXIA television channels and 750AM and WGST 640 AM radio stations to find out about the status of school for that day. BEHAVIOR RULES/REGULATIONS Student Behavior Students must know the rules and regulations of the school, as well as the consequences of breaking those rules and regulations. In order for a discipline program to be successful, individuals must be responsible for their own behavior. Students must accept ownership for their actions and of their academic success or failure. Students are expected to comply with the rules and regulations of the school, as described in this section. Students who reach step five of the McNair Middle School Discipline Cycle will be placed on step one of the Fulton County Discipline Policy. The following violations carry an automatic tribunal referral: assault or battery on another student; assault or battery on a teacher or school employee; vandalism to school, student, or private property; use of weapon, mace, or pepper gas; bomb threat; sale/distribution of alcohol, controlled substances or paraphernalia; arson; possession of a weapon with intent to do harm. Possession or use of drugs and/or alcohol carries an automatic 10 days Out-of-School Suspension on the first violation.

Detention If assigned detention by teacher, report before or after school, as assigned, to teacher’s room. If assigned detention by administrator, report before or after

school, as assigned, to ISS room to serve detention. Report for detention on time -students who are late or who do not report for detention will be assigned ISS. Do not bring prohibited materials, which include headphones, radios, pagers, cards, and any non-academic items. Students may ride the sweep bus home if assigned after school detention. ISS - In-School Suspension Students who are assigned In-School Suspension (ISS) will report to the ISS room at 8:00 a.m. Students must work throughout the day on school work/assignments. Students remain the entire day in the ISS room. OSS - Out-of-School-Suspension Students assigned Out-of-School Suspension (OSS) may not come to school, campus, or attend any school functions hosted at McNair, or any other Fulton County property. Students who return to school during their suspension will be charged with criminal trespassing. Students are responsible for obtaining makeup work from teachers upon completion of the suspension term, as well as for completing the work and turning it in. Although students may request work during suspension, teachers are not obligated to provide these assignments, and may opt instead to wait until student’s return. TARDIES It is the responsibility of the parents and the student for the student to arrive on time. Oversleeping is not a legitimate excuse for tardiness. An excused tardy would be due to illness, medical appointments, and other legal excuses. Please send a note with your child when he/she is tardy. All medical appointments should be verified with a physician’s note. All students who are tardy must report to the office before reporting to class. Chronic tardiness will result in disciplinary action. EXCUSED TARDIES 1. A parent accompanies student to the Attendance Office to check-in and verifies the reason for the excused tardy. 2. A student presents a doctor’s excuse (on doctor’s office stationery) 3. Personal illness 4. Serious illness in the immediate family 5. Death in the immediate family 6. Religious holiday 7. Extremely bad weather Fulton County does not penalize students for excused absences; if the work missed is turned in on time. EARLY DISMISSAL If a student needs to leave before school is dismissed, a note from the parent or guardian must be sent to the office, and the student will be listed on the “check-out” sheet. Parents or guardians must come to the office in person to sign out their children. Checkouts are discouraged during Connections block time due to safety and supervision concerns. No student will be released from class 45 minutes prior to dismissal time. A picture ID is required when a parent is checking out a student. This procedure is necessary for security reasons. Your understanding is appreciated. Your cooperation with this procedure is requested as it minimizes interruptions to instruction. In an emergency, a parent may come directly to the office to request that a student be dismissed early.

