Parent Student Handbook 0809

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 32
Providing challenging academics and a broad extracurricular program,

Silver State Christian School teams with families in educating the whole student

to honor God,

love others, and

walk in biblical truth.

Mission Statement

Home of the PATRIOTS P.O. Box 463 Morrison, Colorado 80465

Shipping Address 14711 W. Morrison Rd. Morrison, CO 80465

Phone (303) 922-8850

Fax (303) 922-4573

E-mail [email protected]


Parent - Student Handbook President…………………Dr. Les Heinze Pastor, Red Rocks Baptist Church

Principal…………….…Mr. Eric Hellwig School Verse "Thy testimonies have I taken as an heritage forever" Psalm 119:111a

School Colors Red, White, and Royal Blue

Mailing Address

Table of Contents Philosophy and Goals (pages 1-4) Admissions (pages 4-6) Admissions Policy

Admissions Procedures

Non-Discrimination Statement

Attendance Procedures (pages 6-9) Absences Accumulated Absences

Early Release Extracurricular Participation

Make-up Work Tardiness

Academics and Grading (pages 10-18) Dropping/Adding Courses Eligibility Grading Graduation Requirements Senior Testing Valedictorian/Salutatorian

Correspondence Courses Transfer Courses Homework Homework Club Honor Roll Honor Society

Late Work Summer School Progress Reports Promotions Report Cards Release of Transcripts



Activity Dress Athletic Dress

Banquet Dress Standards

Detention Hall Suspension from School Probation

Readmission Questionable Situations

Conduct (pages 18-23) Classroom Rules

Dress Code (pages 23-27) Boys' Dress Girls' Dress

Discipline (pages 28-34) Elementary Discipline Corporal Discipline Secondary Discipline Policy

General School Policies (pages 34-46) Activities Automobiles Back-to-School Retreat Bicycles Book Policy Buildings and Grounds Calendar Closed Campus Computer Use Emergency Evacuation Financial Information Fundraisers Hours Immunization Forms Insurance Library

Lockers Lost and Found Lunch Program Lunchroom Procedures (Elementary) Medications/Infirmary Messages to Students Music Lessons Music Performance Absence Offices Parent/Teacher Conferences Physical Education Prohibited Items School Closings/Lockdowns Skateboards Snack Time Snow

Solicitations Telephone Teacher’s Aide Toys Use of Cellular Phone, Pager, Laptops Visitors Withdrawal

Welcome We are excited about the start of another school year … it will be another year of transition! We welcome all who are new to Silver State and all those who are returning. Our prayer is that the opportunities here will be challenging and memorable as we serve Christ, bring glory to His name, and encourage others. We appreciate your interest in our school and hope that we may be a help to you in the education of your children. To accomplish this, Silver State provides a distinctly Christian education where God's Word is integrated into every academic discipline and extracurricular activity. In addition to biblical and academic training, we believe that students must be encouraged to become active and upstanding citizens; therefore, Silver State values structure, discipline, and excellence in all areas of student life. The faculty and staff at Silver State are dedicated Christians who are here to help in the training of your children. We realize that apart from God’s leadership and wisdom, it will not be possible to attain our goals; therefore, we ask that you pray for us daily as we pray for the students God has brought to Silver State. We look forward to having the opportunity to serve with you as we serve our Lord. To the praise of His glory, Eric Hellwig Administrator



Philosophical Sketch We believe there are three important components for the successful education of the child. The Godgiven primary responsibility for the training and education of the children is that of the parents. The more successful family in our school will have parents that profess faith in Christ as personal Savior and have a commitment to biblical separation from sinful practices and lifestyles from the world, including, but not limited to, the music and entertainment they allow. Next in importance is the ministry of the local church in the life of the family. A successful family, again, will have a commitment to the local church by its faithful attendance and involvement in a "Biblicist" church, one that adheres to the fundamentals of the Christian faith and that seeks to keep itself pure from worldly practices and ecumenical movements. Third and finally, and in that position strategically, is the school which the parents have chosen to assist them with the education of their children. As a stool needs three legs to give it stability, these three components play the stabilizing and strengthening role in the education of the child. If these three are not in agreement in philosophy, standards, and convictions, the inconsistencies will become more and more apparent as the child grows older. Parents, pastors, and teachers must be of the same mind and cooperate fully with one another; otherwise there could be a loss of respect for one of these authorities. This conflict may produce rebellion to authority in the life of a child. Silver State Christian School is a ministry of Red Rocks Baptist Church and is an extension of the Christian home. We believe there is a biblical perspective for every academic discipline. We believe that true knowledge can be gained only as each discipline is taught and learned from the perspective of the principles of God’s Word. We strive to train students in the way they should go (Proverbs 22:6), by bringing them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4), by teaching truth (John 8:32) by the spirit of truth (John 16:13), and by always considering that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom (Proverbs 1:7; Psalms 111:10). Students should be taught to research, reason, relate, and record. In this way, the students build character that enables them to think and act independently from the philosophies of the world while being dependent upon the principles of the Word of God. The methods of teaching and learning should be Bible-centered and directed to the heart and mind of the individual, concentrating on man’s Godgiven attributes that mark him as the unique special creation God intended.

Silver State Christian School


THE PATRIOT GOALS Patriot Goal #1: Committed Christians, who … • Have accepted Christ as Savior and desire to have a growing relationship with Christ • Are sensitive to the conviction of the Spirit and the Bible • Accept the Bible as the inerrant Word of God and are convinced that it is the final authority for life • Have a basic knowledge of Bible principles and doctrines that govern their lives and influence their worldview

Patriot Goal #2: Dedicated Servants, who … • Develop faithfulness in their personal relationship with Christ through Bible reading, prayer, and church attendance

• Exemplify Christ by being sensitive to and endeavoring to meet the needs of others, including their need of Christ

• Display the ability to confront unbiblical situations in a Scriptural and loving way • Demonstrate a desire to be biblically separated from the world by pursuing Christlike behavior and personal holiness

Patriot Goal #3: Successful Learners, who … • • • • •

Demonstrate achievement in reading, writing, history, science, and mathematics Receive opportunity to achieve in technology, foreign language, and other electives Apply knowledge/learning into areas of community and church Display mastery of state-learning standards by consistently exceeding state recommendations Exemplify life skills of time management and self-discipline with ambition and independence

Patriot Goal #4: Logical Thinkers, who … • • • •

Reason critically and independently while subjecting one’s thoughts and opinions to the Bible Evaluate sources to discern between fact and opinion Transfer learned information to new skills Analyze and assess the validity of thought processes and judgments and to adjust appropriately

Patriot Goal #5: Effective Communicators, who … • Gather information effectively • Interpret information logically from a biblical perspective • Articulate information accurately and creatively to generate an appropriate response

Patriot Goal #6: Healthy Individuals, who … • Practice wholesome lifestyle choices of physical activity, nutrition, and hygiene • Demonstrate discernment and determination to live modestly with personal purity

Patriot Goal #7: Productive Citizens, who … • • • • • • •

Act ethically, responsibly, and compassionately Exhibit biblical character qualities, such as self-control, integrity, and respect for authority Work productively as an active and informed member of a team or community Exemplify a life that models biblical patterns of solving conflicts with others Articulate an understanding of government processes and their role as active citizens Demonstrate stewardship of God’s property and His creation Recognize how the hand of God is revealed in the history of man and how present world conditions relate to past history



Admissions ADMISSIONS POLICY Silver State is a ministry of Red Rocks Baptist Church (RRBC), a fundamental, independent, Baptist church, which practices separation from worldliness and ecumenism. While we have an open enrollment policy in our elementary school, we do prefer new secondary students coming into the school to belong to Christian families committed to the ministry of a "Biblicist" church of like faith and practice as Red Rocks Baptist. We prefer our secondary students to be Christians, having placed their faith in Jesus Christ as personal Savior. Our Administrative Committee must approve all students entering our high school, including those previously enrolled at SSCS. As a ministry of our RRBC, we set standards that are consistent for the families within the ministry. We wish to offer a place of refuge and security from the philosophies and deeds of the world and hold a sacred trust for all these families. We extend an invitation to those outside our church only as long as they are willing to maintain these standards in word and deed.

