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CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION In this chapter, the writer described the students’ vocabulary achievements who join english course, students’ vocabulary achievements who never join english course, the difference of students vocabulary achievement of students who join english course and those who do not, and the discussion. 4.1 Findings 4.1.1 Description of Students’ Vocabulary Achievement of Students who Join English Course The students' vocabulary achievement of those who join english course in this study was taken from the value of vocabulary testing which consisted of multiple choices, complete the sentences, and matching item tests. Based on the data of students' vocabulary achievement on appendix 3, the result of the mean score, median, standard deviation, minimum score, maximal score and range score of students who join english course are described on the table 4.1. Table 4.1 Description of students’vocabulary achievement who join english course Students' score Frequency Percentage (%) 8.7 1 4.5 8.4 2 9.1 8.2 2 9.1 8 1 4.5 7.8 3 13.6 7.6 2 9.1 7.3 3 13.6 7.1 4 18.2 6.9 4.5 1


6.7 6.4 6

Total Mean Score Median Maximum Minimum Range SD

4.5 4.5 4.5 100

1 1 1 22 7.5 7.45 8.7 6 2.7 0.68

From the computation of the data above, it is found that the minimum score of is 6, the maximum score is 8.7, deviation standard is 0.68 and the mean score is 7.5. Based on the classification that provided by Sudijono (1987:17), the range score 7 – 7.9 is on good criteria. So, the mean score 7.5 is categorized as good criteria. The distribution of students’ score is presented below: Table 4.2 Classification of Students’ Score who Join English Course No 1 2 3 4

Criteria Very high High Enough Low Total

Interval Score 8 - 10 7 - 7.9 6 - 6.9 0 -5.9

Frequency 6 12 4 0 22

Percentage 27.3% 54.5% 18.2% 0% 100%

Relating to the data above, the classification of students’ vocabulary achievement of those who join English course shows that: the very high score (8 – 10) are not achieved by 6 students or 27.3 %, the high score (7 – 7.9) are achieved by 12 students or 54.5 % , the enough score (6 – 6.9) is achieved by 4 students or 18.2%, and the low score (0 – 5.9) is no one achieved by students or 0%. Thus, by seeing table above, we can conclude that the large frequency of


students’ score is on high criteria (54.5%) and the small frequency is on low criteria (0%). Supporting of these data, there are twelve students or 54.5% of students get (7 – 7.9) with the mean score is 7.5. In the other words, the dominant score of students’ vocabulary achievement is on high criteria. In this case, the writer says that the mean score of students’ vocabulary achievement who join english course is high level category. 4.1.2 Description of Students’ Vocabulary Achievement of Students who never Join English Course The students' vocabulary achievement of those who never join english course in this study was taken from the value of vocabulary testing which consisted of multiple choices, complete the sentences, and matching item tests. Based on the data of students' vocabulary achievement on appendix 4, the result of the mean score, median, standard deviation, minimum score, maximal score and range score of students who never join english course are described on the table 4.3. Table 4.3 Description of students’ Vocabulary Achievement who never Join English Course Students' score 7.1 6.9 6.7 6.4 6.2 6 5.8 5.6

Frequency 2 2 1 3 2 3 2 1

Percentage (%) 11.1 11.1 5.5 16.6 11.1 16.6 11.1 5.6


5.1 4.4 Total Mean Score Median Maximum Minimum Range SD

5.6 5.6 100

1 1 18 6.2 6.2 7.1 4.4 2.7 0.69

From the computation of the data above, it is found that the minimum score of is 4.4, the maximum score is 7.1, deviation standard is 0.69 and the mean score is 6.2. Based on the classification that provided by Sudijono (1987:17), the range score 6 – 6.9 is on enough criteria. So, the mean score 6.2 is categorized as enough criteria. The distribution of students’ score is presented below: Table 4.4 Classification of Students’ Score who never Join English Course No 1 2 3 4

