Student Handbook

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Pages: 7


1250 Greensburg Road Lower Burrelll, PA 15068

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REV.: 08.28.08

Welcome to the Oakbridge Academy of Arts


Art is a means of communication. It has as many forms as there are languages. It is spoken through advertising, newspapers, and magazines. Wether your interest is art, design or photography, you will learn to speak the language of art at Oakbridge. At Oakbridge Academy of Arts you will receive the very best in education.


Oakbridge Academy of Arts Vision Statement • To provide a creative and challenging environment and treat all students with fairness and respect. • To serve our students through active teaching, researching, tutoring sessions, and guidance on academic matters. • To promote academic excellence by developing high standards in the classroom that are conductive to the different learning styles of our students. • To promote independent thinking, problem solving, ethics, and “team-playing” through various classroom activities. • To meet student needs with a faculty who will continue to learn and grow as professionals.

Oakbridge Academy of Arts Mission Statement Oakbridge Academy of Arts is dedicated to providing the very best in art, design and photography education. Our goal is to offer personalized, professional and cost effective education which results in an Associate Degree and prepares our graduates for employment.

1250 Greensburg Road Lower Burrelll, PA 15068

Through a partnership with industry, Oakbridge Academy of Arts remains current in areas of art, design and photography curriculum, and always stays in tune with industry standards.

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Our students are our clients, and are always treated with dignity and respect.

S T U D E N T HANDBOOK Office Hours Monday - Friday [8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.] Phone: 724.335.7127

Class Hours Students are to be in class from: 8:00 A.M. - 11:30 A.M. 12:30 P.M. - 2:30 P.M..

Lunch Lunch is from 11:30 to 12:30.

Roll Call Attendance is taken promptly at 8:00 A.M. and 12:30 P.M.. You must be present or you will be marked accordingly.

Tardiness & Leaving Early Anyone who arrives late to school or leaves early must sign in at the office in order to be admitted to class. The number of minutes will be marked on your attendance record. Scholastic requirements are based on contact hours with your instructor, so attendance is mandatory. Chronic absense or tardiness may result in termination.

1250 Greensburg Road Lower Burrelll, PA 15068

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Attendance Students will receive an attendance grade in each class that will be counted as 20% of their overall grade. Each day a student misses a class that is not excused, their attendance grade will be lowered by 10 points. Tardiness and early dismissals will also be factored into this grade.


Excused Absences Excused absences include the following: • Hospitalization of the student or student’s immediate family. The immediate family shall consist of student’s spouse, parents, children, brothers, or sisters. • Death in the student’s family (three days excused absence will be permitted for the death of the student’s spouse, children, parents, brothers or sisters, one day is permitted for the death of any other family member) • Mandatory court appearances. • Welfare, WIC, OVR, or JTPA appointments. • Interviews for graduating students. • Jury duty. • Special work study requested by the employer and approved by administration beforehand. • Emergency room outpatient visits for emergency procedures only. • Doctor’s excuse in reference to extended illness. • Natural disasters (flood, fire, etc.) • Non-hospitalized car accidents coming to school. Students must present written documentation to the Director.

Early Dismissal Early dismissal is permitted only when authorized by the office. Students must stay in class until 2:30 P.M.. or until the scheduled dismissal time. Cleanup time is 2:25. 1250 Greensburg Road Lower Burrelll, PA 15068

The office should be notified that morning if a student is tardy or going to

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authorization given by the office. Repeated tardiness and absenteeism will

be absent for the day. Instructors must be alerted for early dismissal and reflect on student’s financial aid and future job placement.

Makeup Work Absent students are responsible for making up assignments.



We reserve the right to put a student on probation or permanently expel a student for misconduct in class or on school premises. Action will be taken according to the severity of the misconduct and the student will be informed of the action. All financial obligations must be met on a timely basis. If no reasonable agreement can be reached, this can be grounds for dismissal.

