lVt th^ V^lsl V" Dc*k N'*rse. l epL. 8+ t
, ii0u111CoAST0TII ocl?,litlli ctc Itis comDlicatad. fhcre a?e mo?e tla.n 10 Aifferent et]rrlic operating at variouB leve1s of 1a}els in Local use, iltcl.usi,veness ctc. To untallgle *hene aG lrelL als tulderstancl the l.inguisLic map you have to fol-lorc a scries of historicatr cvc!,tc beg'inyring r.iLh Vumba cxpa.nsion in the mid-l?th 'Iher it beiTins to n.-ke a l-ot of rcnsc. cenLuqr. lior Llre lrjno b'i"rg I :rcc^pt lldlrlifrr: defcrinlion of the baric .lialccL situation, 1 have sonre rlrresbions/ xetcrvations i,hictr ca}l only be anslrered by a) appea::ance of 'ri. .til1r h) r,1rlh.r",fi11,:lrrorl:. ALlri volLrnc' or'' bcLt^ 'l'h.r r)ic-i;uro i|l:!a follovs:
iK (61tr):
!!q9_, !gJt!.]l]g vi,.daty. iI
hou do you llnecify
"a /r/
/il ,,"
1,he diffcra[ce
betneen ltr + ;l nigo? Al'c the diclinctive leaturcs of S jli,qo (1er'ive.1 from iufluence 'tt,:n:oc.f :;ttita.zi? I,ia .
-K l.Ilcsbior: I.18h1iA ban ijcrjcjr sl,er]rinc Digot suAgesta Seseju ir [anz h..we ogn a l]h,,rse - lvariety So ul!:1t i.s the iituation of SIK. c{:D on i! lllLiironi peninslll a? ir1 5 Lcnyrr LNnrborL, 1rrollg a}o[i C]r1iil.a, olso 1'rog chichifrongxJe as dia.lccL of Vxnba. " i . " l , t 1 r rr'"fiyr,rc u_ong abo11t indicrLo nonctheless nieht be shifting tbat tooi Cl1lrri.a. tolrarcLs Vunba lihe
, ruf gDtqc. /-i/^'
u Chur]:a, Ln+\'^*A ,/ >q fr5i-t:-on: i6 Chlra.l(ajust S Digo shj,fting 'lror,rardsVunba or is it also €949itica1]y a sFlrarate di:l1ec1, oI llKfSlK? lt.igtrt-Eso te reliTcd-lo ry ficst quection alout s l)igo). The historica.l corrclate of this question i6 )oes Chvaka as a (tialec-b pxe-date Vurnba influence? lir there ai! earlier level of ljhirazi influence? l'lodd it be aistinguishable if there uas? Needlto get hola of 600 lrord 1ist. In lldhligrs (in cua?i sma voJ.ume) there are lOO r';ofi1 list only 4 Ch_wa,ka lercioal entries 11on-cognate ldth -ongola= Chi Vurba/ funAi r -viringa=cut, -\ hunt, r{ia=cookr naziaFbaeast6. l,ast of bhece also iD 'l'la.kunduchi | , thiril al.ralsecond. alonrt kIlow about are in fact .-lso in nigo, -lJ.iriuEua.
7 t
v\nnoa. Tia-rietieJ a) llyl!,-u, j t) iliE!] "l Tin=F.u. jflrnble. d) nunbu. llh^r.Jocr
. ^tUo* ./
( orJ'li'tg M-Ta*z ).
'cc, to lrltJhlis: ie Shirrorli .re1. - r^. . lr. mt^rt rsr^ns, c l.l'rjor"ni L"mlcrL llc V-n1j s,ccch cl: a llheie ir thii? sf.ocL of ll-:i..i
ir: r'! ju rle irJ i.j Pre6!$a1r1y If Vn,1,Ig?. this? the 'turestt n\t ba. (e/Lapb"4 .T44z.codtt), considarations itould I'eadl rne to Ilistorical eryecb ljhat l,lasi arlal esp I(rnryu rhoN Shilazi inl'l-uence. Shirazi.
JJ?-21 vari.ties' cli-t'u1oi ir]-lrurua ::r) lJ u
shie v le fere
cf llk\iro.
