Sms Jokes

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 15,891
  • Pages: 73
Lady : So, you want to become my son-in-law? Boy: Not really, but I don't see any other way 2 marry ur daughter! "I hear that you drop some money in Stocks. Were you a bull or a bear?" "Neither, just a plain simple ass." A lady delivered twins. Suprisingly one is a boy and another is a dog how it is possible? Bcoz her husband is HUTCH DEALER.... wherever u go out network follows Dream makes al things possible, Hope makes al things work, luv makes al thigs beutifl, smile makes al d abv so always BRUSH UR TEETH...! Husband: Today is sunday & I have to enjoy it. So i bought 3 movie tickets. Wife: why three? Husband: 4 u and ur parents. A police recruit was asked during exam, "What would u do if u had to arrest ur own mother?" He said, "Call for backup." A baby monkey asks his father, Father why r we so ugly? The father says to him, don't stress my son u should see the one who is reading this!! Her Job & My Job Her Job is to Bitch! Mine is to give her a Reason! What do u call a woman in heaven? An Angel. A crowd of woman in heaven? A host of Angels. And all woman in heaven? PEACE ON EARTH! Teacher: What should be in a book to make it a bestseller? Tommy: A girl on the cover and no cover on the girl. Sign post outside our collage- "Drive Carefully! Dont kill the Students, Wait for the Lecturers!". A small kid wrote to Santa Clause, "send me a brother". santa wrote back, "send me ur mother". Scientists all over the world r wondering how long a human being can live without a brain... Kindly tell them ur age... What happened 2 ur network? I tried 2 call u but the operator said "Welcome 2 the jungle, the monkey u r trying to call is on the tree....Plz try later." Two hydrogen atoms walk into a bar. One says, "I've lost my electron." The other says, "Are you sure?" The first replies, "Yes, I'm positive..." God thought that since he couldn't b everywhere he made a mother. Then devil thought that he couldn't b everywhere he made a mother-in-law. Why couldn't the apple send an e-mail to the orange? Because the lime was engaged. A good friend is like a computer I 'enter' ur life, 'save' u in my heart, 'format' ur problems, 'shift' u 2 opportunities & never 'delete' u from my memory! sorry 4 disturb u. can u fax me ur photo, its very urgent, serious matter has comeup actually, we r playing a cards and I lost the joker Q:) What does a buffalo produce during an EarthQuake? A:) MilkShake After a quarrel, a husband said to his wife, "You know, I was a fool when I married you." She replied, "Yes, dear I know, but I was in love and didn't notice." Teacher: Now, Sam, tell me frankly, do you say prayers before eating? Sam: No sir, I don't have to, my Mom is a good cook. When in life, you wake up n you don't see anyone, then come to me. I will be there to take you to an eye specialist! When in life, you wake up n you don't see anyone, then come to me. I will be there to take you to an eye specialist!

r mosquitoes religious? Yes They first sing over u & then prey on you What is a difference between a Kiss, a Car and a Monkey? A kiss is so dear, a car is too dear and a monkey is U dear. Friedship is just like wine.. as it gets older it gets sweter.. just like you and me.. you are gettind older and i am getting sweeter. I want u... To be with me In a nice Restaurent To have candle light dinner.... & to say say those sweet three words to U.... "Pay The Bill" What is a difference between a Kiss, a Car and a Monkey? A kiss is so dear, a car is too dear and a monkey is U dear. Friedship is just like it gets older it gets sweter..just like you and are gettind older and i am getting sweeter. Unlike others, ur brain is a masterpiece. it has 2 halves the left & the right The left has nothing right in it & d right has nothing left in it. We've known Each other 4 Quite a while now, do u think we can be more than Frnds? Will u be my Partner 2 rob a Bank? I saw U on Road today. U were lukin SO fine, Ur face SO divine, Ur walk SO perfect. My Heart started singing a Sweet Song: Who Let The Dogs Out! Do u know that your Smile takes 1000 People to Death ? Save The World......... So Plz start brushing regularly When u get ths SMS, snd it to 1 person U luv, 1 u hate, 1 u always think of & 1 u wish to kill. now keep guessing why I send it to u!! My Life was in darkness before i met u, but now it is bright.u know why? Coz u r a "Tubelight Birdy birdy in the sky, left a poopie in my eye. Me don't care, me don't cry, me just happy that a cow can't fly! Last night was my fault, my wife asked, "what's on the TV?" and ..... I said, "dust!" The smile is like a simcard & life is like cellphone, Whenever u insert the simcard of a smile, a beautiful day is activated Keep Smiling. Difference: It's funny when people discuss LOVE MARRIAGE Vs ARRANGED. It's like asking someone, if suicide is better or being murdered so sweet is ur SMILE..... so sweet is ur STYLE..... so sweet is ur VOICE..... so sweet is ur EYE....... see how sweetly I LIE!! Some Love Golden-Ship, Some Love Silver-Ship, But I Love One Ship, That Is Your FriendShip

Luk at the world as 1 big chocolate cake. It would never b complete without few sweets n nuts. Sweet like ME & nut like U Marriage is the process of finding out what kind of man your wife would have preferred. Q: Have you heard the joke about the butter? A: I butter not tell you, It might spread!!

Cute… Good looking… Easy to handle… Cool… Sexy… Nice structure… Its my mobile. How about your? What is the height of Bravery, Patience & Laziness combined? A: Sitting on the sea shore waiting for TSUNAMI to clean up ur ASS Will, Marry, I & U are going for a party. Whats the best & worst arrangement u can make. Did u get... Best: Will, U, Marry, Me Worst: I, Will, Marry, U Dream makes al things possible, Hope makes al things work, luv makes al thigs beutifl, smile makes al d abv so always BRUSH UR TEETH...! Boy: what will u give me as reward if i climb Mt.Everest? Girl: A push. Sincere Apology: If u dont like ny of my SMS or dont like 2 read or if my msgs disturb u,then plz dont hesitate,feel free 2 Throw Ur Mobile!! Sweet fruits r nice 2 eat.. Sweet words r nice 2 say.. But sweet people r really hard 2 find..My goodness, how da hell did u manage 2 find me! Advice Always listen to ur hubby, He gives sound advice :99% Sound & 1% Advice.... Consequences of American life style: The wife rushed into house screaming 2 her husband, Darling, Come quick! Ur kids n my kids r beating our kids Their are moments in life when you really miss someone. And you wish you could just pluck them from your dreams.. Aim for the stars. But first, aim for their bodyguards. Woman: The most efficient money reducing agent known to man-kind! Friendship is not a Game to Play Friendship is not a game to play, It is not a word to say, It doesn't start on March and ends on May, It is tomorrow, yesterday, today and everyday. Moon said to me to leave your friend Moon said to me, if ur friend is not messaging u why dont you leave ur friend.I looked at moon and said does ur sky ever leave u when u dont shine. Age appears to be best in some things Age appears to be best in some things. Old wood best to burn. Old books best to read. Old rice best to eat and old friends best to keep God picked up a flower God picked up a flower and dipped it in a DEW, lovingly touched it which turned in to u, and the he gifted to me and said, THIS FRIEND IS 4U. To live a life To live a life i need heartbeat, 2 have heartbeat i need a heart, 2 have heart i need happiness, to have happiness i need a friend, and 4 a friend i need U.ALWAYS True friends r like morning True friends are like mornings, u cant have them the whole day, but u can be sure, they will be there when u wakeup tomorrow, next year and forever. Make 1000's friends Its not an achievement to make 1000's friends in a year, but an achievement is when you make a friend for 1000's years. 6 rules to be HAPPY

6 rules to be HAPPY: Free your heart from hatred; Free your mind from worries; Live simply; Expect less; Give more & Always have ME as UR FRIEND Never abandon old friends. Never abandon old friends. They are hard 2 replace. Friendships is like wine: it gets BETTER as it grows OLDER. Just like us... i get BETTER, u get OLDER. I can't afford a precious FRIEND like YOU!!! GOD is so wise that he never created FRIENDS with pricetags, Because..... if He did, I can't afford a precious FRIEND like YOU!!! As long as we have memories, yesterday remains; As long as we have memories, yesterday remains; as long as we have hope, tomorrow awaits. As long as we have Friendship, each day is never a waste. ill always value u deep within my heart! Wat u see as truth wat u see as lies remember that true friendship never dies although we may change & drift apart, ill always value u deep within my heart! If friends were flowers If friends were flowers I would not pick you! I'll let you grow in the garden & cultivate you with love and care so I can keep you as a friend 4ever!! Ur validity of being my friend is going 2 b expired Ur validity of being my friend is going 2 b expired today,plz recharge ur friendship immidetly by delivering 4-5 sweet & cool msgs.So hurry Friendship is sweet when it’s new Friendship is sweet when it’s new, Sweeter when its true, but sweetest when its u. When God gave friends he tried 2 b fair! When I got u, I got more than my share! KeEping a FRIEND is As Difficult KeEping a FRIEND is As Difficult AS losing one. U sacrifice A lot To keep them. I may not have sacrificed enuf 4 u... but in my HEART I swear I'm keeping U.. touches your heart. A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart. The Test of Friendship the test oF friendship dosen't comes when u R 2GethEr. It cOmEs wHeN u ParT waYs & u ReaLizE tHat dEsPitE tHe dIsTanCe, thE fRiEndshIp iS sTilL tHeRe... FRIENDSHIP isn't how U forGet FRIENDSHIP isn't how U forGet but how U forGive, Not how U liSten but how U UnderStand, Not what U see but how U feel, and not how U Let Go but how U hold oN!!! FriEndSHiP iS A PRiCeLeSs GiFt FriEndSHiP iS A PRiCeLeSs GiFt tHaT cAn'T Be BoUgHt Or SoLd, BuT To Have An UnDeRsTaNdiNg FriEnd iS FaR MoRe WoRtH tHaN GoLd~! Without friends like you, life is impossible! Without humor, life sux. Without courage, life is hard. Without love, life is hopeless. Without friends like you, life is impossible! You'll always be my FRIEND, this WORLD, where everything seems UNCERTAIN, only one thing is DEFINITE. You'll always be my FRIEND, beyond WORDS, beyond TIME & beyond DISTANCE! Meeting you was fate, Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was choice, but falling in love with you was

completely out of my control. we never lose true friends. I always thought loving some1 was the greatest feeling, but I realised tat loving a friend is even better, we lose ppl we love but we never lose true friends. You're eyes are soft en tender You're eyes are soft en tender,as sweet as they can be.There's one thing you must remember, you are the one for me!!! Do your feet never hurt Do your feet never hurt ???? ... You are wondering around my thoughts all day long.... just make a wish When the night comes, look at the sky. If you see a falling star, don't wonder why,just make a wish. Trust me it will come true,'cause I did it and I found you. Painting is a feelin, Never spoil it. Painting is a feelin, Never spoil it.Face is a book, try 2 read it.Love is precious, B ready 2 sacrifice for it & Friendship is like a mirror never break it! A deep friend is like rainbow A deep friend is like rainbow, when the perfect amount of happiness and tears r mixed, the result is a colorful bridge between 2 hearts. Friendship is a language spoken Friendship is a language spoken by heart... not written on paper, not given by pledge... it is a promise renewed everytime we keep in touch...Take Care... Friendship is a silent gift of nature.. Friendship is a silent gift of nature.. More old .. more strong.. More deep.. more clear.. More close.. more warm.. Less words.. more understanding.. From Fun is not only made for lover ;"; ;/ ("v")"; /";"/ /;./ "v" './ %./ is not only made for lovers;its also for friends who luv each other better than lovers!! By Pretty Few Relations in Earth Never Die. Few Relations in Earth Never Die.Want 2 know What it is? Read again.. (F)few (R)relations (I)in (E)earth (N)never (D)die surendran There is "And" bitween Sky an There is "And" bitween Sky and Earth, But there is nothing bitween Me and You,but this "And" bitween Me and You is 'Anybody Not Disturb'shaheryar A special friend is rare indeed A special friend is rare indeed, it beems to be special breed, yes, perfect friends r very few, so lucky I m for having you.Tahir If u r a chocolate ur the sweetes If u r a chocolate ur the sweetest, if u r a Teddy Bear u r the most huggable, If u are a Star u r the Brightest, and since u r my "FRIEND" u r the "BEST"!!!!!!!!!Tahir A friend gives hope when life is lo