Criteria Very high High Enough Low Total

Interval Score 8 - 10 7 - 7.9 6 - 6.9 0 -5.9

Frequency 0 2 11 5 18

Percentage 0% 11.1% 61.1% 27.8% 100%

Relating to the data above, the classification of students’ vocabulary achievement of those who never join English course shows that: the very high score (8 – 10) is not achieved by one student or 0%, the high score (7 – 7.9) is achieved by 2 students or 11.1 %, the enough score (6 – 6.9) is achieved by 11 students or 61.1%, and the low score (0 – 5.9) is achieved by 5 students or 27.8 %. Thus, by seeing table above, we can conclude that the large frequency of


students’ score is on enough criteria (61.1%) and the small frequency is on very high criteria or (0%). Supporting of these data, there are eleven students or 61.1 % of students get (6 – 6.9) with the mean score is 6.2. In the other words, the dominant score of students’ vocabulary achievement is on enough criteria. In this case, the writer says that the mean score of students’ vocabulary achievement who never join english course is enough level category.

4.1.3 The Difference of Students’ Vocabulary Achievement of those who Join English Course and those who never Join English Course


The proposing of the comparison the students’ vocabulary achievement in this section was in order to describe clearly the result of students’ vocabulary whether there is a difference achievement of those who Join English Course and those who never Join English Course in vocabulary achievement. For comparing students’ vocabulary achievement of those who Join English Course and those who never Join English Course, the writer focuses on the sum score, mean score, standard deviation, maximum score, and minimum score. The result process of computation data of these characteristics can be seen on the table bellow. Table 4.5 : Descriptive Statistics on Students’ Score on Pre test and Post test Descriptive Statistic Sum score Mean score Standard Deviation Maximum Score Minimum Score

Join English Course 164.9 7.5 0.68 8.7 6

Never Join English Course 111.1 6.2 0.69 7.1 4.4

Gain score 53.8 1.3 -0.01 1.6 1.6

The table 4.3 shows that there is a different score of students who Join English course and those who never Join English course in vocabulary achievement at the seven grade of SMPN 3 Tongauna. It can be seen that the sum score of students Join English course is 164.9 while the sum score of students never Join English course is 111.1, so the gain score is 53.8. The mean score of students Join English course is 7.5 and mean score for students never Join English course is 6.2, so the gain score is 1.3. The standard deviation of students Join English course is 0.68 and students never Join English course is 0.69, so the gain score is -0.01. The Maximum score of students Join English course is 8.7 and students never Join English course is 7.1, so the gain score is


1.6. The minimum score of students Join English course is 6 and minimum score for students never Join English course is 4.4, so the gain score is 1.6. Based on the finding of students’ score on descriptive analysis, the researcher can say that there is different of students’ score on vocabulary of those who Join English Course and those who never Join English Course at the seven grade of SMPN 3 Tongauna. 4.1.4 The Result of Hypothesis Testing The hypothesis testing is used to investigate whether there is a significant difference of students’ vocabulary achievement who join English course and those who do not at the seven grade of SMPN 3 Tongauna or not. The average score of students who join English course is 7.5 with the variance is 0.4665, while the average score of students who never join English course is 6.2 with variance is 0.4796 (on appendix 5). For testing the hypothesis, it was needed the values of students’ score as shown in table below: Table 4.6 Values of Students’ Vocabulary Achievement Values

Join English Course

Never Join English Course










Based on the computation of hypothesis testing, the researcher found the value of t-test is 0.970. It is consulted to the t-table at the significant level 0,05



with the degree of freedom (df) n1 + n2 or 22 + 18 - 2 = 38 found that t-table is 2.025 (interpolation). It can be said that, the score of t-test is smaller than t-table, 0.031 < 2.025. So, H1 is rejected and H0 is accepted. The result of the hypothesis testing can be seen on table 4.7 below. Table 4.7 Summary of Hypothesis Testing Df