'( ha nnapwent \'-_ t* , ) ''hahde'
ot nrnui/*ainl'na. nulzi/n.rinl:nd' hi ci;TGiT oi ;j aiii*iai -\ fi-:::--\ llUhl ig. ifi. . | | >"{ to ll8hl :+.' :cc. to :{ *-. :+' { icc. 1 cll lleOltla. < , r ! F , ( (1,/ )
./ ll_gg]E. 'ii' "#"'i-"t.' l,L'Ltcrr"ntcI c.d nc to ."oofb tt'^t of Shirazi sloken at c) there are varicties Shirazi inhabitaYlts I.lore alat.." neeclea. and d). of trotb A1ei1i .11.1 ]trepr a]re lJamuJruni. l'lou1A 6r.rr th. rol I ouj nC rcl^tiorlshin!
arfr\rrso"u bhe eth ography :'md clise[t;'ncling ilolr l-et!6 nrove Aorm +he coastr lrays in l.rhich it r.:l'-Los to the curr:ent alrcl suggestlng hilr'tory e tc. clistribution diclect CNIIIUI{DI
reEpolse to ou*siders iB Initial ho speak chichifundi. tlachifundi Thus ihem_selves as llashirazi speaki4g chishirazi'. to iael+ify points other a"tld_ $gowa' of Alenit washirazi r""ogrlj-r. i
i'ltos 2 uo-n"'l r"tled's;"oz
il;;;;;;" iioni t usuanv set beJona the 1abel washLrazLl eg thatrs to ho'!{ the inhabitants of Mkdror Shimoni a;td Allzu'ra$i ale knolm if rarelt l"laswahili lalre1 included' Digo aiong tbed "itrr, i"i"io to by outsi'lers of, to thense]"ves, """" """a by [ach;fun&i io refer dLescribe them. Two areas of gettlementr Chi chi furdi r
to two varleties
1) Chifundj. Chande (ie nde ya baharii isla.nd i6 conYlecbectco Ii1e mainla.nd). Follolring villages:
uu.Ilie ( I.luree) ffiri i ; i - ; c a l - l e dl : i i u n ' r i ' @lErcr"tro)
at 1ow tide
Lo be mixcdrdith ldaaiso' ulcr'irnndi :*c aaiLnr
2) CldI Cha y*bv,eni (ic oubcrols o1 corar ,/. Tvo villoges:
or I't"siri
lrl'Iioh is littered
' l)*v^bnk"
dt'c. N Qat ttd
) _ )
/ Wl,t)f;fu'''*'
( rjrnatl U.".c]!il untli fttmleh ot ii tide of i 51anc1 beL eerl ljrtr,ra-ya-1,1a:ii pop ftr'on tj-me to bime ancl hide un lI9 lJaturnbahr ------.-ur llcr'i"o. r:iiil"i ' mrngroves) nea?by anong thc boalts their: fishing p.ib of internarriage, Lerns ( availabler I,n
Pottery aating f"on 13th iiri,iiti " r'.s" na-s set-tled by i,[achifurrtli' fits with -chronolory of then sap in l?th centurv' ;A;;.;;"",t; ie vunba forced chifurldi to quit the island arrd o*putt!io"; it"lu ti stronghoLal in the N = [u,'nbe' After Vu'nba aggression t"ii"" said to hade started coming baok south' trickle ".,rr"ia.s rj"c}tir;ttai Fi!6t Tesettled village was back to llasioi island iI1 orde? to fish. glavei logo" - _tL" best larding for lloats a'nd site of l'ldaozi Bunber6 gettledl Bogoa was probably siiuated on S coast opposite n
";; oi t'o"roi"" or vunba,'.!e)'
of sbimoni area succumb to vunba infr[enoe? t{aciangali i."_""tt"f., of l[''rir:o clany that they fol-lotr6. Ilv ir'rootiresis as .Uachiflutli is IIo ?cason to subjFct to/onslavcLl by vr'_mbcot llaiini' t*"."n""t fitcjr r'L Soil!r! rrvirlcc fitaral I;his t1enir,1, r"'1ri1eloirli"" Il Lllolrih Vlxir}a have c1'-imod of the Liro pon\laiions' r"no"."ft",*nt of bhc llhofc islan'l (eg rilur'n{J 1r'oo-sc ol 1'!nd re6isLr'tion)' ."-'"tlltit covered ljo ttrcr' lnirmor';:rnt ".o"on it"i1y it is/.r." i" *"tt"t'"f -leing ': |-Lt not i]ll t]rnt Lhe :i't]!:1 rrj-ti rocl:s all(L lD;ljcr'1ess lo!: h'll of rr:''jn sotrc' illorrl _ incl1lrcd, IMdi_ inrr.orba"nt to 3.nj'or!e lL.-chj