ADMISSIONS PROCEDURE Families considering enrolling their children at SSCS follow these steps: • Get an information packet to get acquainted with our school. • Complete an application and submit with registration fee. • For K5-12th graders, schedule a testing session to determine placement. • Request that the student reference be completed by the child’s current school (only students entering grades one through twelve). • All new families schedule an interview and tour with the principal. Many times, this meeting can coincide with your testing session. • All 6th – 12th applicants and their parent(s) review and discuss Parent-Student Handbook with principal and Secondary School Administrative Committee. If acceptable, applicant may enroll. • The school sends a follow-up letter or makes personal contact informing the family of the school’s acceptance or decline. NON-DISCRIMINATION STATEMENT Silver State Christian School admits students of any race, color, religion, national, or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national, or ethnic origin in the administration of its admissions policies, educational policies, scholarship and loan programs (if these are available), athletic, or other extracurricular programs, or in any other school-administered program. READMISSION AFTER DISCIPLINARY ACTION To be considered for re-enrollment after being disciplined from our school (or any other school), the student and his parent(s) or guardian must meet with the school administration to demonstrate that the discipline has accomplished the desired development in spiritual maturity. After said meeting, the final decision is made by the Administrative Committee. Normally, a student will be considered for re-enrollment only after one full semester has elapsed since his dismissal.

Silver State Christian School


Attendance Procedures In order to gain the most from Silver State, it is important that each student attend school regularly. We recognize that certain absences are unavoidable, and that parents may take their children out of school when they consider it necessary. Such absences, however, do place an extra burden upon both the student and the teacher to complete missed work and may jeopardize the student’s opportunity to receive credit for a given subject. Students who are tardy or absent must have a written explanation or phone call from a parent to the office explaining the nature of the tardy or absence.

ABSENCES We ask that parents telephone the school office at (303) 922-8850 before 9:00 am. on the day that a student is absent. If we do not receive a call, our office will attempt to call you. Should we fail to make contact, please send a written excuse to school on the day the student returns. Elementary students will take it to the teacher. Secondary students should deliver it to the office. An absence is considered "excused" when caused by: 1. personal illness, 2. medical/dental appointments that cannot be scheduled so as not to interfere with classes, 3. death in the immediate family, 4. serious family emergencies, or 5. family or church activities for which the school has been given notice at least one day in advance of the absence. Students will be assigned "Make-up Work" when a note from the parent stating one of the above reasons is the excuse for the absence. Absences on days when major projects are due are not considered excused in submitting the project at a later date. In most situations, the student can e-mail the assignment to the teacher. Absences not defined above will be considered "unexcused." When a student receives an unexcused absence, there will be an academic penalty subtracted from the daily grade. Homework and tests will be due at the teacher's discretion without the usual make-up privileges. Unexcused absence will result in a one half percent deduction in the final semester grade for each class where there was an unexcused absence.

ACCUMULATED ABSENCES If a secondary student is absent from a class for more than fifteen days in a semester, no credit can be given for that class. An absence for a school activity will be considered part of the total absences.

EARLY RELEASE STUDENTS Students will not be permitted to leave the school property during the school day without parental permission. A parent who wishes to pick up his student before the regular dismissal time is asked to send a note to school, giving the reason for the early dismissal and the time the student will be picked up. Elementary students will take the note to the teacher; secondary students will take the note to the office. Arrangements for early dismissals should be made in writing or in person, rather than by phone. Before parents pick up their elementary child, please come to the school office and receive a pass for early dismissal. At the indicated early dismissal time, all students must come to the office to sign the Check In/Out Register. If someone besides the recognized parent is to pick up a student, written permission must be received from the parents and a picture ID must validate the



individual picking up the student.

PARTICIPATION IN EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES AFTER AN ABSENCE Students participating in elective extracurricular activities such as sports, banquets, etc. will be expected to be in attendance at school for the full day on which the activity occurs. If the activity is on a Saturday, the student should attend school the full day on Friday. Absences excused due to doctor appointments, emergencies, and administrative exceptions are excluded in this policy.

MAKE-UP WORK A student who is absent, with either an excused or unexcused absence, will be responsible to make up all work. If a student is absent one day, he should be prepared for all tests and homework upon returning to school. Students with multiple excused absences will be given the number of days absent, plus one additional day to make up the missed work. (An exception to this policy may be made for a long-term assignment due during the absence and tests assigned before the absence. That work or test may be due the day a student returns to school.) If the work is not turned in upon arrival at school or not made up on time, it will be handled as explained in the section entitled Late Work. Elementary teachers work with their absentees on an individual basis to get make-up work completed. Secondary students, when absent, need to use the forms available from the office to expedite make-up work. 1. The Absence Make-up Form (optional, available at school office) is used to record assignments to be completed for each class missed during an absence. It is obtained from the office the day the student returns to school to be signed/initialed by each teacher as the make-up work is assigned. 2. The Pre-Excused Absence Form (optional, at student’s discretion) is used to record assignments to be made up by a student who knows he is going to be absent in the near future. Teachers sign/initial the form to indicate that the assignments listed are correct. Upon returning from a pre-excused absence, the student will secure the Absence Make-up Form (described above).

TARDINESS Promptness is an important aspect of character and a measure of school citizenship. Tardy students in both elementary and secondary schools should quickly report to the office for a pass, then hasten to their classrooms. Secondary students will be counted as absent for any given class if they are unexcused tardy twenty minutes or more. Secondary students will be considered tardy to class if they are not in their seats when the bell finishes ringing. Students who are tardy must have a written explanation or phone call from a parent to the office explaining the nature of the tardy. Consideration for excused tardies will be given to students who arrive late due to inclement weather, unavoidable transportation difficulties, and medical appointments. Students who travel through dense traffic areas should plan extra travel time in order to arrive at school on time. Please note that unexcused tardies for secondary students will eventually result in detentions. After fifteen minutes that a secondary student is late to class, he will be considered absent for that period. If a student is absent for a class (including more than 15 minutes tardy to class, that student may not participate in extracurricular activities for that day. For purposes of Perfect Attendance awards, a student (grades 1-12) will be considered absent one-half day if he arrives at school after 11:30 am. or leaves before 12:00 noon (Kindergarten is 10 am.). In addition, if a student is absent for 3.5 hours or more, he will be considered absent.

Silver State Christian School


Academics Whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God" (I Cor. 10:31). EXCELLENCE will be the key word for every class and activity. The Christian student should strive to excel and to offer the Lord his best. He should then give God the glory for anything he is able to achieve.

DROPPING AND ADDING COURSES A secondary student has two weeks to drop or to add a course after the semester begins. To drop/add a class, please see the school office for a Drop/Add Form; approval from a parent, both teachers, and the administration is required. A course is not considered changed until finalized by the office. Required courses may not be dropped.

ELIGIBILITY TO EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Eligibility to participate in extracurricular activities is determined every three weeks (weekly for middle school). When a student does not maintain the required academic or conduct standards, he is ineligible until his grades and behavior are acceptable. A student is considered ineligible if he has two or more D’s or one F for the cumulative average of his classes. Students may become eligible when the classes that made them ineligible have acceptable cumulative grades. Following quarter’s end (or year’s end), an ineligible student will remain ineligible for a minimum of one week of school. To become eligible, he must have a cumulative average that is passing in the class that made him ineligible. This average must include at least one quiz. Eligibility starts Tuesday morning after a Monday eligibility check.

ELIGIBILITY FOR STUDENT COUNCIL Students who desire to be involved in student council must have attended Silver State for at least one semester and maintained a minimum 3.0 for the previous semester. Students nominated for student council must also collect two faculty recommendations.

