St Felix Parish Advisory Council (pac) Minutes 9 Jul '09

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*Sacerdotus* PARISH ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETING 21st July 2009 7.30 P.M. Present: W. Ablard, T. Doran, J. Smith, D. Richardson, Fr. Hennessy N. Gorham, J. King, M McDonald, D. Thomas, J. Ablard. 1. Apologies Apologies were received from M Jones, V. Watts and T. Brazier. 2. Minutes of last meeting Minutes of 10th June 2009 were approved by all present. 3. Matters arising from the Minutes •

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Loop system still not working properly. Alan Lamberton was found to be familiar with loop systems and agreed to look at it and advice on further action. A. Lamberton Hall floor – T. Doran & hall cleaner are to meet with a representative of the firm who refurbished the floor to get advice on cleaning and maintenance. T. Doran/Cleaner Eucharistic Ministers – J. King reported that we have lost 3 Eucharistic Ministers. Drains near Presbytery have been surveyed and we await the report and video. D. Richardson

4. (a) Financial Report 2009 – Current Account is circa £8,000. Fete raised £1,447.54 CAFOD cheque has been sent (£3,267 – covering quarter April to June). We have funds of £56,935.45 lodged at Diocesan level which remains following the £12,142 sent to CAFOD for last years Parish donations, the £3,280 General Diocesan Levy, Ministerial Training Levy £410, Schools Levy £4,100 and the Clergy Pension Levy of £1,640 addittionally we have Investment Trust funds of £17,259. (value as at December 2008)

D. Richardson

(b) Financial Report 2008 – unavailable. (c) Finance Committee – T. Doran is Secretary and Barbara King is chair. T. Doran reported that the committee have met to oversee financial spending. 5.

Parish Mission Statement and Parish Prayer. Example copies were distributed. One quote has been received as follows: 250 Book Marks 250 Credit Cards 250 Postcards 250 Other

£82.00 + VAT £149.00 + VAT £55.00 + VAT £98.00 + VAT (Laminated card)

J. King to get quote from Martlesham firm to see if we can reduce the price. It was decided to change the wording to ‘The Parish of St. Felix & St. Cecilia wishes to be’. All items will be free of charge with the option to make a donation. A final decision will be made at the next meeting. 6.

Parish Welcome Pack. A rough draft of contents was circulated to all present. Fr. Hennessy to compose an introduction. Need to complete telephone numbers

J. King

Fr. Hennessy

Email addresses etc. and get permission from those concerned to enter them in the pack. An A5 format will be used with a tear of slip on the last page for a persons details and what they wish to volunteer for. M Jones to check completed copy before sending to be professionally printed. The Mission Statement will be used as the front cover. 7.

M Jones W. Ablard

The Memorial Garden – M. Butler and T. Doran obtained a quotes of £650-700 to reduce the Laurel to a stump, cut a third off the sycamore tree, and cut a foot off the Holly trees. Total outlay for all work to be done would be £800. This was approved, M. Butler to arrange.

M. Butler

T. Doran requested we have a lockable store for gardening equipment and some large pots for planting. A brown bin had been ordered and received from Suffolk Coastal. T. Doran and J. O’Mahoney to clean/oil/refurbish benches.

T. Doran J. O’Mahoney

J. Madden has paid for a crucifix. Fr. Hennessy has purchased it and is organizing for C. O’Brien to mount it and also to look at refurbishing the Pieta. The missing statue has been located and will be returned.

C. O’Brien/ Fr Hennessy

T. Doran stated that they are hoping that the state of the grass area will improve once the trees have been cut back and more light is available to that area.



M. Jones to clean stones with power washer once trees are cut back.

M. Jones

Cambodia – Arlene Bennett has given a talk to the confirmation group on her visit there. It is hoped she will be able to give a talk at a future PAC meeting.

A. Bennett

Any Other Business •

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10. 11.

Fr. Hennessy received a letter from Sally Conti regarding an idea discussed by the previous Pastoral Council to set up individuals in various locations throughout the parish to act as welcomers to newcomers to the church. This was still thought to be a good idea, CRB’s would not be needed if newcomers came to the welcomers. Fr. Hennessy informed us of the need to update the Parish Records on Parishioners. To be completed with the Parish Count in October. Relics of St. Therese – newsletter announcement may have been misleading concerning length of trip. Fr. to reword in next newsletter. Due to August being a quiet month it was decided to do 2 weekly newsletters. In early August we will be hosting a priest from the Ukraine who is visiting England to improve his English (volunteers required to help), he will also be taking mass on two weekends of his stay. Swine Flu – Following a short discussion it was decided to continue with mass as usual giving people the option to take communion if they wish to continue to do so.

Date of Next Meeting – 3rd September 2009 at 7.30 p.m. The meeting ended with a prayer

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