li'iih a.ndoLi\eI |ri.rj nc prod-uce\'Jere i3 frou fi5]rin6. liv;libood -toa g:cain etc - oi:p at llajoreni tlle nrai.1fl...n'l on oDc.: borljereduiLlr li3o (see 3"abcr). The nodeul oil;1l'!ti o11' rrith c'-sh as a i3 Inuch Lhe safie' rncrtir,]nof cxch,ll1Bcand paokel;cclm.-ize llorrrr to l)other: lti+h l1o rcnson hacl hilvc Hasini of Ir rj\or'r t]le Vffrba vurnl)a versa' vice .ncl of l0:tJiro vith tlLe chifruldi or illtr)tact ll|lxl has had a ocol1oriry hajr (1o lihcj.r orm fi:rhirlgi othnfidile thcj-T other inportart aras norc nercaDbil-c orie l,aLionr Llirected to coexbal- centre,s and various proclucts of the coa'sta1 hidterlaEd' 'lireot contact lrith The illllabitarts of lh$iro have vclY litLle inLcr'marriage bet een the bhoie of l,lasini. Thare is v(]lY litLle -tlJo lrillagcs a.ral lihai interactj-ons they do have a?e ftequently uhen ihe hos';ile (iiglrts over Ij'vesltock .-nt1l.rd ormcrrhip isluas So irltcracbion Vrxntrac1;inr;d lnnirots foo+ba1I ficld). economic' ilorm Lo a ndilinlwxr al1a the roob reason is 'cbc ihi oni case 1F"ter' I!l-1 coflc back to l,his ancl tho di'ilcr'rc-' betrillcr thc 2 va"ieties of -Plp4tlll 2i To cqlai LjLiujll-LuLtf .illr !Jr'r crr:rni-s "h y 1l:v^ l"rjL'!"'onc :u1'l "c urt'lerccing' Ihe Listotv of seLljlencnL sugflcnt:r a 1rr1it''Ix/ chifun'li dialect l-r, O y..r, .Co. Ilre .'\m.i/lkr'jro :r1it ^lc'tty rcfl^ctsData collccto'l irl l]] rriro l]hor that the ieparrtiorr. ...."."fti."f as \/itlr Lheir ftmzi reltLives a' IitLla inl,,it,iU.u't. intlrm:urv is an'L ltrge ]li:rtiro llo(lcr:lr ncicihtours: hhef, clo rri bl-! their Vumba -'by 'Ihis ycars 6o+ ulryt er')loin. to hel-pt by. a.r'rinclogamous comrnu]1i to l)e rr"Lhcr uote ago, Limbert folulal LLe llkuiro v'-rioty At tl'tis time Lhe I'\nzi varicLy rtas a.lreadly sholring conccrvative. strong infltenccs fr'on KirnviLa _ eg in loris of sol.leof the chi ljith the tenie markcrs - pI:es1].r1ablybecause of intcraction in the cet,I-tre llazrlri an inporLr'nL Gasir nearby b:r,1ts of inl.lbi j-nfluence forc ],n
sone d-abaon paLterns of labour nigratiorl ctc fron ltr
grwiro d,45^ be s*unr,n. .pea,h a. j"f"
f .^i"/^
except +bougll
Hak.tqm lrho speal< (il:t1uru variety of l(ilumba. i,ly su?erficiaL inpr:essio1l is Yes, that the peotle abod; to tre descrj-bett alo c|c.,k a varicty of I(ivu-nba (excepting xeccrrb iromifl?:"r.!.bs) as Lambert and l.ldl[i8 tcl1 uc. The lomen of Shirnoni and A]xzuwani cer'ljainl.y donrt normr.1ly use StandarA, lrhife in Anzuwani I uas r-nake enough bo pich up at leas+ or]e Vumba fcature (/ky/ fot /ch/ a-s in tiana-Lyi?,na) . flef,
I hrcfc:r:yfii namc oT a'Secoiu lp11er. .rnJ .o o.f one section u sagelu vr.Jhictl'/%lticc1 uith DigD (chcck in hicbories). ta" Earr' Uichanfialawehi (east side of ihinoni): both Wamb\rutundu a.nd l,Iachzrngani . pt'esu,'llab1yas alo!.€ plus xeient .l&!L4gg (centre of Shimori): immig?ant6.
