Sillabus Indo

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SILLABUS Nama Mata Kuliah Kode Mata Kuliah Semester Jenjang Dosen Pokok Bahasan

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Morphology ING 1 S1 Drs. Dadang Sudana, M.A. This course introduces students to the study of word structure. It will also discuss the interface between morphology and other levels of linguistic analysis. Topics to be covered are basic concepts in morphology, derivational and inflectional morphology and other ways of extending vocabulary, types of morphological systems, and the interface between morphology, phonology and syntax. At the end of the course, students will have practical skills and knowledge relating to words and will be confident to deal with relevant topics in morphology and be ready to participate in discussions and research in this area of language study.

TIK Alokasi Sumber

: : 16 kali pertemuan : 1. Finegan, Edward, David Blair, and Peter Collins. 1997. Language: Its structure and use. Harcourt Brace. 2. Fromkin, Victoria. et all. 1996. An Introduction to Language. Harcourt Brace. 3. Matthews, P. H. 1974. Morphology: An introduction to the theory of word-structure. Cambridge University Press. 4. O’Grady, William, Michael Dobrovolsky, and Francis Katamba. 1997. Contemporary Linguistics: An introduction. Longman. Update Terakhir : 2004-08-10 File : Download Silabus Nama Mata Kuliah : Introduction to Contemporary Literary Theory Kode Mata Kuliah : ING Semester : 1 Jenjang : S1 Dosen : Pokok Bahasan : Introduction to Contemporary Literary Theory is designed to introduce students to some basic theoretical literary frameworks. The course will roughly be divided into two parts. The first part emphasizes on acquainting students to major theoretical approaches to literary study through lectures and class-discussions, while the last part will focus on the implementation of the approaches to students’ own choice of literary works. As texts offer the possibilities of multiinterpretations, the theoretical frameworks should support students’ exploration in their own process of meaning-making. TIU : Upon completing the course, students should be able to: 1. do close reading, and to understand the value of close reading in literary study; 2. do a critical and reflective analysis of their own biases; 3. explore the ways in which intellectual, moral, and cultural issues are raised and addressed in literature; 4. To write clearly and effectively: to investigate a topic (literary or otherwise), do the necessary research, write a paper which is coherent, well thought out, well organized, appropriately documented in relatively acceptable grammar. TIK : Alokasi : 16 kali pertemuan Sumber : 1. Compulsory: A Reader’s Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory Raman Selden and Peter Widdowson, Hertfordshire: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1993. 2. Recommended: Tentang Sastra Ahadiati Ikram Theory of Literature (Teori Sastra) Rene Wellek terj. Melani Budianta

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An Introduction to Literary Theory Terry Eagleton. 2004-08-10 Download Silabus : Practice of Interpreting: Indonesian-English 2 ING 1 S1

Pokok Bahasan


: This course is the continuation of Interpreting English-Indonesian I and again, encourages an intensive and actual practice of interpreting from English into Indonesian in different subjects. Unlike Interpreting English-Indonesian I, the emphasis of this course will be not only on consecutive interpreting in liaison setting, but also simultaneous interpreting in conference setting. : This course is aimed at: 1. providing students with opportunity to develop their linguistic knowledge (all language aspects), cultural understanding, communication skills (the ability to listen and to understand different points of view and different subjects) and critical understanding and appreciation and principles and practices of interpreting profession. 2. To provide opportunity to experience the integration of theory and practice. 3. To facilitate the development of skills which are relevant to consecutive as well as simultaneous interpreting tasks.

TIK Alokasi Sumber

: : 16 kali pertemuan : Bowen and Bowen, 1984. Steps to Consecutive Interpreting. Duff, A, 1989. Translation. Resource Book for Teacher. Frishberg, N, 1990. Interpreting, An Introduction. Gentile, A. et. Al., 1996. Liaison Interpreting. A Handbook. Gile, D, 1995. Basic Consepts and Models for Interpreter and Translator Training. Larson, M, 1984. Meaning-Based Translation.

Update Terakhir File Nama Mata Kuliah Kode Mata Kuliah Semester Jenjang Dosen Pokok Bahasan

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2004-08-10 Download Silabus Practice of Interpreting: Indonesian-English 2 ING 1 S1 This course is the continuation of Interpreting English-Indonesian I and again, encourages an intensive and actual practice of interpreting from English into Indonesian in different subjects. Unlike Interpreting English-Indonesian I, the emphasis of this course will be not only on consecutive interpreting in liaison setting, but also simultaneous interpreting in conference setting.