GRADING Grades will be based on daily assignments, quizzes, tests, and exams. All teachers follow the grading standard listed below. Points may be deducted from written class work for mechanical errors, for mistakes in spelling and punctuation, and for sloppiness. Grading is executed on a percentage basis (a 100 point standard): Elementary A+ = 100 A = 99-96 A- = 95-94 D+ = 77-75 D = 74-70


B+ = 93-92 B = 91-88 B- = 87-86

C+ = 85-84 C = 83-80 C- = 79-78

F = 69-0


Secondary A+ = 97-100 A = 93-96 A- = 90-92 D+ = 67-69 D = 63-66 D- = 60-62

B+ = 87-89 B = 83-86 B- = 80-82

C+ = 77-79 C = 73-76 C- = 70-72

F = 59-0

These grading symbols are used along with or in place of the traditional letter grades: I = Incomplete N = Needs Improvement W = Withdrawn U = Unsatisfactory E = Excellent NR = Not Reported S = Satisfactory Papers needing to be corrected for neatness or carelessness will be returned and students will have two days from the time they returned to correct them. Otherwise, students may lose five points per paper; one-half point per error on spelling and mechanics. Spelling papers and projects do not fall into this category. When the papers are returned neat, there will still be a late penalty (5 points in grades 1-3; 10 points in grades 4-12).

GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS The General Diploma indicates the minimum requirement for graduation, but the College Prep Diploma encourages students to take a more rigorous program to ensure better success at a college or university. To receive a diploma, a student must be enrolled at Silver State for at least one semester and must be presently carrying enough credits to finish the senior year. Each student is required to take Bible for each semester that he is attending Silver State. General Diploma College Prep Diploma 4 credits of English 4 credits of English 3 credits of mathematics 4 credits of mathematics*** 3 credits of science 4 credits of science 3 credits of history 3 credits of history 2 credits of fine arts 2 credits of fine arts 2 credits of PE** 2 credits of PE** 2 credits of foreign language * Accounting does not qualify as a math credit for a college prep diploma. ** One half P.E. credit will be earned for each completed season of high school basketball, football, volleyball or cheerleading. *** Consumer Math does not qualify for the college prep math credit. Students are reminded that it is their responsibility to see that sufficient credits are earned for graduation. Students must complete all requirements for graduation in order to participate in commencement exercises. In addition, each family’s financial responsibilities must be paid, and all disciplinary concerns, such as detentions, must be addressed. A senior who fails courses required for graduation during the first semester or third quarter of his senior year will not be considered for graduation if remediation is not available. In addition, if a senior is not completely current with all credits and finances by the end the third quarter, the student will be considered a junior, and as such, the student will not be able to participate in the usual senior class activities (senior trip, commencement exercises).

Silver State Christian School


SENIOR TESTING In addition to meeting the above required, college-bound seniors are reminded to take national tests administered by the American College Testing program (ACT test) or by the CollegeBoard (SAT test). Students who have not taken either of the above by the end of the first semester or have not signed up to take the test will take the school SAT10 test at a cost of $75.00.

VALEDICTORIAN/SALUTATORIAN The Valedictorian of the senior class is the student with the highest weighted GPA who is receiving a college prep diploma. He must have completed four consecutive semesters at Silver State. The salutatorian is the graduate with the second highest weighted GPA receiving a college prep diploma. If the graduates do not meet these requirements, the highest GPAs in the class will be awarded the valedictorian/salutatorian honors.

CORRESPONDENCE COURSES Students needing to make up credits or wishing to enrich their academic portfolio may only use correspondence courses or self-guided courses approved by the administration. Courses offered during the school year that fit a student’s schedule cannot be taken as a correspondence course. TRANSFER COURSES Students may transfer credits from a junior college to satisfy high school diploma requirements. Approval from administration should be secured before enrolling in a class. Silver State will transfer a maximum of 3 Silver State credits from a junior college. Equivalencies are the following: 1 credit / unit = .3 Silver State credit 1.5 credits / units = .5 Silver State credit 2 credits / units = .67 Silver State credit 3 credits / units = 1 Silver State credit HOMEWORK Homework is a part of our school's academic emphasis. Students are expected to complete assigned homework. We request full cooperation from parents to see that homework is completed. It should always be done neatly, accurately, and on time. The submission of repeatedly delinquent homework assignments may be cause for discipline. Teachers will give homework for specific reasons, which may include one or more of these purposes: 1. For Preparation - Students profit most from classroom explanation and discussion when preparatory reading assignments have been completed. 2. For Practice - Following classroom explanation and illustration, homework is given so that the material can be mastered. 3. For Remedial Activity - As instruction progresses, various weak points in a student's grasp of a subject may become evident. Homework may be given to overcome these difficulties. 4. For Special Projects - Book reports, research assignments, and other similar assignments are often given as homework. In order to encourage church attendance, it is the policy of the school that homework will not be given on Wednesday. In keeping with the spirit of this rule, no tests will be given on Thursday. Semester exams and some math tests may be given on Thursday as the only exception to this policy. Please note that, at the teacher's discretion, homework may be given during weeks of special church meetings. HOMEWORK CLUB



Secondary students who do not complete their homework are assigned to Homework Club that day. For the first three mandatory attendances to Homework Club for late work, students may receive a maximum of 90% on their assignment. After the first three offenses, students may receive a maximum of a 60% on the assignment. If a student does not complete his late work at Homework Club, he must complete the assignment that evening and turn the assignment in at class. Failure to complete the missing assignment will result in a disobedience detention. Athletes must hand in incomplete homework before leaving for a game or going to practice. Their homework must be checked by the teacher before it can be accepted by the Homework Club supervisor. The percentage deduction is reset at the quarter for middle school students and at the semester for high school students. Failure to attend a required Homework Club will result in a disobedience detention.

HONOR ROLL Elementary Level: When students have an average of an A- (3.3 gpa) in all academic areas with no D’s, F’s, N’s, or U’s, they will be on the “A” Honor Roll. Students with a B average (2.75) in all academic areas with no D’s, F’s, N’s, or U’s will be on the “B” Honor Roll. This average excludes band, computer, music, and PE for all grade levels. Secondary Level: We give public recognition to those who excel academically by placing them on either the "A" Honor Roll (Secondary-4.0 or higher GPA) or the "B" Honor Roll (Secondary-3.5 or higher GPA).

AMERICAN CHRISTIAN HONOR SOCIETY Sophomores, juniors and seniors may qualify for Honor Society when they achieve (and maintain) a cumulative 3.0 GPA and have a 3.0 GPA for the semester in which they are being inducted. Qualifying students must also receive a faculty recommendation and pastoral recommendation. LATE WORK Assignments, quizzes, and tests not submitted according to schedule will receive an academic penalty. Late work will follow the Homework Club policies for secondary students.

CLASS PARTICIPATION Student speech, like all speech, should glorify the Lord (Col. 3:17). Students are encouraged to participate constructively during class discussions. Some speech, however, can be hurtful or destructive (Ps. 36:3, Prov. 2:12, Prov. 12:6) and may require discipline by the teacher or the school.

PROGRESS REPORTS For parents of students in grades K5-5, we send home weekly Paper Work Reports which cover the preceding week's work. These reports contain the elementary student's papers completed during the preceding week or a listing of the middle school student's grades by subject from the current quarter. To coincide with eligibility requirements, middle school Progress Reports are sent home every Tuesday. High School Progress Reports are sent home to parents every three weeks. Secondary students have two days to return the cover sheet of the Progress Report to their homeroom teacher. Elementary progress reports are sent home at the mid-point of each quarter. If a student is experiencing academic difficulties that require special attention, the teacher may contact the parent individually as needed throughout the term.

PROMOTIONS / NON-PROMOTION To be promoted, students are expected to pass all academic courses, including Bible. Students may be recommended for non-promotion when they have failed two or more core academic areas. Final decisions regarding promotion will not be made until a thorough evaluation and discussion is made by the faculty and Silver State Christian School


consultation with the parents.

SUMMER SCHOOL Summer school is required for middle school and high school students who fail a class that is a prerequisite for continuation to the next grade. The administration recommends that students receiving a D in a prerequisite also attend summer school to improve their skills in order to have greater success in future classes.