Result Ho : Accepted H1 : Rejected

Table above shows that the score of T-test is smaller than the score of Ttable in which T-test is 0,626. While T-table is 2.025, So it can be said that Ho is Accepted and H1 is Rejected, therefore, the writer concludes that there is a significant difference of students’ vocabulary achievement who join English course and those who do not at the seven grade of SMPN 3 Tongauna. 4.2 Discussion The aim of this research is to describe the students’ vocabulary achievements at the seven grade of SMPN 3 Tongauna who join English course and those who never join English course also to prove whether there is or not a significant difference. Before the writer elaborate more about the result of students’ achievement in vocabulary at the seven grade of SMPN 3 Tongauna, it is better to understand first what achievement is. Achievement in learning is something done through various efforts to undertake diligently in order to gain a certain result. Learning achievement is the indicator of modification level that has been reacted by students who undertake


the learning activities and directly knowledge authority, capability, skill and attitude that has been reached. Winkel (1984:17) says that achievement is a proof of successfulness of someone’s effort gained. Therefore, it can be concluded that learning process that resulted by the students will produce the changes in knowledge or understanding filed in skill, in the norm and attitude aspect. The existence of that change appears in learning achievement resulted by the students toward questions or assignment given by the teacher. Related with the description above, the writer proves the answer of research question of this study. First, the students’ score on vocabulary achievement who join English course found that the minimum score of is 6 and the maximum score is 8.9, the range is 1,6, deviation standard is 1,04, the meadian is 7.3, and the mean score is 7.3. Based on the classification that provided by Sudijono (1987:17), the range score 70 – 79 is on good criteria. So, the mean score 7.3 is categorized as good criteria. It is proved by the large frequency of students’ score is on high criteria or (54.5%). Therefore the writer can conclude that students’ vocabulary achievements at the seven grade of SMPN 3 Tongauna who join english course is categorized as good criteria. Second, the students’ score on vocabulary achievement who never join English course found that the minimum score of is 2.2 and the maximum score is 6.1, the range is 2.75, the deviation standard is 0.35, the median is 4.3, and the mean score is 4.3. Based on the classification that provided by Sudijono (1987:17), the range score 60 – 69 is on enough criteria. So, the mean score 6.2 is categorized as enough criteria. It is proved by the large frequency of students’


score is on enough criteria or (61.1%). Therefore the writer can conclude that students’ vocabulary achievements at the seven grade of SMPN 3 Tongauna who never join english course is categorized as enough criteria. Third, the result of findings answered positively the hypothesis of this study. It is proved by the average score of students who join English course is 7.3 with the variance is 1.0861, while the average score of students who never join English course is 4.3 with variance is 0.1196. Based on the computation of hypothesis testing, the researcher found the value of t-test is 0.626 It is consulted to the t-table at the significant level 0,05 with the degree of freedom (df) n1 + n2 or 22 + 18 - 2 = 38 found that t-table is 2.025 (interpolation). It can be said that, the score of t-test is smaller than t-table, 0.626 < 2.025. So, H1 is rejected and H0 is accepted. Therefore, the writer can conclude that there is a significant difference of students’ vocabulary achievement who join English course and those who do not at the seven grade of SMPN 3 Tongauna.


CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION This chapter presents the conclusion, suggestion and recommendation for another writer who plans to conduct the similar study to this research. 5.1 Conclusion Based on the findings and discussion of the result of this study, the writer can make conclusion as follows: 1. The students’ vocabulary achievement at the seven grade who join English course was spread from 6 (lowest score) until 8.7 (highest score) with the average score is 7.5 and standard deviation is 0.68 and categorized as good criteria. 2. The students’ vocabulary achievement at the seven grade who never join English course was spread from 4.4 (lowest score) until 7.1 (highest score) with the average score is 6.2 and standard deviation is 0.69 and categorized as enough criteria. 3. Statistical analysis of t-test establish that there is a significant difference of students’ vocabulary achievement who join English course and those who do not join English course at the seven grade of SMPN 3 Tongauna in academic year 2012/2013. This shown with the value of t-test < t-table (0.970 < 0.025). This means that the vocabulary achievement of students who join English course is better than those who never join English course. 5.2 Recommendation


After conducting this study, the writer thought and considered several recommendations to the teacher and next researcher, they are: 1.

The writer recommends the teachers have to pay attention to the difference found in every student as the participants in education. It is better to encourage students to be actived in joining the lesson wheter at school nor out school .


The writer recommends to the next researchers to apply an effective technique in teaching vocabulary in order can improve the students vocabulary achievement.


