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CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background English is considered as the first foreign language, and it is regarded as important one for various reasons. Realizing the importance of English for the progress of our country, its language should be taught as one of compulsory subjects at Junior High School to University level. Realizing the importance of English for the progress of our country, the government suggest to the teaching of English from elementary school as a local content. The objective of teaching English in Indonesia as has been stated in English curriculum that “English function is to develop the students’ English mastery as a way of self development to get knowledge technology and culture covering the skill of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Generally speaking, English is expected to become the people need especially for those who want to continue their study at the university. Based on the 1994 English curriculum for both of Junior and Senior High School levels, the students should master four skills of the target language, namely; listening, speaking, reading, and writting. Besides, there are also three components within the language should be learned such as vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. These three components play an important role in supporting the four main skills of English language. Nevertheless, each of these components is not taught in certain topic but all of them are inclusively in those four language skills especially in the reading text.


In relation with the above description, the writer interprets that one of the language elements which is very important for the learners especially for the beginners is vocabulary such as adjective, noun, and verb as the basic component of vocabularies should be mastered by the foreign language learners. The writer thinks that the more vocabularies the learners have the easier for them to develop skill, or the less vocabularies the learners have the harder for them to develop their language skills. By learning vocabulary, the learners will experience the parts of vocabulary such as adjective, noun, and verb as the basic component the writer look at this research. The mastery of English vocabulary is supposed as the important element in learning English to support as the four skills of English itself. In accordance with Wachidah (2001) who stated that developing the language competence as a mean of communication can only be gained by teaching of language qcomponent such as vocabulary. In addition, Kustaryo (1988:2) stated that to understand the text or massage, students must have a good command of English vocabulary of the target language. Therefore, it is an absolute that vocabulary mastery is very important for the learners of the target language since it can support those four language skills as stated in the curriculum. That’s why the writer is aware of conducting this research in order to make a brief result about the students’ vocabulary achievement on those who join English course and never join English course at the seven grade student of SMPN 3 Tongauna. Based on the writer’s observation at this school, it was found that most of students join English course but there are some students who never


join English course. That is why the writer was interested to know and compare the vocabulary achievement both kind of those students because the writer thinks that students who join English course and who never join English course have a different result in their vocabulary achievement . 1.2 Research Question In connection with the explanation on the background above, the writer formulates a research question as follows: “Is there a significance difference of students’ vocabulary achievement between the students who join english course and students who never join english course at the seven grade of SMPN 3 Tongauna?” 1.3 Objective of the Study Based on the research question above, the objective of this research were: “To know whether there is or not a significant difference of students' vocabulary achievement at the seven grade of SMPN 3 Tongauna between students who join English course and who never join English course”. 1.4 Significance of the Study The expected significances of this study consists of theoretical significance and practical significance. 1. Theoretical significance is that the result of this study can give contribution to the development of English teaching at SMPN 3 Tongauna. 2. Practical significance is that the result of their study can give guide line to


the English teacher and parents of the students in effort to increase the English teaching quality, especially vocabulary achievement that refer to the learning achievement. 3. The English teacher can provide the different instructive process for those who join English course and who do not. 1.5 Hypothesis of the Study The hypothesis of this study is "There is a significant difference of students’ vocabulary achievement who join English course and those who do not at the seven grade of SMPN 3 Tongauna ”. 1.6 Scope of the Study This study focused on the students' vocabulary achievement who join English course and those who do not join English course at the seven grade of SMPN 3 Tongauna. The vocabulary that had been investigated are noun, verb, and adjective, based on the book used at seven grade of SMP Negeri 3 Tongauna. 1.7 Definition of the Terms To avoid misunderstanding of the term used in this research, the writer defined the technical term were as follows: 1. Students’ vocabulary achievement in this study is score that gained by the students after doing the 45 items vocabulary test 2. Vocabulary in this study is the words which consist of nouns, verbs, and adjectives that have been studied by the seven grade of SMP Negeri 3 Tongauna.