RELEASE OF TRANSCRIPTS Report cards, transcripts, and diplomas will not be issued at the end of the year, or released to a new school during the year, unless all tuition and school fees are paid and all scholastic requirements have been met. Official transcripts will not be released directly to students or parents, but unofficial transcripts are available upon request.

REPORT CARDS Quarterly Report Cards are sent to all parents to give an accurate indication of the progress, or lack of progress, being made. Each student is evaluated academically and may also be scored in the area of self-government. The academic grade is based upon the average for daily work, quizzes, and tests. Exams are figured into the semester averages. Additional marks on secondary reports are used to reflect effort and conduct. Students are given a conduct and work habits grade each quarter. The rubric for understanding these marks is also provided on the reverse side of each report card. Conduct Criteria Obedience 1



Very good










Teachable spirit Consistently willing to accept correction



Gets along well with others

Consistently honest and trustworthy

Respects school rules

Consistently demonstrates self-control

Dependable when not under direct supervision

Obeys school rules

Usually demonstrates selfcontrol

Usually dependable when not under direct supervision

Usually willing to accept correction

Usually gets along well with others

Usually honest and trustworthy

Learning to follow school rules

Needs reminders for selfcontrol

Meets minimum behavior guidelines

Learning to accept correction

Learning to get along with others

Learning to be honest and trustworthy

Difficulty following school rules

Lack of selfcontrol

Needs to be closely supervised

Difficulty accepting correction

Difficulty in getting along with others

Needs to learn to be honest, to be trustworthy, and to tell the truth


Frequently disrupts class

Needs constant supervision

Unwilling to accept correction

Unable to get along with others

Is not willing to be honest and trustworthy; is not willing to tell the truth


Work Habits / Effort Initiative




Very Good

Satisfactory 3



Class Participation

Assignment Completion


Study Habits

Consistently a selfstarter; endeavors to exceed standards

Contributes effectively in class

Consistently completes assigned work at a high level of proficiency

Consistently pays attention

Takes complete and excellent notes, seeks additional help beyond the classroom when necessary

Usually a selfstarter; willing to exceed minimum requirements

Contributes well in class

Assignments are consistently well done

Usually pays attention

Takes diligent notes; sometimes seeks additional help outside the classroom when necessary

Initiates work when told; does only what is required

Does not initiate class participation

Meets minimum requirements

Needs reminders to pay attention in class

Takes notes only if required; will attend helps class if requested

Shows little initiative

More class participation is needed

Frequently misses assignments; work not completed to minimum requirements

More focused attention is needed; inattentive

Takes sketchy notes; does not take opportunities for extra help

Unwilling to work


Consistently does not turn in work; work is done poorly

Consistently needs reminders to be attentive

Does not take notes; ignores opportunities for extra help



Conduct The following items exemplify the standards of Christian conduct, which will help us have a school that is godly and orderly. 1.

2. 3. 4.


Whether at school or away from school, the Christian student's goal should be to "let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven" (Matt. 5:16). Christians should desire to honor the Lord and to maintain a testimony of love for the Lord. Therefore, they should be alert to do those things that please the Lord (Phil. 2:13; I Thess. 4:1) and be desiring to think like Christ (Phil. 2:5). Typical of this standard is faithfulness in attendance at a local Bible-preaching church (Heb. 10:25). Christian students should show respect for those in authority over them (Eph. 6:5-8; I Tim. 5:1, I Pet. 2:17, 18). The student, as a Christian, will show respect for the feelings and property of others (Phil. 2:3). Every Christian student should allow the Holy Spirit to rule his tongue. He will strive to avoid offending and hurting others by careless and thoughtless words, words that may be a stumbling block, gossip, backbiting, or slander (Prov. 10:18, 25:9; Rom. 1:29, 30). Students should recognize that using the tongue for cursing, vulgarity, profanity, euphemisms, and lying has no place in the life of a Christian. The use of slang is discouraged (Matt. 5:37; Eph. 4:29; Col. 4:6; Jms. 5:12). Students are encouraged to address teachers with "yes ma'am/sir" or "no ma'am/sir" rather than with "yeah."

Silver State Christian School



Stealing and cheating are condemned by God's Word and therefore should not be accepted in the life of a Christian (Exo. 20:15; Eph. 4:28). 7. Silver State students should refrain from activities that are not glorifying to God. Dancing, gambling, dressing immodestly, and reading or viewing pornography are typical of such activities (I Co. 6:19, 20; II Co. 6:17; I Thess. 5:22; I Jn. 2:15). Two other areas of special concern involve what we watch in the media and the music to which we listen. 8. Christian students should follow biblical standards of conduct toward members of the opposite sex. We strongly discourage "steady" dating among our students. We encourage parents to allow only double dating for high school students. Any student getting married or who becomes engaged to be married will be asked to transfer from Silver State. Middle school students may not date at school functions. 9. Christian students should practice sexual purity in word and deed. Sexual intimacy should be reserved for a faithful, life-long marriage of one man and one woman. Christians should oppose all forms of sexual immorality, including premarital sex, adultery, homosexuality, and pornography. Failure to remain sexually pure could result in discipline, including suspension or dismissal. (Gen. 1:27-28, 2:18-24, 19:1-7; Lev. 18:22, 20:13; Prov. 5; Mat. 5:27-32, 19:3-9; Mark 10:6-9; Rom. 1:24-32; 1 Cor. 6:9-10, 7:1-5) 10. No student will use, have in his possession, or make pretense of using, possessing, or encouraging others to use illegal drugs, tobacco, beer, or other alcoholic beverages at or away from school. Violations of this nature will result in automatic suspension or dismissal from school. 11. Students are expected to maintain Christian standards of courtesy and kindness, as well as a pleasant spirit and a constructive attitude. (Num. 11:1; Ps. 142:2; John 16:33). 12. A disagreement with a faculty or staff member should be approached in a scriptural manner. The offended party should attempt to reconcile the difference with the other party before bringing in a higher authority (Matt. 18:15-17). A student living in violation of one of the aforementioned standards displays an area of need in his life. A teacher or an administrator aware of the need may therefore point out the problem to the student and communicate the sphere of concern to the parents. At that time, those involved in counseling may consider it necessary to discharge some form of discipline to help the student mature in the given area. If the problem persists, more severe discipline may be in order.

CLASSROOM RULES Although each teacher will have specific classroom procedures that he expects to have followed in the room, as a school-wide standard, we expect adherence to these basic rules: 1. The student should not speak out in class without first securing permission from the teacher. 2. The student should not leave his seat without permission. 3. The student should always give the teacher his full attention while he is teaching. 4. The student should always address and reply to the teacher with respect. 5. The student should not engage in running, shoving, yelling, and other boisterous behavior or "horseplay" inside the buildings or during inappropriate times outdoors. 6. The elementary student will stand to recite. MEDIA Most of the material coming from the Hollywood movie industry, and much to be seen on television in our day is wicked. Viewing this wickedness and/or worldliness in movies at the theater or at home on television via cable, satellite, or videos should not be a part of the life of a Christian. It will certainly have a corrupting influence. The Scriptures instruct us that we are to set no wicked thing before our eyes (Ps. 101:3). We therefore urge our students to carefully set high viewing standards.

MUSIC Again, we are concerned about the detrimental impact (physically, emotionally, and spiritually) that ungodly



music is having upon our youth. In the school, we use a conservative standard in all our music both from the secular realm and from the sacred. Musically, Silver State reflects the music philosophy of Red Rocks Baptist Church. A copy of this philosophy statement is available upon request. As we team with families, music and entertainment options must be submitted to biblical principles used in context. I Corinthians 10 explains a situation in the church where the Christians did not agree—the eating of “unclean” meat for the Jews and the Gentiles. Paul gives several principles to apply to choices we make regarding our personal choices, which should include our music and entertainment options.

