Zb Pedagogy Revised3 Kse

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OVERVIEW | 02.18.09

Zonebee & Pedagogy at the Science Center

Karen C. Spear Ellinwood Research & Content Manager for Zonebee

The University of Arizona © 2007 - Confidential and Proprietary


The University of Arizona © 2007 - Confidential and Proprietary

Initially being implemented for the Web, Zonebee_  Toolbar integrates Rich Internet Applications and various Web Widgets with existing powerful web-based resources, such as Google, StumbleUpon, Delicious, or Wikipedia

 Goes beyond locating resources that match previous searches and guides you in determining how to approach the learning process  Focuses on the entire process of informal learning  Empowers learners to use resources more effectively  Adds value through NEW and unique applications specially designed by ZoneBee

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What is Zonebee_

ZoneBee is a virtual Informal Learning Environment being designed to … Support learning in …  complex, informal learning environments, such as the Web, structured informal learning environments, such as Science Centers, and  formal environments such as work and school Promote metacognitive awareness of how you learn as you learn  Recommend resources tailored to learners’  subject matter interests  challenge level  practices, strategies, and approaches to learning

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21st Century learning

Creating Zones of Possibilities_


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The exponential growth of knowledge_ 1999-2002 New stored information doubles!

2020 – Doubles every 73 days!

• Half-life of tech-based knowledge = 5 years  Keeping up with knowledge production in any discipline is the prime challenge of 21st Century Learning  Search engines like Google, Yahoo, or Ask.com alone will not meet this challenge  As much as we like these services, they do NOT truly personalize the search, foster reflective analysis, or adequately distribute knowledge for learning how to learn.

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Exponential growth of knowledge makes focus on information unrealistic

Web as gateway to holistic experience_

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An overview of pedagogy_


Guiding Premises  Developmental neuroplasticity enables the nervous system to reorganize neural pathways adapting to changing and new circumstances throughout our lives.  Learners have varied background knowledge of science and everyday knowledge (unrelated to science) Self-directed informal learning is self-managed and, at best, should be self-reflective  It should also be self-reflective – promote metacognitive engagement Science Centers and other forms of informal learning offer a form of structured, informal learning, that is, voluntary self-regulated learning requiring active participants. The University of Arizona © 2007 - Confidential and Proprietary




The learning situation_


 The learning situation determines learning opportunities, what Moll & Greenberg (1990) call “zones of possibilities”

 21st Century learning increasingly complex (multienvironment) Social Interaction. Not in real time


Social Interaction


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In real time

In order to become a zone of possibilities, the learning situation must_ Organize sets of experiences that motivate visitors to engage metacognitively with a variety of scientific topics and with one another.  Promote greater awareness of themselves as learners, that is, about their practices and ideas about learning

 Honor visitors’ funds of knowledge  Do not emphasize memorization of content

 Guide learners to become better self-directed learners  Focus on active involvement of learners

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Zones of Goals of Possibilities_ CREATE Zones of Proximal Development (Zones of multiple possibilities)

Fun and imaginative learning activities

Strategic guidance for learners to achieve goals within their reach and nudge them beyond present abilities

Cumulative experiences that build on what is learned through activity at each exhibit and through Zonebee online

Constructive tools or resources for creative and imaginative learning

 MOTIVATE voluntary participation  OFFER toolkit and resources for application in familiar and unfamiliar contexts

BUILD ON learners’ funds of knowledge 


Process (practices)


CONNECT experiences in and out of the science center and among exhibit activities The University of Arizona © 2007 - Confidential and Proprietary

Re-purposing content and tools learners encounter in everyday experience (home, school, community.