3. English course is an English learning activity which students done out of school schedules.



2.1 Learning Process Wynkel (1987 : 36 ) states that the learning process is a mental physic activity that effects the interaction with one’s environment change in undertaking the knowledge, skill, and attitude value. This statement is close related to Runch ( 1984 ) that learning is a process that brings the change in the individual way of responding as a result of contact with the environmental and physichological aspect. Based on the above statements, the writer interpreted that the important element in learning process is the existing of interaction between the learners and their environment. This interaction actually is a complex system because it scopes many dimensional factors, include the teachers, facilities, students, social and cultural background, the appropriate materials, and the convenient methods. All of these factors are very essential to give the impacts of successful in learning process and they are independent. The concept of learning may be different from the concept of teaching. But in the field of implementation, both learning and teaching cannot be separated. However, someone teaches something (teacher) if at least there is a man or woman who learn something (student). In learning process, there are some logical considerations which attracts the attention, they are:


1. Learning process is focused on how the teachers support and encourage the students to be the independent learners. 2. People tend to use the term “learning” than “ teaching “ because in the teaching process the main focus is concentrated on how transfers the knowledge from teacher to the student, meanwhile in teaching process teacher tends to motivate students to learning independently. Richards and King (1971) argues that three phases in learning process must be existed, namely; (1) presentation, (2) practice, and (3) production. The most important thing is in presentation is giving the information to the students about the objectives and targets of every course material in subject matter. This way is the one where the teacher starts the lesson and the student are activated to participated in preparing their psychological mentality to accept the lesson. The student can also make themselves a plan concerning to prepare the time for additional hours to study in order the traditional class pattern, teacher – centred is changed into the new one, it is student – centred. This step is to generate to students motivation and interest in order they are enthusiastic to join the class activity. In the phrase of practise, the teacher gives a certain assignment to the students to evaluate how far their material understanding. By doing it, the teacher at least attains a feedback is useful to design a remedial teaching activity. The production phrase is the last one which is expected the students are highly competence in language skills means that they can use the target language as a mean of communication with their own way.


As has been mentioned above that the main responsibility of teacher is not to transfer the knowledge to the student but how to give and generate the students motivation for being independent learners as the Chinese proverb which in English says “Give him a fish you feed him for a day, teach a man how to fish, and you feed him for a life time.” Now exists a question; what kind of method should be used by teachers of English in handling the class to make their students successful in learning? Here, under the writer tries to present a glance of methods and techniques in teaching English language. 2.2 Learning Achievement The achievement in learning is something done through various efforts to undertake diligently in order to gain a certain result. This statement concerns with definition of achievement in American Herritage Dicitonary ( in Rusli, 1995 : 18 ) which states that achievement in the act of accomplishing or finishing something that has been accomplished successfully especially by means exertion, skill, practice or perseverance. Learning achievement is the indicator of modification level that has been reacted by students who undertake the learning activities and directly knowledge authority, capability, skill and attitude that has been reached. Therefore, Winkel (1984 ;17 ) says that achievement is a proof of successfulness of someone’s effort gained. Based on the statement above, it can be concluded that learning process that resulted by the students will produce the changes in knowledge or understanding filed in skill, in the norm and attitude aspect. The existence of that change appears in learning achievement resulted by the students toward questions or assignment


given by the teacher. Therefore, the teacher’s role towards student’s achievement is very needed. The teachers task is how to indicate or how to initiative their students so as to reach the changes as much as possible. In addition, the teacher much knows more things that may hamper students in learning. 2.3 Factors that influence learning process Generally, factors which influence learning process could be grouped in two factors e.g. internal and external factor. An internal factor is the factor emerging from inside of student such as motivation, interest, attention, talent, attitude and health. Interest and attention in learning are two factors that can't be separated each other. A student who feels interested to one subject visually inclined to get attention to a subject continuously, it means there is a students, both girls and boys who studies on one subject with full of interest and attention can hopefully get a good mark on the contrary, students who could not put their attention certainly will get a lower mark. Everyone has a different talent and it will influence the students test score on one subject learned. For instance, a student who has talent in English subject will be easier to increase his knowledge than they who no talent in English. There are some influences factors in learning English, which are divided into parts, they are: (1) Internal factor and (2) External factor. 2.3.1 Internal factors Internal factor is the factor that come oat from the individual itself which can influence the learning of the students and it consist of the two


