Special Meeting Of Township Council - 02 Mar 2009

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SPECIAL MEETING OF TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Monday, March 2, 2009 to begin following the commencement of the Special Meeting at 3:00 p.m Fraser River Presentation Theatre 4th Floor, 20338 – 65 Avenue, Langley, BC

AGENDA A. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 1. Special Council Meeting – February 16, 2009 Recommendation that Council adopt the Minutes of the Special Council Meeting held February 16, 2009. February 16, 2009 Special Minutes.pdf B. APPROVAL OF DELEGATION REQUESTS 4:00 P.M. SPECIAL MEETING 1. Wally Martin File 0550-07 Request by Wally Martin, to appear before Council to discuss a petition regarding “Get the Trains out of downtown Langley”. Wally Martin Delegation.pdf 2. Ray Halvorson File 0550-07 Request by Ray Halvorson, to appear before Council to discuss the permitting of soil removal to create an aquaculture facility. Ray Halvorson Delegation.pdf 3. Brent Loates 0550-07 Request by Brent Loates, to appear before Council to discuss the permitting of soil removal to create an aquaculture facility. Brent Loates Delegation.pdf 7:00 P.M. REGULAR MEETING

1. Dr. Robert Moats File 0550-07 Request by Dr. Robert Moats, to appear before Council to discuss the Glover Road Bypass and concern over Council’s decision making priorities and process. Dr. Robert Moats Delegation.pdf 2. Roy Mufford File 0550-07 Request by Roy Mufford, to appear before Council to discuss options on the Mufford Crescent Overpass issue.

MOTION TO RESOLVE INTO SPECIAL CLOSED MEETING That Council now resolve into a Special Closed Meeting according to Section 90 of the Community Charter for discussion of the following items identified under Section 90: Item E.1. – Section 90(1) (a) Personal; (j) Freedom of Information; Item G.1. – Section 90(1) (a) Personnel; and Item G.2. – Section 90(1) (k) Negotiations. Roy Mufford Delegation.pdf C. PRESENTATIONS 1. Sustainability Charter Presentation by staff regarding the Sustainability Charter. D. REPORTS TO COUNCIL 1. 2009 Fee-for-Service Contract with the Greater Langley Chamber of Commerce Report 09-22 File CD 6900-01 Recommendation that Council receive this report entitled “2009 Fee-for-Service Contract with the Greater Langley Chamber of Commerce”, for information; and further That Council authorize staff to execute, effective January 1, 2009, the 2009 fee-for-service contract with the Greater Langley Chamber of Commerce for the provision of business development services in the Township of Langley for $15,000, as contained in the draft 2009 budget. Fee for Service Contract Langley Chamber.pdf 2. Ice Facilities Operation Extension & Modification Agreement Report 09-25

File RCP 2320-20 Recommendation that Council authorize an extension to the existing 5-year operating agreement, with modifications as outlined in this report, to Canadian Recreation Excellence Corporation (“Rec Ex”), for the operation of Aldergrove Community Arena and George Preston Recreation Centre from April 8, 2009 until June 30, 2013. RCP Arena Operations Agmt - Extension.pdf E. CORRESPONDENCE F.

MINUTES OF COMMITTEES AND COMMISSIONS 1. South Fraser Family Court and Youth Justice Committee – January 8, 2009 Recommendation that Council receive the Minutes from the South Fraser Family Court and Youth Justice Committee meeting held January 8, 2009. January 8, 2009 Minutes.pdf

G. ASSOCIATIONS AND OTHER GOVERNMENT ITEMS 1. District of Maple Ridge Meeting File 0400-60 Letter received from Mayor Ernie Daykin, District of Maple Ridge inviting Mayor and Council to a dinner meeting to discuss issues of interest to both communities. Clerk's Note: Request for dinner meeting March 31, 2009.

Dist. of Maple Ridge Meeting.pdf 2. Board of Education Appointments File 0400-80 Letter received from Joan Bech, Chair, School District 35 regarding appointments of trustees to serve as representatives on Township of Langley Committees. Clerk's Note: This item is for Council's information.

Board of Education Appointments.pdf 3. Fraser Health Authority Request for Presentation File 0400-90 Letter received from Kathi Thompson, Senior Advisor, Municipal Government and Community Relations, Fraser Health Authority requesting an opportunity to provide a presentation to Mayor and Council. Clerk's Note: Presentation request for the March 9, 2009 Special Council Meeting.

Fraser Health Authority Request for Presentation.pdf H. INFORMATION ITEMS FROM SPECIAL CLOSED MEETINGS I.






M. OTHER BUSINESS Councillor Fox presented the following Notice of Motion within the deadlines according to Council’s Policy: 1. 100 Annual Recreation Passes to the Karen Community Whereas Council had a recent presentation on the Karen refugee situation in Langley and, Whereas it was identified that one need they had was access to recreational facilities and, Whereas their financial situation is a serious consideration, Be it resolved that the Township of Langley donate 100 Annual Recreation passes to the Karen Community allowing them unlimited access to all Township recreational facilities. N. TERMINATE

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