REFERENCES Achir. 2002. An Analysis of the English Tearcher Made Test Based on the Bloom’s Taxonomy at the Second Year Students of SMU Negeri 1 Kendari. Kendari: Unhalu-Unpublished Thesis Arikunto, Suharsimi. 1995. Manajemen Penelitian. Cetakan Ketiga. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. Brown, Gillian and George Yule. 1980. Discourse Analysis. London: Cambridge University Press Darsono, Tjokrosujono. 1995. Dasar-Dasar Penelitian Pendidikan. Jakarta. Depdikbud. Gage & Barliner. 1984. Educational Psychology. Chicago. Nally Comp. Publishing. Gay, L.R. 1981. Education Research Colombus. Hell and Howell Company. Getzeless, Oplelia. 1954. Reading Skill for College Students New Jersey. Prentice Hall Inc. Heaton, S. 1975. Teaching and Learning Vocabulary. New York: Victoria. Huda, Nuril. 1999. Language Learning and Teaching. Malang: Issues and trends IKIP Malang. Hurlock, B. Elisabeth, 1978. Child Development. Koga-Kusha: McGrow-Hill. Jubaedah. 2002. Students Vocabulary Growth under the use of Total Physical Response Technique at the Four Year Students of SD Kuncup Pertiwi. Unpublished Thesis: Unhalu. Katler, Ivan. 1989. Vocabulary in Action. New York. Prentice Hall. Kridalaksana. Harimukti. 1983. Pelik-Pelik Bahasa Indonesia. Bandung: Angkasa Kustaryo, Sukirah, 1988. Reading Technique for College Students. Jakarta: Depdikbud. Munawar. 1999. A Study of Students’ Competences in Using Tenses at the Second Year Students of SMUN Pasarwajo. Thesis Unhalu Unpublished. Richard and King. 1971. Introduction to Psychology. USA: Oxford University Press.


Rusli, 1995. A Correlation Study Between Reading Speed and English Achievement of the Second Year Students at SMEA Negeri Kendari. Kendari: Unhalu, unpublished thesis. Samaniah. 2004. Students’ Perception on Homework and Their English Achievement at the Second Year of SLTP Negeri 3 Katobu. Kendari: Unhalu-Unpublished Thesis Shaw, P and de Vet. 1980. Using Blackboard Drawing. New York: Hernemann Press. Slameto, 1988. Belajar dan Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhinya. Jakarta Bina Aksara. Sudijono, Anas. 1998. Pengantar Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: RajaGrafindo Persada. Sugiyono. 2009. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R&D. Bandung: Alfabeta. Tampubolon. 1987. English Book for Junior High School. Jakarta. Balai Pustaka. Tarigan, H.G. 1984. Pengantar Kosakata. Bandung: Angkasa. Ur. Penny. 1996. A Course in Language Teaching. Cambrige: CUP. Wachidah, S. 2001. Pengajaran Unsur-Unsur Bahasa. Jakarta: Depdikbud. Webster. 1965. Third New Internasional Dictionary Of The English Language. USA: Springfield and C. Marriem Company Ltd. Winkel, 1987. Psikologi Pendidikan dan Evaluasi Belajar. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Winkle, W. S., 1984. Psikologi Pengajaran. Jakarta: Grasindo.


Appendix 1: Instrument of the Study


: SMP Negeri 3 Tongauna

Mata Pelajaran

: Bahasa Inggris


: I/II


: 80 menit

A. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d. 1. There are twelve months in a . . . . a. day

b. week

c. month

d. year.

2. I . . . . . my dictionary yesterday. Someone probably stole it. a. bought

b. lost

c. gave

d. red

3. I just . . . . .a pen in the yard of school. Whose pen is this? a. buy

b. sell

c. find

d. give

4. My parents usually . . . . . me a present in my birthday. a. give

b. refuse

c. know

d. understand

5. I . . . . to buy a new car, because this one has been old. a. see

b. buy

c. listen

d. want

6. A: Do you know Mirna? B: Yes, she is a diligent, friendly, and ... girl. So, there are many men want to marry her. a. stupid b. lazy c. beautiful d. bad 7. I want to have apple. The underlined word has the same meaning with . . . . . a. eat

b. play

c. read

8. The wild animals live in the jungle. The synonym of jungle is . . . .

d. write


a. mountain

b. hill

c. valley

d. forest.

