Notes, South America

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 454
  • Pages: 2
Terms to know: Neo Colonialism: the economic and political policies by which a great power indirectly maintains or extends its influence over other areas or people International Monetary Fund (IMF): International body responsible for lending money to developing nations Indigenous having originated in and being produced, growing, living, or occurring naturally in a particular region or environment Renewable vs. Non-renewable resources (resource map) Munroe Doctrine : a statement of United States foreign policy expressing opposition to extension of European control or influence in the western hemisphere Cold War: War between US and USSR that was fought through other countries and lasted about 50 years. 1.

Central and South America a. Geography and Infrastructure i. Dense Jungles, Large Remote Mountains and Huge Cities ii. Infrastructure Developing 1. Unity Across States 2. sustainability 3. Highly varied by region b. History i. Colonized mostly by Spain and Portugal 1. Unlike the United States there still are huge Indigenous populations present 2. Portuguese and Spanish are the most common languages a. In rural areas many speak at least 2 languages b. Indigenous languages still widely spoken. 3. Strong man style colonialism had a lasting legacy ii. Munroe Doctrine 1823 1. European Nations expelled in influence 2. Manifest Destiny, Spanish American War iii. Mexican American Revolution 1. revolution of 1911 2. started the populist revolutions of the 20th century a. generally left leaning in politics b. populist in that they were about the rights of the common person c. More modern times 1. Cold War terror a. US was determined to beat USSR at all costs

b. Domino theory made every political turn of any country a big threat c. Motivation for control of Latin America in that it represented US strategic interests d. Neo Colonialism i. Banana Republic ii. Guatemala 1. High Foreign Land Ownership 2. Conservative Land buyback program 3. CIA sponsored overthrow 4. tens of thousands die in political death squads iii. five years later Cuba goes Red 1. Castro and Ché Guevara overthrow US backed regime 2. US trade embargo 3. Soviet Alliance e. Regime change in Chile, Grenada, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras ii. Indigenous Population 1. Large proportionally in Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Guatemala 2. Wealth Gap is commonly on racial lines 3. political action often dangerous a. Rigoberta Menchu b. Bolivia iii. Latin America’s Emerging left 1. Venezuela 2. Bolivia d. Economy i. Oil and raw materials 1. Colonial Legacy 2. Renewable Resources a. Trees b. Livestock c. Rubber d. bananas 3. Non-renewable Resources a. Metals b. Oil ii. International Debt IMF / Single Industry 1. Conditional Loans 2. interest and single industry leads to more debt iii. Wealth Gap 1. decreasing middle class 2. fuel for many leftist regimes 3. foreign role in ownership

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