Student Handbook

  • October 2019
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  • Pages: 19
ACS Student Handbook Table of Contents History ................................................................................ page 1 Statement of Faith............................................................... page 2 Mission Statement .............................................................. page 3 Philosophy and Purpose ..................................................... page 4 Admissions ......................................................................... page 5 Finances .............................................................................. page 6 Attendance .......................................................................... page 7 Behavior ............................................................................. page 8 Academics .......................................................................... page 12 Transportation ..................................................................... page 14 Emergencies........................................................................ page 14 Arrivals and Departures...................................................... page 15 Parent-School Communication .......................................... page 15 Activities............................................................................. page 15 Miscellaneous Policies ....................................................... page 16

History Glendale Baptist Church was founded in 1955. Brother Richard Oldham has pastored the church since 1957. God has enabled Bro. Oldham and the Glendale Baptist Church to have a unique ministry to young people. Scores of young people have been called into full-time Christian service under the ministry of the pastor and with the encouragement of the Godly men and women of the church. From its start, Glendale’s membership grew dramatically year by year. With the expansion of the work at Glendale Baptist Church, there was a desire for the development of a Christian school as an alternative to the humanistic teachings of the public schools from which God and the Bible had been subtracted in 1964. This school was to be distinctly Christian with the Bible as its foundation in every phase of its course of instruction. The Anchored Christian School started in 1972 with five children in the Kindergarten. Miss Carole Peacher had come as our Elementary Director. She became the first principal and the teacher of these students. In the years that followed, the grades were expanded each year until 1979. The enrollment grew. The Child Development center was started. Mrs. Lou Norman became the first superintendent of the Anchored Child Development Center. In 1979 there were some young people in the church who wanted very much to attend a Christian high school. Even though we were not yet prepared adequately with proper facilities, these young people literally prayed the high school division into existence. Coming directly from the public school system, there were some adjustments to be made. There were Bible classes as well standards of dress, hairstyle, and conduct. These young people adjusted well. There was no rebellion. By this time there were well over 100 students. The first senior class consisted of the following: Denise Keown, Nancy Botkin, Monty Harshfield, and Jerry Gifford. Upon their graduation in May 1980, they had raised the money to fly to Washington, D.C., and spend the week touring the United States Capitol. Miss Carole Peacher served as the first principal until her resignation to move to Texas to assume larger responsibilities in San Antonio in other Christian work. Brother Jim Yates served effectively for several years and left the work here to serve in a Christian school in Panama City, Florida. Mrs. Martha Vaught, who had been closely associated with the church since 1957, became the third principal. During her fourteen years as principal, the school has sought to expand in every area of its work. The school has excelled in academics and the arts, taking many blue ribbons in the BACS and Tennessee Association of Christian Schools State Competitions. The Stanford Achievement Test scores have shown outstanding achievements on part of the Anchored students. We are now undergoing many changes that will be beneficial to our student body. God is providing us with a new building so that we might better meet the needs of our churches and community. We are undergoing an accreditation process with the American Association of Christian Schools that is recognized by the state of Kentucky. We look forward to what God has in store for us as we reach toward our goal of --

Academic Excellence with a Christian Plus.



We believe the Bible is God's Word and whatever the Bible says is so. We believe God created the earth and Adam -- both from a direct act. We believe Jesus Christ is the virgin-born Son of God. We believe Jesus Christ paid for Salvation by His death on the cross. We believe in the resurrection of His body from the tomb. We believe eternal life comes when one personally accepts Jesus Christ as Savior. We believe I am to witness to others in the power of the Holy Spirit. We believe Jesus Christ is coming again -- maybe today.

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MISSION STATEMENT Anchored Christian School is committed to graduating young men and women who are academically sound, patriotic, and so Christ-centered in their lifestyles and worldview that they will discover and do God‘s will for their lives.

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PHILOSOPHY AND PURPOSE The purpose of Christian School Education is to hand the torch of a Bible-centered, Christ-honoring education to the next generation. It is to show children and young people how to face God and then, with the vision of God in their hearts, to face the present world and the world to come. The purpose of Christian School Education is to present as clearly as possible to our children the truth about God, about life and living about our world and everything in it, to present the Word of God as the authoritative source upon which to build a life that has purpose and meaning. The purpose of Christian School Education includes the responsibility to prepare each student with the basic tools of learning. The ability to read, the mastery of math, and the ability to express thoughts orally and in writing make up the basic tools with which a student can make his way through the disciplines of learning and become a productive, Christ-honoring citizen. The purpose of Christian School Education is to inspire in students a system of values consistent with the Word of God. The purpose of Christian School Education is to instill in the heart of students a strong love for our country. The purpose of Christian School Education is to uphold the sanctity of our homes and the sacredness of our churches. Regard for God's house and ministers of the Gospel is held forth in the classrooms and in student chapels and is under-girded in Bible lessons. The FULL purpose of Christian School Education is to help parents fulfill the counsel of that wise and powerful proverb that says, "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it." (Proverbs 22:6)


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ADMISSIONS A. Requirements Health forms are necessary for those entering Kindergarten. This includes an up-to-date immunization certificate, TB test certificate, and a physical examination. Immunizations must be up-to-date for all students.