9. It is an easy problem, I can’t solve it. The opposite meaning of easy jungle is . . . . a. slim

b. fat

c. difficult

d. diligent

10. He . . . . the ball as like David Beckham does it. a. kicks

b. kill

c. destroy

d. red

11. The teacher is very . . . . . to me, because I usually come late to school. a. angry

b. glad

c. happy

d. good

12. Who is the leader of this company?. The underlined word has the same meaning with . . . . a. maker

b. player

c. manager

d. killer

13. I want to create the situation more relaxed. The underlined word has the same meaning with . . . . a. make

b. destroy

c. put of

d. watch

14. His hobby is climbing the . . . . . a. mountain

b. sea

d. ocean

d. beach

15. I am very . . . . now. I must finish this work. meeting. a. busy

b. glad

16. I . . . .badminton a. play

b. cook

d. love

So I will not attend the

d. happy

every afternoon. d. read

d. write

17. It is a very expensive soap. The opposite meaning of expensive is . . . . a. cheap

b. fat

c. difficult

d. diligent

18. The legislators will end the meeting at six o’clock tonight. The underlined word has the same meaning with . . . . a. kill

b. leave

c. watch

d. listen


B. Complete the sentences by the words in the boxes!

B.1 Use the correct words provided in the box bellow to fill the gaps in sentences number 19 to 22. Only one word is correct for each gap.

audience - sing - teach - easy - get - cheap busy - manager - boat - watch - kill

19. I will . . . . . . a present from my mother if I pass in my examination 20. Nabila and Laila . . . . . . together in front of class. 21. He rows his . . . . . to the sheashore. 22. I . . . . . at Junior High School since last year. B.2 Use the correct words provided in the box bellow to fill the gaps in sentences number 23 to 25. Only one word is correct for each gap.

enjoy - go - show - like - work - cheap – diligent busy - end - manager – audience - happy

23. The farmers . . . . . in their rice fields every day. 24. They will . . . . . . to Makasar tomorrow. 25. They will watch the . . . . . at Lakidende stadium tonight.

B.3 Use the correct words provided in the box bellow to fill the gaps in sentences


number 26 to 29. Only one word is correct for each gap.

watch - famous - security - different - cheap busy - spend - audience

26. Shakespeare is a . . . . . writer in the world. 27. She is very . . . . . with his brothers and sisters 28. I will . . . . the final of Indonesian Idol on TV tonight. 29. He works as a . . . . . of the Bank.

B.4 Use the correct words provided in the box bellow to fill the gaps in sentences number 30 to 35. Only one word is correct for each gap.

night - kind - far - house – happy - kill people - walk - attend - famous

30. The president will . . . . the opening of MTQ in Kendari. 31. I usually . . . . on the pavement when I go home from school. 32. There are many . . . . . who attending the exhibition. 33. They will move to their new . . . . next week. 34. His school is not . . . . . from here. 35. In this forest you will find a new . . . . of bird.

C. Match the words in A with their Indonesia meaning in B A



36. happy



37. diligent



38. live



39. elementary



40. family



41. old



42. near



43. office



44. different



45. watch








Aappendix 2 ANSWER KEY A



d. year

23. work


b. lost

24. go


c. find

25. show


a. give

26. famous


b. buy

27. different


c. beautiful

28. watch


a. eat

29. security


d. forest

30. attend


c. difficult

31. walk

10. a. kicks

32. people

11. a. angry

33. house

12. c. manager

34. far

13. a. make

35. kind

14. a. mountain

36. b. bahagia

15. a. busy

37. c. rajin

16. a. play

38. a. tinggal

17. a. cheap

39. h. dasar

18. b. leave

40. d. keluarga

19. get

41. i. tua

20. sing

42. e. dekat

21. boat

43. g. kantor

22. teach

44. f. berbeda 45. k. menonton

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