Ilistoryr rdll- have bo re?oad LIcI(ay etc but outLine is eornething like this! Late l-6th oentury Md1'agDili is settlernent of grorip of Washirazi called Wachangerj,. Ilid-I7th ce[tury are defeatedl by Wavunba from U1lmbaKuu (guess that some llachergard renaif in the a!ea, others join Uachifnncli resistance ir Lhc north). Ba6-inl,lingof LOCIrCenEUfJr llasln]- aor.r1l, I.c]-nc llor-ed^.rll-nlnoltl, Docomes impoltant Vumba centxe. At ironc point fjoflcju a11io. of Vtuba are seLtleal br lrklragoni (and l,urn the site of the Lorm itself ... ||^11 i .\ iiot :rruc if eamc tirne or earl-ier tha.n settled at For8rro (sec hcl.or.r). In ar\y ca,se cubse.l cnt (fil i{Uhl-ig i}rcorrect to s.!y linAuistic history is different. that n.11 Seg€ju are )igo l]Dea-Lers). In distlecing bhe original Shilozi inllabitants the Segeju tajce over 'ljhcir narnc = llacha.n{ani
s-7 (lrr interesLilg shifl, sllor.rstha_t you can! lj alr,ays F_nsl].$e that olle l1.Ine = one Deople over tiile. See ny e._rlier sDeoda+ions on li;o). i . l o 3 1 1 4 r i 1d" i s p l : r c e c lS h i . a z i , , t i r t t " c c d t o ; h e t cfiphery of their old centre (esp r at]oDt levr local , name t = l"laibuyutun(tu. vhere do Digo fit in? Clcrcly^re sbil1 {r,JcflLion: tricl:ling into both 'shir.!zir a,11d!Segejur commrufties in the Shimoni area, but r\rhat alout earlier? Thereis ore possibil,ity certainty. The possibiLity is tt13t Digo/SIlK Lrere beilrg incorporatedl into local Shirazi b-tore the Vumbo/SegFju influence. The ce?tainty is th.,.t at l-east by the 19th cer1tx-If,r llasiid Vlrlnba $ere enploying $1aves, mostly nigo ?!d-Sgggjq, !, in l,fasini and on the maiDls,nd. tltren freedon came tJthe ilaves in trlasini sonre lenained a]ld internarrledl r,ribh the Vunba, while othe?s settl-ed ob the Shi.moni Delrinsdla ond in Shifioni +own h'here no doubt they i11-Lennari'ieA. So this g"ives us 2 necharrsms lor liso assimilation to KtuJnr: 1) intorLation of ])igp r6nqn ,s r'rives, cl_early l1appering no1.rana possibly hnppcning fo? ccntrries; 2) Vunba imporLation of ni.'p .rlavos, 13th-19th ccntul'ies, r",ho il,I60 settled and intennarrj.ed. The nature of the histo"ical rel-ationshiD cr:tlaiDs lrhy lii.LyuJru, esp those tdlo trace Shirazi as opnoseclto Segeju liirLs, are rea.1y to idenbify thenrelves Ld+h lt Digo but not Vrwta. lnteresting that t,hen-I sent someonet.ri-th a questionraire to S\imorli r/onen Lhcy .dl.d. hl . rrholc prou., of ',0 r{1s ntjt}njcally lll lll D!.1p: so yet alother rcason for caution r.rith census returnso lil nrain emploJrmen+of Anzuuani an.1 Shimotd men irj fishine. Tourism is g?ouing fast, so IrC etfcct l:il:yuJu to be th; first locn.l .1ial,ect to be repfaccd by St.ddald. .7 A,cc lo ];Iklriro inf name l{achqj.d = llafcyul'n comes from 1oca1 soil . type = vichuJru. idust ctreck vhat *ype of soil thiB ls. Place nalne Vichangala\reni al_so found among Digo, tor /on/. /ts/ Irm puzzledl by the rame l,Idragsni, d + r an unusuai comtination. Finally to language. PROBLI44:..!rhy do Shi"azi speaking Shirazi, secejrl spealcins sege3u"lD;i;F) and Digo speakin! Dis! slritoh to a clialect of Vl]mla? Anslrer nolr appearE straightfo:.!-rardl: economic clependelts speaking diffeient 1anguageF adopt the language ' of tlleir economj-cmasters. Irocess acccl_e?ated.bJr fact that the ._-l 3 groups are nlunerically sna1l anil intemarrieil. Cl\. 