Straight Talk, October 2008

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  • Pages: 4
Remember the HIV basics

Sexual harrassment

• You can look and feel fine for years with HIV in your body. Only an HIV test will show if you have the virus. • After 5 to 8 years, your body loses its ability to fight sickness. The virus has destroyed too many CD4 cells. • Young people who got HIV at birth are now teenagers with normal sexual feelings. So sex with a "virgin" will not protect you from HIV.

If someone will not take your "No" for an answer, do not bother to argue. Just turn and walk away.

Yes, HIV can be confusing!

o. 10 Vol. 15 N


October 2

Safe transitionn A

e e n t y r e v e for

s soon as I joined S1, I started ‘conning’ girls by writing them letters. I never missed any dance organized at school. I did all this because I quickly gained the favour of students with whom we shared interests. Peer pressure was too much on me. But I realized I was losing out. I got saved. My spirit grew stronger. I stopped messing up. I want to do something vocational like brickmaking as well as preaching in my S4 vacation. My goal is to be a preacher or pharmacist. I need to inspire young people to change their lives with the Word of God”.

to A-level; S6 el ev -l O ; S1 to 7 P From... hool to new to Campus; Old sc camp to school; From IDP ried to home; From unmar her married; Or any ot direction...

Ojakol Simon Peter and his girlfriend are saved. You ask him why he has a girlfriend yet he is saved, he quickly answers: “When you are saved, the hormones are not saved”. Get his full transition story on page two.

So, you might ask... what is transition?

Ojakol Simon Tendo Sidney, 16, in S4 at Peter A transition is the process or period of Genesis SS, Luwero concludes his changing from one condition or environment story with a bubbly smiling face. He is not to another. It may be from one school to shy to share his challenge as he went through another or one level of education to another. As transition from primary to secondary. Yes, he we go through life we make many transitions. was growing up, changing school environment, meeting new friends, and probably Transitions are risky times for HIV. The environment gaining a lot of freedom. is new. You are off balance, not on familiar territory. Alice Nabbosa had many fears and expectations as she waited to join S1 • Girls, watch out for big boys wanting to use you. at Mulusa Academy. "I It happens. expected to find new • Girls and boys, watch out for your own sexual teachers, new students and feelings. A new environment can be intoxicating! new dressing styles. But I • Take your time in deciding what groups you feared getting a boyfriend. want to join.Wait, watch, assess the situation, do I never wanted to get not rush in to anything. pregnant. I have held onto my • Do not try to be impressive. Take it easy and be values. I avoid boys and prefer the winner in the end. to abstain from sex." So far her transition has been safe!

Be extra vigilant!

Alice Nabbosa

15 years of Straight Talk!

T Luweero man, Tendo Sidney. His transition from P7 to secondary landed him in problems. Be careful when you go to a new school. It is a time of exploration when you can easily get confused.

he first Straight Talk came out on 19 October 1993, exactly 15 years ago this month! That old newspaper might look funny to you but we were proud of it! Those were the days before internet and mobile phones. It was even a big deal to write about sex! In 1993, 33% girls aged 15-19 were tesing positive for HIV at AIDS Information Centre. Now the figure is 1.8% for girls aged 13-17 and 6.1% for girls aged -- still too high but much better. It has been a priviledge to work with you, young people. Most of you are postponing sex until you are older. You understand your body changes and sexual feelings. You are smart about condoms. Keep it up! Straight Talk is with you and on your bumper at all times. With love from all of us, the ST team.

4 Straight Talk, October 2008 Greenhill SS ST Club, Masaka say; “Virginity is divine”. It is their motto.


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HIV rumors My brother died of AIDS, and some people say that I also have the virus. Should I test? Oliver, 14, S1, Kizza Memorial Vocational SS, Masaka Yes. If what people say is bothering you, test for HIV test to clear up your worries. Oliver, no one should test you using their eyes. Losing your brother to AIDS does not mean you have HIV.

HIV positive and worried I am HIV positive and worried that if I continue with studies, I will be wasting my time. LJ, Pajule SS, Pader You can live a meaningful life with HIV. Stay in school for as long as you can. Get a counselor to help you cope, join a young positives group and take daily septrin to help you keep your immunity strong. Many people with HIV have academic success. Do not lose hope. Be open with potential sexual partners.

Why is it that when a boy and girl have been deeply in love and after having sex once they separate? Lowao F, 19, S4, Moroto HS Love and sex are not the same. Separating after having sex could show that there was little love to begin Answers by I am a girl of 20 and have with. True love can Stella Magomu never menstruated. Am usually get over the Counsellor, Hope I normal? Viola, S5, embarrassment of After Rape, Kitswambu SDA SS, Kasese sex that might have Kampala Sorry, Viola, not menstruating been rushed and at 20 is a sign that something is uncomfortable. When wrong. Go see a doctor for proper two people are not ready medical examination. It can be for sex, after sex they may feel shy resolved. and not want to meet again.

