Straight Talk, August 2009

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HIV basics


Adolescents born with HIV have sexual feelings. They feel attracted to the opposite sex and desire to have sex. Some are having unprotected sex. Some boys and girls born with HIV do not know their status. Remember, sex with a virgin DOESN'T cure HIV or protect you from getting it. Test for HIV. Know your status. If you have a partner, test together.

Brenda is intelligent, beautiful and trendy. She spots a trendy wide-big belt, cigarette jeans and a well fitting top. Brenda keeps her style by doing what it takes to protect herself from pregnancy and HIV/STDS.

ust 2009

o.8 Aug Vol.15 N

why worry My mother is forcing me to use family planning stuff. Is it right? Alexandra, 16, S4, Tororo Girls’ School.

Family planning stuff! Oh yes, that is right. These are methods used to prevent pregnancy. They are called contraceptives. If you don’t want to have a baby, either don’t have sex, or if you are going to have sex, use contraceptives. Do not simply hope to avoid trouble. Pregnancy can cause school dropout, abortion, obstructed labour which causes fistula (a condition where a female leaks urine and faeces all the time) or death. Boys, you maybe imprisonment or forced to pay alot of money. In Uganda twenty five out of 100 girls get pregnant every year. Most girls get pregnant during holidays. John Arimo, Director of Studies, St Mary’s SS, Soroti, says three

“At 20, I am still abstaining from sex. It is my contraceptive. I know other contraceptive methods like condoms, pills, injectables and implants. I also experience sexual feelings but I control them by

keeping myself busy. I am a Born Again Christian. I read the Bible during my free time. Those who are having sex can stop and abstain again."

girls got pregnant in third term last year in his school. “They were chased from school. The school carries out pregnancy tests when students report back.” Dr Miriam Musoke from Ministry of Health advises using contraceptives as soon as you start having sex. Contraceptives in all government hospitals are free. Condoms are the only contraceptive that protect against HIV and pregnancy. Pills, implants, injections, coil only protect against pregnancy.

FACT: 297,000 Ugandan girls and women aged 15- 45 abort every year. Unsafe abortion is the leading cause of death for girls aged 15-19 according to Guttmacher Research Institute.

STAR SCHOOL Lomunga SS in Yumbe They sent in most letters in June. They win a football and netball. Each of the students who wrote in an .Wherever you are, keep writing to Straight Talk, 22366, Kampala

ST Cap


New Quiz Are you learning French? Tell us what these words mean L’abstinence

est le moyen le plus sur d’ eviter Le sida and win a Cap.

Study hard Hakiim Owiny dropped out of school when his parents died in 2006. He started looking for a job. After months of searching, he got a job to fix glasses in door and window frames in Kitgum. Hakiim used the salary to buy food and pay rent. He didn't lose hope for studies. This year Hakiim went back to school in S5 at Town College in Kitgum. He is studying History, Economics, Geography and Entrepreneurship. He says: "Life is about believing in yourself and working hard." Last year, Hakiim formed Brothers and Sisters in Peace (B&S4P), a group of 20 young people. They use music, dance and drama to bring change. B&S4P has composed five songs including, If you rush, you crash. Hakiim wants to be like Hip Hop artists such as Toby Mark based in America and Uganda’s GNL.

If my mum can spend the whole day digging in sunshine, why can't I spend the whole day revising to get better results. Am reading hard. Y Mukalazi, Sembabule SS. Straight Talkers, read hard. Your parents struggle to pay your fees.

2 Straight Talk, August 2009

Contraceptive choices for you

You might be thinking, "I know that girls get pregnant through sex". But do you really know the facts about pregnancy? Watch out for myths. Remember, a girl can become pregnant: • The first time she has sex. • Even if she has sex before she has had her first period. • Even if she has sex during her period. • Even if she has sex standing up. • Even if a boy pulls out (withdraws his penis) before he ejaculates. If you don't use contraceptives, you will get pregnant. "At 18 I got pregnant. I was in S4. My parents were devasted. They wanted to beat me. My mother cried a lot. The man was fined sh150,000 and told to pay my fees after

delivery. He accepted. I became his wife. I was shocked that he had two wives. His wives mistreated me. We quarreled a lot. They all left recently after a quarrel with our husband. I have two children. I' am pregnant again. My teachers don't know. My husband says he cannot educate me. I keep getting pregnant." Girl, 23, S3 This is terrible. Many girls suffer or die due to pregnancy. Things don't have to be like this. Dr Musoke from Ministry of Health says contraceptives are available and free in government health facilites.They are safe and healthy for you.

Learn how to prevent a pregnancy. If you are sexually active, use an effective family planning method. Local herbs DON"T prevent pregnancy. Dr Musoke

ABSTINENCE is the FIRST and GOD given method. It is safe and free. It is the best for you.


Male condoms

"I had a girlfriend. I always used condoms to protect my self. I did not want to get HIV/STDs. I did not want to become a young parent or be taken to police for impregnating someone’s daughter." Otim Godfrey, 18, S4, St Theresa SS, Bukedea How condoms work •Condoms act as barrier to the passage of genital fluids like semen during sex. They block semen from entering the vagina.