4h4.'\6n -6 I prccrme high ,1eg?eeof nrrtu:,I inteltigibility bet een Shilazi/ ti,?" Vunba, Shirazi/DieD ard possibly Digo/vuiba. Segeju presumabfy Nft.:Y /^s t_ have to beg"in bjr being bilingual question: ldth V!.robaenployers. 5V :; ljhen aoes this bil-ingualiEm begin? possi}1e that a1leatly befope VVrvti;;|Y 4)'* .._setlled at I'ldragoni ard alreedy rlrcdding original l an6rag€. does Segeju bjlilr,Tralism uith DieD beg:in? I,tig?ation X Question: trrtllen history l.rol1fd sugsest Dossilrility that al?eady bilinguat in t1K by the time they reach the S Coast. Still_ need. better unilerstanalins of Segeju-Daisu (3 iti) Telatiourhip. IntereEting thing about shift to KtruJ'u is .bhat V..]'lnba not physically relrcsented in the populaLio$ r'hi cl1 shift--cl" 1,11 achievecl through pofitical e"nd ccolromic donil1atj-on. Iilo-beven tlr,"']cric:11 .ruteriority. Acc to ticlial probable that rjlavc:r outftunbere.l Vll]rlba r,t t,llsini; modcr}l c].eBce]]dalrts now ne11 assinrilaljed. 5C)t)oBsilJle soulce of receub nigo inllluenoe upon ali:,.1cct stol(cn ,rl l{ii5ir1i, if a\y.
Lamlcrt dloesnrt mention Kil:Jn\yu a.s far as I can Eecr though lr mcntions evcrythjng -1:;c on the Shir.roni t nniniul,s. ,iulyrt'ay, if l.la6ini becomes inportant to Vumba in early l8th ccntury, thcn tle :'hift to l'ikyqyu nLrib l1:Iva occul'red sonetime betueen then and now. If a var:icty of Shitazi has te?sisted right nextdoor to Kimasi in l,tajoreni, then might expcct to .ce somc Shirazi infl,uence in KikJqyu? were at time of Vurba- conquestr mid-l?th centulyr X qj1ection: Shirazir of ie diffe:rent va?ieties there already local Cllifundi (just on tlasini island of also on Ii nainland?) / Changani / i1lrJruni ? l.Iould it be possibl-e to te11? l'ihat aboub 1{ Ta.xrz:r,"riacoasb? shir:rzi cofiLn!.1ities Xquesbion: bravelling l'l to S: tlcre .t-rlashcd by Vrunbaflercr on l(irlr:i
at ]IbayfJi
at l(in1i
at ihr so on noma DeDj.irsula
aL llan j..!rli
= l.la11u:t
at l'[.umlri,
U of Kv.-1e/]1..1'e Ilardli
oo liifli
Orlc source lls,s lJeklr:llc instc...l of flatf..ji orr thi.'.r 1i3t (4.130 has ^cc to lll3riro inf liaklra,le = $n]:iuyu instoaa of Hacl1:.I1$ni). so 1oo}<slikc s.roc ltincl of cblll]ic .Jhif-L as Ua.cha"ng]ni Ur.c{cju, to UaJrl4\yu. llhat dial-cct Aid tllese cor|nnujribias3lrcl]l.? Iit r+less isr somcthing morc likc Vurnba-trba! Shir.,ri. 3 rea::oIrs: l) ceosrnDhicnl rshira-zi! in the conbexlj o[ 1oc|l histolX/ mcans 2) loij-liioni non-Vlunba, ana only }econe ar imPoltant label- in the uake of Vunlra conqLrests (rr|.ile Vlul|ba themselves recognize that ilatever thc case Sldrazi is an tllcy uere orig:inal1y Shirazi: l) onc II.Lriro inf ct In.j-c/hi:tori cirl noL LinelicLic l:tbel), dcscribedl the Vtmba of ltrasini axld vlr,l]ba I(uu as l{ombayayit suggestd o?igina,l Uambatayi conununity includeal peopl'e who later split to become vumba. Of all above 5 Shirazi labels the o1rly one lrve foruld il! ctli?ent I bst they speak a variety of Vllnlba use is l[akifti/Wakiruwi. and not Shirazi. lilB: just checking nW few notes on Seg€ju. Includes stateEents qhiE that theiE langlrage is like nigo (not that it is Digo). segeiu inf calledl the Bwiti 1ot refers to segeju in Tatz. Wablrilti. SacL to Sbimoni penj-nsul,a...