A friend gives hope when life is low, a friend is a place when you have nowhere to go, a friend is honest, a friend is true. A friend is precious a friend is u.Tahir Science has proved that sugar Science has proved that sugar melts in water,so plz don`t walk in the rain, otherwise I may lose a sweet friend like u!!!Mukhoji Nobody is like u, nobody cares 4 u, nobody misses u, nobody wants to see u good, nobody is ur best fr, nobody is happy with u.... dont name is nobody I m getting married next month. I m getting married next month.... its small party and only few people will be invited...... dont bring any gift.....just bring someone who ll marry me. Its too hard to loose someone Its too heard to loose someone who is 99% cute, 98% sweet, 97% loving, 96% talented and 100% friendly, Thats me, whats a waste of life if u loose me. if u read this, i m smart.. if u read this, i m smart.. if u save this, u agree i m smart.. if u 4ward this, u r spreadin that i m smart.. if u delete this u r jealous... Those innocent eyes, those kissable lips, Those innocent eyes, those kissable lips, a great smile the perfect walk, smoothest talk, absolute gorgeous, thts enough bout me... how r u ? Rules of Life: Rules of Life:Assume Nothing,Xpect Little,Do More,Demand Less,Smile Often,Dream Big,Laugh a Lot,Pray Always,Cry Once for missing me everyday. Why do U think I SMS u ? Why do U think I SMS u ? Is it because I care ? Or I miss u ? Or I love u ? Or I need You ? No ! It's b'coz... I need a person for just time pass The rain makes all things beautiful. The rain makes all things beautiful. The grass & flowers 2. If rain makes all things beautiful why doesn't it rain on you? i look at the moon i look at the moon the moon is beautiful i look at you i..i... i rather look at the moon again U R 100% beautiful, U R 100% beautiful, U R 100% lovely, U R 100% sweet, U R 100% nice, and U R 100% stupid to believe these words...

Good FRIENDS CaRE for each Other.. CLoSE Friends UNDERSTaND each Other... and TRUE Friends STaY forever beyond words, beyond time...** Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 138 Characters

FRiEND in different lanaguages... Iranian - DOST German - FREUND Herbew - CHAVER French - AMi Pinoy - KAiBiGAN Dutch - VREND Mexican - AMiGO For me.. just simply "YOU" Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 177 Characters

Stars has 5 ends Square has 4 ends Trinagle has 3 ends Line has 2 ends but Circle of our friendship has no end... Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 117 Characters

Nishana jo le wo SURVIR, Nishane pe jo lag jaye wo TIR, Dil me jo utar jaye wo TASVIR, Mere Jaise Dost ki saath mil jaye wo ACHI TAQDIR... Friendship SMS, Friendship Hindi SMS, 141 Characters

A daily thought... A silent tear... A Constant wish that u r near...

Words are few but thoughts r deep... Memories of our frenship i'll always keep!! Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 161 Characters

Ek achha dost agar 100 baar roothe to use 100 baar manao, kyunki keemti motiyon ki maala jitni baar hbi toote use pirona hi padta hai... Friendship SMS, Friendship Hindi SMS, 136 Characters

Being a friend is not just sharing a joke, a conversation, a cup of coffee or a funny story. It means sharing an honest and true part of yourself. Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 146 Characters

In this cruel world it is very difficult to find friend with beautiful heart, pure feelings, attractive personality & stylish looks. So learn to value me! Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 154 Characters

When I was born, GOD said, "Oh No! Another IDIOT". When you were born, GOD said, "OH No! COMPETITION". Who knew, one day these two will become FREINDS FOREVER! Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 159 Characters

Sometimes in life we think we don't need anyone. But sometime we don't have anyone when we need... So don't let your best buddies go ever... Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 140 Characters

We met it was Luck! We talked it was CHANCE! We became friends it was DESTINY! We are still friends it is FAITH! We will always be friends its a PROMISE! Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 153 Characters

When does a friend become a best friend? When his dialouge, "I care for you" converts into "I will kill you if you don't care for me"

Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 135 Characters

Dont write your name on sand, waves will wash it. Dont write your name on sky, wind may blow it. Write your name on hearts of your friends, thats where it will stay. Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 165 Characters

The one who likes you most, sometimes hurts you, but again he is the only one who feels your pain. Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 98 Characters

For me U r as... Chees 4 pizza.. passport 4 visa... butter 4 bread.. ice 4 freezer.. cream 4 cake... water 4 lake.. leaf 4 tree.. a FRIEND like u is 4 ever 4 me..!! Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 164 Characters

Friends are like shoes, some loose some tight, some fit just right, they help u as u walk through life. thanks for being my size! Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 129 Characters

F: FIELD of LOVE!..R: ROOT ofJOy!.. I: ISLAND of GOD!.. E: END of SoRROW!.. N: NAME of HOPE!.. D: DOOR of UNDERSTANDING! dats YOU my FRIEND.. Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 141 Characters

Science has proved that sugar melts in water,so plz don`t walk in the rain, otherwise I may lose a sweet friend like u!!! Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 122 Characters

;"; ;/ ("v")"; /";"/ /;./ "v" './ %./ is not only made for lovers;its also for friends who luv each other better than lovers!!

Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 148 Characters

A deep friend is like rainbow, when the perfect amount of happiness and tears r mixed, the result is a colorful bridge between 2 hearts. Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 136 Characters

FRIENDSHIP isn't how U forGet but how U forGive, Not how U liSten but how U UnderStand, Not what U see but how U feel, and not how U Let Go but how U hold oN!!! Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 160 Characters

KeEping a FRIEND is As Difficult AS losing one. U sacrifice A lot To keep them. I may not have sacrificed enuf 4 u... but in my HEART I swear I'm keeping U.. Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 157 Characters

As long as we have memories, yesterday remains; as long as we have hope, tomorrow awaits. As long as we have Friendship, each day is never a waste. Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 147 Characters

Its not an achievement to make 1000's friends in a year, but an achievement is when you make a friend for 1000's years. Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 119 Characters

To live a life i need heartbeat, 2 have heartbeat i need a heart, 2 have heart i need happiness, to have happiness i need a friend, and 4 a friend i need U.ALWAYS Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 162 Characters

Moon said to me, if ur friend is not messaging u why dont you leave ur friend.I looked at moon and said does ur sky ever leave u when u dont shine. Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 147 Characters

Zindagi mein hamesha naye dost milenge, kahi zyada to kahin kum milenge. Aitbaar zara soch kar karna, mumkin nahi tumhe har jagah HUM milenge. Friendship SMS, Friendship Hindi SMS, 142 Characters

Sweetness can be defined without honey. Fragnance can be defined without Rose. But, friendship can't be defined without YOU. Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 130 Characters

Friend is one, who (F)inds you in a (R)ush of people, (I)nspires you to do something in life, catch your (E)motions and (N)ever leaves you till (D)eath. Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 152 Characters

Dard jitna saha jaye utna hi sehna, Kisi ke dil ko jo lag jaye vo baat na kehna, Milte hain hamare jaise dost bahut kam, Isline humse 'Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna' Friendship SMS, Friendship Hindi SMS, 157 Characters

As I saw ants crawl up the wall, I noticed that no matter how busy they are, they still stop and communicate with each other. I hope we can be like them. Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 153 Characters

Friendship is not a big fire which burns all day. Its a small lamp, that burns till the last day of life. Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 105 Characters

Medicines and friendships cure our problems. The only difference is that friendships don't have an expiry date. Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 111 Characters

Friendship never speaks volumes, it never demands proof, it never has a happy ending too simply coz it doesn't end as long as friends r true, just like U! Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 154 Characters

If ur friendship be money, I'll be richest man. If ur friendship be pounds, I'll be heaviest man. If ur friendship be luv, I'll be luckiest man. But ur friendship is trust & I'm the happiest man Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 194 Characters

Walk with me when ur hearts needs company, take my hand when u feel all alone, turn to me when u need some1 to lean on, coz I'm a friend u can always depend on Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 159 Characters

Every morning when I open my eyes I pray to God that everyone should have a friend like u.Why should only I suffer! Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 115 Characters

Heart beat are countless, spirits are ageless, dreams r endless, memories are timeless and a friend like u is Useless. Oops! Sorry Yaar, Priceless Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 146 Characters

Dosti insaan ki zaroorat hai, dilon pe dosti ki hukamat hai aap k pyar ki wajah se zinda hain warna khuda ko bhi hamari zarorat hai.. Friendship SMS, Friendship Hindi SMS, 133 Characters

FEW RELATIONS IN EARTH NEVER DIE.. Take first letter from each word of the above said statement & then u will get that unique word... FRIEND :=) Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 151 Characters

Hamaare to daaman mein kaanto ke siva kuch nahin. Aap to phoolon ke kharid-daar nazar aate hain. Jahan mein kitne dost mile hume par sabse ache aap nazar aate hain..

Friendship SMS, Friendship Hindi SMS, 165 Characters

Leave SOMETHING for friend.. Never Leave FRIEND for something.. coz in life, SOMETHINGS will leave u but FRIENDS will always live with u.. Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 144 Characters

Tum banke dost aise aye zindagi me, ke hum ye zamana hi bhool gaye, tumhe yaad aye na aye hamari kabhi, par hum to tumhe bhulana hi bhool gaye. Friendship SMS, Friendship Hindi SMS, 143 Characters

Andhere me rasta banana mushkil hota hai. Tufan mein deepak jalana mushkil hota hai. DOSTI kisi se bhi kar lena mushkil nahi, Ise bas nibhana mushkil hota hai.. Friendship SMS, Friendship Hindi SMS, 160 Characters

Apki dosti Ki ek nazar chahiye, dil hai beghar use ek ghar chahiye, bas yuhi sath chalte raho e dost, yeh dosti hamein umar bhar chahiye.. Friendship SMS, Friendship Hindi SMS, 138 Characters

If luck is a raindrop, I wil; send u a shower. If hope is a minute, I ll send you an hour. If happiness is a leaf, I ll give you a tree. If u need a friend, u already have me. Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 175 Characters

When i was walking alone, I wished that i can reach da end of da road.. But when u r walking with me, I wish the road never ends.. Friend's forever.. Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 154 Characters

Aasman humse naraaz hai....,taaron ka gussa behisab hai.. Log humse jalte hain.. Kyunki chand se pyara DOST hamare paas hai Friendship SMS, Friendship Hindi SMS, 123 Characters

Ye dosti chirag hai ise jalaye rakhna,ye dosti gul hai ise khilaye rakhna,hum rahe na rahen is jahan me bas hamari yaad dil me basaye rakhna. Friendship SMS, Friendship Hindi SMS, 141 Characters

A B C D E F G H I . . . . . . . . . . . U V W X Y Z.. Dekha I aur U ke beech mein jo bhee aaya sabko tapka diya... Friendship SMS, Friendship Hindi SMS, 115 Characters

Aey item kya kar kar rela hai, teri bahut memory arela tha, akha world me apun ko ekich to tere jaisa item friend mila. Miss to karegaich he na. Chal reply chipka daal. Friendship SMS, Friendship Hindi SMS, 168 Characters

Teri dosti da main satkar kitta, teri har nazar nu main pyar kitta, kasam rabb di na bhula devin es dosti nu, main apne to vi jyada is rishte te aitbaar kitta.. Friendship SMS, Friendship Punjabi SMS, 160 Characters

Aapki dosti ki ek nazar chahiye, Dil hai beghar usey ek ghar chahiye, bas yuhin saath chalte raho e dost, Yeh dosti humein umar bhar chahiye... Friendship SMS, Friendship Hindi SMS, 143 Characters

Rabb se aapki khushi mangte hain, duaon mein aapki hansi mangte hain. Sochte hain kya mange aapse? Chalo, aapse aapki umar bhar ki dosti mangte hain. Friendship SMS, Friendship Hindi SMS, 149 Characters

Dilon ko khareedne wale hazaar mil jayenge, tumko daga dene wale bar-bar mil jayenge. Milega na tumko hum jaisa koi, milne ko to dost beshumar mil jayenge.

Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 155 Characters

Making a million friends is not a miracle, the miracle is to make a friend who will stand by you when millions are against you. Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 127 Characters

Saathi sirf woh nahi hota jo jeevan bhar saath nibhaye; Saathi to woh bhi hai jo jivan ke kuch palon mein bhi jeevan bhar ka saath de jaaye. Friendship SMS, Friendship Hindi SMS, 140 Characters

Whenever I look at my palm, I wonder which of those tiny cute crisscross lines made me so lucky to have a sweet & nice friend like U. Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 133 Characters

Friendship is vast like Universe, deep like Ocean, high like Sky, strong like Iron, kind like Mother, cute like Me, and sweet like U! Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 133 Characters

A friend is like gas blown from the ass, which creates noise n nuisance to others but gives me a great comfort. Thanks for being gas of my ass. Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 143 Characters

<)"..(> ( (..)) ask piggy if ur a gud friend <).."(> (..), ) <)"..(> ( (..)

<).."(> (..), ) <)'..'(>piggy sez ( (..),)NO . . . coz ur da best! XXX Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 174 Characters

God apun se pucha, Kidhar jana mangta ? SWARG YA NARAK ? Apun bola NARAK ! Apun ko malum, Tum sala dost log udharich milega, Bole to Jidhar tum, Woich apun ka SWARAG!! Friendship SMS, Friendship Hindi SMS, 181 Characters

1 Advice- Don’t change, 1 request- take care, 1 wish- Don't forget me, 1 Lie- I hate U, 1 truth- I Miss U, 1 hope- We'll always be Gud Friends. Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 143 Characters

True friends are those who, When you make a fool of yourself, Don't believe that this condition is permanent. Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 109 Characters

True friends are those who, When you make a fool of yourself, Don't believe that this condition is permanent. Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 109 Characters

True friends are those who, When you make a fool of yourself, Don't believe that this condition is permanent. Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 109 Characters

Ice is a cream, luv is a dream but r friendship is evergreen. Don't make friends bfore understanding & don't break a friendship after misunderstanding. Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 151 Characters Akhan di benuri changi nahin hundi, Dostan ton duri changi nahin hundi, Kade kade milya vi kar yaara, Har vele SMS naal gal puri nahin hundi. Friendship SMS, Friendship Punjabi SMS, 144 Characters

I can’t find a reason why God gave U to me, but that is not the question to b asked; May b the question is how did God knew that I needed a friend like U. Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 154 Characters

I can’t find a reason why God gave U to me, but that is not the question to b asked; May b the question is how did God knew that I needed a friend like U. Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 154 Characters

Mitha intazar te intazar nalo yaar mitha, Mitha yar te yar nalo pyar mitha, Mitha pyar te pyar nalo mithi sadi yaari, Es to mitha kuj na milna lab layi duniya sari. Friendship SMS, Friendship Punjabi SMS, 167 Characters

Making a million friends is not a miracle, the miracle is to make a friend who will stand by you when millions are against you. Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 127 Characters

Making a million friends is not a miracle, the miracle is to make a friend who will stand by you when millions are against you. Friendship SMS, Friendship English SMS, 127 Characters

Saathi sirf woh nahi hota jo jeevan bhar saath nibhaye; Saathi to woh bhi hai jo jivan ke kuch palon mein bhi jeevan bhar ka saath de jaaye.

Naughty SMS Collection Teacher: why are you late? Student: My dad told me to take our cow to bull. Teacher(Angrily): Can't your dad to it? Student: No, only BULL can do it. Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 153 Characters

I've learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is stalk them and hope they panic and give in. =) Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 116 Characters

Hair oil ki ad mein hair dikhate hain, Skin cream ki ad mein Skin, Toothpaste me Teeth, Footwears me Feet, par WHISPER ki ad mein kuch nahi dikhate???? Jaago Grahak Jaago! Naughty SMS, Naughty Hindi SMS, 172 Characters

A notice in a factory for girl workers. "If your skirt is long, protect yourself from machines at work.. If it is short, protect yourself from men at work" Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 157 Characters

Press down.

down more deeper

more YES



yes Almost there! ooh baby faster harder FEEL GOOD? mmmm THAT'S TEXTUAL INTERCOURSE Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 197 Characters

( ') / / in love ! // ()) , ( ') engaged /,' ())

married ,--. ( ) )'(, ) Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 95 Characters

Please ( ) press down! ()) ( ') // ( ) ) oh yeah !!! ( ')'.:,".;. / / ';".',,' / / ooohhh ( ) ) baby ur good! Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 127 Characters

What did the hurricane say to the palm tree? Hold on to your nuts. This is no ordinary blow job! Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 96 Characters

A man was looking at a painting for a long time of a naked woman with leaves covering the body, he was asked what he was doing and he answered - waiting for autumn. Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 164 Characters

A cat tries to get a sausage out of a river, but gets its paws wet, then it see a bigger one but falls in! MORAL OF STORY? The bigger the sausage the wetter the pussy! Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 167 Characters

A cat and a rooster sat by a lake, the cat fell in the lake, the rooster laughed! LESSON: when there's a wet pussy, there's a happy cock!

Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 137 Characters

A Sex expert was once asked whether a rape is possible while running. No, he replied, woman can run faster with her skirt up than a man with his pants down. Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 156 Characters

A man had "I LOVE YOU" tattooed on his dick. He went home and proudly showed his wife. "There you go again, trying to put words into my mouth", she said. Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 153 Characters

A baby dog asks mama dog: How papa looks like. Mama dog said: "Your dad came from behind, I do not have the chance to see its face carefully!" Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 142 Characters

One day there was this naked man and elephant, the elephant looks at the naked man for a few seconds, ask the naked man, "HOW CAN YOU BREATH THROUGH THAT LITTLE THING?" Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 168 Characters

1 day as I came home early from work, I saw a guy jogging naked. I said to the guy, "Hey buddy, why are you doing that?" He said, "Because you came home early." Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 160 Characters

Sounds women make during sex. 1) Asthmatic - ah.ahh.ah..ah. 2) Obedient - yes.yes..yes. 3) Unsatisfied - more. more...more. 4) Religious - oh god. oh god. Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 158 Characters

Do you like mathematics? If so, add a bed, subtract your clothes, divide your legs and we can

multiply! Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 103 Characters

Why do 90% of the girls have a bigger left breast ? ) ( ( .)( . ) ) ( because....

90% of the boys are right handed.. Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 147 Characters

In a bar 1 Guy says 2 another "I slept wid ur mom last nite" D whole bar was waiting 4 d other Guy's response. He laughs & says, "Lets go home dad, U r drunk" Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 163 Characters

School mein bachche ke papa ne teacher se kaha: Madam ji thodi aap koshish karo, thodi hum karte hain, bachcha to nikal hi jayega...! Naughty SMS, Naughty Hindi SMS, 133 Characters

INDIA KI REET... Ladki agar apni marzi se de de to PYAAR... Agar Dost Dilwaye to UPHAR... Ghar wale dilwaye to SANSKAR... aur agar apne aap lele to... BaLaTkAar... Naughty SMS, Naughty Hindi SMS, 163 Characters

Sali: Jija ji 500 rs. dedo, agley hafte doongi... Jija: 1500 lele par abhi de.. Naughty SMS, Naughty Hindi SMS, 80 Characters

Ek bus mein ladko aur ladkiyo ki team bani antakshari khelne ke liye. Girls: Hum tumko harakar dikhayenge.. Boys: Hum haar gaye, chalo ab dikhao. Naughty SMS, Naughty Hindi SMS, 147 Characters

When an apple is green, its ready to pluck. When a girl in eighteen, she is ready to...

VOTE. You dirty mind, Elections are near, but I know what you were thinking. Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 179 Characters

Why Mahendra Singh Dhoni has no girlfriend?....

Because, he drinks 2 litre of milk daily. Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 98 Characters

Boy (to girl): What's there in between your legs? Girl: Hell! And what's there in between your legs? Boy: A sinner, who wants to go to hell. Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 142 Characters

Girl & Boy were having sex. Girl: Darling, I want you to kiss my lips!

Boy: Sure, which 1 would you prefer first, lower lip or upper lip? Girl: Middle lips, the ones right in the middle of my legs. Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 200 Characters

Husband: kash hamare ladki ki jagah ladka ho jata? Wife: Chhodo ji, agar main aapke bharose rehti, to ladki bhi nahi hoti. Naughty SMS, Naughty Hindi SMS, 123 Characters

Lady1: How come your husband is always home on time? Lady2: I have made a simple rule. SEX will be at 9PM, whether you are here or not. Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 136 Characters

An journalist to mallika sherawat: What is the first thing you do in the morning when you wake up? Mallika: I go back to my home! Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 130 Characters

Colour of underwear reflects your mood: Red - Wild, Black - Sexy, Blue - Romantic, Pink - Seductive White - Calm, Yellow - time to change your undrewear! Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 159 Characters

Daughter: Mom, kya yeh sach hai ki ladke jahan apna l*nd dalte hain, bachha wahin se nikalta hai? Mom: Haan. Daughter: Oh my god! To kya mera bachha mere muh se niklega? Naughty SMS, Naughty Hindi SMS, 171 Characters

A dentist was caught raping a girl. Next day headline, "Dentist

caught filling wrong cavity". Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 93 Characters Wives r incoming calls, Lovers r outgoing calls, Aunties r Toll-free calls, Callgirls r Roaming calls, Neighbour girls r Missed Calls. Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 138 Characters

It’s short thing, gets longer when u hold it, and pass between women breasts, and enters into a hole. What is it? Car Seat Belt, you dirty mind. Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 145 Characters

Make luv to ur galfriend on Valentine day. She'll give u gud news on Mothers` day n u'll hv a child on children`s day. Don't try this on everybody. U'll hv bad news on Dec 1 (AIDS day) Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 184 Characters

Q: Whats the difference between a computer and a woman? A: A computer doesn't laugh at a 3½ inch floppy. Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 105 Characters

Met a girl the other day who has a seashell tattooed on her inner thigh. It's amazing, if you put your ear to it you can smell the sea! Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 135 Characters

Hey dude Congrats! Heard u got selected as the first male model for Whisper advertisement. Why should girls have all the fun.

Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 125 Characters

A lady from 2nd floor asking a bananawala: Kaise diye? Bananawala: Memsaab Aath mein Bara. Lady: Saat mein Tera deta hai to oopar aaja. Naughty SMS, Naughty Hindi SMS, 137 Characters

. (') (') // // (') )/ / "o (') .' )/ / o""o (') ( '.' )/ / o""o (') HELLO! ( '.' )/ / ( . )Geeh som1's got a dirty mind! Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 152 Characters

(_,_)2 stay (') Young // +SEXY (,)) )'( (_,_)DO (,)) )'(

(_,_)THiS // (,)) )'( (_,_)MÖre (,)) (_,_) (')'; OFTEN // '; (,)) ' Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 151 Characters

------) ' (--------- (_(_)---------- I I I --------I SEE U BABY-------) ' (---------(_)_)--------- I I I----SHAKIN DAT ASS!! Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 154 Characters

Q:Whats the difference between magnets and women A: magnets have a positive side Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 84 Characters

Daughter: Mummy that man gave me 10 rupees to climb that tree. Mother: Stupid !He wanted to see ur panty. Daughter: I am clever I din't wear any of them. Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 157 Characters

Mental anxiety, Mental breakdowns, Menstrual cramps,

Menopause... Did you ever notice how all women problems begin with MEN! Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 132 Characters

Which Part... of a man's body has no bone full of veins loves pumping and responsible 4 making LOVE! ANSWER: HEART!!! But i luv the way u think... Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 165 Characters

A Short thing It gets Longer when U hold it N pass between women Breasts N enters into A hole What is it? 1 min 2 think! Car Seat Belt U dirty mind. Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 168 Characters

He came 2 me 1 nite explored my body licked sucked swallowed & had his fill wen satisfied he left... I was hurt... F***IN MOSQUITO U Dirty Mind

Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 162 Characters

Skin meets Skin When is that the skin meets skin, hair meets hair n balls disappear.. dirty mind its when u BLINK UR EYES Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 135 Characters

When a man talks dirty 2 a women, its sexual harassment, when a women talks dirty 2 a man, its $$$ per minute! Naughty SMS, Naughty English SMS, 112 Characters

Jad aapji da janam hoya te tusi nange si te cheekan maar rahe si, te hun jad tusi nange hunde ho te koi hor cheekan marda hai. Sab time-time di gal hai! Naughty SMS, Naughty Punjabi SMS, 156 Characters

Girl: Will you love me after marriage

also? Boy: This depends on your husband, if he allows me.

