Straight Talk, October 2009

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HIV basics: You want to reduce your pubic hair? You need it shorter? Shaving with a razorblade may create tiny cuts which, if exposed to blood, semen or vaginal fluids, may act as a channel through which HIV will enter your body if you have sex with an infected person. Short sharp hairs may also make holes in a condom. Instead of shaving with a razorblade, use a pair of scissors to avoid cuts as you trim your pubic hair. Musoke Nassir, AIDS Information Centre, Kampala


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o.10 Octo Vol.15 N


Landing sites are busy 24 hours a day! HIV travels fast here because of the sexual behaviour.

fishing villages

Aventino Bakunda, Ministry of Agriculture senior fisheries officer, says: "Our 660 landing sites are hot spots for HIV. People are highly mobile and stay far away from their spouses. However, prostitution is reducing due to the decline in fish." When night falls in fishing villages, fishermen set off in boats to cast their nets. Early morning they return is commonly with their catch. Those in exchange who fish in the morning for fish and then set off. After selling money fish, some fishermen spend their money on alcohol and sex before they go to sleep. They wake up, have alot of food and drink before going back to fish. Landing sites are busy 24 hours a day!


AIDS was first discovered in Uganda in a fishing village on Lake Victoria in Rakai. Today, the rate at which HIV is spreading in fishing villages is three times higher than the national average. HIV travels fast in fishing villages because of the sexual behaviour. George Olupot of Pingire landing site, Soroti, says: "Most people have at least two partners. Fisher-

men usually say that when you are on the lake fishing, the woman you left behind is not yours. Someone else is with her." Many fishermen are young people like you. Chris, 17, who lives in Ntoroko, says he catches 10kg of fish a day and sells a kg at 2000/=. “I use the money to buy girls. I don’t use condoms. I don’t fear HIV. If I don’t die of AIDS, I will die of another disease. Fishing is a risk. I can fall in the lake. I have to enjoy life when I can. I came from Fort Portal to make money. There are condoms in shops but I don’t know their prices. The price for girls is between 2000/= and 5000/=." Straight Talk's Dr Paul Semugoma says: “It is good to get money, Chris. But you have a brigh future ahead . Yes, we will all die. But you don’t want to get HIV. You don’t want to die of it or give it to your lovers. Prevent yourself from getting it."

Smashing that tennis ball Duncan Mugabe is Uganda's top tennis star. Now ranked 681 in the entire world. He started playing tennis at 8 by hitting the ball against the wall. He played his first competitive match at 13. Since then he has played for Uganda in Italy, France, USA, South Africa, Egypt, Sudan, Algeria and Kenya. One of eight children, he uses the cash prizes to help pay for his sisters' school fees. But playing

tennis has not stopped this tall and handsome boy from having a girlfriend. "She is the most beautiful person I have ever met," says Duncan. "My parents know her. We are abstaining. In a relationship, bonds are not made strong by sex but by talking and getting to know each other well. Mugabe won a scholarship to South Africa tennis academy, Clapham High School, from where he sat his final secondary exams at 17. He always puts first things first. "I would only go for competitions when I did not have tests or exams."


18, of Kagwara landing site, Soroti, says: "I sell silver fish (Mukene). I

have bought goats out of my savings . I like this place because of business. But girls change men like clothes. They say AIDS is not supposed to kill trees, but human beings. Men use money to trap girls. There is a man who sent me 20,000/= but I refused it."

Star l o o h sc horwa. i SS, Kapc

is Sip er highest numb They sent the u Yo ) rs e lett of letters.(95 l and football al b et n win a ou are, write Wherever y lk, 22366 to Straight Ta a Kampal

"Sex at an early age is selfdestructive," says the tennis champion. "When you build a house, you don’t make its foundation weak. So don’t rush. When the right time comes, you will have no regrets." Duncan, who wants to study business at university, adds: "I don’t listen to friends who say you are not a real man if you are not having sex. Real men are not defined by having sex. Having a child at 16 is ashaming. At this age you can’t even take care of yourself."


Straight Talk, October 2009

Fishing for solutions

Some Straight Talkers are fishermen or live in fishing villages. Although the environment is dangerious, they have chosen to make money and use it well without exposing themselves to HIV.

stayed safe because I understood my poor background. I avoided wrong groups. They said I was miser (mean) and that I was keeping my money to buy an airplane. I ignored them and worked towards my goals. Now am in S6 and hope to hammer it.

In May, Straight Talk asked you about fishing villages. You sent us 25 letters. Most of you said you use the money for fees. Way to go, guys! You all win ST T-shirts

"Mwaka C, of Kiboga Progressive SS, fishes on Lake Albert in the holidays. He is still a virgin. He says fishing pays but is dangerious. "There are many prostitutes around Lake Albert. Some force men into sex."