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Is it biblical? (I Cor 10:21-22) If there is a clear command or principle from the Bible regarding abstaining from an activity or choice, we must follow the biblical command. As well, if the activity is obviously of this world (or the devil), it should be avoided regardless of how “strong” we think we are as a Christian. Is it helpful? (I Cor 10:23) Will this choice help my relationship with God? With so many influences in our world and culture, make choices to grow my relationship with God should be emphasized rather than those influences that might hurt that relationship. Is it a stumbling block? (I Cor 10:24,28-29) While we may think that our actions do not affect others, they do, even if those actions are in private. Also, not all Christians are at the same place in their Christian growth, and we all bear the responsibility to disciple those who may be weaker. Due to your Christian maturity, you may be able to make a certain choice that may be hurtful to weaker and/or younger Christian. We are responsible to others for our choices and to disciple them in their Christian growth. Does it glorify God? (I Cor 10:31) Ideally, the Christian should engage in only those things or listen to that music which obviously glorifies God. The Christian should use caution in choosing music or activities that do not directly glorify God since we are easily desensitized by worldly things, shows, or music. Does it cause others to sin? (I Cor 10:32-33) Even if the music, entertainment choice, or activity is appropriate for me and I believe it agrees with the previous principles, I should avoid some activities and choices because of its affect on others. Christ must be seen in us—in all areas of our lives.

The continual use of these principles in making musical and entertainment choices in our lives will draw our students and families into closer relationship with Christ. In addition, these principles should be applied to most choices that we encounter. Please encourage your child and your family to submit to the principles and commands of Scripture regardless of our personal preferences or the seeming lack of influence to others.

IN SUMMARY If at school we determine that a student is watching wickedness or is involved with improper music and/or is seeking to influence others in these areas, disciplinary action will result. We recognize that our school has no authority to set viewing or listening standards for families. We do, however, hold a sacred trust for all who attend. Many families have chosen our school as a place of refuge and security from the philosophies and deeds of the world. They do not want their children thus influenced. For their protection, therefore, we wish to establish minimal standards in these important areas of concern. A difference in standards between what the school allows and what parents allow will be seen as an inconsistency by the student and will, inevitably, produce problems for the parents and students.

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Dress Code Silver State dress standards are based on biblical principles and on appropriateness and neatness. Clothing must be modest (I Tim. 2:9), should reflect separation from worldliness (II Co. 6:17), and must not promote an identification with the ungodly philosophies in society. Appropriateness means that the clothing must be neither too casual, nor too "dressy" for the school setting. By neatness, we mean that clothing should be tidy, clean, orderly, and in tasteful simplicity. It is not considered proper to wear clothing in an unkempt and disheveled manner. Hair standards for both boys and girls should be biblical with regard to length (I Co. 11) and have no resemblance to the unisex styles of the world. With the current fads and logos in clothing, students need to be aware of the perception and intentions of many logos (i.e. skulls, dragons Failure to follow these guidelines will result in disciplinary action (see Discipline section). Students wearing inappropriate apparel will be sent home for a change of clothing or to the office until appropriate dress is available before being allowed into class. If a student misses a class assignment, quiz, or test, they must make arrangements with the teachers. The administration reserves the right to initiate policies on new fads and changes in style throughout the school year. In rooms that are climate controlled, students do not need to wear jackets and sweatshirts. Students may wear zipper hoodies, but they should refrain from pull-over hoodies since they can become sloppy in appearance. Hats (including "designer hats" for girls/ladies), caps, and sunglasses may be worn outdoors for protection against sun or weather, but not into the buildings for class, chapel, or certain other school activities. All students should remain in school dress code until 4:00 p.m. unless they are involved in athletic games or practices. Prior to 4:00, we request that all students leave the campus in school attire.

BOYS' DRESS STANDARDS Shirts Boys must wear shirts with fold-down or turtleneck collars. Shirts with buttons must be buttoned except for the top one or two buttons, and all shirts must be tucked in. A sweater may be worn, but only over a collared shirt. Hoodies should not be worn during the class period. T-shirts, tank-tops, and other athletic-type shirts may not be worn without a shirt over it. Pants Elementary boys may wear jeans. For secondary boys, we recommend dress slacks, but neat casual slacks may be worn. These more casual slacks may be made of the "khaki" fabric typical of "Dockers" pants or corduroy fabric of any solid color. Please select the regular or standard cut and length since boys are not to wear the loose, baggy styles currently in fashion in some circles. Belts must be worn with pants designed for them. Windpants, jogging pants, and such are not acceptable. Socks/Shoes Boys must wear socks to school. Though we recommend dress shoes or casual loafers, athletic-type or tennis shoes may be worn. Hair/Miscellaneous Boys must maintain a haircut that is neatly trimmed and basically tapered to the hairline. Hair must be off the ears, shirt collar, and the eyebrows. Hair color should be natural, not dyed, highlighted, bleached, or frosted. Faddish hair styles and those which are extreme in any manner are not to be worn. Facial hair (beards and mustaches) must be shaved. Sideburns may not be longer than the bottom of the opening of the ear.



Boys may not wear jewelry such as necklaces, bracelets, dog chains, or earrings.

GIRLS' DRESS STANDARDS Tops/Blouses Blouses or tops designed to be tucked in and buttoned must be tucked in and buttoned. Please avoid current styles that tend to be tight, revealing, sensuous, immodest, or sloppy in appearance. Designer Tshirts made of heavier fabrics may be worn if they are modest, neat, and without writing. Dresses and blouses must be modest, should not be tight-fitting, clingy, or low-cut. Sleeveless shirts should have a minimum over-the-shoulder strap of the student’s hand width. To measure a low-cut, the top should not exceed a hand’s width from the collarbone. To measure the length of a shirt, a student should raise both hands in the air; if a midriff shows, the shirt is too short. A good measure for tightness is if you can “pinch” ¾ of an inch of loose fabric on both sides of the blouse. Skirts/Dresses Girls must wear skirts or dresses at school that come to the bottom of the knee when the girl is standing and cover the knee when the girl is seated. To easily measure the length, the hem should touch the floor when a girl is kneeling upright. Skirts with slits in them should remain modest: the top of any slit should cover the bottom of the knee. Sundresses, slacks, shorts, skorts and culottes should not be worn to school. For modesty, elementary girls may choose to wear shorts under their dresses or skirts. Socks/Shoes Elementary girls should wear shoes that are appropriate with a dress or skirt and safe for the playground. Elementary girls must wear socks at school if the shoe is designed to be worn with socks. Socks (even with sandals) may protect a girl’s feet when playing at the playground. If sandals are worn, they must have backs on them. For 6th –12th grades, girls should wear shoes that are appropriate for skirts and dresses. Though not required, secondary girls may choose to wear hose that are not gaudy in appearance. Beach-type footwear and athletic sandals are not acceptable, even in activity dress. Makeup/Miscellaneous Elementary girls are not to wear makeup. They may wear light colored fingernail polish to school. Secondary girls may wear modest complexion makeup. This makeup must not be so extreme, gaudy, or styled that it draws attention to itself rather than to the young lady's natural beauty. When makeup cannot be easily detected, it is being worn successfully. Girls may color their hair if it looks natural; they should avoid faddish styles such as those with streaks and unnatural colors. Gaudy items of jewelry (such as earrings that dangle to extreme lengths) should not be worn. Girls wearing earrings should use discretion in their style and wear only a maximum of two per ear.

ACTIVITY DRESS STANDARDS Relaxed school dress, as the minimum requirement, will be expected at all school activities such as ball games or socials. For example, girls may wear modest slacks (Jeans are not acceptable.) and a modest top, and boys may wear jeans and a collared shirt. On the other hand, some activities (a concert, play, or Commencement, for example) will require an even higher standard. At these times boys should wear at least dress slacks and dress shoes instead of school pants and sneakers.

ATHLETIC DRESS STANDARDS Boys will "dress out" for physical activity classes in blue gym shorts (please select styles with longer legs) and PE T-shirts (available for purchase from the school office).