ACADEMIC POLICIES Promotion Policy 1. A student shall be promoted when, in the professional judgment of the teacher, the principal and other school staff, he/she has successfully met instructional-level standards based on the following: a. Georgia Performance Standards for Georgia Public Schools b. Fulton County School System Curriculum Guides c. Standardized test data, as appropriate 2. Middle school students in grades 6, 7, and 8 must have a passing grade in language arts, mathematics, social studies, science, reading/foreign language and one of the following: a combination of grades in the exploratory segment. A passing semester grade in the exploratory or physical education/health segment is accomplished by earning an average of 70 or above when averaging the combination of two 9-week grades during the semester. Any student who receives an average for both semesters of 69 and below shall fail the subject for the year. Students who are not promoted are either placed in the next grade or retained in the same grade. 3. A failing grade in a subject can be made up by the student earning a passing grade in an appropriate subject during a summer school session. 4. If an eighth-grader scores level one on the CRCT in reading or math, he/she will not pass to the next grade, but will be given opportunity to attend the four-week, twenty full days of summer school along with the other 6th, 7th, and 8th graders who failed a course. GRADING SYSTEM Grading Scale 90 and above A 80-89 B 70-79 C BELOW 70 F 1. At the conclusion of a semester, with the approval of the principal, teachers may give students who are absent for extended periods of time an incomplete grade. The student will be given the opportunity to make up the work and have the incomplete grade changed to a numerical grade. (Grading procedures subject to change based on Board Policy.) REPORT CARDS, PROGRESS REPORTS, INTERIM REPORTS, GRADING No grade is required on a progress report or report card if the student has been enrolled in the school fewer than 20 school days of the grading period an/or there have been no grades received from the previous school for that time period. Students coming from another school system or private school are given the grade the sending school indicates. The final grade is determined by combining the transfer grade and the grades earned in the Fulton County School District.

GRADE REVIEW 1. If a student’s parents or guardians request any review, modification, or appeal of an evaluation or assessment, the following procedure will be

followed: a. The parent shall arrange a conference with the teacher or team of teachers within 15 calendar days of the issuance of the grade. The conference should be held within seven calendar days after contact by the parent. b. If the parent is not satisfied with the outcome of the conference, the parent may appeal within seven calendar days to the assistant principal for the student’s grade level for a second review. Upon request, the assistant principal shall arrange for a conference with the teacher, parent, and if appropriate, the student. This conference should be held within 7 calendar days of the appeal. The assistant principal will make the final decision based on information obtained from the conference and a review of the teacher’s grading procedures. c. A final appeal may be requested of the principal, who will review all information presented in the previous conference and will confer with the parent, teacher, and if appropriate, the student. The decision issued by the principal is a final decision. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES ATHLETICS - REQUIREMENTS FOR PARTICIPATION A yearly physical examination is required. The physical must be completed by a medical doctor and submitted to the coach prior to participation. The physical covers all sports for one calendar year. The form will be kept on file in the high school athletic office. Each athlete’s parent(s)/guardian(s) must complete an Emergency Medical Authorization Form giving permission for treatment by a physician or hospital when the parent(s)/guardian(s) are not available. The form will be kept in the athletic office for use as needed. The school district provides an opportunity to purchase insurance to cover student athletic injuries. Parent(s)/guardian(s) are required to sign a form stating that they either have purchased the necessary school insurance or are in possession of a family insurance plan that covers athletic injury. If a family insurance plan is used, the family must provide the school with the name of the insurance company and the policy number on the appropriate form. In order to participate in an interscholastic activity, each athlete must have satisfied all of the scholastic eligibility requirements prior to participation. CLUBS/ACTIVITIES McNair offers a wide range of clubs and activities for students. These are offered before and/or after school. A full listing of these clubs and activities will be available and opportunities will be provided for students to enroll shortly after the beginning of school. AFTER-SCHOOL DANCES/EVENING EVENTS All after-school functions are chaperoned by school personnel. If the activity is a fund-raiser for a club or cause, an admission fee will be charged. Concessions will be available for purchase at many after-school functions. Students are expected to abide by all school rules whenever they are in the building or attending any school function. The following rules for dances/ evening activities are in effect at McNair Middle School: 1. Dances are open only to students currently enrolled at McNair Middle School. 2. Students should arrive at the beginning of the dance/activity. 3. Students leaving the building before the conclusion of the dance/activity

must have written permission from and be signed out by a parent or legal guardian. 4. Once students leave, they may not re-enter the building. 5. Dances are restricted to the gymnasium and cafeteria (and adjoining restroom facilities). 6. Students are to comply with the school dress code unless another type of costume or dress has been designated for the occasion. 7. Running, horseplay, and roughhousing are prohibited. 8. Students must make arrangements to have parents or designees pick them up promptly at the conclusion of the dance/activity. Those who fail to comply with this may be restricted from participation on future after school activities. 9. Students absent or suspended from school (in or out) on the day of a dance/activity will not be permitted to attend the function. 10. Discipline and behavior policies of the school and school system are in effect at all after-school functions. Please visit our school website at

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