Olwa S, studies in Kyambogo College School, Kampala. He fishes on Lake Kyoga and Kwania during holidays to earn for his fees and school requirements. He says: “Money from fishing is alot. When you are not focused, you spend it on discos, in lodges and taking drugs. You can get HIV. I

"I understood my poor background and avoided wrong groups."

Well done, fishing guys. Good luck with hammering your exams.

Felix Oyuku, 18, Apac S S, fishes to get school fees, cloth.

Girls at land sites can also manage the difficult environment. Apio J, 16, is in S3 at Highfield HS, lives at Serere landing site.She says: "I resist the sexual advances from men."

Invest your money from fishing It is easy to spend money. But we need to save and grow it. The Director of Youth Efforts in the Fight Against HIV/AIDS and Poverty (YEFAAP), Innocent Matyoli, works in fishing communities in Bugiri. He says: "Use money from fishing to do piggery, poultry, bee keeping and brick laying. Save in a cooperative scheme instead of spending on useless and unhealthy things. Start by saving as little as 100/= a day." Ali Afula, 17, S3, Tubur SS in Soroti, says: "I’m a business and fisherman. I get about 12,000/= a day from fishing. I use 5000/= and save the rest. I have opened a shop with my savings. Every week, I buy goats from the market for sale." Remember: If you are sexually active, also use some of your earning to buy condoms. Protect your life, for it has no spare! Jane has been unwell. So we bring you Joe,18, who is also living with HIV.


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Describe places identify riskytu picture and n this pic htre. and actio s in ription to Straig Send your desc la Talk, 22366, Kampa

Protect fishing stocks too

If you tap into natural resources like fish from a lake, use them well. Assistant Commissioner of Fisheries, Lovelock Wadanya, says do not use small nets whose gaps are under 4.5 inches. They are illegal. The right net should trap fish which is not less than 50cms for Nile perch and 21 inches for tilapia. Fishing nets with little gaps trap and kill baby fish, reducing fish in our lakes. Uganda used to have over 200 species of fish, but now only six are available. Of these, tilapia and Nile perch are much smaller than they once were. Cat fish, lung fish, mud fish and enkegge are becoming rare.

The diary of a young positive

"I have five brothers and one sister. I am the only one born with HIV. After we lost dad and then mom, my grandmother took care of us. I got to know I had HIV in senior one. When they told me, I grew thin and disorganized. It would have been easier if my parents had told me. I would have asked them: why didn’t they save me? Why only me?

who change sexual partners. I thought it was a curse. One friend always brought me food. But I never told him. Luckily at the clinic I met young people who were also infected. I learnt I have a life to live. I got a girlfriend in S2. After a long relationship without sex, but with romances and kisses, I told her I had HIV. She asked me: How will we have children? Will they be safe? Won’t I get infected?

I was so scared of what people would think. I hated them looking at me. Most people think HIV is for those

I tried to answer but I felt hurt as if I were a burden to her. The next time we met I suggested: "Do you mind if

we remain friends in case I am hurting you when lovers?" We separated but then got back together. We started to do things which risked her life. Finally, I got the idea that we test together. She was negative. I was pleased and relieved. I suggested the end of the relationship. I did not want to infect her." Living with HIV is not easy even if you are on ARVs. If you have any questions for Joe or Jane, write to PO Box 22366, Kampala. We are grateful for their stories.

Septrin, Panadol do not prevent pregnancy It is common for women and girls to die in childbirth. Every day at least 15 women in Uganda die from complications of pregnancy and childbirth. So every year Uganda loses about 6000 women and girls.

Know your body: the sper m cell

Unzimai I, 15, S1, Metu SS Moyo, wants to know where the sperm come from?

Unzimai, do you mean sperm cell or semen? Dr paul Semugoma says during puberty between 12 and 16 years or later, boys' bodies change. They grow bigger, and develop pubic hair, bigger penises and beard. All this is normal. The testes (testicles) also develop. Sperm cells start to be produced in the testes. They are stored in tubes near the testes. Sperm cells are almost the smallest cells in the body. A sperm cell consists of a head,

midpiece and a tail. The tail helps sperm to swim. Sperm cells are carried out of the body in a fluid called semen. Semen is a whitish or greyish liquid, released from the urethra on ejucalation. Main purpose of semen is to help sperm survive the journey to the female egg. A boy ejaculates during wet dreams, sex or when he is sexually excited. In case you do not ejaculate, get wetdreams or play sex, the sperm cells are reabsorbed or used up by the testes and will not cause harm to your body. Like other cells, sperm cells are produced continiously.