Silver State Christian School


Girls will wear modest blue sport pants, "sweats,” or school-approved shorts and PE T-shirts (available for purchase from the school office). Practice and travel attire for sports teams and cheerleaders will be announced and regulated by the coaches and sponsors.

BANQUET DRESS STANDARDS – SECONDARY STUDENTS Banquet attire should meet the school dress standards and be conservative in style. All dresses must be checked by the office personnel prior to the banquet; deadlines will be published. Ladies’ dresses should be loose so that the outlines of undergarments are not seen. Slits should be no higher than the bend of the knee, even when seated. The neckline cannot be any lower than the girl’s “hand-width” with the first finger on the collar bone. The “bend over” test is a helpful measure as well. The backs should be no lower than the “armpit line.” Sleaveless dresses are permitted when the material comes to the “knob” of the shoulder. The width of the shoulder strap must be at least 2 inches and subject to approval. Spaghetti strap dresses may be worn only with an opaque jacket An appropriate strapless undergarment must be worn with this style of dress. If a jacket must be worn to meet the dress regulations, that jacket must be worn for the entire evening as well as to Red Rocks Baptist Church if being worn for any other event.

Discipline The purpose of discipline is to encourage students to develop biblical self-discipline in their lives (Prov. 25:28) and to aid young people in the development of Christian character. We want to help each student understand his responsibilities and to accept the consequences for his actions. Discipline of the student is the joint responsibility of parents, teachers, and the administration. We believe that parents and school personnel must cooperate fully with one another. Anything that tears down respect and confidence for either will harm the student. The Bible gives several admonitions and principles regarding orderliness. Thus, at Silver State, firm and consistent discipline is maintained and tempered with love. Teachers maintain standards of behavior in the classroom through kindness, love, and a genuine concern for their students. Likewise, misbehavior is dealt with firmly and consistently. Most discipline problems in the classroom are handled by the teacher. After the teacher has corrected the student for a specified number of infractions, he may contact the parents of the student to inform them of the recurring problem and to seek parental correction of the difficulty. If parental involvement with the situation proves to be an ineffective remedy, the problem may be referred to the administration (supervisor and/or principal) who will counsel, and perhaps impose some further form of discipline (Ps. 94:12; Heb. 12:10). If a parent has a concern or question regarding student discipline, or some discipline-related situation occurs that is not understood, the parent should discuss it with the teacher. If the situation remains unresolved, the parent may then consult the administration. We welcome your questions, comments, and suggestions.

ELEMENTARY DISCIPLINE POLICY Each elementary child is expected to follow the directions and instructions of his teacher. To encourage proper behavior, teachers employ a variety of positive rewards (verbal praise, notes and phone calls home for good



behavior, and class rewards). Likewise, teachers may also use a variety of methods to deter students from improper behavior. These methods will vary depending on the classroom, but their ultimate goal is to encourage students toward right and proper Christian behavior. These disciplinary actions may include, but are not limited to, loss of recess, loss of reward, verbal rebuke, notes or phone calls to the parents, or discussion with the principal.

CORPORAL DISCIPLINE Corporal correction is a biblical method of discipline as noted in Proverbs (Prov. 13:24, 22:15, 23:13-14, 29:15). However, due to our concern for current societal/governmental pressures, school personnel have basically been removed from this type of discipline procedure pertaining to our students. We do, notwithstanding, believe it to be the best method of correction in many situations. Thus, though we may recommend it to parents as the solution for a particular disciplinary need, its implementation will remain primarily their responsibility. The failure of this recommendation to produce the desired correction in behavior may result in the suspension of the student until the requested disciplinary action is completed or a satisfactory discipline alternative is agreed upon.

SECONDARY DISCIPLINE POLICY With increased independence for secondary students, some actions requiring disciplinary actions are character development issues while others are issues of the heart. Character development issues (level 1) tend to be accidental and indicate the student’s need for self-discipline. On the other hand, more severe disciplinary issues (level 2) are those actions that are deliberate and reveal a heart issue. The resulting discipline policy shows Silver State’s efforts to encourage students toward self-discipline while providing consequences for deliberate behaviors of insubordination. Level 1 Thirty-minute detentions are given to students who receive two of the following infractions for a class. (Middle school is two of any one kind.) These infractions may have occurred during a single class period or over a series of class periods within a floating three weeks (15 days of school). These infractions are the following: (If warranted, a teacher may add to these infractons.) • Tardy (unexcused) • Unprepared for class • Dress violation • Disturbing class • No Parent Signature Warning detentions are available at the discretion of the teacher. Repetitious offenses may indicate a heart issue and result in level 2 consequences. Level 2 One-hour detentions are given to students who choose to disregard the authorities placed in their lives. These infractions are the following: (If warranted, a teacher may add to these infractions.) • Disobedience • Disrespect • Deceitfulness • Destruction of property (along with restitution, if necessary) • Inappropriate physical contact Chewing gum in school and eating food in class is considered disobedience. Depending on the circumstances of the infraction, additional consequence may be given. Repeated offenses in these areas will result in more severe consequences, such as suspensions.

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Level 3 A student who receives five hours of detention within one quarter will be suspended upon his next detention time received. Additional intolerable offenses may result in multiple hours of detention, suspensions, probations, or a combination of consequences. The consequences are at the discretion of the administration. These offenses include, but are not limited to, the following: stealing, cheating, forgery, fighting, vandalism, leaving campus without permission, cutting school, threats, and harassment. Level 4 Some violations of the student code of conduct or other school policies are grave enough to merit immediate, serious discipline. The school reserves the right to discipline a student, up to and including suspension or expulsion, for a more serious offense, such as sexual conduct (heterosexual or homosexual), violation of viewing or music standards, repeated suspensions, the use of any illegal substance, including alcohol and tobacco, in any amount, or promotion of any such conduct by word or deed.

DETENTION HALL Serving time in detention hall is the primary penalty for routine rule infractions among students in the secondary school, and for those in the upper elementary school on a somewhat limited basis. The detention hall will be maintained after school Monday and Thursday afternoons from 3:20 to 4:20 pm. Detention hall attendance is mandatory after the receipt of the detention form. It will take precedence over athletic practices, games, and work. Once in the detention hall, the student will be seated quietly, will not talk to other students, and will follow explicitly the directions of the detention hall supervisor. Some students may be asked to assist the school janitorial personnel during this time. It is important that the student report to detention hall on time. A student reporting late (up to five minutes late), receives a penalty amounting to twice the amount of time (number of minutes) that he was late. He will serve it after the other students are dismissed at 4:20 pm. For example: a student who is four minutes late serves an additional eight minutes. A student who is over five minutes late, however, will serve out the remaining time on the original detention and is issued an additional penalty detention to be served at the next detention. An additional penalty detention may be given if the student: • fails to report to detention hall when it has been assigned, • fails to report to detention hall with the detention form, or • fails to report with the required parental signature on the form. As a result, this student will serve two consecutive detentions (one for the original hour plus the penalty hour).

SUSPENSION FROM SCHOOL Suspension from school is a very serious matter. Parents will be contacted before the suspension is to be served. When a student is suspended, he must complete all missed work and take all tests and quizzes missed according to the absence policy. His quarter grade for each class in which he is enrolled will be reduced by 2%.

PROBATION From time to time, it is necessary to put a student on probation as the last resort before dismissal from school. In addition, a student may be placed on probation upon his acceptance into the school if he is a potential concern. The minimum length of probation is one quarter. The Secondary School Administrative Committee will review probation situations periodically. Students who have long-term behavioral probations will be asked not to return to Silver State or to withdraw from the school.



READMISSION AFTER DISCIPLINARY ABSENCE To be considered for re-enrollment after being dismissed from the school (or for enrollment after dismissal from any other school), the student and his parent(s) or guardian must meet with the school administration to determine if the discipline has accomplished the desired development in spiritual maturity. Normally, the Secondary School Administrative Committee will only consider a student for re-enrollment after one semester has elapsed.