Cricket SMS, Cricket Hindi SMS, 139 Characters

no visits... no calls.. no sms's... no letters... no missed calls.. I'm worried... kya hua zoo waalon ne dobara pakad liya kya? Insult SMS, Insult Hindi SMS, 145 Characters

Nishana jo le wo SURVIR, Nishane pe jo lag jaye wo TIR, Dil me jo utar jaye wo TASVIR, Mere Jaise Dost ki saath mil jaye wo ACHI TAQDIR... Friendship SMS, Friendship Hindi SMS, 141 Characters

Phool bankar muskarana zindagi, muskarake gum bhulana zindagi, jeet kar koi khush ho to kya hua, haar kar khushiya manana bhi zindagi... Romantic SMS, Romantic Hindi SMS, 139 Characters

Aapke haath me mobile hai.. Chehere pe khubh c smile hai... SMS ki aChchi khasi File hai... Phir bhi SMS nahi karte...

yaar, yeh kaun sa stupid style hai?? Insult SMS, Insult Hindi SMS, 175 Characters

Kripya Dhyaan De,

Dhyaan dene k liye Shukriya! Funny SMS, Funny Hindi SMS, 65 Characters

Ummido ki shama dil me mat jalana, is jahan se alag duniya mat basana, aaj bas mood me tha to SMS kar diya, par roj intezar me palke mat bichana! Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 148 Characters

Geeta mein likha hai?

are yaar yahan kya dhund raha hai, maine kaha geeta mein likha hai!! Funny SMS, Funny Hindi SMS, 107 Characters

SORRY Dont get confused, arey baba 'SORRY' means S - SOME O - ONE'S R - REALLY, R REMEMBERING Y - YOU.

Sorry SMS, Sorry Hindi SMS, 104 Characters

Aapki muskan hamari kamzori hai, Keh na pana hamari majburi hai, Aap kyon nahin samajhte is khamoshi ko, Kya khamoshi ko zuban dena zaruri hai? Romantic SMS, Romantic Hindi SMS, 144 Characters

Ikraar mein shabdon ki ehmiyat nahi hoti, Dil ke jazbaat ki awaaz nahi hoti, Aankhen bayaan kar deti hain dil ki daastan, Mohabbat lafzon ki mohtaaz nahi hoti! Romantic SMS, Romantic Hindi SMS, 167 Characters

Kitna bhi chaho na bhol paoge Kitna bhi chaho na bhol paoge Hum se jitna dur jao nazdik pao ge Humein mita sakte ho to mita do yaadein meri, magar.. kya sapno se juda kar pao ge humein. Romantic SMS, Romantic Hindi SMS, 194 Characters

Yaadon ki parchayee mein ab to aaye tera hi cehra Tu abhi tak iss baat se hai anjaan main hoon deewana tera Izhaar-e-mohabaat karne to bahot baar socha maine Par har baar tere hi aks ne roka hai rastaa mera Romantic SMS, Romantic Hindi SMS, 211 Characters

Na chaho kisi ko itna ki chahat aapki majburi ban jaye, chaho kisi ko itna aapka pyaar uske liye jaruri ban jaye Romantic SMS, Romantic Hindi SMS, 121 Characters

Pani main pathar mat pheko Koi pani pita hai Pani main pathar mat pheko Koi pani pita hai Apne chehre par muskuhart sajaye rakha karo Koi isi muskan ke liye jita hai Romantic SMS, Romantic Hindi SMS, 172 Characters

Sabhi nagme saaz mein gaye nahi jaate, sabhi log mehfil mein bulaaye nahi jaate, kuch paas reh kar bhi yaad nahi aate, kuch dur reh kar bhi bhoolaye nahi jaate... Romantic SMS, Romantic Hindi SMS, 167 Characters

Har pal ne kaha ek pal se... Pal bhar ke liye aap mere samne aa jao... pal bhar ka saath kuch aisa ho... ki har pal tum hi yaad aao... Romantic SMS, Romantic Hindi SMS, 141 Characters

.Humse door jayoge kaise, Dil se hume bhulayoge kaise, Hum to vo khusboo hain jo aapki saanso mein baste hain, Khud ki saanso ko rok payoge kaise Romantic SMS, Romantic Hindi SMS, 152 Characters

Jab tanhai me aapki yaad aati hai, Hontho pe ek hi fariyad aati hai... Khuda aapko har khushi de, Kyonki aaj bhi hamari har khushi aapke baad aati hai..

Romantic SMS, Romantic Hindi SMS, 158 Characters

Talaash Karo koi tumhe mil jayega, Magar hamari tarha tumhe kaun chahega, Zarur koi chahat ki nazar se tumhe dekhega, Magar ankhein hamari kahan se layega..!! Romantic SMS, Romantic Hindi SMS, 166 Characters

Jub Khamosh Aankho Se Baat Hoti Hai Aise Hi Mohabbat Ki Suruwat Hoti Hai Tumhare Hi Khayalo Mein Khoye Rehte Hain Pata Nahi Kab Din Kab Raat Hoti Hai Romantic SMS, Romantic Hindi SMS, 158 Characters

Khud Ko Khud Ki Khabar Na Lage, Koi Achha B Is Kadar Na Lage, Aap Ko Dekha Hai Bas Us Nazar Se, Jis Nazar Se Aap Ko Nazar Na Lage... Romantic SMS, Romantic Hindi SMS, 139 Characters

Zarurat hi nai alfaaz ki, pyaar to cheez hai bas ehsaas ki, paas hote to manzar hi kya hota, dur se hi khabar hai hume aapki har saans ki... Romantic SMS, Romantic Hindi SMS, 146 Characters

Kashish honi chahiye kisi ko yaad karne ki, lamhe to apne aap mil jayenge, waqt hona chahiye kisi ko milne ka, bahane to apne aap hee mil jayenge.

Romantic SMS, Romantic Hindi SMS, 153 Characters

Lamhe judai ke bekarar karte hain, Haalat meri mujhe laachar karte hain, Aankhe meri pad lo kabhi, Ham khud kaise kahe ki hum aapse pyaar karte hain. Romantic SMS, Romantic Hindi SMS, 157 Characters

Ajeeb si kashish hai aap me Ki hum aap k khayalon me khoye rehte hai Ye soch kar k aap khawabo me aao ge Hum din me bhi soya karte hai. Romantic SMS, Romantic Hindi SMS, 141 Characters

Badalna aata nahi humko mousmo ki tarah Har ek roop main tera intezaar karte hain Na tum samet sakogi jise qayamat tak Kasam tumhari tumhe itna pyar karte hain. Romantic SMS, Romantic Hindi SMS, 165 Characters

Apke aane se zindagi kitni khubsoorat hai, Dil me basayi hai jo woh apki hi surat hai, Dur jaana nahi humse kabhi bhulker bhi, Hume har kadam per aapki zarurat hai. Romantic SMS, Romantic Hindi SMS, 170 Characters

Ek achha dost agar 100 baar roothe to use 100 baar manao, kyunki keemti motiyon ki maala jitni baar hbi toote use pirona hi padta hai... Friendship SMS, Friendship Hindi SMS, 136 Characters

Is kadar hum yaar ko manane nikle, uski chahat ke hum deewane nikle, jab bhi use dil ka haal batana chaha, to uske hothon se waqt na hone ke bahane nikle... Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 156 Characters

Aansuo ke girne ki aahat nahi hoti, Dil ke tootne ki awaaz nahi hoti, Agar hota khuda ko ehsaas dard ka, to use dard dene ki Aadat nahi hoti.. Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 142 Characters

Hair oil ki ad mein hair dikhate hain, Skin cream ki ad mein Skin, Toothpaste me Teeth, Footwears me Feet, par WHISPER ki ad mein kuch nahi dikhate???? Jaago Grahak Jaago! Naughty SMS, Naughty Hindi SMS, 172 Characters

Agar Feroz Khan Don hota to dialouge kya hota? Mere sar par baal aane ka intezaar to 11 shehron ke naayi kar rahe hain, par mere sar par baal aana mushkil hi nahi namumkin hai... Insult SMS, Insult Hindi SMS, 179 Characters

Gul ne gulshan se gulfam bheja hai, sitaro ne aasma se salam bheja hai, mubarak ho apko naya saal, hum ne advance me ye piagam bheja hai. Happy New Year. New Year SMS, New Year Hindi SMS, 153 Characters

Day by day teri khusiya ho jaye Double, Teri zindagi se delete ho jaye sare Trouble, Khuda rakkhe humesha tujhe Smart & Fit, Tera liye New Year ho Super-Duper Hit!! New Year SMS, New Year Hindi SMS, 167 Characters

Din gujar gaya hai intejaar mein, raat gujar gayi intejaar mein, Naya saal mubarak ho aapko, 2006 beet gaya aapke SMS ke intejar mein. New Year SMS, New Year Hindi SMS, 134 Characters

Sabke Dilo mein ho sabke liye Pyar, Aanewala har din laye Khushiyon ka Tyohar, Es ummid k sath aao bhulke sare Gum, New Year 2007 ko Hum Sab kare WELCOME New Year SMS, New Year Hindi SMS, 159 Characters

Es Naye Saal mein Jo tu chahe wo tera ho, Har din khubsoorat aur ratein roshan ho, Kamiyabi chumte rahe tere kadam humesha yaar, Naya Saal Mubarak ho tujhe mere yaar. New Year SMS, New Year Hindi SMS, 174 Characters

Beet gaya jo saal,Bhul jaayein, Beet gaya jo saal,Bhul jaayein, Es Naye Saal ko Gale lagayein, Karte hai dua hum Rab se sar jhukake... Es Saal k Sare Sapne pure ho Aapke. *NAYA SAAL MUBARAK* New Year SMS, New Year Hindi SMS, 200 Characters

Purana saal sabse ho raha hai door, Purana saal sabse ho raha hai door, Kya karein yahi hai kudrat ka dastoor, Purane yaadein sochkar udaas na ho tum, Naya saal aaya hai chalo... DHOOM MACHALE, DHOOM MACHALE DHOOM!! New Year SMS, New Year Hindi SMS, 225 Characters

Sunehri Dhoop Barsaat ke baad Sunehri dhoop barsaat k bad, thori si hansi her baat ke baad, usi tarah ho mubarak aap ko 2007, 2006 k baad. Wish u a Happy new year. New Year SMS, New Year Hindi SMS, 171 Characters

Chritmas ka yeh pyara tyohaar jeevan mein laye khushiyan apaar, santa clause aaye aapke dwar, subhkamna hamari kare sweekar. Merry Christmas. Christmas SMS, Christmas Hindi SMS, 141 Characters

Mubarak naam hai tera, mubarak Eid ho tujko, jise tu dekhna chahe usi ki deed ho tujko EiD MuBaRaK. Eid Mubarak SMS, Eid Mubarak Hindi SMS, 100 Characters

Koi itna Chahe Tumhe to batana, Koi tumhare itne Naaz uthaaye to Batana, EID MUBARAK to har koi Keh dega tumse, Koi Hamari tarah kahey to batana. Eid Mubarak SMS, Eid Mubarak Hindi SMS, 148 Characters

Jub kabi bin mange app per khushion ki bersaat ho, jub kabi app ka dil anjaani khushi se betaab ho, to samaj lena koi aap ko duaon main yaad ker raha hai. Happy Eid Day Eid Mubarak SMS, Eid Mubarak Hindi SMS, 168 Characters

Eid leka aate hai dher sare khusiya, Eid mita deta hai insan mai duriya, Eid hai khuda ka ek nayam tabarok Eisi liye kahte hai sab EID MUBARAK Eid Mubarak SMS, Eid Mubarak Hindi SMS, 145 Characters

Aaj se Amiri Garibi ka fasle na rahe, Har Insan ek duje ko aapna bhai kahe, Aj sab kuch bhool ka aa gale lag ja, Mubarak ho tuje yeh EID ka tyohar. Eid Mubarak SMS, Eid Mubarak Hindi SMS, 150 Characters

Aaj Khuda ki hum par ho Meharbani, Karde maaf hum logo ki sare Naformani, Eid Ka din aj aao milke kare yahi wada, Khuda ka hi raaho mein hum chalange sada.