Opportunities for building and sharing knowledge of … • Science • Learning approaches and enhancing inquiry practices • Self-reflective and collaborative thinking

Self-Directed Learning_  Involves several processes reflecting


progressions of content acquisition and selfdevelopment (ourselves as learners)  Is self-regulatory or self-managed learning Requires Effective tools  Requires Affective Involvement (involving senses and emotion, affecting motivation)



 Requires a variety of tools (examples) 

Tools of the Mind 


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Tools of the Mind_ 

Psychological Tools –

Thinking & Metacognition (Thinking about Thinking) 

 

Higher Order Psychological Tools

Practices for doing things 




Doing science

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Funds of Knowledge_


Content Knowledge 

Content Knowledge - We know stuff

Process Knowledge or Practices – We know how to do things 

Social Relations – We learn how to do things from others 

Socio-Cultural Context – We do different things in different ways depending upon who we are with and where we are

SocioCultural Context

Funds of Knowledge

In other words – we learn how to do things while we’re doing them (in the context of activities or experience) with and/or through the strategic assistance or guidance of others 

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Social Relations

Process Knowledge (Practices)




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Unique applications

Login/Logout_ User-controlled; Zonebee remembers last login status

Layered on top web-based applications, Zonebee has created UNIQUE applications • Learning Goal Taxonomy • Record Trails • Review Trails • Zonebee This • Explore (Pre-search) • Qualified Search

Topic Keyword_ Enter keywords for Explore & Search; Default function on “Enter” is Explore


Settings_ User chooses basic or Pro Zonebee features & preferences

Experience_ Books, Museums, Products



Build_ Produce, Collaborate, Distribute Monitor


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Zonebee Goals

Record_ User controls when to record trails

Learning Goal_ Contextualized, Goal-oriented exploration and searching

Research Platform –

Zonebee collects users’ trails, with their permission. Zonebee researchers and developers can view these trails and discern how the trails align with SDL processes and from there estimate how users engage in learning along several dimensions…  Domain or content expertise  Metacognitive awareness (of learning practices)  ICT Literacy (Internet & Computer Technologies)  Demographics  Self-reported learning dispositions – attitudes toward learning and preferences in learning practices

Search_ Qualified sites, Publications, Social networks Explore_ Buzz, Word, Encyclopedia, Images Assess




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Focus_ Review Trails, clippings, bookmarks

Reflect_ Review Trails, Clippings, bookmarks



A peak at a few Zonebee Features_



Explore_ Before you search, get the… Buzz on the net, define words and phrases, encyclopedic references on related topics, concepts, and images. Especially useful when you are in unfamiliar territory.

Buzz_ Gives you a sense of what the Internet “is saying” on the topic to help you identify related topics and plan your search »»» The University of Arizona © 2007 - Confidential and Proprietary


Special Features_

Zonebee This The Juice looks like the Buzz, but it’s based upon Zonebee’s unique algorithm that enables you to see what’s on the page and whether it fits what you’re looking for before you spend time scrolling up and down the page or clicking through the site  Instructional Clarity Index based upon six criteria derived from research with librarians 1.Accessibility 2.Form use on site 3.Readability 4.Maintainability 5.Navigation 6.Performance


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Review Trails_



Zonebee will enable visitors to review their learning experiences online and in the Science Center_

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Learn curious_


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Zonebee is_  a research platform for

Participatory Design  a set of web-based applications for learning, like Google docs & spreadsheets, FURL thirdparty bookmarking service, and Ning social networking space  an organizing circumstance of informal, self-directed learning to promote metacognitive awareness of how one learns  a set of unique Zonebee applications  aligned with five essential processes of self-directed learning  The University of Arizona © 2007 - Confidential and Proprietary






Theoretical Compatibility The Zonebee learning Model is based on a learning model compatible with the framework of … •Cooperative Extension • Wildcat School • Medial and nursing training emphasizing metacognition • STEM learning • COE Teacher preparation programs • CEMELA activities • 5D (Fifth Dimension) clubs • Informal learning programs

And the goals of… • enhancing ICT literacy programs • promoting metacognitive awareness about content learning and learning practices & strategies • social relations and collaborative learning •Design research principles • Learner-centered designs for research and learning activities The University of Arizona © 2007 - Confidential and Proprietary


Research based_


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Zonebee Research Agenda_ Phases of Zonebee Research & Timeline  Phase I – 2008 Settings included class observations in Dr. Gordon’s problem-solving class

 Phase II – Qtr 1-3 2009 Zonebee will spin-off into a commercial enterprise estimated for second quarter Academic research will continue through commercial enterprise collaborations with UA and other academic institutions

 Phase III – Qtr 3 2009 Exhibit Prototyping Integration with Zonebee User-generated content Exhibit development support

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Director of Technology Flandrau |The UA Science Center




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Notes or Questions_



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