Birth certificates must be presented at registration for all K5 students as well as all those enrolling in ACS for the first time.


Students must be five years old before October 1 to enter K5.


Parents of all students in Kindergarten through 12th grade must sign the Covenant Agreement and Standards of Conduct upon admission and at the beginning of each new school year.


Students in grades 7-12 must have a desire to be enrolled at ACS and must sign the Covenant Agreement and Standards of Conduct upon admission and at the beginning of each new school year.


New students will be on academic probation for the first six weeks.


Parents wishing to enroll their children in ACS who have an unpaid balance from the previous year or from daycare must meet with the financial administrator or principal to make arrangements for paying this balance to gain permission for re-enrollment. Readmission for their students will be subject to satisfactory arrangements being made.

Procedures 1.

Applications should be completed and returned to the office accompanied by the application fee. Financial information may be found in the following pages.


An interview will be held with Junior and Senior High students and their parents upon seeking admission for the first time.


Placement tests will be given when necessary.


Admission is based on achievement, the testing program, interviews with the pastor and/or principal, and openings in the particular grade levels. Family life, church status, and general behavior are carefully considered. ACS is not equipped to handle problem children. A pledge by parents to back the authority of the school and to insist that their children abide by the policies of the school as well as a general spirit of cooperation by the parents is necessary for admission.

Note - Anchored Christian School reserves the right to refuse admission to anyone on the basis of the statements above. Race, sex, religion, national origin, etc., are not factors considered for admission. Attendance at Anchored Christian School is a privilege that should not be taken lightly. Anchored Christian School is only for those who can meet the academic standards and abide by the requirements set forth by the school. A student may become detrimental to the school without breaking a "major rule" of the school. We feel that attitude is of extreme importance in a person's life. Therefore, students who manifest an un-Christian attitude toward the Bible, prayer, parents, teachers, administration, etc., will not be allowed to remain in the school.

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Tuition and Fees 1.

Single Student Plan PLAN A Kindergarten 4 & 5 Elementary (Grades 1-6) Junior High (Grades 7-8) Senior High (Grades 9-12)

Application Fee (New Students) $150.00 $150.00 $150.00 $150.00

PLAN B (For students staying in Extended Care) Kindergarten 4 & 5 (If picked up by 3:00 P.M.) (If staying all day) Elementary (Grades 1-6)

Yearly Fee

Monthly Pmt.

$3500.00 $3500.00 $3500.00 $3500.00

$350.00 $350.00 $350.00 $350.00

$4400.00 $4400.00 $4400.00

$440.00 $440.00 $440.00

2. Family Plan - available for parents with more than one student at ACS. A deduction of 15% is allowed for each child, with the oldest paying the regular tuition. Plan A discount figures: Kindergarten: Elementary: Junior High: Senior High: Plan B discount figures:


Kindergarten (till 3:00 P.M.) Kindergarten (all day) Elementary

$2980.00 $2980.00 $2980.00 $2980.00

$298.00 $298.00 $298.00 $298.00



$3740.00 $3740.00

$374.00 $374.00

Financial Policies 1.

Tuition is figured on a yearly basis. It can, however, be paid in ten equal payments beginning August 1 and ending May 1. A twelve month plan is also available with payments beginning June 1 and ending May 1. This plan reduces the amount of the monthly payment.


Tuition is due in advance on or before the first day of each month. If payment has not been made by the tenth (10th) of the month, a late fee will be charged.


A charge of $25.00 will be assessed on all returned checks.


Tuition checks should be mailed to the school office at the following address: Anchored Christian School 1807 Cave Mill Bowling Green, KY 42104


You may also bring your tuition checks to the school office if you prefer.


Do not send the payment with your student


No deduction is made for absences, snow days, or holidays. If the student is enrolled in the extended care there will be no additional charges for staying on days that school is closed.

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Attendance 1.