factors are explained. Furthermore, those factors can be described as follows as follows: 1. Physical Factor Includes in this factor are a condition of health and the condition of the body (physical handicapped). If the condition of our health is not too good of course it can influence the activity or the process of learning because we will be setting tired soon. They are easy to get sleepy, lock of spirit often to be dizzy, or other physical sickness. The physical condition like this night make the less of absorptive power toward the material of learning and will arise perception such as this "a learning is a heavy working'. 2. Psychological factor Psychological factor influenced the result of the students learning are intelligence, motivation, attitudes, interest, and attention. A. Intelligence Intelligence is very important in learning English because the successful of learning activity is closely correlated with the intelligence grade. The intelligence grade of a child in methodically determined by 10 (intelligence Quotient) and it has an important role to the successful of a child in learning. Intelligence includes at least the ability demanded in the solution of problem, which require the comprehension, and use of symbol. The statement above mean that intelligence is very importance in solving the problem. That is why the intelligence is required to solve any problems by using the comprehension as well as symbol.


B. Motivation Motivation means drive or desire which forces one to behave. Drive or desires emerges because of needs. Blair, Jones, and Simpson state that motivation may be describe as a process in which energies produced by needs are expended in the direction of goal: and Brown explained that "motivation is commonly thought of as inner drive, impulse, emotion or desire treat moves on to particular action" (Brown, 1980) so that, motivation for student is importance because motivation can serve as both on objective itself and means for furthering achievement of other can educational objective. Generally, there are two kinds of motivation i.e. intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is a motivation through which learning activity is begin and continued based on the inner drive. Intrinsic motivation is evidence when ever student's natural curiosity and interest energies learning when the educational environment, provides optimal challenge, rich resources of stirriv.1ation, and a context of antonym. Extrinsic motivation is a motivation in which learning activity is begin and continued based on the drive, but this drive in indefinitely related to the learning. The string thing of students, motivation may give some one much energy to do all learning activities. This the teacher will easy to do the expectation change to reach on optimal learning activities, and weak motivation causes the week of learning activities. Motivation of learning is sometimes derive from internal and external without together function to generate and control the act of learning. In other


word, strong motivation function will lead to strong effort itself Kartono in Munawar (1999:21) state that: "In studying should be have hard motive. It will enlarge activate and effort to reach high prostration.” On the other hand, we can say that motivation is energy exchange in selves somebody who paper forefeeling and gone head conception toward the aim. Motivation has relationship with interest is in learning or studying. Winkle (1984:27) states that motivation is a physics factor which is non intellectual. It is a noticeable feeling in passion and spirit of learning and students with strong motivation will have much energy to do learning activity. Moreover Hilgard and Russel (1984:189) put that “the evidence seems rather clear too that motivation is not something applied from the learning situation but is an intrinsic or it. The quotation above may mean that string thinning students’ motivation will give him all energy to do all learning activity. C. Interest and Attention Interest and attention have to a close relationship with motivation. Pade in Samaniah (2004:12) state: “Interest is an inclination to reach with a certain manner to word something it means that there in an inclination to be kept i n country with out interest there will not be an inclination to pay attention something. While Getzelles (1954:321) defines interest as the disposition which impels and individual to seek out particular object, activities, understanding, skill and goals for attention. Suryabrata








kecenderungan untuk memberikan perhatian terhadap orang, benda, aktivitas,


atau situasi dengan disertai perasaan senang." Based on the explanation above, it can be understood that interest has greatest influence toward the students learning achievement. It makes them focus their attention fully to the learning activity which enables them to study hard to gain satisfactory result. D. Attitude Attitude is very important for the students because a good attitude in teaching English, it can be basic useful capital to study harder so the student's if can create a good spirit in learning English, his ability or knowledge will be increasing. Wiliam in Suryabrata (1973:168) stated that an attitude maybe defined a person’s capacity or hypothetical potential, acquisition of a certain more or less well defined pattern of behavior involved in the performance of a task respect to which the individual has had little or no previous training. 2.3.2 External Factors External Factor is the facto emerging from outside of students such as family factor, parent’s education, economical parents’ condition.