Sabko EID MUBARAK Eid Mubarak SMS, Eid Mubarak Hindi SMS, 177 Characters

Sunhari Dhup Barsat ke Bad, thodi Si Hushi Har Bat ke Bad, Usi Tarah Ho Mubarak App Ko Ye Nayi Subah Kal rat Ke Bad Happy Eid day. Eid Mubarak SMS, Eid Mubarak Hindi SMS, 130 Characters

Do you know the Meaning of EID? I think it means "ENJOY in DUNIYA!!" So, In your life all moments bring EID for you.... Wish You...EID MUBARAK. Eid Mubarak SMS, Eid Mubarak Hindi SMS, 146 Characters

Sada haste raho jaise haste hain phool, Duniya ki sare gham tumeh jaye bhool, Charo taraf phalao khushion ka geet, Eisi ummid ka sath Yaar tumhe...MUBARAK ho EID. Eid Mubarak SMS, Eid Mubarak Hindi SMS, 166 Characters

EID MUBARAK ho Aapko, Dher sari tarif aur khusiya mile aapko, But, Jab EIDI mile aapko to Please.... Aap Yaad karna Sirf Humko!!! Eid Mubarak SMS, Eid Mubarak Hindi SMS, 132 Characters

Is diwali pe humari dua hai ki apka har sapnna pura ho, duniya ke unche mukam apke ho, shoharat ki bulandiyon par naam apka ho! Wish u a very Happy Diwali! Diwali SMS, Diwali Hindi SMS, 161 Characters

Khushian ho overflow,masti kabhi na ho low,dosti ka surur chaya rahe,dhan aur shorat ki ho bauchar, aisa aaye aapke liye DIWALI KA TYOHAR

Diwali SMS, Diwali Hindi SMS, 137 Characters

Sri ram ji aapke ghar sukh ki barsat karen, Dukhon ka naas karen. Prem ki phuljhari wa anar aapke ghar ko roshan kare. Roshni ke diye aapki jingagi me khusiya layen. Happy deepawali Diwali SMS, Diwali Hindi SMS, 181 Characters

Apne dil ko tatolke apni baat keh do. 'Today is a day of celebration. Why? xx years ago on the same day, GOD sent me my flesh and bone conscience. Wishing my Friendly Inner Voice a very happy b-day. Hugs & Kisses. Birthday SMS, Birthday Hindi SMS, 213 Characters

Tumhari is ada ka kya jawab du, apne dost ko kya uphar du, koi accha sa phool hota to mali se mangvata, jo khud gulab hai usko kya gulab du... Junam Din Mubarak Ho Birthday SMS, Birthday Hindi SMS, 171 Characters

Dua hai Ki Kamyabi ke har sikhar pe aap ka naam hoga, aapke har kadam par duniya ka salam hoga, Himat se mushkilon ka samana karna hamari dua hai ki waqt bhi ek din aapka gulam hoga. Happy Birthday Birthday SMS, Birthday Hindi SMS, 199 Characters

"aaj se aap ke yaha...dhan... ki barsat ho, maa laxmi ka... vas... ho, sankatto ka.... nash... ho har dil par aapka... raj... ho, unnati ka sar par... taj... ho ghar me shanti ka.... vas... ho * HAPPY DIWALI * Diwali SMS, Diwali Hindi SMS, 213 Characters

Apun wishing u a wonderful, super-duper, zabardast, xtra-badhiya, xtra special ekdum mast n dhinchak, bole to ekdum Jhakaas "HAPPY DiWALi"

Diwali SMS, Diwali Hindi SMS, 139 Characters

Diwali, Gul ne gulshan se gulfam bheja hai, sitaro ne gagan se salam bheja hai, Mubarak ho apko ye "DIWALI" Humne tahe dil se yeh paigam bheja hai. Diwali SMS, Diwali Hindi SMS, 150 Characters

Phool ki shuruvat kali se hoti hai, Zindagi ki shuruvat pyar se hoti hai, Pyar ki shuruvat apno se hoti hai aur apno ki shuruvat aapse hoti hai. * Happy Diwali * Diwali SMS, Diwali Hindi SMS, 165 Characters

Makki ki Roti, Nimbu ka Aachar, Suraj Ki Kirne, Khushiyo ki Bahar, Chand Ki Chandi, Apno ka Pyar, Mubarak Ho Aapko, DIWALI ka Tyohar Diwali SMS, Diwali Hindi SMS, 135 Characters

I Pray to God to give U Shanti, Shakti, Sampati, Swarup, Saiyam, Saadgi, Safalta, Samridhi, Sanskar, Swaasth, Sanmaan, Saraswati, aur SNEH. SHUBH DIWALI... Diwali SMS, Diwali Hindi SMS, 169 Characters

Safalta Kadam Chumti rahe, Khushi Aaspas ghumti rahe, Yash Itna faile ki KASTURI Sharma Jaye, Laxmi ki kripa itni ho ki BALAJI bhi dekhte rah jaye, Diwali SMS, Diwali Hindi SMS, 150 Characters

Deep Jalte jagmagate rahe, Hum aapko Aap hame yaad aate rahe, Jab tak zindagi hai, dua hai hamari 'Aap Chand ki tarah Zagmagate rahe... Diwali SMS, Diwali Hindi SMS, 136 Characters

Aai aai Diwali aai, Saath me kitni Khushiya laayi, Dhoom machao, mauz manao, aap sabhi ko Diwali ki badhai. Happy Diwali Diwali SMS, Diwali Hindi SMS, 122 Characters

Diwali Parva hai Khushio ka, Ujalo ka, Laxmi ka.... Is Diwali Aapki Jindagi khushio se bhari ho, Duniya ujalo se roshan ho, ghar par Maa Laxmi ka Aagman ho... Happy Diwali Diwali SMS, Diwali Hindi SMS, 175 Characters

Santa: Ghar ka saara keemti samaan chhupa ke rakh do, mere dost aa rahe hain. Jeeto: Kyon! Aapke dost chura lengey? Santa: Nahin, pehchan lengey. Santa Banta SMS, Santa Banta Hindi SMS, 149 Characters

A sweet girl goes to Banta's shop and said: Mujhe underwear dikhao. Banta sharmate hue: Aaj pehan kar nahin aaya. Santa Banta SMS, Santa Banta Hindi SMS, 115 Characters

Teacher: Agar apna character sudharna hai to sab auraton ko MAA kaha karo. Student: Madam is se mera character to theek rahega, par mere baap ka bigad jayega.

Funny SMS, Funny Hindi SMS, 160 Characters

Medical Shayari When you breathe, you respire! Wah Wah! When you breathe, you respire! Wah Wah! When you don't breathe, you expire! Wah Wah, kya baat hai! Funny SMS, Funny Hindi SMS, 168 Characters

Santa: Woh ladki kitni sundar hai! Banta: Mujhe uska naam pata hai. Santa: Kya naam hai uska? Banta: Woh bank mein kaam karti hai, uske counter ke upar uska naam likha tha "CHAALU KHAATA" Santa Banta SMS, Santa Banta Hindi SMS, 193 Characters

Hamara har lamha chura liya aapne, aankhon ko ik chand dikha diya aapne. Hamein zindagi to di kisi aur ne, par pyaar itna dekar jeena sikha diya aapne. Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 151 Characters

Jise koyal samjhe, woh kauwa nikla. Dosti ke naam par hauwa nikla. Jo roka karte they humein sharab peene se, aaj unki jeb se pauwa nikla. Funny SMS, Funny Hindi SMS, 138 Characters

Zindagi mein hamesha naye dost milenge, kahi zyada to kahin kum milenge. Aitbaar zara soch kar karna, mumkin nahi tumhe har jagah HUM milenge. Friendship SMS, Friendship Hindi SMS, 142 Characters

Translation from hindi to english, "Khushi ke mare uski chaati phool gayi". Santa: Due to happiness, his chest became breast.

Santa Banta SMS, Santa Banta Hindi SMS, 127 Characters

Jija: Sali ji, aapke yahan ki sabse mash-hoor cheez kaunsi hai? Sali: Jija ji, jo mash-hoor thi, usey to aap le gaye! Funny SMS, Funny Hindi SMS, 118 Characters

Media: Prince, bahar aa kar acha lag raha hai? Prince: Kya acha lagega? Andar choclate thi, pastry thi, milk badam tha. Thodi der aur ruk jaate shayad Bipasha bhi aa jati. Funny SMS, Funny Hindi SMS, 172 Characters

Dard jitna saha jaye utna hi sehna, Kisi ke dil ko jo lag jaye vo baat na kehna, Milte hain hamare jaise dost bahut kam, Isline humse 'Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna' Friendship SMS, Friendship Hindi SMS, 157 Characters

Woh nadiyan nahi aansu they mere, jinpar woh kashti chalate rahe. Manzil mile unhein yeh chahat thi meri, isliye hum aansu bahate rahe. Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 136 Characters

Santa ki shaadi ek nurse se ho gayi. Banta: Aur santa, kaisi nibh rahi hai? Santa: Pooch mat yaar, jab tak sister na kaho, bolti hi nahi. Santa Banta SMS, Santa Banta Hindi SMS, 139 Characters

Tujhe bhoolkar bhi na bhool payenge hum, Bas yahi ek wada nibha payenge hum. Mita denge khud ko bhi jahan se lekin, Tera naam dil se na mita payenge hum.. Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 155 Characters

Ye pyari nigahein yaad rahengi, milkar na milne ki ada yaad rahegi, mumkin nahi ki main tumhe bhula dun, aur umar bhar tumhe bhi meri yaad rahegi.

Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 146 Characters

4 roses, just for you! 1st for Friendship. 2nd for Wealth. 3rd for Happiness. and the last one.. Kaan ke upar laga lena, mast lagega. Insult SMS, Insult Hindi SMS, 144 Characters

Patient to Doc: Aapne nurse bahut achhi rakhi hai, uska haath lagte hi main theek ho gaya. Doctor: Jaanta hu, thappad ki awaaz mujhe bhi sunai di thi. Funny SMS, Funny Hindi SMS, 151 Characters

Kal kare so aaj kar, aaj kar so ab. Kal kare so aaj kar, aaj kar so ab. Abey karta hi rahega to dhoyega kab? Funny SMS, Funny Hindi SMS, 108 Characters

In a train compartment husband: Darling, mujhe to tumhari aatma se pyar hai, tumhare jism ki mujhe koi chah nahin. Main tumhari rooh ko chahta hoon, tumhara shareer to main kutton ko daal doon. Banta sitting on upper berth says: BOW BOW Santa Banta SMS, Santa Banta Hindi SMS, 237 Characters

Banta: Yeh chaaku kyon ubaal rahe ho? Santa: Suicide karne ke liye Banta: To phir ubalne kui kya zaroorat hai? Santa: Kahin infection na ho jaaye Santa Banta SMS, Santa Banta Hindi SMS, 148 Characters

Girl: Will u marry me? Santa: No, humare yahan shaadi sirf relatives mein hi hoti hai. Mummy ne Papa se, Didi ne Jijaji se aur Bhaiya ne Bhabhi se Santa Banta SMS, Santa Banta Hindi SMS, 147 Characters

Ek baar Santa Gangubai ke ghar jaata hai aur darwaza knock karta hai. Gangubai: Kaun ? Santa: Main ! Gangubai: Main kaun? Santa: Tu Gangubai Santa Banta SMS, Santa Banta Hindi SMS, 144 Characters

Santa joined NASA. After one month the Americans had to change the name from NASA to SATYANASA Santa Banta SMS, Santa Banta Hindi SMS, 94 Characters

Ek ladka ek ladki k saath baitha tha. 2nd day doosri ladki k saath deha gaya. 3rd day koi aur ladki thi. 4th day kisi nayi ladki ke saath tha Moral: Ladkiyan badal jaati hain, ladke nahin badaltey Funny SMS, Funny Hindi SMS, 197 Characters

Baba ji ka mela laga hai haridwar mein. Prashad mein Recharge Coupon diye jayenge. Kisi aur ko mat batana. Ye SMS sirf chuninda bhikhariyon ko bheje ja raha hai Funny SMS, Funny Hindi SMS, 160 Characters