Female condoms These are sheaths or linings that fit loosely inside the vagina. They have flexible rings at both ends. One ring at the closed end helps to insert the condom. The ring at the open end holds part of the condom outside the vagina. Female condoms are few. It is hard to find them in most health facilities and drug shops in Uganda.

Implants •These are small flexible plastic rods or capsules that release a progestin hormone like the natural hormone progestin in a woman’s body. •They are placed by a trained health worker under the skin inside a woman’s upper arm. Examples of implants:Jadella and implanon, effective for five

• This is an injection that a woman receives after every three months to prevent pregnancy. • It is given on the upper arm or buttocks. • They stop the release of eggs from ovaries. They thicken cervical mucus making it difficult for sperms to go through the vagina and meet the egg.

and three years respectively. How implants work • Hormone released by implants thickens the mucus around the cervix blocking sperm from meeting an egg. • It prevents the release of eggs from ovaries (ovulation).So, pregnancy cannot happen.

"A friend of mine uses injectaplan. She has a high sexual feelings.She says she can not abstain. So she went for the injection. She gets it from the clinic. Her boyfriend gives her the money for the injection," Achiro Josephine, S.5, 19, St Mary’s SS Madera, Soroti

BOYS, contraceptives are not just a girl's thing. Take interest to know the available types. If you are in a relationship, talk about protection. Choose safety.


Write to us explaining how a condom is used correctly.


Pills are tablets containing hormones. • A woman takes one tablet at the same time every day. If she stops the pills and plays sex, she can become pregnant. • Pills thicken the cervical mucus to block sperms from meeting an egg. • Pills disrupt the release of eggs from the ovary (ovulation). "I knew a girl in S4 who used to take pills. I landed on them when I was helping her to arrange her things. She was going home for treatment, " Naula L, 18, S6, Iganga SS

IUD/ coil

Intrauterine Device (IUDs) is a small, flexible plastic frame with copper sleeves or wire around it. How it works • A trained health worker puts an IUD into a woman’s uterus through her vagina and cervix. • IUDs cause a chemical change that prevents fertilization from happening. • IUDs also protect against risks of cancer of the lining of the uterus. • A woman returns to fertility after IUD is removed. Good for those who have given birth before.

The population of Uganda is growing fast with 30 million people today. Resources like land, firewood and water, are not enough for everyone.

Straight Talk, August 2009

FaMily Planning Improves Lives


Big families struggle to educate children, get food and keep children healthy. Smaller families provide better care for their members. Using contraceptives help families have the number of children they can look after well, which leads to a better life. Family planning helps parents to space births of children. Ministry of Health recommends at least 3 years spacing for each pregnancy. There are also permanent contraceptive methods for people who have had all the children they need. Tubaligation for women and vasectomy for men.

Get youth friendly services Betty Nakintu is the in- charge of the Reproductive Health Uganda Clinic in Iganga, She says: Young people are welcome to the clinic for services. There has been an increase in the number of girls coming for Injectables, We get girls as young as 16 years coming for the services. We have a youth corner where you can play. When you come in for games or movies, we talk to you about our services. Saturday is a special day for young people at the clinic. All health workers

here are friendly to young people and give them services. They will answer your questions, fears and correct the misinformation.

Where to get services These services are available in all government health centres and other partners like Gulu Youth Centre, Kitgum Youth Centre, Reproductive Health Uganda, Marie Stopes, PACE and Naguru Teenage Centre: (you can call Naguru on 0422222 free of charge). Betty Nakintu

The diary of a young positive

Rihanna the popstar who sung The hit Umbrella is recovering after her boyfriend, R’n’B singer, Chris Brown beat her up. The pretty singer was left with injuries.

THE BEATING WAS COSTLY TO CHRIS: He lost contracts and popularity from his fans, radio stations boycotted his songs, he had to cancel performances and is likely to be sentenced to six months of hard labour. Boys, be real men. Do not beat your girlfriends. Talk about issues.

4 Straight Talk, August 2009


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My aunt aborted when she was in secondary school. Now she is finishing her education. But she is worried. People say when you abort, you cannot get a child in future. Bridget K, Ave Maria SS, Kyenjojo Abortion is a bad experience. It is illegal and done using crude ways that damage the reproductive system leading to failure to have babies in future. Advise your aunt to see a doctor to talk about her worries and get medical checkup. When I have sex, I do not ejaculate. But when I am in bed and I erect, I release fluids even when I am not experiencing wet dreams. Am I normal? Nyabutundu R, Kithende College Bwera, Kasese. Failure to release sperms is common. Sometimes it can be distressing. But it does not mean you are abnormal because you said you release fluids. Failure to ejaculate can be a result of stress. If you are tense at the time of sex, you can fail to ejaculate. Do you sometimes feel afraid of the outcome during sex or feel guilty? Such feelings can make you tense and you actually fail to ejaculate. Make responsible decisions about sex. It will put your mind at rest and keep you healthy. I hear that if a boy uses a condom for the first round and he does not use it for the second round, the girl cannot get pregnant. They say that