Academic Probation Any student who fails to achieve the required cumulative grade point average of 2.0, for a specific term, due to academic or attendance issues, will be placed on academic probation. Any student placed on academic probation will be required to initiate an academic improvement plan for that term, and this academic improvement plan will be issued and monitored by the dean. Should a student placed on Academic Probation not attain the required cumulative grade point average of 2.0 at the completion of the probationary term, or before the scheduled start of the next term, he or she will be terminated, unless conditions exist which, in the opinion of the dean, warrant placing the student on probation for a second term.

Report Cards Report cards are issued at the end of each term. Incomplete and missing projects will receive a grade of “F” which will be averaged with the students other grades.

Dean’s List The Dean’s List will be posted at the conclusion of each term. It will contain the names of all students maintaining a 3.5 or higher grade point average.

Portfolio and Progress Reports

1250 Greensburg Road Lower Burrelll, PA 15068

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For the sake of academic honesty, projects are to be done during class time. Students work will be evaluated at the completion of each term in order to assure that adequate progress is being made and that the student is at the expected level. Any student not at the required level for his or her term will be placed on probation. A complete portfolio will be required at graduation. The exact requirements for the portfolio, as well as sample portfolios and resumes, will be provided for the students in detail.

Externship and On the Job Training Programs


As a requirement of our Visual Design and Photography programs, students are required to work in the industry to gain on-the-job practical experience through our extern program. This required externship will develop and strengthen the student’s educational and career preparation and expose the student to inter-personal relationships a job requires, both with co-workers and supervisors.

Graduation All scholastic and financial obligations must be met before students are awarded their official transcript and degree.

Mock Interviews Mock interviews are conducted at the end of the seventh term to prepare students to enter the job market. A summary of the interview will be given to the student

Field Trips When a class field trip is scheduled, it is expected that all students attend. If a student does not attend, he or she is marked absent. Cost associated with field trips are the student’s responsibility.

Library The library is open 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. to all students free of charge and located in the Visual Design school.

Alcohol, Drugs and Smoking No smoking is permitted in the building at any time. This rule is strictly enforced and is also a fire law. Anyone using or under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be automatically dismissed.

Personal Property and Work Areas

1250 Greensburg Road Lower Burrelll, PA 15068

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Students are responsible for the upkeep around desks. We encourage all students to keep the work area around them in order. Drinks and food are not permitted in the instructional areas. The school is not responsible for loss or damage of personal property. All art work and supplies should be properly stored at the close of each class. Paints, turpentine, etc., must be cleaned up and put away (not disposed of in sinks). Please do not cut on any desk surface; cutting and matting areas are supplied. Phone usage is strictly limited to emergency situations with permission of a staff member.

Free-lance and Placement The placement service is available to help students find jobs upon graduation. Free-lance work is also sometimes issued through the placement office. Free-lance work is matched to a student’s ability and attendance record. The student handles all details of the job such as,


hours, cost, materials, etc.

School Closings School closing due to inclement weather or other emergencies will be announced between 5 a.m. and 9 a.m. on the following stations: WPXITV Channel 11, WTAE-TV Channel 4, and on the Oakbridge Academy of Arts website at

Gallery A student gallery is maintained in the building to display current work of our “A” students, and is open to the public and business community.

Problems If you as a student of the Oakbridge Academy of Arts feel you are having a problem with your class work, we, as office staff and instructors, want you to feel comfortable in coming to us for help so that you may achieve your full potential. With the individual attention to our students that our school emphasizes, we believe small problems corrected early can prevent major ones later. We have an ‘open door’ policy for everyone at Oakbridge, please take advantage of this.

Summary As students of Oakbridge Academy of Arts, you are studying to become professional artists or photographers. We ask that you strive to achieve 1250 Greensburg Road Lower Burrelll, PA 15068

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professionalism in your attitudes, actions, and work habits. Soon you will embark upon a career and it is your job as well as the staff’s to be sure you are a mature individual ready to assume these responsibilities and obligations.

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