Regular attendance and prompt arrival at scheduled classes and activities are essential for satisfactory achievement and progress in school.


The habits of good attendance and punctuality are important and should be stressed at an early age.


Regular attendance at school is the responsibility of the parents.


Absences 1.

Definitions: a. b. c.

Unexcused absence: Absence without a parental note or for an unacceptable reason. Excused absence: Absence with a parental note for a good acceptable reason. Acceptable reasons: Verifiable illness of the student Bereavements Verified medical appointments


A student should present a note to his homeroom teacher on the day of his return to school following an absence. The not should contain the date (or dates) of absence, reason for absence, and signature of parent.


Any class work missed must be made up within one week of the student's return to class.


Any tests missed will be made up after school on the day after the student's return. In the Jr. and Sr. High divisions, it is the responsibility of the student to schedule this with the teacher.


Students having an unexcused absence will not be allowed to make up any test, quiz, or other class work and will receive a zero grade for this missed work.


If your student should miss school for a reason that you believe should be excused (other than illness or bereavement) you should notify the principal one week before the absence is to occur if possible. Other reasons for absences will not be considered if the school is not notified before the absence occurs.


Students arriving at school after 10:00 AM or leaving before 1:00 PM will be counted absent for a half day. Students are not allowed to miss more than 20 days in a school year. Students who exceed this limit will not be allowed to pass to the next grade. The only exceptions will be as follows: a severe illness, a severe accident, evangelistic or missionary travel. (For more information see TARDINESS.)


Tardiness 1.

Students in grades K4 - 12 who arrive after 8:00 AM are considered tardy.


Students in grades K4 - 12 must report to the school office for a late slip before being admitted to class.


Students in grades K4 - 6 will be given a late slip by a staff member at the car rider's carport door. After 8:15, all tardy students will need to check in at the school office.

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Remember -- 3 unexcused tardies is equal to one unexcused absence. If your student acquires 3 unexcused tardies in one grading period, he will receive a zero in every subject the day of the third tardy.

BEHAVIOR Anchored Christian School wants to see its students grow spiritually and achieve academic excellence in an atmosphere that is Christ-honoring. Discipline must be administered when necessary to help achieve this goal. The Anchored Christian School seeks to administer discipline in love, helping students to understand that certain behavior is not pleasing to the Lord and that God Himself disciplines His children when we are not in complete obedience to His will. Godly discipline, when administered in love, not only brings about a desired change in one's behavior, but also results in spiritual growth in a Christian's life. The pastor and principal are present not only to administer correction when needed, but to counsel with students, parents, and teachers. The administration is staffed with experienced personnel trained in meeting the needs of young people and helping them to be found "in favor with God and man." Effective discipline for the betterment of our young people requires courage, constancy, conviction, diligence, and enthusiastic effort on the part of parents and school personnel. To help in this area, Anchored Christian School has adapted certain standards of conduct that must be upheld. The following will not be allowed: cheating, smoking, swearing, indecent language, gambling, dancing, card playing, taking of drugs (except for medical purposes), drinking alcoholic beverages, or fighting (real or pretend). A student boasting or bragging that he did the things listed above will be subject to discipline on the grounds of attitude. The Standards of Conduct apply specifically to in-school situations. However, a part of the responsibility of attending ACS is to maintain a Christian testimony whether at or away from school. Involvement in questionable activities away from school not only hurts the testimony of the student, but the testimony of the school as well. ACS reserves the right to take necessary steps to see that the integrity of the school is upheld.


Student Conduct/Discipline 1.


The teacher is in full control of the classroom. All misconduct of general nature will be handled by the teacher. This type of misconduct includes deliberate disobedience, disrespect, lack of courtesy, incomplete homework, gum chewing, note passing, and other such misdemeanors. a.

The administration places much confidence in the judgment and ability of Godly, Spirit-filled teachers. All parents and students should understand that the administration will support the teachers in matters of discipline.


Any parent or student with a legitimate complaint about a disciplinary procedure or method should talk with the teacher before contacting the principal. It is understood that the pastor or principal will have no comment on a matter until the teacher is contacted.

Anchored Christian School places primary emphasis upon the Spiritual life, and we believe and teach that Christian young people should manifest their love and loyalty to the Lord Jesus Christ by living in obedience to His commandments. Philippians 4:8 teaches us that we should think only on those things which are Godly. Therefore, ACS stands against attending movie theaters, listening to rock and country music, watching ungodly television

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programs, dancing, attending dances, and reading dirty literature. 3.

The possession or use of drugs, tobacco, or any amount of intoxicating beverages, either at or away from school, will result in immediate expulsion.