BIBLICAL RESPONSE TO QUESTIONABLE SITUATIONS We understand that students are frequently faced with the dilemma of how to confront situations that are morally questionable; in addition, students are frequently faced with the conflict of how to deal with friends who have broken or are breaking stated school rules. It is our desire that students learn to confront one another in the spirit and instruction of Matthew 18. Therefore, a student should confront other students who are involved in actions contrary to biblical principles and institutional standards. If repentance is not achieved, Matthew instructs us to take another brother or sister to confront again. We suggest that students invite a teacher with whom they have a positive relationship to intercede with them. If repentance is still not achieved, the student, along with his “brother or sister” should go to the administration. In this way, we seek to encourage students to stand for righteousness. Due to the severity of some situations and long-lasting effects of some violations of standards, we suggest that students approach the administration immediately with situations of immorality, drinking, and drugs. These behaviors are destructive not only to the student but also to the family, the church, and the school.

General School Policies ACTIVITIES Any school activity generated outside the official school calendar is to be approved by the administration at least two weeks in advance. Parents will be notified in writing by the school prior to any official after-school function such as a party, banquet, or picnic. Information concerning sponsorship of the event, dress code changes, location, travel arrangements, and time schedules will be included in this communication.

AUTOMOBILES Students driving a car to school are required to register their vehicles with the office. Parking lot violations will result in revocation of parking or driving privileges. Students are asked to park in the southeast corner of the Kipling parking lot. Upon arrival, student drivers are to lock and vacate their vehicles. They will not be permitted to loiter around or sit in cars in the parking lots. Students should contact the school office prior to going to their cars briefly, so we know student locations in case of emergency. A student driving to school should recognize that the operation of a car is a serious responsibility. Vehicles must not exceed five miles per hour in the school parking lots. Please watch carefully for pedestrians and be courteous to our neighbors. Driving in a careless or reckless manner will result in the loss of the privilege to drive to school.

BACK-TO-SCHOOL RETREAT All enrolled middle school and high school students are required to attend the retreat scheduled for the first day(s) of school. Middle school students remain on campus or in the Denver area, but high school students spend one

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evening off campus at a designated site.

BICYCLES Bicycle racks are available for students' use. Bicycles should be locked to the rack. They may be ridden to and from school but not around the campus when students are congregating before and after school.

BOOK POLICY School-owned textbooks issued to students are to be covered at all times. Tape should not be attached to the book itself. The cost to repair or replace a damaged school-owned textbook is the responsibility of the student.

BUILDINGS, GROUNDS, AND PROPERTY Students should help keep the buildings and grounds clean. Hands and feet should be kept off walls. Students should not adjust window blinds, window openings, air conditioning units, and thermostats without the teacher's permission. Students should not add to or delete anything from bulletin boards. We appreciate the facilities the Lord has provided the school. Please respect them by caring for them properly. Accidental property damage should be reported immediately and will not result in disciplinary action. Financial restitution, however, may be required. Failure to report accidental property damage will be considered destruction of property, thereby resulting in disciplinary action and possible financial restitution.

CALENDAR Each year, the school office publishes a calendar. This calendar can also be found on the school website, In addition, reminders of calendar events are published in the weekly communication from the school office. CLOSED CAMPUS Silver State Christian School operates as a "closed campus." This means that attendance at school is required from 8:10 am until 3:15 pm. Prior to 3:15 pm., a student may not leave the school grounds without permission. A written note or parental call and office approval are required to leave during the day. When permission is given to leave campus, the student must report to the school office when departing and returning to sign the Check In/ Out Register. A "closed campus" also means that non-students are not allowed on campus without permission. All visitors should register with the school office to receive a visitor’s badge. This policy is for the protection of our students.

COMPUTER USE Students are allowed to use the computers in the computer lab and in the library. Students may use the lab computers only when the lab is supervised by a staff member. The library computer is to be used during designated library hours and only for research and project completion. Each student should use his own login name and password when accessing any computer, and network passwords should not be shared (see Technology Director to change your password). Students may not add passwords that may prevent access to computers (for example BIOS passwords). Students should never use a computer at a teacher’s desk unless specifically instructed by the teacher. Software Students are allowed to use any software on the network. Students should be aware that there are strict guidelines for software use. Students should never copy software from the Silver State network. Students should check with Miss Turner before installing any new software to any computer.



Internet Use Internet access to the World Wide Web (through a content filter) and e-mail is allowed in the computer lab only when supervised by a staff member. Students should not be accessing internet resources such as ftp or newsgroup sites. Also communication services outside e-mail such as Facebook, MySpace, AOL’ s Instant Messenger, ICQ, and the use of chat rooms are prohibited. If questionable material is ever intercepted from the Internet or other sources, the student should report the incident to a staff member immediately. Please see Miss Turner if you have any further questions or problems. Students are expected to fully cooperate with these policies and any further instructions staff members may have. Failure to follow these policies will result in denial of network access, detention, suspension, and/or expulsion.

EMERGENCY EVACUATION OF BUILDINGS Emergency evacuation instructions will be explained by teachers for each classroom. No talking is permitted during emergency evacuations. Students should go quickly to the designated areas of safety and wait for permission to re-enter the building. Special instructions for lockdowns are explained to students. In case of the need to transport students off-campus due to emergency, parents may pick up their students from the parking lots at Bandimere Speedway. FINANCIAL INFORMATION Information concerning all financial matters comes from our School Business Office. Financial policies are distributed with registration and re-registration information. If you have specific questions about your financial situation, please call the business office at (303) 922-8850 ext 131. FUNDRAISERS Silver State uses fundraisers for two primary purposes. Schoolwide fundraisers are used to supplement tuition income to provide services not included in the yearly budget or in need of additional funding; these fundraising events include, but are not limited to, entertainment books and the annual auction. Individual classes or athletic teams may also use fundraisers to raise monies for their trips and activities. Your support of and involvement in the fundraisers is greatly appreciated. All fundraisers must be approved by the administration.

HOURS School is in session from 8:10 am., when the first bell rings, until 3:15 pm. At 8:05 am., elementary students line up in their designated places in the gym and walk with their teacher. Secondary students should report to their homeroom. Students should not arrive at school before our staff goes on duty at 7:30 am. We cannot assure supervision of students before 7:30 or at any location other than the gym. Elementary students may be dismissed from a car line at 3:15 pm. They should stay out of the buildings once they have been dismissed. Elementary carline will remain open until 3:25 pm. After that time, they will be taken to Late Stay. The fee for Late Stay is the burden of the parents and begins at 3:30 pm. Secondary students who travel with elementary students should wait for their rides behind the elementary classes.

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All students on campus after school at 3:30 pm., except for those in official extra-curricular activities or music lessons under the direct supervision of their coaches or music teachers, must report to Late Stay or Homework Club.

IMMUNIZATION FORMS All students (K4 through 12th grade) are required to have on file in the school office the standard health immunization form completed by their physician. Any physical restrictions should be noted on these forms. All K4 students must have the Hepatitis A vaccine. An annual physical is required for all students, grades seven through twelve, participating in any sport. This is a requirement of the Colorado High School Activities Association (CHSAA).

INSURANCE Silver State does not provide accident coverage for its students. Athletes involved in our sports program are required to show proof of coverage before they are allowed to participate in sports practices or games. The office provides information concerning a low-cost plan for those interested.

LIBRARY The library hours are posted on the library doors. Secondary students who need to find books for pleasure reading or to fulfill assignments should use the library during the designated times. A student needing to use the library "after hours" must make arrangements in advance with the librarian. Elementary students come to the library with their classes at the assigned time.

LIBRARY RULES 1. 2. 3. 6. 7.


The Silver State library is primarily used by elementary students and the book selection caters to their needs. Books are checked out to secondary students for two weeks with the privilege of rechecking. A fine of 10¢ per book per school day is charged for most overdue material. Lost books must be replaced at the projected cost of replacement. Library books must be returned to the designated area to facilitate checking them in via the computer. Books not returned properly may be reported as lost and will need to be replaced at the student's expense. Students should conform to the "spirit" as well as the "letter" of these library rules.