Mom: Beti badi ho kar kya karogi? Beti: Kuch nahin... Maan banungi, padhungi, shaadi karungi... aur kya? Mom: Jo karna hai karo par zara serial order mein karna. Funny SMS, Funny Hindi SMS, 163 Characters

Lamhe ye suhane saath ho na ho, kal me aaj jaisi koi baat ho na ho, aapka pyar hamesha is dil mei rahega, chahe poori umar mulaqat ho na ho.. Romantic SMS, Romantic Hindi SMS, 141 Characters

Tum mujhe kabhi dil kabhi aakhon se pukaro, Ye hothon ke taqaluf to zamane ke liye hain. Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 88 Characters

Dosti insan ki zaroorat hai, dilon pe dosti ki huqumat hai, aap ke pyar ki wajah se zinda hain warna khuda ko bhi hamari zaroorat hai. Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 134 Characters

Nurse came out with the newborn kid, Santa rushed 2 her & after seeing the kid he shouted, BETA hua BETA. She slapped him: Leave my finger, u fool, It’s a gal Santa Banta SMS, Santa Banta Hindi SMS, 158 Characters

Banta ped pe chada to upar baithey bandar ne poocha: Upar kyon aaya? Banta: Apple khane. Bandar: Yeh to aam ka ped hai. Banta: Pata hai, apple saath laya hoon. Santa Banta SMS, Santa Banta Hindi SMS, 162 Characters

Santa dials a number. A girl receives the call. Santa: Who r u? Girl: Seeta here. Santa: Maine to Chandigarh phone kiya tha, yeh to Ayodhya mil gaya. Santa Banta SMS, Santa Banta Hindi SMS, 153 Characters

Santa ke bagiche mein bahut sare ped - paudhe thay, Santa naukar ko bola ped-paudhon ko pani dal. Naukar: Sahab baarish ho rahi hai. Santa: Abe to Chatri leke dal. Santa Banta SMS, Santa Banta Hindi SMS, 165 Characters

Banta: Truck dekhkar tum kaampte kyon ho? Santa: Ek truck driver meri biwi lekar bhaag gaya tha, har baar lagta hai jaise usko vapas karne aaya hai.

Santa Banta SMS, Santa Banta Hindi SMS, 149 Characters

Santa: Itne kam marks? Do thappad marne chahiye. Pappu: Haan papa, chalo maine us saale master ka ghar bhi dekh rakha hai. Santa Banta SMS, Santa Banta Hindi SMS, 123 Characters

Pappu was writing his father's name on a 1000 Watt bulb. Santa asked him: What are you doing? Pappu: Aapka naam roshan kar raha hoon. Santa Banta SMS, Santa Banta Hindi SMS, 135 Characters

Santa to Pappu: Where's Sukhna Lake? Pappu: Pata nahi. Santa: Kabhi ghar se bhi nikla karo. Pappu: Who's Banta? Santa: Pata nai. Pappu: Kabhi ghar me bhi raha karo. Santa Banta SMS, Santa Banta Hindi SMS, 170 Characters

Ummido ki shama dil mein mat jalana.... huzefa se alag duniya mat basana... waise aaj mood main hu to sms kar diya par roz intezaar mein palke mat bichana. Sms Related SMS, Sms Related Hindi SMS, 155 Characters

Tu dekh ya na dekh, tere dekhne ka gham nahi, par teri ye na dekhne ki ada dekhne se kam nahi.. Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 95 Characters

Is se pehle ki dilo me nafrat jaage, aao ek shaam mohabbat me bita di jaye.... Karke kuch mohabbat ki baatein, Is shaam ki masti badha di jaye. Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 143 Characters

Unhe yeh shikwa hai ki hum unhe yaad karte hi nahi, par unhe ye kaun samjaye ki hum unhe yad kaise kare jinhe hum bhoolte hi nahi. Flirt SMS, Flirt Hindi SMS, 130 Characters

Sms har pal karu to shararat hogi, har din karu to paresani hogi, kabhi kabaar karu to kanjusi hogi, par dil se karu toh aapko khushi hogi. Sms Related SMS, Sms Related Hindi SMS, 139 Characters

Which are the 2 latest versions of java. Think... think... think... Marjava & Mitjava Funny SMS, Funny Hindi SMS, 92 Characters

Tajmahal ki imarat her aashiq ko mohabbat ki misaal nazar aati hai. Main kis kis ke liye taj banwaun mujhe to her ladki mumtaz nazar aati hai. Flirt SMS, Flirt Hindi SMS, 142 Characters

Teri doori ka ehsaas jab satane laga. Tere sath guzra har lamha yaad aane laga. Jab bhi bhulane ki koshish ki. Tu dil ke aur karib aane laga. Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 141 Characters

Santa: Do you know English? Banta: Yes Santa: Ok! Then tell what is the opposite of NAAG PANCHAMI? Banta: So simple Yaar... NAAG DO NOT PUNCH ME. Santa Banta SMS, Santa Banta Hindi SMS, 151 Characters

Jab bhi kisi ko kareeb paya hai, kasam khuda ki wahin dhokha khaya hai. Kyon dosh dete hein hum kanto ko... Zakham to humne phulo se paaya hai. Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 143 Characters

Karoge yaad ek din is pyar ke zamane ko, chale jayenge jab hum kabhi na vapas aane ko. Chalega mehfil me jab zikr hamara koi, to tum bhi tanhayi dhundoge aansu bahane ko. Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 170 Characters

Mohobbat ka imtihan aasan nahi; pyar sirf pane ka naam nahi. Muddatein beet jati hain kisi ke intezaar mein, ye sirf pal-do-pal ka kaam nahi. Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 141 Characters

Teri berukhi ko bhi rutba diya humne. Pyar ka har farz ada kiya humne. Mat soch ke hum bhool gaye hain tujhe; aaj bhi khuda se pehle tujhe yaad kiya humne. Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 155 Characters

Tanhai bhari zindagi ka safar mila; na saathi, na humsafar mila. Hum diya jalta chhod gaye the unke liye; jab vapis lote to jalta hua ghar mila. Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 144 Characters

Na jaane tum pe itna yakin kyon hai? Tera khayal bhi itna haseen kyon hai? Suna hai Pyar ka dard meetha hota hai; to aankh se nikla ye aansu namkeen kyon hai? Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 158 Characters

Dosti insaan ki zaroorat hai, dilon pe dosti ki hukamat hai aap k pyar ki wajah se zinda hain warna khuda ko bhi hamari zarorat hai.. Friendship SMS, Friendship Hindi SMS, 133 Characters

Santa apni GF ko I love u kehta aur gir jata. Girl: Yeh kya kar rahe ho? Santa : I am falling in love. Santa Banta SMS, Santa Banta Hindi SMS, 109 Characters

,.,., ( 'c' ) >' < KEM-CHHO?

,.,., ('c' ) >' < MAJA MA CHHO?

,.., c" .) >' < TABIYAT PANI?

OK !

Toh sms karo nee baba !! ASCII SMS, ASCII Hindi SMS, 186 Characters

Lamha lamha waqt guzar jayega saat pheron ke saath koi tumse bandh jayega. Abhi bhi waqt hai kisi se affair kar lo kya pata kal kaun sa model tumhe saunpa jayega.. Marital Woes SMS, Marital Woes Hindi SMS, 165 Characters

Wife: Kya kar rahe ho? Man: Makkhiya maar rha hu. Wife: Kitni mari? Man: 3 male aur 2 female.

Wife: Kaise malum? Man: Kyonki 3 daru ki botal se chipki thi or 2 phone se... Funny SMS, Funny Hindi SMS, 176 Characters

Sabhi ko sabh kuch nahi milta, nadi ki har lehar ko sahil nahi milta, yeh dil walon ki dunia hai dost, kisi se dil nahi milta to koi dil se nahi milta. Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 151 Characters

Hamaare to daaman mein kaanto ke siva kuch nahin. Aap to phoolon ke kharid-daar nazar aate hain. Jahan mein kitne dost mile hume par sabse ache aap nazar aate hain.. Friendship SMS, Friendship Hindi SMS, 165 Characters

Lady doctor: tum roz subah clinic ke bahar khade ho kar aurto ko kyon ghurte ho? Santa: ji aap hi ne bahar likha hai "aurton ko dekhne ka samay subah 10 se 12". Santa Banta SMS, Santa Banta Hindi SMS, 163 Characters

Tum banke dost aise aye zindagi me, ke hum ye zamana hi bhool gaye, tumhe yaad aye na aye hamari kabhi, par hum to tumhe bhulana hi bhool gaye. Friendship SMS, Friendship Hindi SMS, 143 Characters

Mohabbat mein laakhon zakham khaye humne, afsos unhe hum par aitbar nahi, mat pucho kya gujarti hai dil par, jab vo kehte hai hame tumse pyar nahi.. Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 148 Characters

Jaane yeh kaisa naata hai, bas tera naam hi aata hai zubaan par, din ya raat me, le ke tera haath haath mein, rahunga tere saath saath main. Flirt SMS, Flirt Hindi SMS, 140 Characters

Andhere me rasta banana mushkil hota hai. Tufan mein deepak jalana mushkil hota hai. DOSTI kisi se bhi kar lena mushkil nahi, Ise bas nibhana mushkil hota hai..

Friendship SMS, Friendship Hindi SMS, 160 Characters

Apki dosti Ki ek nazar chahiye, dil hai beghar use ek ghar chahiye, bas yuhi sath chalte raho e dost, yeh dosti hamein umar bhar chahiye.. Friendship SMS, Friendship Hindi SMS, 138 Characters

Lamhe ye suhane saath ho na ho, kal me aaj jaisi koi baat ho na ho, aapka pyar hamesha is dil mei rahega, chahe poori umar mulakat ho na ho.. Romantic SMS, Romantic Hindi SMS, 141 Characters

Husband aur wife hotel me gaye tabhi 1 lady ne Hello kiya, Wife- koun thi wo? Hus-Tum dimag kharab mat karo, main pehle hi pareshan hu ki woh bhi Yehi puchegi. Marital Woes SMS, Marital Woes Hindi SMS, 162 Characters

Hasta huya dekh kar log kehte hain ke hum gam se khali hain, par unhe kya pata ke jo gam ke baag hain, hum us baag ke mali hain.. Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 129 Characters

Masterji: kal school kyu nahi aaya. Santa: Gir gaya tha or lag gayi. Masterji: kahan gire, kahan lagi? Santa: Takiye pe gira tha aur AANKH lag gayi.. Santa Banta SMS, Santa Banta Hindi SMS, 152 Characters

Santa & banta sending sms 2 their gfs. Santa:mai tere mobile se apni gf ko sms bheju dekhte hain kya kahti hai? Banta: No, agar usne handwriting pehchan li to...? Santa Banta SMS, Santa Banta Hindi SMS, 162 Characters

Aasman humse naraaz hai....,taaron ka gussa behisab hai.. Log humse jalte hain.. Kyunki chand se pyara DOST hamare paas hai Friendship SMS, Friendship Hindi SMS, 123 Characters

Zuban khamosh, ankhon me nami hogi, Yahi bas ek dastan-e-zindagi hogi, Bharne ko to har zakham bhar jayega, kaise bharegi wo jagah jaha Teri kami hogi. Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 160 Characters

Ye dosti chirag hai ise jalaye rakhna,ye dosti gul hai ise khilaye rakhna,hum rahe na rahen is jahan me bas hamari yaad dil me basaye rakhna. Friendship SMS, Friendship Hindi SMS, 141 Characters

Burraaah...... Sara syllabus padh liya... Bas books aur notes padhne reh gaye hain... Students Exams SMS, Students Exams Hindi SMS, 95 Characters

You are a GHONCHU.. G-reat H-ot O-ne in million N-aughty C-ute H-umble U-nique Zyada khush mat ho, hai to tu ghonchu hi...