An attitude of respect for adults is to be maintained by the student body. The terms Miss, Mrs., Mr., or Brother should be used respectfully regardless of time or place. Students should always answer with "ma'am" when talking to ladies and "sir" when talking with men.


Romans 13:14 teaches us that we should avoid situations that would cause us to fulfill the lusts of the flesh. Our society is a sex-oriented society. To help our students avoid this temptation, ACS does not allow displays of affection such as hand-holding, walking arm-in-arm, or any other act of physical contact that is intentional. Any students who abuse this rule will be separated for a definite period of time while at school or school sponsored events.


Profanity and euphemisms will not be tolerated. This includes the use of God's name in vain as well as the use of "curse" words which need not be listed. Any student who is guilty of violating this rule will be suspended. If repeated offenses occur, the student will be expelled. Colossians 3:8 teaches us that filthy communications should not be allowed.


Fighting will not be tolerated. the teacher's or principal's discretion will be used to determine the punishment. Colossians 3:8 teaches that we should put off anger.


Stealing is a common problem in schools everywhere. A student who steals will be suspended or expelled.


Pornographic literature (such as rock magazines, off-color joke books, etc.) is not allowed on school property. Violation of this rule will result in suspension or expulsion.


Students must be respectful of the rights of others and the authority of the teachers and administration.


Griping will not be tolerated. Any complaints should be submitted to the teacher in a quiet, respectful manner. Christian attitudes must prevail at all times.


Students are not to run or yell in the hallways, or elsewhere in the building. All boisterous activity must be confined to supervised areas.


Writing and passing notes, tossing objects, etc., are not allowed in class. Distracting, personal objects such as knives, dolls, water pistols, etc., will not be allowed. Such objects brought to school will be taken by the teacher and may be picked up by the parents


Students are expected to use the allotted time at the beginning of each school day to sharpen pencils, obtain books or materials, etc. Students are not allowed to move about the room after class begins without the teacher's permission.


No personal radios, tape players, CD players, game systems, etc., are allowed on the school property without permission from administration.


Eating is allowed only in the lunch area and at other specified times and places.


Students are not allowed to chew gum on school property.


Students are expected to do their part in helping to keep the school property clean and orderly, Trash should be placed in the proper containers and not on the floor, in desks, or on the grounds.


No selling, buying, or trading among students is allowed. This is to prevent younger students from selling or trading items when they do not understand their value.


Students may not remain after classes have been dismissed except in extended care. Specific arrangements must be

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made with the administration for high school students that are unable to be picked up by 3:15. 21.

Pupils must have proper hall passes to leave the room at any time.


Under no circumstances are students allowed to leave the school grounds without permission.


Practical jokes are considered in bad taste and are not permitted.


No clubs or organizations may be formed without permission from the administration.


Willful damage or destruction of school property will not be tolerated. Students will pay for any such damage.


Littering, writing on walls, defacing of building, or any other acts of negligence will be met with immediate disciplinary action.


Dress Code

Anchored Christian School seeks to follow the guidelines taught in God's Word for His people., The Bible has established at least three minimum standards for a Christian's appearance. MODESTY - 1 Timothy 2:9 and 2 Timothy 2:22 - God's standard for women is very high, and His standard for men is always as high or higher than for the ladies. DISTINCTION - Deuteronomy 22:5 and 1 Corinthians 11:14-15 - Men should dress like men, and women should dress like women. To do otherwise is "an abomination unto the Lord." IDENTIFICATION - 1 Timothy 4:12, Romans 12:1-2, and 1 John 5:15-16 - God's Word is clear; we are to dress and conduct ourselves as is becoming of His children. APPROPRIATENESS - Appropriate dress for the occasion. We are trusting in the Lord to give us a spirit of Christian humility and cooperation on the part of both parents and students this year. Critical , uncooperative attitudes in reference to the rules of the school and their enforcement are not at all pleasing to the Lord and are harmful to both the child and the school. Should there be any question or disagreement over policy, please pray about the problem; then make an appointment to discuss it with the principal of the school. ACS places the responsibility for the appearance of each student on the parents. Any parent who is strongly opposed to the following dress standards and is not willing to see that their students abide by then should probably not have their students at ACS. We ask that the following standards of appearance be observed by ACS students during all school functions, activities, and classes. Parents must also follow this dress code when working as volunteers in any capacity. 1.