Sponsor wants to abuse me My parents died. From P6 I got a sponsor. I am now in S1 but he is asking for sex with me. I fear HIV and pregnancy. He says if I tell anybody he will kill me. KF, 16, King Jesus College, Mubuku That is terrible. Stand firm and tell your sponsor that you appreciate his help towards your studies but you can’t have sex with him. This man is almost a father to you! If he threatens you again, report him to police, LC authorities and your headteacher. He will not hurt you. What makes girls smell after sweating for a short time? Wafula L, 20, Benediction VT&PC, Tororo Lenard, thank you for your concern, but not all girls smell. And some boys also smell. Those

Boys, know your body: testicles


Testicles, also called testes or gonads, are two small oval-shaped organs that hang below the penis in a pouch of skin called the scrotum. From the start of puberty, the cells lining the collecting tubules of the testicles produce sperm. Testicles also produce the hormone testosterone, the main cause of development of male features such as deep voice, beard growth and the ability to have an erection. It is normal for one testes to be slightly bigger than the other, and for one to hang slightly lower than the other. Boys, take care of your testicles. Do not wear tight pants. Your testicles need to be cool for sperm production. Also, learn how your testes

normally feel. If you feel any pain, abnormal lumps or swellings then see a doctor. These can be a sign of cancer or of an STD, which can destroy your ability to produce sperm. The best time to feel your testes is after bathing. Use your finger and thumb to gently feel the testes and nearby structures.

I have been in love for three years. My girlfriend wants to have oral sex, saying it is the only way to avoid STDs. MJ, Quiver Self Help SS, Arua. MJ, oral sex is not safe. It is very possible to get STDs such as gonnorhoea in the throat. Besides that, are you comfortable with it? We think that if you were happy, you would not have written a letter to ST. Tell her “No”. Do you have anything bothering you? Please write to Straight Talk Foundation, P.O. Box 22366 Kampala

a T shir t! Help ABC and WIN m, locking her outside

g his mu ABC’s stepdad is harassin ad tries to help Mum, Stepd C for two days. When AB s... his school fee threatens to stop paying od. If ad when he is in good mo ABC, talk with your stepd 16, a, an diz counselor. J Nkun he responds poorly, get a , K’la Ahmadiyya Muslim HS He pays ther but yours loves you. It is not easy with a stepfa ich wh to stay with your mum, your fees and allows you for er eth tog s t to bring the partie ver y few do. Try your bes zu gu An l. tra t take sides, be neu peace building and do no ua Ar , oss Cr anda Red M, Chair, youth desk, Ug ! P.O Box 22366, Kampala Send more answers to When I work I feel pain in my waist. My grandfather says it is because I spend many days without sex. Bwambale B, Busigha ST Club, Bundibugyo

Blue balls: what are they? This is a slang that refers to painful testicles after a prolonged erection without ejaculation. When you are sexually aroused, blood flows into your penis and swells the area around it, including the testicles. After the erection, muscles relax and you could feel pain but not always. The pain will go in about 30 minutes. You do not need sex to make the pain go. Do not tell the girl: “look what you have done to me. Now we need to have sex!”. You will be fine without sex.

with strong odors need to bathe regularly and use deodorant. Remember, you are in adolescence and there are a lot of hormones in action. Do you always smell nice, Lenard?

The best thing is to abstain. If not, use condom carefully and be faithful. J Nakalyana, Mengo SS

Your grandfather is doing his best but he is not scientifically informed. Lack of sex does not cause pain. Semen cannot accumulate and cause pressure. It comes out in wet dreams or your body re-absorbs it. Without intending to, your grandfather is pushing you to have sex. With who? Do you have a wife? Is your girlfriend over 18? Sex can put your life into many serious complications. You are a healthy young male with a normal sex drive. Relax and stay safe.

Publisher: Straight Talk FOUNDATION Plot 4 Acacia Avenue, Kololo, P. O. Box 22366, Tel: 0312-262030/1, 0414530088 Kampala (U) Fax: 0414-534858, E-mail: [email protected] Web:; Executive Director: Cathy Watson, Director Communications: Teopista Agutu, Director Programs: Susan Ajok, Editorial Manager: Edith Kimuli, Editors: Gilbert Awekofua, Martha Akello, Jackie Abongowath, Deo Agaba, Chief Designer: Michael eB. Kalanzi, Designers: Gb Mukasa, Allan B. Dentine, Funded by DANIDA, DFiD, SIDA

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