Story Telling Text.docx

  • Uploaded by: Nur Izzah Ismail
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  • December 2019
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  • Words: 759
  • Pages: 2

Many years ago, there lived a vain King. He was so rich that he could do whatever he likes. But, he was only interested in dressing up and spent a lot of money on his clothes. Traders and designers from around the world visited him with the most beautiful attires. He had every branded and luxury clothes in his wardrobe. Of course, like Gucci, Prada, Hermes, Louis Vuitton and lot more. You just name it! However, because he likes to wear too many clothes, sometimes he looked like a clown. Hehehehehe. One day, two clever young men came to see the King and said, “We weave magical cloth which can only be seen by the wise.” To hear that, the King was extremely excited. Without thinking of anything, the king ordered, “I want you to make a dress for me using your special cloth in two weeks’ time, for my royal procession!” As soon as possible, the king gave the two men as much gold thread and money to buy silk. They set up looms and started working day and night to prepare the dress. “cheeee chuk, cheeee chuk… cheeee chuk, cheeeechuk” But whenever anyone peeped in to see how the work was going on, they could see nothing on the loom because there was actually nothing there! The men were thieves and had thought of this plan to steal as much gold thread and fine silk as they could get. After a few days, the King visited the weavers to see how the cloth looked. But on reaching the looms, he could see nothing at all! The weavers continued to pretend weaving. The King was amazed, but still pretended to examine the cloth. “Wow, I like the colour of the cloth, my favourite colour. There are pockets in front. I really like it. ” He praised the patterns and colours, as if he could really see them. But he thought, ‘Does it mean I am a fool, for I cannot see a thing? I better pretend to see something rather than being laugh by them.’ The queen and the minister also saw nothing. But they dared not speak the truth, as they did not want to be seen as fools. On the morning of the procession, the weavers entered the King’s chamber and said, “Your Majesty, here are your new clothes, which only the


wisest people of the kingdom will be able to see. Let us try the clothes.” The King could still see nothing at all, nor could he feel anything. “Why do I look naked even though I have wore the clothes? Why do I feel cold?” The King spoke to himself. However, he accepted each garment from the weavers and pretended to wear them. Finally, the weavers declared, “The dress looks wonderful. Your Majesty, you look so handsome in this dress. Wonderful!” So, trusting the two cheats, the King set out for his procession, even though he was not wearing any clothes at all. “Let us go to the street to see the wonderful clothes wear by the King. It must be amazing,” said the villagers. By now, all the people of the kingdom had heard about the wonderful clothes that could only be seen by the wise. Thus, everyone gathered on the streets excitedly, eager to see them. “Look at the King. He is wearing nothing,” said a villager to his friend who was standing beside him. “Ssssshhhhhh……… Speak softly or you will be heard by the King and you will look foolish,” his friend replied. Even though they saw no clothes at all, nobody wanted the others to think that they were foolish. Therefore, no one came forward to speak the truth. While the King and his courtiers were busy with the royal procession, the two crafty weavers took away all the money, all the gold and all the silk that they had collected and ran away. Now, in the crowd watching the royal procession, was a small child who was confused to see the King without clothes. He said loudly while pointing to the King, “Mom, why is he wearing any clothes?” Hearing the child’s voice, the others also started wondering loudly. The King finally realised that the two weavers had fooled him. He immediately ordered the weavers to be arrested. But the cheats had already ran away taking all the gold thread and silk they had collected. The King learnt his lesson. He stopped wasting money on expensive clothes and trusting people blindly.

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