Monday through Friday On Monday through Thursday, all ACS students in Kindergarten 4 through grade 12 will wear specified uniforms purchased from Parker Uniform Company in Louisville, Ky. More information on these uniforms along with the address for Parker may be obtained from the school office. a. b. c. d. e.


Shirts/blouses are to be tucked in at all times. Socks/hose must be worn at all times, even with sandals. Tennis shoes may be worn on these days. All girls in K - 6 are to wear flat-soled shoes. Wearing of high heels is discouraged in all grades. If worn in 7 12th grades, heals should be no higher than 2” In K - 6, all shoes, including sandals, must have backs. In 7-12, girls may wear shoes without backs as long as they are neat in appearance.

Field Trips - Unless otherwise specified by the principal for purpose of modesty or practicality, the uniforms mentioned above will be worn on field trips. When uniforms are not worn, instructions will be given on what is appropriate dress. Shorts, sweat suits, and warm-up suits are never permitted. Pants for girls are never permitted.

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Makeup a. Elementary girls through sixth grade are not allowed to wear makeup or nail polish. b. Jr. and Sr. High girls may wear makeup in moderation to enhance natural beauty. Overuse is prohibited. c. Nail polish is allowed on Jr. and Sr. High girls only, and colors should be limited to pinks, reds, corals, or naturals. Extremes and fads in colors and lengths should be avoided.


Jewelry a. Girls 1) Must not be flashy, gaudy, oversized, or worldly in appearance 2) Should enhance the young lady’s overall appearance; should not draw immediate attention to itself because of size, brilliance, etc.; 3) Anything (as in the case of rings) in excessive number should be avoided. b. Boys 1) Boys may not wear jewelry such as bracelets, necklaces, earrings, etc. 2) One ring, such as a class ring is allowed.


Headwear a. NOT PERMITTED: Headwear that contributes to an over all sloppy or non-conformist appearance. b. Boys must never wear hats of any sort inside any church or school building.


Hairstyles a. Girls 1) Hairstyles should give a neat appearance. The current “messy” look should be avoided. 2) NOT PERMITTED: Any hair style or color considered by the administration to be in bad taste. b.


Boys 1) Back and sides should be tapered, following the natural hairline. 2) Hair should be trimmed well above the collar, ears, and eyebrows. 3) Sideburns should be neat and trimmed at or close to the middle of the ear. 4) Worldly fads in hairstyles and colors are not permitted (bowl cuts, “parts”, “punk” look, shaved heads, highlights, etc.) 5) Facial hair must be kept shaved. ** NOTE -- The administration reserves the right to determine whether or not a boy’s haircut is acceptable. Haircut notices will be issued when a student is determined to be in violation of this rule.

Cold Weather a. Monday - Friday

8. a.

b. c.

Parker sweaters may be worn with uniforms. Other cold weather outer wear must be determined by the administration.

Banquet Attire Regardless of the styling trends, formal wear selected to be worn at any ACS banquet or function must adhere to all aspects of the dress code (See above). Great care must be taken to insure that every aspect of the outfit complies as written. There should be no lace which gives a suggestive, see-through appearance. If all lace was removed, the dress should still be able to pass inspection. To avoid the embarrassment of a student being sent home, all formals must be approved at specified times before each banquet, without which attendance will not be permitted.

** ATTENTION: All dress rules will be strictly enforced. Teachers will survey their homerooms each day, and dress checks will be held for special occasions. Violation of the dress code will result in a student not being allowed to attend classes until the infraction has been corrected. These absences from class will be considered unexcused. Parents may have to come to school to bring the proper clothing or take a student to get a haircut, etc.; or student may be sent home to correct the problem. This is not meant as a hardship on you, but is meant to see that the dress standards are constantly maintained. Please note that the school dress code applies to both students and parents when participating in any type of school ACS Student Handbook 12



ACADEMICS A. Curriculum 1.

Elementary: ACS uses only the A Beka Curriculum published by Pensacola Christian College for grades K4 - 6th grades. 2. Junior and Senior High a. ACS uses the A Beka Curriculum along with Bob Jones and other publishers in certain areas. b. ACS offers a pre-college curriculum 3. High School Courses - ACS offers both a Standard and Honors Diploma. Each meet the state requirement for a pre-college curriculum diploma. a. Standard Diploma Requirements SUBJECT ........ TOTAL CREDITS ACS Student Handbook page 13

Bible......................... 4 English ..................... 4 Social Studies........... 3 Science ..................... 3 Math ......................... 4

1 credit each year 1 credit each year 1 credit three years (9-11) 1 credit three years (9-11) 1 credit each year Sr. year - Adv. Math or *Consumer Math ½ credit Freshman year ½ credit Freshman year 1 credit Sophomore year 1 credit Junior and Senior years

