Sl Cals2 Kspearellinwood

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SL RESOURCES FOR EDUCATORS & RESEARCHERS Karen C. Spear Ellinwood|Baudrillard Lupino, SL Researcher Research & Content Manager for Zonebee Flandrau|UA Science Center 520-829-0749

Education Grid in Second Life Some Terminology

Grid – the virtual matrix that is Second Life o

o Adult Grid –

members must be 18 years and older o SLurl – Second Life

url – address in the Grid. Generally, each address has 3 points (x, y, z) because it displays the environment in “3D’. A matrix, strictly speaking, is the intersection of 2 vectors or 2 dimensional.

LEARNING TO GET A SECOND LIFE Zones of proximal development

Introduction What is Second Life? o An early version of a

Metaverse • • •

virtual universe began as a unique browser enables live interaction between people at remote locations through internet connection using a unique browser with 3D virtual structure • users are ‘residents’ o What can you do there? • • • • • • •

RESIDENTS PRODUCE COLLABORATE DISTRIBUTE what they know What they learn How they learn or know it skills and best practices for future use in unfamiliar territory IMAGE: active links to IBM Job Fair & Metaverse project

Paradigm shifting

The Tech Virtual - Museum Exhibit Design workshop

Second Life shifts the paradigm  from education set

primarily in a face to face setting with more traditional attributes, e.g., instructor,

students, place to meet, sit, traditional teaching tools T o a primarily virtual

setting where the participants can generate the content and collaborate in structuring the experience in support of online and offline learning Second Life offers a new kind of venue to create conditions for learning through a the hybridization of real and virtual environments and formal and informal learning 

Formal structured education •K-12 •College •Professional development

Informal structured education •After-school programs •Homework & report preparation •On the job training

Informal, selfmanaged learning •Science center & museum experiences •Surfing the net •Visiting the bookstore

Hybrid Learning Environments •Second Life •River Qwest •Atlantic City •Fifth Dimension

Who’s in Second Life?

Business or Professional organizations

American Association of Second Life Librarians  NASA delivers live feed of its missions  NPR holds Science Fridays Q&A during live radio programs  ESL classes  University classes  IBM conducts new employee orientation and training  Entertainment

Educational or Governmental organizations

UA RESOURCES OSCR Labs & LTC (Learning Technologies Center)

Welcome to the UA Island

OSCR Current UA uses of Second Life


University participation NMC – New Media Consortium campus in SL and website UA & ASU are members Host conferences on education, technologies, and related matters in SL and in real life settings

Resources Publications online, initiatives, projects

Products Furniture, laptops, buildings, science instruments, clothing, avatars, etc.


Areas of research & practice

Hosted in SL & real life

Learning technologies, education, research methods, etc.

Friendly members to assist newcomers IMAGE: NMC Website, active link

Social networks In SL, online, face to face


Support for newcomers

Other universities in SL  Harvard  Princeton  San Diego University  NYU SIM Teach – Directory


online of universities, colleges, and schools San Diego University

IMAGES: All images are active links


Platforms for Educators SL can hook you up with customized environments with your active involvement in design

IMAGE: active link to webpage for educators/businesses

TOOLS FOR LEARNING & RESEARCH Recording ‘devices’ – open source software & other stuff

Screenshots, Snapshots, & Screencasts  Screenshots are still

images of what is on your computer screen You can use a simple PC keyboard to take a screenshot by using the PrtScrn key (above the insert key) and then go to window where you want the image to appear and hold down CNTRL and V to paste.  Snapshots are screenshots in SL. The toolbar at the bottom of the SL window has tools to take, save, and email snapshots.  Screencasts are videos of what’s on your screen. JING and Camtasia Studios are 2 programs available. JING is free! Camtasia is JING on steroids and costs some money. You can download these programs at

IMAGES– screenshot of JING tools with active link to screencast tutorial of JING; screenshot of onscreen PC keyboard indicating where print screen (PRNSCN) key is on a PC

Creating Tutorials Screenshot of tutorial for SL at right has an active link to a screencast I ‘shot’ at the UA SL Island in the old main building, and demonstrates how you could use these tools for training staff and others to use SL

IMAGES: Screencast as it appears before Play; Screenshot of a scene in the video.


Teen Grid - TSL Members cannot be over 17 years old; adult educators and researchers must have criminal background check and be approved by Linden Corporation directly Teen second Life (TSL) has its own website

Global Kids (GK Island, TSL) is a UNICEF funded program using TSL (online leadership program, worldwide outreach) SIM Teach has a wiki for SL Educators working with Teens. If you work with teens on outreach programs, this is an excellent place to start. Click on the image. IMAGES: Active links to SL Educators site; Global Kids; SimTeach for SL; TSL

James Paul Gee Professor of linguistics and discourse at ASU College of Education Has written books on educational use and practices with video games and online gaming, Discourse Analysis, and related topics Active participant in Global Kids Island Participated in a 15 part series on YouTube - Special Reports on the work of the program, interviews with kids in real life who have formed strong social networks worldwide

This work may be aligned with Cooperative Extension goals with youth education and development IMAGE: YouTube Reports – active link

YouTube Special Reports channel

Getting started

For those who have not signed up yet


Zonebee is_  a research platform for

Participatory Design  a set of web-based applications for learning, like Google docs & spreadsheets, FURL thirdparty bookmarking service, and Ning social networking space  an organizing circumstance of informal, self-directed learning to promote metacognitive awareness of how one learns  a set of unique Zonebee applications  aligned with five essential processes of self-directed learning  IMAGES: Zonebee website banner; SDL processes diagram (Spear-Ellinwood, 2008), see accompanying presentation entitled Zonebee Overview






Theoretical Compatability Karen Spear Ellinwood, Gio Battistini and Ray Garcia collaborated on developing a learning model for Zonebee The Zonebee learning Model is based on a learning model compatible with Cooperative Extension goals and framework IMAGE: Zonebee website Reviews page with active link

Unique applications Layered on top webbased applications, Zonebee has created UNIQUE applications • Learning Goal Taxonomy • Record Trails

• Review Trails • Zonebee This • Explore (Pre-search) • Qualified Search

IMAGE: Zonebee toolbar highlighting unique applications

Zonebee Goals Research Platform – Zonebee collects users’ trails, with their permission. Zonebee researchers and developers can view these trails and discern how the trails align with SDL processes and from there estimate how users engage in learning along several dimensions…  Domain or content expertise  Metacognitive awareness (of learning practices)  ICT Literacy (Internet & Computer Technologies)  Demographics  Self-reported learning dispositions – attitudes toward learning and preferences in learning practices IMAGE: Zonebee toolbar

Collaboration possibilities Grant-writing for a variety of projects including:  youth projects to enhance ICT Literacy for learning in and out of school  4H programs using Zonebee as a tool to extend CALS and Cooperative Extension resources (customized toolbar)  CALS faculty as experts to identify reputable, and educational sites in areas of expertise  the development of sciencelearning communities in Second Life and in real life that also use Zonebee for sciencelearning, e.g., health, nutrition, physical education, 4H activities,  Other ideas???

IMAGE: Zonebee Explore Buzz (tag cloud)

HAVE A NICE SECOND LIFE_ Don’t forget to check out Zonebee_

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