Simple Present-1 Susi.docx

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  • Words: 923
  • Pages: 3
1. SIMPLE PRESENT  Fuction : the present perfect tense is used to describe action that began in the past and continues into the present has just been completed at the moment of utterance  Adverb of time : never,ever,before,yet,already  Formulation Have : i,you,we,they Has : she,he,it  Verbal ( + ) Subject + have/has + verb 3 + object Joni has worked in eka hospital for 3 years ( - ) Subject + have/has + not + verb3 + Object I have not done assigment ( ? ) Have/has + subject + verb3 + object Have you eaten ?  Nominal ( + ) Subject + have/has + been + nominal I have been at home since afternoon ( - ) Subject + have/has + not + been + nominal I have not been a nurse ( ? ) Have/has + subject + been + nominal Have you been at home ? 2. PAST TENSE  Function : to telll activity in the past  Adverb of time : yesterday,last day week, last mount,last year,this morning,this afternoon, this evening,two days ago  Formulation  Verbal ( + ) Subject + verb 2 + object A doctor checked patients last night ( - ) Subject + did + not + verb 1 + object A doctor did not come to hospital last night ( ? ) Did + subject + verb 1 + object Did a doctor come last night ?  Nominal Was : i, she,he,it Were : you,we,they ( + ) Subject + to be ( was/were ) She was at home last night ( - ) Subject + to be ( was/were ) + not I was not a teacher 3 years ago 1

( ? ) To be ( was/were ) + subject Were you at home last night ? 3. PRESENT PERFECT  Fuction : to express habits general truths, repeated actions or unchanging situations, emotion and wishes  Adverb of time : hour,day,week,mouth,year  Formulation Have : i,you,we, they Has : she, he,it  Verbal ( + ) Subject + have/has + verb 3 + object Dedi has worked in tabrani hospital for 3 years ( - ) Subject + have/has + not + verb 3 + object I have not done assigment ( ? ) Have/has + subject + verb 3 + object Have you eaten ?  Nominal ( + ) S + have/has + been + nominal I have been at home since afternoon ( - ) S + have/has + not + been + nominal I have not been a nurse ( ? ) Have/ has + subject + been + nominal Have you been at home ? 4. SIMPLE PRESENT CONTINUES  Fuction : The present continuous tense expresses an activity that is in progress at the moment of speaking. It began in the recent past, is continuing at present, and will probably end at some point in the past.  Adverb of time : now,right now, today,this morning  Formulation ( + ) Subject + to be ( am/is/are ) + verb ing - I + am + verb ing - You/they/we/ + are + verb ing - She/he/it + verb ing 1 am reading a newspaper ( - ) Subject + to be ( am/is/are ) + not + verb ing - I + am not + verb ing - You/they/we + are not + verb ing - She/he/it + is + not + verb ing ( ? ) To be ( am/is/are ) + subject + verb ing - Am + i + verb ing + ? 2


Are + you /they/we + verb ing + ? Is + she/he/it + verb ing Are they cleaning the room ?

5. PRESENT FUTURE  Fuction : The future perfect tense refers to a completed action in the future. When we use this tense we are projecting ourselves forward into the future and looking back at an action that will be completed some time later than now. It is most often used with a time expression.  Adverb of time : tomorrow, next week,next time, next year  Formulation  Verbal ( + ) Subject + will/shall + verb 1 + object He will watch his pavorite movie ( - ) Subject + will/shall + not + verb 1 + object He will not wacth his pavorite movie ( ? ) will/shall + subject + verb 1 + object Is he will eat at restourant tonight  Nominal ( + ) Subject + will/shall + be + complement Tono will be at home tonight ( - ) Subject + will/shall + not + be + complement Tono will not be at home tonight ( ? ) will/shall + subject + be + complement Will tono be at home tonight ? 6. PAST CONTINUES TENSE  Fuction : Past Continuous Tense is used to indicate an action that occurs during a particular moment in the past.  Adverb of time : yesterday,last week ,last year,last month,last time  Formulation ( + ) Subject + be ( was/were ) + present participle ( V ing ) + object They were buying japanese comic books yesterday ( - ) Subject + be ( was/were ) + not + present participle ( V ing ) + object They were not buying japanese comic books yesterday ( ? ) Be ( was/were ) + Subject + present participle ( V Ing ) + object Was he coming to my house last week ?


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