PE............................. ½ Health....................... ½ Computer ................. 1 Spanish..................... 2 22 Total +3 Elective** Credits *** 25 Total credits for graduation * Available only upon approval by principal AT LEAST 1 CREDIT OF CHOIR IS REQUIRED FOR EACH STUDENT. b. Honors Diploma Requirements Requirements for Honors Diploma for graduates beginning 2003 : Total: 25 Credits and 3.4 GPA All of the above (Standard) (Adv. Math required) Understanding the Times Speech (Seniors) 1 Elective Credit


25 1 1 1 28 Total Credits for Honors Diploma

Grading Scale The following grading scale is used in Anchored Christian School: A+ A AB+ B B-

= = = = = =

99, 100 96, 97, 98 94, 95 91, 92, 93 88, 89, 90 85, 86, 87

C+ C CD+ D F

= = = = = =

82, 83, 84 78, 79, 80, 81 75, 76, 77 72, 73, 74 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71 0-64

Other codes used I = Incomplete S or + = Satisfactory N or - = Needs improvement

C. Reporting/Report Cards 1.

Elementary a. Grades K4 - 3rd grade receive report cards every 6 weeks for a total of 6 report cards per year. b. Grades 4 - 6 receive report cards every 9 weeks for a total of 4 report cards per year. c. Grades 4 - 6 receive Tri-weekly reports on the 3rd and 6th week of each grading period. d. These reports and report cards should be signed by the parent and returned the following day. e. There is a $1.00 charge for all lost report cards and tri-weeklies.


Junior and Senior High a. Grades 7-12 receive report cards every 9 weeks for a total of 4 report cards per year. b. Grades 7-12 receive Tri-weekly reports on the 3rd and 6th week of each grading period. c. These reports and report cards should be signed by the parent and returned the following day. d. There is a $1.00 charge for all lost report cards and tri-weeklies.

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D. Books/Equipment 1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6.


Bible is a vital part of the curriculum at ACS and is a required subject taught daily in every grade. All students must have at school every day a school approved King James version of the entire Bible. Textbooks are bought by the parents and are the responsibility of the parents and students. A textbook list will be given out each fall showing all of the books and supplies to be purchased. Students are responsible for any loose or lost pages. The only books allowed on the person of any student will be: a. The Bible and related study helps for personal devotions b. Books directly connected to the school curriculum c. ACS library books d. Public library books specifically assigned by ACS teachers for reading or reference. All other books must be presented to your homeroom teacher for approval at the beginning of the day. The following items should not be brought to school without the permission of the faculty: toys, radios, cameras, computers, tape recorders, CD players, CD’s and tapes, video games, comic books, magazines, pamphlets, knives, lighters, etc. If any article is displayed without the permission of the faculty, the article will be confiscated, and the parents will be required to come to the school to reclaim the article.

Field Trips 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


Field trips are taken periodically through the year and are geared to the material being taught. They are not to be considered “free days.” A student must have a acceptable reason for absence (see p. 7 B.1.c.) or he will receive a zero in each subject that day. Permission slips will be sent home with the students prior to the trip and are to be signed and returned by the parent by the day indicated for the student to participate. Uniforms are to be worn on field trips unless otherwise specified. Parents who go on these trips must abide by the school dress code. No tape players, CD players, hand-held video games, etc. will be allowed on field trips unless specifically noted by administration.

Class Standing 1.

Elementary (Grades 1-6) The passing or failing of a grade will be determined by the teacher in consultation with the principal and parents. Factors that will be considered are attitude, maturity, achievement level, degree of improvement, etc.


Junior High (Grades 7-8) Students who fail one or possibly two academic subjects may proceed to the next grade on probation. Students who fail three or more subjects will be required to repeat the entire grade. Credit toward high school graduation is not given in Junior High. 3. Senior High (Grades 9-12) Grade 9: Students who have completed fewer than 6 ½ credits in school. Grade 10: Students who have completed 6 ½ to 12 ½ credits in school. Grade 11: Students who have completed 13 to 18 ½ credits in school. Grade 12: Students who have completed a minimum of 19 credits in school. Graduation with Standard diploma: A student is required to have twenty-five credits to graduate from ACS with a standard diploma. Graduation with Honors diploma: A student is required to have twenty-eight credits, meet certain grade point requirements and complete certain classes to graduate from ACS with an Honors diploma.