Fool SMS, Fool Hindi SMS, 134 Characters

Yaar aaj ka din bada fuddu hai.... Fuddu se yaad aaya Kaisa hai tu..!! Insult SMS, Insult Hindi SMS, 76 Characters

School mein bachche ke papa ne teacher se kaha: Madam ji thodi aap koshish karo, thodi hum karte hain, bachcha to nikal hi jayega...! Naughty SMS, Naughty Hindi SMS, 133 Characters

A B C D E F G H I . . . . . . . . . . . U V W X Y Z.. Dekha I aur U ke beech mein jo bhee aaya sabko tapka diya... Friendship SMS, Friendship Hindi SMS, 115 Characters

INDIA KI REET... Ladki agar apni marzi se de de to PYAAR... Agar Dost Dilwaye to UPHAR... Ghar wale dilwaye to SANSKAR... aur agar apne aap lele to... BaLaTkAar... Naughty SMS, Naughty Hindi SMS, 163 Characters

Sali: Jija ji 500 rs. dedo, agley hafte doongi... Jija: 1500 lele par abhi de.. Naughty SMS, Naughty Hindi SMS, 80 Characters

Aaj, kal, harpal, har samay, har vaqt, maheno, salo saal se ek DIL tumhare liye dhadakta tha aur dhadakta rahega aur wo DIL hai ur's own DEAR. Fool SMS, Fool Hindi SMS, 142 Characters

Jis waqt khuda ne tumhe banaya hoga, ek saroor sa uske dil pe chaya hoga... pehle socha hoga tujhe jannat mein rakh lun.. phir usse zoo ka khayal aaya hoga...

Insult SMS, Insult Hindi SMS, 158 Characters

Arz kiya hai... tuhaar chehraa moti samaan... tuhaar chehraa moti samaan... moti hamaar kutte ka naam. Insult SMS, Insult Hindi SMS, 102 Characters

Manzil ki taraf badte chalo. Jo Dil kahe usi raah ko chuno. Peeche walo ko aage na aane do aur jo aage hain unse aage niklo. Tabhi ek achhe TRUCK DRIVER banoge! Fool SMS, Fool Hindi SMS, 160 Characters

Kabhi hausla bhi aazmana chahiye, bure waqt me muskurana chahiye... Jab 7ve din mein khujli ho to 8ve din nahaa lena chahiye.. Insult SMS, Insult Hindi SMS, 126 Characters

Tumsa koi zamin par hua to rab se shikayat hogi, tumsa koi zamin par hua to rab se shikayat hogi, Ek to jhel liya dusra aaya to kayamat hogi. Insult SMS, Insult Hindi SMS, 146 Characters

Tu chand mange me chand dedu, tu raat mange me raat dedu, tu dil mange me dil dedu, tu jaan mange... Bas yaar Bhik mangne ki bhi ek limit hoti hai.. Insult SMS, Insult Hindi SMS, 148 Characters

INDIA Ko Aazaad Hue 57 Sal Hue Phir Bhi No PROGRESS! why? Kyunki Aaj Bhi INDIA Ki Bholi Janta KAAM-DHANDHA

Chhod Kar hamara SMS padh rahi hai... Funny SMS, Funny Hindi SMS, 170 Characters

Taste dis SMS Did u feel da taste of ginger? No? Sure? Well..... BANDAR KYA JAANE ADRAK KA SWAAD!! Insult SMS, Insult Hindi SMS, 108 Characters

Aisa DOSTANA hamara, Mai KASHTI tu kinara, Mai DHANUSH tu teer, Mai MATAR tu paneer, Mai VARSHA tu badal, Mai RAJMA tu chawal, Mai HOT tu cool, Mai APRIL tu....? Fool SMS, Fool Hindi SMS, 162 Characters

Abe Khajur, Zoo se bhaage hue Langur, abe Sade hue Kele ke Chhilke, Chuse hue Aam, Circus k Retired Bander, (Aisa kisi ko na kehna Feel hota hai). Insult SMS, Insult Hindi SMS, 150 Characters

U r Ultimate U r Lovely U r Likable U r Unique In short ...... U r ULLU !!! Insult SMS, Insult Hindi SMS, 86 Characters

Yeh sulagata jism, Yeh kamp Kampate Honth, Yeh Thartharata bua badan, Yeh ladkhadati aawaz, Mujhe pahle hi pata tha ki tumhe MALARIA hai. Fool SMS, Fool Hindi SMS, 137 Characters

Tum haste raho, nachte raho, muskurate raho, sada khil khilate raho, khush raho aur gungunate raho, mera kya hai, log tumhe hi pagal samzhenge.... Funny SMS, Funny Hindi SMS, 146 Characters

Aey item kya kar kar rela hai, teri bahut memory arela tha, akha world me apun ko ekich to tere jaisa item friend mila. Miss to karegaich he na. Chal reply chipka daal. Friendship SMS, Friendship Hindi SMS, 168 Characters

Flowers+butterfly = A beautiful scene. Stars+moon = A romantic night. Rain+monsoon = A lovely weather. U+ur smile = Bhaago Bhoot aaya. Insult SMS, Insult Hindi SMS, 140 Characters

Har Sawal Se Dat Kar Ladna, Fekne Me Kami Mat Karna, Mouka Mila To Peche Bhi Dekhna, Aur Ek Baath Yaad Rakhna, Aage Wala Ka Paper Apna Samajhna Students Exams SMS, Students Exams Hindi SMS, 151 Characters

Lady drinking coke, machhar falls in. Lady takes it out, machhar says "MAA"! Lady asks why did you call me "MAA"? machhar says, "Main teri coke se nikla hoon, MAA!".. Funny SMS, Funny Hindi SMS, 166 Characters

Kabar ki mitti utha ke le gaya koi, isi bahane humein choo kar chala gaya koi, tanhayi aur andhere mein khush they hum, lekin phir se intezaar karne ki wajah de gaya koi.. Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 171 Characters

Ek bus mein ladko aur ladkiyo ki team bani antakshari khelne ke liye. Girls: Hum tumko harakar dikhayenge.. Boys: Hum haar gaye, chalo ab dikhao. Naughty SMS, Naughty Hindi SMS, 147 Characters

Na kabhi muskurahat tere hothon se duur ho.. Teri har khwahish haqiqat ko manzoor ho.. Ho jaye jo tu mujhse khafa.. Khuda na kare mujhse kabhi aisa kasoor ho.. Romantic SMS, Romantic Hindi SMS, 168 Characters

Aapki dosti ki ek nazar chahiye, Dil hai beghar usey ek ghar chahiye, bas yuhin saath chalte raho e dost, Yeh dosti humein umar bhar chahiye... Friendship SMS, Friendship Hindi SMS, 143 Characters

Dil to unke seene mein bhi machalta hoga.. husn bhi so-so rang badalta hoga.. Uthti hongi jab nagahein unki.. Khud "khuda" bhi gir-gir ke sambhalta hoga.. Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 163 Characters

Pyar to humein bhi karna tha, par kuch khaas nahi hua. Tajmahal to humein bhi banana tha.. par afsoos ke.... loan pass nahi hua... Funny SMS, Funny Hindi SMS, 136 Characters

Class ki har ladki ek phool hai, Usse chahna ek bhool hai. Jo inki soch mein gul hai, Samjho uski Compartment ke chances full hai.. Students Exams SMS, Students Exams Hindi SMS, 131 Characters

An engineering student to his sweeper brother: "mere paas degree hai, knowledge hai, 4 logon mein baithne ki izzat hai. Tere paas kya hai?".

Sweeper: Mere paas naukri hai. Students Exams SMS, Students Exams Hindi SMS, 172 Characters

Santa's urine report got exchanged with a ladies pregnancy report. Dr. told santa, "you are pregnant". Angry santa shouts at wife, "Maine pehle hi kaha tha, mujhe upar rehne de". Santa Banta SMS, Santa Banta Hindi SMS, 180 Characters

Ladki ek aisi paheli hai, kabhi teri to kabhi meri saheli hai. Kharcha karo to bole "darling, how are you?". Na karo to bole "brother, who are you?". Funny SMS, Funny Hindi SMS, 150 Characters

Kadam kadam pe baharon ne saath chhoda, zaroorat padne par yaaron ne saath chhoda, vaada kiya sitaron ne saath dene ka, subah hone par sitaron ne bhi saath chhoda. Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 163 Characters

Pyari si morning mein, pyare se mausam mein, pyari si koyal ki awaaz, pyari si hawaon mein, sabse pyare insaan ko Good Morning! Greetings SMS, Greetings Hindi SMS, 127 Characters

Rabb se aapki khushi mangte hain, duaon mein aapki hansi mangte hain. Sochte hain kya mange aapse? Chalo, aapse aapki umar bhar ki dosti mangte hain. Friendship SMS, Friendship Hindi SMS, 149 Characters

Santa (on phone): Maa, khushkhabri hai! Maa: Bolo beta. Santa: Hum, 2 se 3 ho gaye. Maa: Badhai ho, ladka hua ya ladki. Santa: Na ladka, na ladki. Maine doosri shaadi karli. Santa Banta SMS, Santa Banta Hindi SMS, 177 Characters

Santa was inserting dog's tail into pipe. Banta: Oye, kutte ki dum kabhi seedhi nahi hoti. Santa: Idiot, main to pipe bend kar raha hoon. Santa Banta SMS, Santa Banta Hindi SMS, 139 Characters

Husband: kash hamare ladki ki jagah ladka ho jata? Wife: Chhodo ji, agar main aapke bharose rehti, to ladki bhi nahi hoti. Naughty SMS, Naughty Hindi SMS, 123 Characters

Plz don't read this Nahi to ho jayega Kya? Arre wahi jis se hum darte hai ? ? ? wahi jo is umar me aksar ho jata hai ? ? ? dekha ho gaya na ? ? TIME WASTE!! Fool SMS, Fool Hindi SMS, 180 Characters

Apun wishing you a wonderful, super duper, zabardast, extra bariya, extra special ekdum mast n dhinchak bole to ekdum jhakaas, JANAM DIN mubarak ho.. Birthday SMS, Birthday Hindi SMS, 149 Characters

Santa: "Kitna padhey likhe(qualified) ho?" Banta: "B.A."

Santa: "Saala, 2 akshar padha, woh bhi ulta?" Santa Banta SMS, Santa Banta Hindi SMS, 104 Characters

Rabri: Ka karat ho? Laalu: Ek dost ko chitthi likhat hu! Rabri: Par tuhar likhna to aawe nahi. Laalu: Vo sasura bhi to padhna nahi jaanat. Funny SMS, Funny Hindi SMS, 141 Characters

Honth keh nahi sakte jo fasana dil ka, Shayad nazar se woh baat ho jaye. Is umeed mein karte hain intezaar raat ka, ke shayad sapne mein mulaqat ho jaye. Romantic SMS, Romantic Hindi SMS, 153 Characters

Khamoshiyan teri mujhse baatein karti hain, meri har aah har dard samajhti hain. Pata hai majbuur hai tu bhi aur main bhi, phir bhi aankhein tere deedar ko tarasti hain. Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 169 Characters

Every Indian women is RANI KAXMI BAI in her life. RANI - Before marriage. LAXMI - After marriage. BAI - After children. Funny SMS, Funny Hindi SMS, 122 Characters

;****; o( @..@ )o "(---)" Paichan kaun? Bandar bi nai, Monkey bhi nai, Tumhare bachpan ki photo hai.

ASCII SMS, ASCII Hindi SMS, 122 Characters

Daughter: Mom, kya yeh sach hai ki ladke jahan apna l*nd dalte hain, bachha wahin se nikalta hai? Mom: Haan. Daughter: Oh my god! To kya mera bachha mere muh se niklega? Naughty SMS, Naughty Hindi SMS, 171 Characters

Mere haathon se gir gayi lakeeren kahin, bhool aaye hum apni takdeeren kahin. Agar mile tumko kahin to utha lena, mere hisse ki har khushi apne haathon pe saja lena. Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 165 Characters

Bolti hai dosti, chup rehta hai pyar. Hasati hai dosti, rulata hai pyar. Milati hai dosti, juda karta hai pyar. Phir bhi kyun dosti chodkar log karte hain pyar?? Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 161 Characters

Maalik: Ramu, iss saal tum 4 bar apne dada ke marne ki chutti le chuke ho. Ramu: Maalik, iss bar meri dadi ki shaadi hai. Funny SMS, Funny Hindi SMS, 122 Characters

Santa: Bhaisahab time kya hua? Man: Sham ke 6 baje hain! Santa: Sala, subah se pooch raha hoon, sab alag alag time bata rahe hain. Santa Banta SMS, Santa Banta Hindi SMS, 132 Characters

What do you call a female who never laughs?