PF,IBA gethcrcd in lrlkliiro; inforroation Ilapeml)a sreafting ? Tho follotdnS didnrt chcc]. lthen l uas on{l a}oul, it ltd foigot-Le[ r.l1forbllnately onc vill:I3^: in .Lrzur;ari. Rc|orLcd to be a Ki chu]ka-ln
s-9 Story of lernba vi.riLor uho car0e aotoss :i',liri]ler up the coast. ]'hought it ltas ri11uffcrs, buffalo uili ch had bceD terlo"ising lrreabmenb. a bd1 and .a3ve it the Pemba bullfi$h't enforced l0:rriro Iistrenmer1 used to Scfore boriler rer:trictions -to be sone roil Lo Pemba in thcir 4sal-alta to fish blLcxo. S.:!id Penba marrieal into llklriro. I Cuess fa-inly llo idea ho or trhen bhe ShinoYli Pemba got ijbere. bear in nindl: contact to recen-lrly. 3ut ailothc? source of dialect may have been mole impox*alrt i-n the past" that necliate bethreen tbe HaclNiaka arld- I'laktlyu' Inleresting the bounatary seens to be haTd_ andl fast' othenrise CIIIJAKA
Told that the follor'ting a?e ChuaLa llachua,La speaLillg Chicl]r&ka. 1/ill ages: but ot these onlif chr.iaka is nentionedl by I'Idhlig, Chr.raka ) tba11 to be l_atger the lJaclxuaka conmrllity oppears Gu1ll'lt ) InLerestinfi bhat the last tro are in he inDfies. ) Uchaml]a fikr'Iiro infs also saidl stl "o"tt"t of the penirtul&: I'hiayalo ) there are Waclll'r.rLaon the coast' Arlrur.rani infs saitl that llachua,|a = trJadigo. liktiro infs said thab Also thet thcir la11guage is llachrjslia = Uadigor but diffe"ent. 11Le Chidigo. i DiSo itf in tiani sllggested Lhat Chitsvaka is so "eiationship is recogllized on both sides' Di3o diaLeit. in Digo taadition l'{c11tio]1ec1 ilfo o11 Clntaka hisbory. l,to certair coll-ected by Slear: as earl-y site of settlement anil dLi3!easa1' Acc to llkr'ri"ro infs !Ja'clrwal<:'are/r':ere ro:rf*ntli in iron and thus l
"tr"r,' r'"= tEgunshirting io vumba/
(yqt-u over the Fas+ 250 Years o"d?? SDGD,'U liasegeju speaking ? foll-onj-ng rilla,ges: ?bngve l(idimu
( ttornuz) ififfiizi ffiiGd-irltor'r.t]lon.
NB :
w^b'.rir, p1 laisi
oo the il shimotd peninsula
incl-udes the
l'lasegejuof tlds area a'1sroleferled to as
Presunably ni:(ecl viLh lJ'-ciigo '-ne spealcj'ng if '''heie i5 a Segeiu variety -irtn"" of it. O'restion: S ]l)il'o 6r a vari6ty i" this because elencnts of sega ju-/laj-su -herve been ffi;7;,tr(' rctaiied or'lece-tte elements of vunba h'te beetl inoorporateit? ) Segeju a"re said Lo havc been C'iva1rlernission to colonise the Ponfilte
,) irrrJ"maail+e*ea*a*;
elea j-n bhe early 19th ccnLutyi Thilr r'.ri:c!r blrc que:r'bio[ of v]!l:l-e thcy uere lofore then. fb also raises the possibility -Lhat they had alrea(1y lost thcin olm 1 lcur.8e by the time of set-blenent" A6aii1, [eed. bo checl.i tbe hi-stor'ies to reconstruct sc geju/Vu'nba and SeAeju/li go rel,ations. No info oil licgaju settlencnt away from ljlinoni penitlsldat al Lhough map cl]ol.Is lihcn ln1€ultl of llajoreni aR 1te11" 30r
ovcr Lo lihc lhioreni
I,lUYUItrl of Shirazi acc bo lldhlig Ijamql-&nispeal.:ing variety/varieties ( - c c r b o v c ) . J ( n o vo r b h c f o l l o ! j t \ r v i l l . " C r : r : AJ.ri (fcrn.'rly Ilitj;rltrrir ::;.ernqrol, Lo ba n-rt of ti.rioreni) T*.ri (t'n r"t noar Aloni) 1rj11_c'on r'' L o r";l'inorli perlinrL t, Il-;-ornani(fo'mcr lJrn_lJ'l'11i io-rr aban.tonccL) g1p1g (tlgoar ol1 islancl touards valga). ilFe no illform."bion ot1 other trillaces l.tvcen l{aio?eni '-n'L V rga. UASI ljr,fiasi st)ea-king Kimajli Udhlig. Vj,1l.a8e: ldai o reni
of (i\,rrmla
to l,r.nborb
1i6--iliri-ou possibl- e lrider di st ribu'bion.