H. Homework 1.

Believing that homework is an integral part of the school program, each teacher is at liberty to give homework to aid each student in advancing his studies. 2. We do expect parents’ full cooperation in seeing that assignments are completed. ACS Student Handbook page 15


Students in grades 1-6 are required to have a homework assignment pad where they will record their daily assignments. These pads are to be signed by a parent each night. Measures will be taken if homework is not completed or presented to the teacher on time. Homework lost or left at home is considered no homework.

4. 5.

I. Honor Roll Excellence in academics is recognized at ACS. Any student with A’s and B’s in all subjects (including conduct) will be on the Honor Roll.

TRANSPORTATION Anchored Christian School does not, at the present time, offer bus transportation. Transporting students to and from school is the responsibility of the parents.

EMERGENCIES A. School Dismissal 1.



Weather related dismissals a. For announcements affecting school activities and school openings or closings as a result of bad weather, we will normally follow the Bowling Green Independent Schools b. Our announcement will usually be heard on WBKO television station along with WKCT and other major local radio stations. c. Please do not call the administration or teachers for this information. Emergency evacuation procedures will be announced at orientation.

Student Illness/Accident 1. 2. 3.

In the event that your student becomes ill during the day, they will be sent to the school office where they will have temperatures taken and their condition assessed. If necessary, the school secretary will call a parent or someone designated to pick up the child to make necessary arrangements. In the event of an accident, we will always notify parents before any emergency personnel are called unless it is an extreme emergency. If the school is unable to reach a parent, we will take what steps we deem necessary to insure that the student is cared for properly until a parent can be reached.




School hours are as follows Kindergarten -8:00 AM - 12:00 Noon Grades 1-12 -8:00 AM - 3:00 PM

2. 3. 4.

Elementary students may enter starting at 7:30 where they will be met by a faculty member. For students who must arrive earlier than 7:30, arrangements should be made to bring them to extended care. Special arrangements must be made with administration for any Junior and Senior High students who must come to school before 7:30.

Car-rider drop off procedure 1.

Kindergarten, Elementary and High School car riders are to be dropped off and picked up at the carport in the rear of

ACS Student Handbook 16


2. 3. 4.

the school. Car rider door is open from 7:30 - 8:10 AM for drop-offs and 3:00 - 3:15 for pick-ups. Students who walk to school should enter through the same door as car riders. If there is to be a change in how the student is to leave school for a particular day, please notify the school office by sending a note with the student that morning. Students will always be dismissed the way they normally are unless we are contacted by you.


Appointments With Teachers 1. 2.


New Student Conferences will be held after the first 3 weeks of school to update parents and how their student is adjusting to the pace of the curriculum and the standards of the school. Teachers are available to meet with parents. If you desire to meet with a teacher, please schedule an appointment outside of school hours. You may leave phone messages with the school office, and the teacher will return your call during break time or after school.

Parent-Teacher Conferences 1.


Parent-Teacher conferences are held after the first semester upon return from Christmas break. Parents are expected to attend these meetings for the benefit of his child and to obtain pertinent information concerning the school program. Teachers may initiate a conferences at other times in the school year as deemed necessary for the benefit of the student.

ACTIVITIES A. Athletics 1. 2. 3.



Basketball is offered to boys in Junior and Senior High. Cheerleading and Girls Volleyball is offered to girls in Junior and Senior High. To be eligible for participation in athletics and cheerleading students must maintain specific academic requirements as well as adherence to the Standards of Conduct. Once a student becomes ineligible because of grade, he may not participate until the next tri-weekly is issued. Practice times will be scheduled after school for these activities. Under no circumstances are students allowed to remain after school for an unauthorized practice or activity.

Evening Programs 1. 2.

Several regular programs are scheduled during the year. All students participate in each of these programs. Because these activities have a bearing on the grades of most of the students, their attendance is required. Only a written parental note that would be acceptable for a school absence will be recognized.


Church Attendance


Chapel Services

as a family is a vital part of a child's education. Without faithful cooperation from the parents concerning this matter, the student will most likely encounter serious difficulty in the education process at ACS.

1. 2. 3 4. 5.

ACS has two regular chapel programs. Junior and Senior High meet each Monday at 8:10 AM. School wide chapel is held each Friday at 9:00 a.m. Special chapel programs are scheduled at various times throughout the year. Parents are always invited to attend any of these chapel programs.

ACS Student Handbook 17



First Day of School 1. 2.


Extended Care 1. 2. 3.