A. Family factor The family environment is a basic factor in forming student's identity in the supporting factors for the formal education, so parent’s role in increasing the children at school is needed because the success or the failure of student in learning process also depends on supporting of parents. In term


of this, Slameto says that: Siswa yang belajar akan menerima pengaruh dari keluarga berupa cara orang tua mendidik anak, relasi antara keluarga, suasana rumah tangga, keadaan ekonomi keluarga dan pendidikan orang tua, (Slameto, 1988:62). B. Parents Education Talking about the education problem level of parents related to the students learning performance is how the parents educated their children, so it determine by the background of educational level of the parents. Parents’ way to educate the children has a great influence to child in learning process. In term of this Slameto (1995:62) says that: the student who study will receive influence from their parents such as economic and their parents’ education. The students learning achievement can be influenced by the education background level of their parents. C. Economical Parents condition The economical function cannot be separated in reaching the aim of education. The children who are in learning process must be completed if a family has enough financial (economic). Both external and internal factor pixy an importance role to determine the student's ability, ach i evement and successful in learning -Includes answering the test items of the test score of male and female. In term of this, Vazey in Munawar (1999:19) stated that education is part super structural from society (social) is based on economy. 2.4 Concept of Vocabulary There are some definitions of vocabulary we can find from resources. According to the Advanced Learners of Current English, “Vocabulary is (change


of words known to or used by a person in trade, profession” (Ornby, 1974: 239).Vocabulary is the content and function words of language, which are learned so thoroughly that they become a part of child’s understanding, speaking and later leading and writing vocabulary. Vocabulary is the words having meaning when learned or seen even though not produced by individual himself to communicate with others (Good, 1979:642). Penny (1969: 10) in his book “A course in language Teaching” states that vocabulary can be defined, roughly, as the words we teach in foreign language. However a new item of vocabulary may be more than a single word, for example: post office and mother in law, which is made of two or three words but express single idea. It is also in the New Grolier Webster in International Dictionary of the English Language, vocabulary is: 1. Stick of words used by people or by particular class or person. 2. A list of collection of words of language, book, author of the science or like usually in alphabetically order defined. 3. The words of language, a word book glossary, (Webster, 1965, 159). Kridalaksana, (1983: 98) says that vocabulary is: a. Component of language, which over all information about meaning or words in language. b. The rich words which have by speaker c. The list of words like dictionary but complete with description briefly.


By looking all the above definition we can see that vocabulary is the words, which is having meaning and function of language. The meaning is not isolation but meaning in context. 2.5 Types of Vocabulary In teaching learning process the teacher usually don’t need to spend the same amount of time and care in presenting all new vocabulary will be more important to student than other. Basically there are two types of vocabulary, namely active vocabulary and passive vocabulary. The active vocabulary consists of the words use in conversation and writing. The passive vocabulary consists of the words that are not usually used, but which are recognized understood when read. The passive vocabulary is usually more than the active vocabulary. Shaw and De vet (1990: 19) state that there are two types of Vocabulary, they are: a.

Active vocabulary. Words which students will need to understand and also used themselves. In teaching, active vocabulary, it is usually worth spending time giving example and asking questions, so that students can really see haw the word is used.


Passive vocabulary. Words which we want the students to understand (e.g. when reading a text), but which they will not need to use themselves. To save time, it is often best to present it quickly with a simple example. If it appears as part of text or dialogue, we often leave the student to guess the word from the context.


Besides, he also remind that emphasize that students should understand and far more words than they can produce, so we should not try treat all new words as active vocabulary, he adds that there is another types of vocabulary. 2.6 Vocabulary Achievement The teacher should know the students’ English vocabulary achievement in order to help them whether they have enough vocabulary to do particular task. Vocabulary achievement refers to the students’ capability in mastering the meaning of words that they have learned. Teacher or researcher in testing vocabulary frequently use various new words. Various test technique are uses to know the learners ability in mastering vocabulary. Teachers can uses one or more technique that recommended by Tarigan (1984:28) as mentioned below: 1. Identification, the students are required to give response in writing or orally to identify appropriate words based on the definition. 2. Multiple choice, in this test, students are required to choose one or more of right words that have been provided in the sheet. 3. Matching, this test tends to be alike to the multiple choice because students are also invited to choose one or more words in one of a pair columns which are provided. This choice is to match the item in the two columns. 4. Checking, in this test, students are provided with some words and are asked to check the words they have been recognized and then make a definition of the words. There is still may be other test technique which have or not been mentioned in this study but have been found during of experience in teaching and


learning L2. However, those four test techniques are expected to have had a great contribution to teacher in identifying the learners achievement in vocabulary. Whereas, Heaton (1975) states that test of vocabulary measure the students’ knowledge of the meaning of certain words and words group, such a test may test the students’ active vocabulary or passive vocabulary.