Llgg Tlercrs .Lb l-east one ligp l,h.,e]ci eni
ii5-Ti-r'o on others or segeju settleneht tack of info
is vhy Ird like
(see biblio)' to 6ee Wii eSryrardene
ltla$1lyuni of llwiyuri defeated by Vunba Eisto4r a,nd.specdation. -to llasiniGuess that pattern similar in rnid-l?th century. Shinoni has resuJ-t;d in shift to Kimasi variety of Kivumbat (rnore renote fron Vumba erccept that iDfl-uerce was l-ess intersive ard" thus a variety centres and rnailr areas of econonic activi.ty) confusing rta_ienents fron of Shirazi dialect has sulvivedl. ptobably reflecting I,lk$iro about l"lalnq]nmi/Uanasi ielationship, _that i{arnasi identity' miraed to the sbifted have some I'lanqlnmi fact rrlla.nasi are not llaehirazi, is jt13* a name they Save not a |al)ilar 'r],lilri Iri llma.!:i, si lliiikendarr, .tro ther^selves,'. Relorted that 1.ri1-1say so in some si ijllations also .listFnce thcr0rcl-vec fron Di8o. anal certainly ut, to Lhc late 19503 At least in aecent timesr an inPortant lartex nrarl:et' l)ifio has had (ccrlach)t llajoreni a'nd slrinoni axld lil:lriro bring fisht produce' t"lng agricdtitr..l a l]aBqt'uni pots. ijo bring lilgoa Dottcly Iluy'uiri irom Aloni ar1.1 i'"1poIbf,l.}l,3J Vurnba]iuu: .jtccialiEaiioll. Pottelf,r a-1r,ohistoricill1y 'uirurj etynrolopSr of vllmba (llollis) clisljinctive v$nba lots f,na.
ir,rportedl and naned after
iltxl$a bJ Rabai (Lrapf
,isi. strorld 8:ive you a feu icleas ard help to form slecifio questious. lle?ets a no+e or't sources: -
G. H, T. tli ieyunnlene. (0n1y ?1thrololo'-ict I.lmow lrho hrs !,orkeal in the area; 6nent some time ilr Aleni). Sone -A.Epectsof village sofidariLy in Suahili-Speal
Irve no't see]l the folloving: Lanbert. e Riddaes fton the South Kcnva Coast' EE!E' 1962 So Songs of the ilouthern l(ct1ya Coast' f965 SonteIuitiation xxx\I' I, 49-67 ' Ssl,rahili. hc"e. IiivLunL.L 1ri5 n6-i-o'-nf-of ir1 lloirolj_' pcDer.. i,o atchive IIis
Ilark llarquarallt. ltar'rini isl an-cl''lBlD' rgai ' - sotn'ulholt{]hts on thc lliFrttry of lcst done by :rtudcnl' on s blray pxoicct' unl,ubllshcttr (llevc cony)' .rr"iluttl" descriptioh of llN,tiDi vlllage'
I t: j
A. I. 19?3
5a1in. (lnfo '-the S1ra,hi1i Spc.hiilg Peoples of lienya's coast. peuinsula, anal la.ndl Shinon: oo reoent hisLory of dis?utes).
Richard 198?. The nough cuide to Kenya. (3rief ol
of village