Greenhill SS ST Club, Masaka say; “Virginity is divine”. It is their motto. during the second round, the boy does not release sperm? Oyet S, Rackoko Comprehensive College, Pader Each time you have sex and experience an erection you release semen that contains sperms. Each drop of semen may contains many sperm. The use of a condom prevents entry of the sperm into the vagina which prevents unwanted pregnancy. This means each time you have sex, even during the second round as long as you experience an erection, the sperms will be released and pregnancy can occur. There is a girl in our class who is 18. She does not have pubic hair. Is that normal? Roselyn, 16, S2, Royal College Kibuye, Kampala When it comes to puberty, everyone is different. Someone at 18 may not yet have grown hair around the private parts. Sometimes it may have grown but maybe too little to notice. Some people complete puberty at about 22 years. I had a girl, if you treated her well, she would say you are pretending. If you do not, she said you are proud. If you dress well,

Advice to Prossy In Straight Talk June, Prossy said: “My boyfriend feels bad when I talk to other boys. He thinks I love them, yet they are just friends. When I explain to him, he doesn’t believe. “ A total of 64 Straight Talkers advised Prossy.

You all win ST pens and pens.

pain. Do some exercise or sports like she says you are trying to seduce running, riding to relieve this pain. other girls. I Jamusanga, Bilal You can also go for a walk, take a High School, Busia warm bath and put hot water in a Some messages we send to our small plastic bottle or small jerrican partners are interpreted differently. and press it on your stomach. If it She may be feeling insecure. She did does not work, visit a medical not know what she wanted in centre. Sex does not cure the relationship. She expected menstrual pain. a lot from you that you did not fulfill. She could have compared herself to other Some boys say that fat girls and expected to be girls have shallow vagina, treated like them. When that they are watery and you are in a relationship and tasteless. Straight Talker you do not communicate Saints SS, Arua your needs well, you are This is not true. Every girl Answers by never sure of what to is specially designed. The Counsellor : expect from each other. Elizabeth Akello body size has nothing to do Such a relationship has no with the shape of the vagina. Gayaza High focus and is likely to fail. Be Sexual enjoyment has nothing School yourself and be open as you to do with shape or body size. It relate with others. is in your mind and how prepared you are for sex. That is the source of sexual enjoyment. I feel pain during menstruation. Is it bad if I eat burnt bricks to calm down the pain? Akur-too Janifer, INSPIRATION: What have Pajule SS, Pader you done today that will Pain during menstruation is a make your tomorrow common experience. You may feel sweet? W Bwire,19, S5, like having burnt bricks at that time Lumino HS, Busia but they will not reduce or stop the


east ex KNOW YOUR BODY2.-PutBrarm s infront of your chest and d Breast cancer is the thir en after wom commonest cancer in Kaposis cancer of the cervix and seen in late sarcoma. But it is usually treated. to be stages making it hard VLGHQWLÀHG ,WLVJRRGLIWKHGLVHDVHL g strange in early. If you feel anythin worker. lth your breasts, see a hea examination You can do a breast self t of a mirror. monthly. 1. Stand in fron

Mandhawun P, Global College, Kampala says: If he does not believe you, then he does not trust you. Call it quits. It hurts but when one door closes, another one opens.

Chandiru Z, Tororo Girls School says: Your boyfriend doesn’t understand, respect and trust you. It seems he doubts your love for him. Tell him your Dos and Don’ts. Please act now. It is never too late.


Dr. Paul Semugoma, Internat Hospital, Kampala


Dear Prossy, you are too young to involve yourself in love affairs. They are likely to affect your performance Focus on your studies. Let this boy go because he is likely to cause you problems. Ssenkyanzi S, 17, S3, Okufura SS, Arua. Asio G, Busia Girls Schools says: If the boys you talk to are developing you academically, don’t leave them and if your boyfriend doesn’t believe what you tell him, end the relationship.

press palms together. Raise your to arms, put them behind your head check for lumps. If a 3. Gently squeeze each nipple. RU ORWRIÁXLGFRPHVRXWGDUNÁXLG k up at pus, see a doctor. Go for chec least once a year.




Straight Talkers, please advise. Nambaluka A boy told me that he loves me but I refused him. Whenever I meet him on my way to school, he attempts to rape me. What can I do? Nambaluka H,15, S1, Kibibi College SS Budondo, Jinja

STRAIGHT TALK FOUNDATION Plot 4 Acacia Avenue, Kololo, P. O. Box 22366, Tel: 0312-262030/1 Kampala (U), E-mail: [email protected], Web:, President: C. Watson, Executive Director: J. Wiltshire, Director Print: T. Agutu, Editorial Manager: M Akello, Editors: G. Awekofua, J. Abongowath, F. Ouma, P. Kiwuuwa, Writer: J. Nafula, Chief Designer: M. eB Kalanzi, Designers: G.B Mukasa, A.B Dentine, Funded by CIVIL SOCIETY FUND: DANIDA, DFID, SIDA, IRISH AID, USAID, Printer: The New Vision

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