LOCKERS It is the responsibility of the secondary student to take care of his locker. Do not use tape, glue, or decals to affix something to the locker. Please only use magnets. Questionable materials should not be displayed in the locker. Lockers should be kept clean and orderly. Periodic locker checks are made. A student should never give his combination to another, nor should a student open a locker belonging to another. Students must provide locks for their lockers.

LOST AND FOUND ITEMS All articles found at the school are sent to the lost and found where they may be reclaimed before or after school. Periodically students will be notified of found articles. Unclaimed items may be sold or discarded. Students are encouraged to mark all personal items brought to school. LUNCH PROGRAM A lunch program offering a wide variety of sandwiches, drinks, and snacks is available to all students. Those who carry a sack lunch may also purchase these items to supplement what they bring. Students are to enter the



lunchroom in an orderly fashion and maintain proper conduct during the period. Elementary students will sit with their classroom teacher, who will encourage proper manners during the lunch period. At dismissal time, each student will be responsible to make sure that his lunch area is clean. Secondary students may be scheduled periodically to help put the lunchroom in order after the lunch period is over. For lower elementary students, please do not send items to school that need to be heated in the microwave. For students in grades K4-3rd, microwaves will not be available due to the long process of getting the student’s food heated with teacher supervision. Beginning in 4th grade, students may use the microwave independently. As a general rule, for elementary students, all candy, food, and beverages are to be consumed only in the lunchroom during the lunch period. Secondary students are given a brief snack time during which they may eat light snacks. (See the Snack Time listed below.) Please do not bring gum to school; it is not to be chewed at any time on the school campus. Students chewing gum will receive a detention for disobedience.

LUNCHROOM PROCEDURES (ELEMENTARY) Classes will eat in an orderly manner. There is to be no running, screaming, yelling, or throwing food in the lunchroom. We request quiet talking by the students during the lunch period. Students are to seek permission to leave their seat to buy more food, get a drink of water, use the restroom, etc. Every student should eat everything in their lunch, and then they may throw away the trash. At the dismissal of lunch, the students are to stand behind their chairs, check their table and floor area, and be dismissed from the table. Students who are misbehaving may be sent to a separate table to eat alone. If the student’s behavior is totally unacceptable, he will be sent to the Principal’s office.

MEDICATIONS/INFIRMARY School personnel will not provide internal medicine to students without parental permission; we will work with parents to make sure students take medications sent from home. Please send the medicine and a note of explanation to the elementary teacher or to the office for secondary students. If a student becomes ill or injured while at school, he should report to the school office. Depending upon the severity of the illness or injury, and according to parental instruction, students will remain in the infirmary, be sent home, or given other appropriate attention. Students who are sent home or remain in the infirmary for part of the day will be considered as having an "excused absence." Students staying in the infirmary must take scheduled tests at a later time that day or, at the teacher's discretion, on the next school day. We ask that parents be considerate and keep any student with a fever at home.

MESSAGES TO STUDENTS In emergency situations, the school will relay messages to students; however, messages should be received at least thirty minutes prior to the designated times. Elementary students can be given a message at the end of school; secondary students will only be contacted before their mid-morning snack time or before the end of school.

MUSIC LESSONS A student may be released during the school day to participate in the school band lesson program, or to take piano or violin lessons from teachers who come to school to give these lessons. He may be released from recess, physical education class, study hall, music class, band, library period, or lunch hour for these music lessons.

Silver State Christian School


MUSIC PERFORMANCE ABSENCES If students are involved in a fine arts class, their attendance at the fine arts performances are required. Most performances are included in the school calendar so that families can plan for these performances. Failure to attend required performances will result in a major deduction from your child’s grade. OFFICES The school office is open for business each day between 7:45 am and 4:00 pm during the school year and from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday-Friday in the summer. Anyone who has questions or needs information concerning school policies and activities may call or visit the school office during these hours. Students should come to the office only for official business. If a parent must bring homework, books, or other materials to his child during the school day, he should stop at the office to arrange for delivery. A parent desiring to visit a classroom during the school day should also first stop by the office.

PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES Conferences to discuss the student's progress and needs will be scheduled with parents periodically throughout the school year. Parents are always welcome to ask for extra conferences. We do ask, however, that parents call or write a request for a conference with the teacher before coming. Teachers are on campus until 3:45 p.m. on school days and are willing to work with parents in scheduling conferences at mutually convenient times. Please do not stop by the classrooms without an appointment. An orientation/open house is scheduled early in the school year for parents to meet teachers, visit the classroom, and check the progress of their children. Parents are urged to attend.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION (ELEMENTARY) The following is a list of items each student is required to have for PE class: (1) a pair of tennis shoes/ basketball shoes to wear, (2) a pair of blue shorts, blue sweat pants, or blue nylon running pants, (3) a pair of white socks, and (4) a Silver State PE Shirt (ordered through the school office). The grading for each student is according to effort with regard to his ability, participation, and dressing out. Students who do not dress out will walk during the class period. In addition, if a parent sends a note asking that their child be excused from PE, we will honor that request. We will still require that the student dress out, but he will observe rather than participate. There will not be a penalty for that day. Also, if a parent has a doctor’s excuse, we will not require the student to dress out.

PROHIBITED ITEMS Radios, music devices, video games, playing cards, tobacco, alcoholic beverages, narcotic drugs, knives, guns, and explosives are not to be brought to school or on school trips. Students should not bring comic books, cartoon books, or magazines to school. In general, magazines related to classroom research are the only exception to this rule. Novels of questionable value, such as many of the modern romance paperbacks, should not be brought to school. These items will be taken away and in some cases may not be returned.

SCHOOL CLOSINGS, LOCKDOWNS In case of circumstances that would necessitate the closing of school, the principal will post a message on the school answering machine and on our webpage. Students and parents should listen to radio station KOA (AM 850), TV Channels 2, 4, 7, 9, or 31, or look at these stations’ websites.

SKATEBOARDS AND ROLLER BLADES Skateboards are not to be brought to school. Roller skates and roller blades must not be used on the property.



SNACK TIME Secondary students have a brief snack time each morning. Light snacks to be eaten during this period may be brought from home or purchased at school. The first floor, as well as outside areas, are appropriate places for eating snack-time items. SNOW Snow may produce many enjoyable times, but because of the possibility of injury or property damage, no one should throw snowballs at school. A detention may be served at the discretion of faculty or staff present should this occur. SOLICITATIONS No solicitations, circulation of petitions, hanging of posters, or similar activities will be sanctioned at school without prior authorization from the administration.

TEACHER’S AIDE A student may only take one TA or Study Hall period per semester.

TOYS (ELEMENTARY) Generally, we request that students do not bring toys (including cards) to school. Toys brought from home could be easily broken or misplaced. Please consult your child’s teacher if you have particular questions.

USE OF CELLULAR PHONES, PAGERS, AND LAPTOPS Cell phones are expected to be turned off during the regular school day so as not to interrupt classes or meetings. Students may use them outside of class time. If a cell phone rings, is used for text messaging, or is used as a calculator during class, the phone will be confiscated to the principal’s office. Only a parent of the student may retrieve the cell phone. A good practice to follow is to keep cell phones in the student’s locker. Laptops may be used at school for academically-related tasks. They should not be used for video games during both classes or breaks.

VISITORS All visitors, including parents, are asked to check in and obtain a visitor’s badge. Students must obtain permission from the administration before bringing a visitor to school. Besides graduates, former students are only allowed to visit occasionally and for lunch period only. Visitors must abide by the same standards of dress and conduct as Silver State students. Generally, a student visitor will not be allowed to attend on special school days or on exam days.

WITHDRAWALS Permanent withdrawals from school should be made by the parent or guardian, in person, through the school office and the business office. An official withdrawal form needs to be processed and the withdrawal fee paid. Transcripts and other records cannot be released to another school until all bills and fees are paid and all school-owned textbooks have been returned.

Silver State Christian School




Silver State Christian School


Revised June 2008

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