Female egg

Maurice Ayikaing, the Programme Officer Blood donation at Uganda Red Cross says: You can donate blood if you are: l Between 17 and 60 years l Weigh at least 45 kg l Not sick, not on medication and have no chronic disease like diabetes l Girls are not allowed to donate blood during menstruation period. You can donate blood after every three months. An adult has between 4.5 to 6 liters of blood. Less than a litter of blood is taken when you donate blood. You do not need special meals to get back this blood.


s Some straight Talkertive. ac ly al xu se y are alread out sex Others are curious ab

Michael Mukundane from Nakasero Blood Bank, says: Blood is like grass. When you cut, it grows very fast. Our bodies make blood continuously. One is able to get back plasma, the liquid component within 24 hours, red blood cells within 46 hours after donation. The blood you donate is tested to determine your blood group, HIV, Hepatitis C and Syphilis. You can get results in confidentiality.

What is sex? good PO Box Write to 22366 Kampala

Life defender: New on condom brand coming so There is another condom brand coming your way. Make a pick and stay safe. The condom coordinator in the Ministry of Health, Vastha Kibirige, says government has developed a new brand of male condoms called Life Defender. Life Defender is expected to increase condom use, a move that will see more people protected against unwanted pregnancies and STDs. Fact: Ugandans use about 8 million condoms every month. But if every sexual act that needs protection used a condom, Ugandans would use 20 million condoms every month.

Sperm cells trying to enter the female egg

Donate blood, save lives When you donate blood you save a life. Children with severe anemia, women who over bleed during child birth, accident survivors and patients undergoing operations need blood.

Rachael, 16, from Masinya SS in Busia told Straight Talk's Lusamia radio show that she is in a relationship and having sex, but does not want to get pregnant. She says: "When my boyfriend asked for sex, I went for Injectaplan.It affected me. I would menstruate for a whole week or twice a month. I did not go back for the second injection. A friend of mine advised me to take septrins and panadols just before sex. That is what I use now." This is very wrong advice, Rachel. You will get pregnant. Panadol and septrin don't prevent pregnancy. They are not contraceptives. Pills and Injectaplan are both excellent for preventing pregnancy. You may get side effects at first, like changes in your menstrual cycle, but these changes will come to normal. Go back to the health worker so you can A doctor and discuss these side effects and get over them. It is best to her client at use pills or Injectaplan with condoms so that you protect Naguru Teenage yourself against HIV/STDs as well. Centre at Kiswa. Injectable Contraceptives, also called "family planning", are safe for contraceptive is young females. They have a big role in preventing abortions. administered on Each year, approximately 290,000 unsafe abortions are the arm or on performed in Uganda, mostly on unmarried girls. Many of the buttocks. It is these abortions result into deaths and disabilities. safe for you Girls, if you are having sex, you need contraception. Visit a health centre, Reproductive Health Uganda, AIC or Marie Stopes clinics near you for more advice. Boys, use condoms and encourage your girlfriends to use contraceptives.

Straight Talk, October 2009

Rose Asekenye, 19, a student at Kamod Vocational School says: I have a boy friend, we use condoms for protection against STDS and HIV/AIDS.

Amodoi V, 16, Kagwara landing site: "The risks which are here are mainly diseases like HIV/AIDS. I have a girlfriend. We use ent HIV/AIDS and prev condoms to cy. I don’t drink nan preg d ante unw , alcohol. It wastes life." Good choices you e mak can Amodoi. Alcohol forget to use a condom. You can get free condoms from the nearest government health centre or buy them from private clinics and shops.

gest Having un protected sex is one of the big sex, always dangers for adolescents.If you are having en your use a condom. You can never know wh partner will become unfaithful.


4 Straight Talk, October 2009



36 O. Boxx 22 22 36 6 P.P.O. Bo A M P A L A K KA M P A L A

Is masturbation the best way to abstain? Does it cause infertility to men? Jacob O, 21, Gulu College. Jacob, abstinence is a decision not to have sex. It is a way of protection from HIV, STDs or pregnancy. People who are abstaining sometimes feel like having sex. This is natural and normal. When they feel like having sex, they touch their private parts for sexual pleasure. This is called masturbation. It does not cause infertility or any disease. For some, it may be the best way to relieve sexual tension while abstaining. But some people have moral or religious objections to masturbation. So the decision to, masturbate or not masturbate is up to you. Is it true that shaving pubic hair reduces sexual feelings? Alex M,16, S2, Masindi Seed SS It is not true. Sexual feelings come from hormones in our body. They are natural and normal. We start having them during teenage years. Having sexual feelings does not mean that you should have sex. Wait! Shaving or not shaving pubic hair will not affect your sexual feelings.