3.1 Design of the Study This study applied quantitative descriptive design. It means that the writer elaborated the factual and natural data gotten in the field of the study. The data that described in this study is the student's vocabulary achievement at the entire seven grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Tongauna in academic year 2012/2013. 3.2 Population The population of this study was all of the seven grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Tongauna in academic year 2012/2013. The population can be seen in the following table: Table 3.1 The Population of the Study No


Number of Students









3.3 Sample The sample of this study was taken through purposive sampling technique from the students of seven grade of SMPN 3 Tongauna. The sample consisted of two groups, namely the group of the students who join English course and the group who do not join English course. For knowing


the students who join and who do not join English course, the writer came to the target school and asked the students to get factual data whether they join English course or not. After getting the data, the writer then determined 22 students who join English course and 18 students who do not join English course as the sample of this study. Table 3.2 The Sample of the Study No


Number of Students


Join English Course



Never Join English Course




3.4 Instrument of the Study The instrument of this research was multiple choices, complete the sentences, and matching item tests. The objective test consists of 45 items; 11 items of nouns, 15 items of adjective, and 19 items of verbs. These items (words) were selected from the relevant book that used by the English for the seven grade of SMPN 3 Tongauna. 3.5 Marking Schema Furthermore, the writer decides marking schema of this research was 1 for each the right answer and 0 for the wrong answer. The formula was as follows: Score : Total correct answer x 10 Total of test item (Sudjinah, 1980:39) Then, the writer classified the criteria of students’vocabulary achievement: 8 – 10

= Very good


7 – 7.9 = Good 6 – 6.9 = Enough 0 – 5.9 = Low (Sudijono, 1987:17) 3.6 Technique of Data Collection In collecting the data, the writer, firstly had a permission from the headmaster of the school, then the writer had the following procedures: 1.

Classifying the students who join English course and those who do not join English course.

2. Collecting the data by giving the test to the students. 3. Examining the result of the test by giving the score of each respondent 4. Analyzing the data, by employing a computer calculating 3.7 Technique of Data Analysis The data of this study analyzed by using descriptive analysis and inferential statistics. Descriptive analysis was used to describe the findings of the study, the writer computed result of the results of the test that was obtained by the students as follows: 1. Scoring the students’ answer by using formula: Score : Total correct answer x 10 Total of test item (Sudjinah, 1980:39)


2. Classifying the score of the students’ answer into the following measurement: 8 – 10

= Very good

7 – 7.9

= Good

6 – 6.9

= Enough

0 – 5.9

= Low (Sudijono, 1987:17)

3. Calculating the percentage of the students score: 𝑝 =


𝑥100 %

Notation: P = the percentage F = frequency N = the total number of students (Gay, 1981: 331) 4. Finding out the mean score of the students answers by using formula: X=

∑X N

Notation: X

= the mean score

∑X = the students total score N = the total number of students (Gay, 1981: 29) 5. Finding out the standard deviation of the students join English course and students do not by applying this formula:

SD =

N (∑ X2 ) − (∑ X)2 N (N−1)




: The standard deviation


: The sum of all score

∑ x2

: The square of the sum all score


: The total number of sample

Then, the inferential analysis was used to examine the hypothesis of the study. In testing the hypothesis of the study, the writer used T-test with the formula as follows: T-Test

X1 – X2


(n-1)S12 + (n-1)S22 n1 + n2 – 2





Where: t

= The result of hypothesis


= Mean score of students join English Course


= Mean score of students never join English Course


= Variance of students join English Course


= Variance of students never join English Course


= Number of students join English Course


= Number of students never join English Course (Sugiyono, 2009: 197).

3.8 Criteria of Hypothesis The criteria of accepted and unaccepted of the hypothesis were as follows: 1.

If t test > t table, it means that H0 is rejected. In other word, it means that there is no a significant difference of students’ vocabulary achievement


who join English course and those who do not at the seven grade of SMPN 3 Tongauna. 2.

If t test < t- table, it means that H0 is accepted, it means that there is a significant difference of students’ vocabulary achievement who join English course and those who do not at the seven grade of SMPN 3 Tongauna.

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