Extended care is available for Kindergarten children and students in grades 1-6 at an additional cost. This information may be obtained from the school office. Extended care is available after 6:30 AM and until 5:30 PM. No extended care is available for grades 7-12. If a student must be at school prior to the 7:30 AM arrival time or after the 3:15 car riders, special arrangements need to be made with principal.

Lunch Program 1.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


On the first day of school it is best for the parent to leave the child with the teacher. When the parent remains in the classroom, the period of adjustment is more difficult for the child and the teacher. Parents are asked to drop children off in car riders' line instead of bringing them inside, and to pick them up in car riders' line instead of waiting in the hallway before school is dismissed.

Hot lunches are available each day. Sandwiches are offered occasionally and may be purchased separately. We also offer a Salad Bar on Monday - Thursday for 5th grade and higher that may be purchased for the price of a lunch. These lunches are catered by Express Foods and the order must be called in early each morning. Therefore if a student is going to be arriving late and wishes to order a lunch, parents should phone the school before 8:30. Menus will be sent home at the beginning of each month. Milk and juice are also available by the half pints for $0.30 each The cost of these drinks is not included with the hot lunch. A soft drink machine is available for the Senior High only. Weekly lunch and milk/juice tickets may be purchased by sending money in an envelope with the student's name on it. The same procedure should be followed for daily lunches. Because our cafeteria operates on a very close budget, we are not able to charge lunches.

Library Anchored Christian School has a growing library. The following rules are necessary in order to preserve our present books and to aid in the growth of the library 1. Students in grades 1-6 may check out one book at a time. Students in grades 7-12 may check out two books at a time. 2. The loan period on books is one week. 3. The fine of 5 cents per school day is charged for overdue books. There will be no exceptions. Library books must be returned to a designated faculty member and not simply left in the library. 4. Encyclopedias and dictionaries may be checked out for one hour only and may not be removed from school property for any reason. 5. All lost library books must be paid for. The charge will be the replacement cost of the book plus a lost book fee of $1.00. 6


Lost and Found 1. 2.


A place is provided for lost and found items. These items may be reclaimed for a charge of 25 cents per item at a time that does not interfere with classes.

Handbills or Sales 1. 2.


At the end of each grading period, students who owe library fines or lost book charges will not receive their report card.

No handbills or literature of any kind is to be passed out in the school without approval from the principal. There will be no sale of items such as greeting cards, seeds, candy bars, etc., without principal's approval.

Medication 1.

No medication of any kind will be given to a student if a Medication Release Form is not filled out and left in the school office. 2. One of these forms will be included in your enrollment packet at the beginning of the year. Others may be acquired from the school office throughout the year. 3. Any medication that must be taken throughout the year, prescribed or over-the-counter, must be accompanied by a Medication Release Form. 4. All medications must be kept in and administered through the school office. 5. Students should never carry medicine in their purses or pocket. ACS Student Handbook page 18


Visitors 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Marriage 1. 2.


Parents and other guests are welcome to visit the school. We ask that parents make an appointment before coming by the room so as not to disrupt the classroom work. Any visitor should come by the office upon entering the school and get a visitor's pass. Guests should come dressed in compliance with our dress code., No smoking is allowed on school property. ACS is not equipped to administer adult education. When a person marries, he is no longer under the supervision of his parents, and he has assumed an adult role. Therefore, students that are married will not be able to be admitted to or to continue in ACS.

School Office / Phones 1. 2. 3. 4.

Office hours are from 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM. The office phone is a business phone and not available for use by students except in emergencies such as sickness or cancellation of a scheduled after-school activity. Students will not be allowed to call home after the first week of school if they have forgotten books, homework, or other school materials. This encourages responsibility. No cell phones or pagers will be allowed in the classrooms. Students should not use these phones between classes.

M. Early Dismissal From Class 1. 2.


Parents wishing to take their children from school at any time during the day should send a note to the school office advising us of the reason for the desired early dismissal If need for early dismissal occurs during the day, please phone ahead to the school office if possible.

Withdrawals and Dismissals 1.


The following are reasons for dismissal. a. Lack of cooperation by parents with school administration b. Poor student grades, conduct, or effort c. Tuition that is 30 days late without satisfactory arrangements having been made with the administration d. Threat to sue a teacher, the school, or the church for any reason ** Note: If a parent files suit against a teacher and/or the school, and the court rules in favor of the teacher and/or school, the parent filing suit will be liable for paying the teacher's and/or school's court costs and legal defense fees. The following is the procedure for withdrawal. a. All withdrawals must be completed in the school office. b. Tuition continues until this transaction is made. c. No records will be released until all money due is paid and all library books, etc., are returned.

ACS Student Handbook 19


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