Is it true that a person suffering from sickle cells cannot give birth or menstruate? Ariso S, Tororo Girls School Sickle Cell is a disease of blood which is passed on from parents to their children (inherited). The person who suffers from it has different problems, but they develop and grow . A girl with sickle cell will menstruate and she can become pregnant if she plays sex. A boy who has sickle cell can also impregnate a woman or girl.

example, you may find that at one time, your legs seem to be too long, or your head too big, or you feel you are too thin. Grey hair is not something that someone gets at 16. This is most likely something that you got in your genes. It will not change as you grow. You can have it dyed. At this time, you feel strongly that your friends laugh at you. Most likely they don’t. They are like you, also still growing, with fears like yours. Start liking yourself and they will like you.

I have big breasts, am bum-less with a big head full of grey hair. My friends laugh at me. What can I do? Khasula M, 16, S2, Dabani Girl, Busia Dear Khasula, I understand that you don’t like the way that you look. But you shouldn’t be worried. During our adolescence and puberty, we are changing. For

My boyfriend touched my private parts and kissed me. He said his motto is to kiss and touch me but not to have sex with me. Does he love me? Girl, S3, Metu SS, do 100%. I am not I give whatever IW Moyo hen you try some scared of failing./50 chance that you Having sex does not mean that 50 is thing there fail. The important a person loves someone. For could succeed or much determinaquestion is how tti example, when one is raped, they ng in what you tion are you pu ing have had sex. But this does not are do .” Duncan Mugabe

ni Girls’ Students of Musa y it is ua Ar in ol Scho x se cool to delay

You are welcome to the Adjumani Straight Talk Youth Centre. It is located near Maci Internet Cafe and Comboni College. Get friendly services: Counselling, group talks, sports, reading and information on positive living. The centre also conducts community outreach in the district, school visits and programmes for young mothers.

New voices on ST radio shows I t i s f r e s h f o r S t r a i g h t Ta l k e r s i n B u n y o r o a n d A r u a Juliet Kabahaguzi,

20, takes over Baza Busiimba, the Runyoro radio show from Carol Karungi. Carol is now a radio producer, busy in the radio studio.Juliet is from Nyakarongo, Masindi. “I dropped out of school in S4. Now that I have a job, I hope to go back to school. I had a boyfried but we seperated . I am now abstaining. I used to have protected sex. We tested together for HIV.”

Counselor: Dr Paul Semugoma, International Hospital, Kampala

Inspiration tennis star.

ST centre for you in Adjumani

From left: Julie, Paula, Denis, Princess, Fred, Emmanuel

mean that they are in love. During teenage years, we all start getting sexual feelings. We feel attracted to opposite sex. This is a time of change and growth. You are developing physically and emotionally. A friend touching your private parts is going too far. You are tempting him and your self. Having sex when not yet ready means you are risking unplanned pregnancy, HIV and STDs.

Elia Alitia, 21,

is the new voice behind Eyoeceza tra ri, the Lugbara radio show. He replaces Paula Amaniyo, who is now manager,Adjuman Straight Talk Youth Centre. “My village is Kpemgbele, Arua. I have a girlfriend but we are abstaining. I have just completed S6 and she is in S4. I couldn’t go to the university because I had no money. I am lucky to have this job. I hope to go back to school next year.”


In August, Nambaluka said: A boy told me that he loves me but I refused him. Whenever I meet him on my way to school, he attempts to rape me.

Straight Talkers advised Nambaluka. Omara P, Lira Day and Bording School, says: “Report him to your parents, teachers or police so that you s are helped immediately. If he attempt to rape you, make an alarm.“ Continue refusing. That boy wants to spoil your future. If he continues threatening to rape you, report him to your parents, Always move in a group. There is safety in numbers. Asiimirwe P, Ruhaama SS, Ntungamo Nambaluka, what is happening to you is tough and dangerous. Stand firm and say NO to his demands. Report him to the elders. Namulondo R, Valley Hill SS, Kaliro

This boy should not force you to love him. Love is natural. If he attempts to rape you, make an alarm. Nyanda Lee Zackeo, Metu SS, Moyo

Yo u al l w in St ca ps , Pe ns


My mother died. My father has refused to marry another wife. He says he wants me to become his wife in future. Whenever I go back home for holidays, he demands for sex. I am still a virgin please advise me. AM, Dabani Girls School

Straight Talk FOUNDATION

4 Acacia Ave PO Box 22366, Kampala (U) Tel: 0312-262030/1 E-mail: [email protected] Web:, President: C Watson, Executive Director: J Wiltshire, Director Print: T Agutu, Editorial Manager: M Akello, Editors: F Ouma, G Awekofua, J Abongowath, P Kiwuuwa, J Nafula, Chief Designer: M eB Kalanzi, Designers: GB Mukasa, AB Dentine, Funded by CIVIL SOCIETY FUND: DANIDA, DFiD, SIDA, IRISH AID, USAID

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