"HASINA" Funny SMS, Funny Hindi SMS, 59 Characters

Unki tasveer ko seene se laga lete hain, iss tarah judai ka gham mitaa lete hain. Kisi tarah zikar ho jaye unka, to hass kar bheegi palkein jhuka lete hain. Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 156 Characters

Attendence.. Pappu Yes Sir Bablu Yes Sir Tinku Yes Sir Ullu ?? Ullu ?? Ullu Button dabana band kar, teri baari hai, attendence lagwa. Fool SMS, Fool Hindi SMS, 169 Characters

Bheeg jaati hain palkein tanhayi mein, darte hain koi jaan na le. Pasand karte hain tez barsaat mein chalna, kahi rote hue ko koi pehchaan na le. Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 145 Characters

Teri dosti mein khud ko mehfooz maante hain, hum doston mein tumhe sabse azeez maante hain. Teri dosti ke saaye mein zinda hain, hum to tujhe khuda ka diya hua tabeez maante hain. Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 179 Characters

Phoolon mein gulab achha lagta hai, har chehre par shabab achha lagta hai, aap hamesha naak se chuhe nikalte rahen, hamein aapka yahi andaaz achha lagta hai. Funny SMS, Funny Hindi SMS, 157 Characters

Tu dekh ya na dekh, tere dekhne ka gam nahi, Par teri ye na dekhne ki ada dekhne se kam nahi. Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 94 Characters

Mallika went to a swimming pool in a BRA & PANTY. Guard: Madam here 2 piece costume is not allowed! Mallika: Kaun sa utaroon? Funny SMS, Funny Hindi SMS, 127 Characters

Girlfriend ko I love u bolna hai or recharge khatam. Ab kya kare? Mein batata hoon kya karein. Theke pe jao, quarter lo, 4 peg maro or g/f k ghar k bahar khade ho k jor se chilaao I Luv U. Kabootar mehenga pad jaayega. Rum ka Paua ab sirf 10 RS mein. Funny SMS, Funny Hindi SMS, 250 Characters

Saathi sirf woh nahi hota jo jeevan bhar saath nibhaye; Saathi to woh bhi hai jo jivan ke kuch palon mein bhi jeevan bhar ka saath de jaaye. Friendship SMS, Friendship Hindi SMS, 140 Characters

A lady from 2nd floor asking a bananawala: Kaise diye? Bananawala: Memsaab Aath mein Bara. Lady: Saat mein Tera deta hai to oopar aaja. Naughty SMS, Naughty Hindi SMS, 137 Characters

Khaa key gujiya, pee key bhaang, laaga k thora thora sa rang, baaja ke dholak aur mridang, khele holi hum tere sang. HOLI MUBARAK Holi SMS, Holi Hindi SMS, 130 Characters

Holi par sabhi ko sabhi rango se milkar ek rang, apko mile jo apki khusiyon ko rangin bana de. Happy Holi Holi SMS, Holi Hindi SMS, 107 Characters

Rang udaye Pichkari rang se rang jaye duniya sari holi ke rang aapke jeevan ko rang de ye shubha kaana hai hamari. HAPPY HOLI Holi SMS, Holi Hindi SMS, 128 Characters

Rango Ke Tyohar Me Sabhi Rango Ki Ho Bharmar, Dher Saari Khushiyo Se Bhara Ho Aapka Sansar, Yahi Dua hai Bhagwan Se Hamari Har bar, Holi Mubarak! Holi SMS, Holi Hindi SMS, 150 Characters

Makki ki Roti, Nimbu ka Aachar, Suraj Ki Kirne, Khushiyo ki Bahar, Chand Ki Chandi, Apno ka Pyar, Mubarak Ho Aapko, HOLI ka Tyohar Holi SMS, Holi Hindi SMS, 133 Characters

Rango mein ghuli ladki kya laal gulabi hai, Jo dekhta hai kehta hai kya maal gulabi hai, Pichle baras tune jo bhigoya tha holi mein, Ab tak nishani ka woh rumaal gulabi hai Holi SMS, Holi Hindi SMS, 175 Characters

Aapne dil ka haal batana chod diya, humne bhi gehrai mein jaana chod diya. HOLI se pehle hi aapne nahana chod diya? Holi SMS, Holi Hindi SMS, 115 Characters

Pichkari ki dhar, gular ki bauchar, apno ka pyar, yahi hai HOLI ka tyohar. Wishing you and your family a very hapy and colourful HOLI.

Holi SMS, Holi Hindi SMS, 134 Characters

She is Basanti @ <@> JL @ <@> JL @ <@> JL @ <@> JL @ <@> JL @ <@> JL she will Not dance.Coz Basanti kutto ke samne nahi nachti.... ASCII SMS, ASCII Hindi SMS, 182 Characters

Jab tum is duniya se jaoge, Door kahin ek naya janam paoge, Is bar galtee se jo hua so hua, Mujhe yakeen hai agli bar lambi poonch aur 4 taang ke saath aaoge..!!! Funny SMS, Funny Hindi SMS, 169 Characters

Munna bhai: Agar bina danto ka kutta kate to kya karna chahiye...??? Circuit: simple bhai... Bina sui ka injection lene ka..!!!

Funny SMS, Funny Hindi SMS, 131 Characters

Kabhi hausla bhi azma lena chahiye, Bure waqt me muskura lena chahiye, Agar 7ve din bhi khujli na mite to 8ve din naha lena chahiye..!!! Funny SMS, Funny Hindi SMS, 140 Characters

Dosti karo college wali se, pyar karo office wali se, batein karo pados wali se, ankh ladao sali se, love karo dilvali se, AUR MAR KHAO GHARVALI SE. Funny SMS, Funny Hindi SMS, 148 Characters

God apun se pucha, Kidhar jana mangta ? SWARG YA NARAK ? Apun bola NARAK ! Apun ko malum, Tum sala dost log udharich milega, Bole to Jidhar tum, Woich apun ka SWARAG!! Friendship SMS, Friendship Hindi SMS, 181 Characters

ov l ov

o e YU o

l e Yu L V e ou HARI OM!! Kabhi Bhagwan ka Naam bhi liya karo. Fool SMS, Fool Hindi SMS, 126 Characters

Is kadar hum aapko chahte hai ki duniya wale dekh ke jal jate hai, yu toh hum sabhi ko ULLU banate hai, lekin aap thoda JALDI ban jate

hai... Fool SMS, Fool Hindi SMS, 143 Characters

Legs utha ke karo. Tange feala ke karo. Ghuma ghuma ke karo. Aage peechey dono taraf karo. Jitna karoge utna halka mehsoos hoga. *Ramdev ji ka yoga. Fool SMS, Fool Hindi SMS, 158 Characters

Yaad hai ham pehle kahan milte the...... train ruki, khidki khuli, nazro se nazre mili aur aapne kahan,..... ALLAH KE NAAM PE KUCH DE DE BABA!!!!!! Fool SMS, Fool Hindi SMS, 147 Characters

Hotho se jo choo liya, Ehsaas Aab tak hai, Aankhe Nam hai, Aur sanso mein Aag aab tak hain... Aur kyo na ho... Khayi Bhi to 'HARI Mirchi...'-hai Fool SMS, Fool Hindi SMS, 150 Characters

If people says you are crazy, be patiend. if they say you are monkey, relax. if they say you are stupid,be cool but if they say you are smart, Thapad maar sale ko. Fool SMS, Fool Hindi SMS, 165 Characters

I am sorry yaar, aaj tak maine tujhe avoid kiya,kai bar tujhse bat nahi ki,tujhse hath nahi milaya, Sorry yaar mujhe pata nahi tha ki “AIDS” chhune se nahi failta. Fool SMS, Fool Hindi SMS, 165 Characters

Ek bar kuch bandar jangal se bhag gaye phir wo hotel mein phuchen unme se ek pizaa kha raha tha ek burger kha raha tha aur kuch bade dhayan se ye message parh rahe the. Fool SMS, Fool Hindi SMS, 170 Characters

Boy: Jaaneman, is dil mein aaja! Gal: Sandal utaaroon kya? Boy: Are pagli, yeh koi mandir thodi hai, aise hi aaja! Flirt SMS, Flirt Hindi SMS, 116 Characters

Ek tanha raat me apki yaad aayi, tanhai mitane ko humne ek cigrate sulgai, na jaane kaise qayamat ho gayi ke dhooeein ne bhi apki tasvir banayi. Flirt SMS, Flirt Hindi SMS, 144 Characters

Aaj didar, kal yaar, parson pyaar, phir ekrar, phir intezar, phir takrar, phir darar, sari mehnat bekar, aur aakhir mein ek aur devdas at beer bar. Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 150 Characters

Bazu-o-mein dum rakhta hun, Dil mein gum rakhta hun, Pata tha SMS ayega tera, Isliye DISPRIN sang rakhta hun. Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 112 Characters

Dil ka dard dil todne wale kya jane, Pyar ke rivazon ko zamana kya jane, Hoti hai kitni takleef ladki patane mein, Ye ghar pe baitha ladki ka baap kya jaane. Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 160 Characters

Aey mere SMS mere dost ke pass jana, Agar wo so raha ho to shor mat machana, Jab wo jage to dhire se 'Muskarana', Phir kehna "KANJUS" SMS karo! Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 146 Characters

Aahat si koi aaye to lagta hai ki tum ho, Saya sa koi lehraye to lagta hai ki tum ho, Ab tumhi batao tum kya kisi bhoot se kam ho? Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 132 Characters

Kya lekar aaya tha? Kya lekar jayega? Mujhe SMS na karke zaalim, Tu kitna chillar bachayega? Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 96 Characters

Jab jab ghire badal teri yaad ayi, Jab jhoom ke barsa sawan teri yaad ayi, Jab-jab mein bhiga teri yaad ayi, Ab raha nahin jata, Chatri Lauta de Bhai. Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 153 Characters

Vo aaj bhi hume dekh kar muskurate hain, Vo aaj bhi hume dekh kar muskurate hain, Yeh to unke bachche hee kaminey hain, Jo Mama-Mama kehke bulaate hain. Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 155 Characters

Hum na hote to aapko gazal kaun kehta, apke chehre ko gulab kaun kehta, Ye to karishma hai hum pyar karne walon ka warna pattharon ko Taj Mahal kaun kehta. Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 156 Characters

Ankhein khuli ho to chehra tumhara ho, Aankhein bandh ho to sapna tumhara ho, Mujhe maut ka dar na hoga, Agar kafan ki jagah dupatta tumhara ho. Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 147 Characters

Pyara sa ehsas ho tum, har pal mere pas ho tum, Jine ki ek aas ho tum, mann ka ek vishwas ho tum, Shayad is liye.... Kuch khas ho tum. Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 136 Characters

Dil mein umeedo ki shamma jala rakhi hai, Humne apni alag duniya basa rakhi hai, Is umeed ke saath ki ayega SMS aapka, Humne mobile par nazrein jama rakhi hein. Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 163 Characters

Unka ashiyana dil mein basa rakha hai, Unki yadon ko seene se laga rakha hai, Pata nahi yaad aate hain wohi kyun, Vaise dost to hamne auron ko bhi bana rakha hai. Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 165 Characters

Baag ki har kali, khushbu de apko, Suraj ki har kiran, nai subah de apko, Hum to kuch dene ke kabil nahi hain, Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 112 Characters

Zindagi behaal hai, Sur hai na taal hai, Msg box bhi kangal hai, kya aapki sms factory me hartal hai, Yaar kuch to bhejo ye meri mobile ki zindagi ka sawaal hai. Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 165 Characters

Hum dua karte hain Khuda se, ki wo aap jaisa dost aur na banaye, Ek Cartoon jaisi cheez hai humare paas, kahin wo bhi common na ho jaye! Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 139 Characters

Tere DIL mein rahenge SMS bankar, Dhadkano mein bajenge RINGTONE bankar, Kabhi apne DIL se juda mut Samajana, Hum tere saath chalenge NETWORK ban. Shayari SMS, Shayari Hindi SMS, 149 Characters

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