: This course is aimed at: 1. Providing students with opportunity to develop their linguistic knowledge (all language aspects), cultural understanding, communication skills (the ability to listen and to understand different points of view and different subjects) and critical understanding and appreciation and principles and practices of interpreting profession. 2. To provide opportunity to experience the integration of theory and practice. 3. To facilitate the development of skills which are relevant to consecutive as well as simultaneous interpreting tasks. TIK : Alokasi : 16 kali pertemuan Sumber : Bowen and Bowen, 1984. Steps to Consecutive Interpreting. Duff, A, 1989. Translation. Resource Book for Teacher. Frishberg, N, 1990. Interpreting, An Introduction. Gentile, A. et. Al., 1996. Liaison Interpreting. A Handbook. Gile, D, 1995. Basic Concepts and Models for Interpreter and Translator Training. Larson, M, 1984. Meaning-Based Translation. Update Terakhir : 2004-08-10 File : Download Silabus Nama Mata Kuliah : Practice of Translating: English-Indonesian 2 Kode Mata Kuliah : ING Semester : 1 Jenjang : S1 Dosen : Pokok Bahasan : As a second part of a sequence course in translating, this course also encourages an intensive and accurate of translating from English to Indonesian in different subjects. Except for the first session which is intended to inform students (at glance) values of translation from both scientific and economic points of view and to motivate them to learn the translation skills more intensively, all the sessions in this course takes the form of guided and supervised exercises. The materials of 150-200 words, basic and intermediate levels, are taken from a variety of branches of knowledge and culture, from a variety of sources as to give the students various basic knowledge, as a background required by every professional translator. TIU : This course is intended to: 1. provide students with some basic skills and experiences in translating English texts of various branches of knowledge and culture; 2. train students to work as a professional translator;

3. give them economic motivation which may be useful for their future TIK Alokasi Sumber

: : 17 kali pertemuan : - Bell, Roger T (1989), Translation and Translating - Catford (1965) Linguistic Theory of Translation - The Jakarta Post Editorials - Newmark, Peter (1988), A Textbook of Translation - Larsoin, Mildred (1984), Meaning-based Translation

Update Terakhir File Nama Mata Kuliah Kode Mata Kuliah Semester Jenjang Dosen Pokok Bahasan

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: This course is intended to: 1. provide students with some basic skills and experiences in translating English texts of various branches of knowledge and culture; 2. train students to work as a professional translator; 3. give them economic motivation which may be useful for their future

TIK Alokasi Sumber

: : 17 kali pertemuan : - Bell, Roger T (1989), Translation and Translating - Catford (1965) Linguistic Theory of Translation - The Jakarta Post Editorials - Newmark, Peter (1988), A Textbook of Translation - Larsoin, Mildred (1984), Meaning-based Translation

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TIK Alokasi Sumber

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2004-08-11 Download Silabus Practice of Translating: English-Indonesian 4 ING 1 S1 This course is the highest of all course levels in practice of translating and therefore emphasizes an intensive and accurate translating from English to Indonesian in different subjects. Except for the first session, which is intended to review what has been covered and discussed in the previous sequence, all the sessions in this course take the form of guided and supervised exercises. The materials of 250-300 words, intermediate and advanced levels, are taken from a variety of branches of knowledge and culture, from a variety of sources as to give the students various basic knowledge, as a background required by every professional translator.

2004-08-11 Download Silabus Practice of translating (I-E) 1 ING 1 S1

This course, a beginning of a series courses on translating, encourages an intensive and accurate of translating from English to Indonesian in different subjects. Except for the first session which is intended to inform students (at glance) values of translation from both scientific and economic points of view and to motivate them to learn the translation skills more intensively, all the sessions in this course takes the form of guided and supervised exercises. The materials of 100-150 words are taken from a variety of branches of knowledge and culture, from a variety of sources as to give the students various basic knowledge, as a background required by every professional translator. : This course is intended to: 1. provide students with some basic skills and experiences in translating English texts of various branches of knowledge and culture; 2. train students to work as a professional translator; 3. give them economic motivation which may be useful for their future : : 17 kali pertemuan : Bell, Roger T (1989), Translation and Translating - Catford (1965) Linguistic Theory of Translation - The Jakarta Post Editorials - Newmark, Peter (1988), A Textbook of Translation - Larsoin, Mildred (1984), Meaning-based Translation : 2004-08-12 : Download Silabus

Nama Mata Kuliah Kode Mata Kuliah Semester Jenjang Dosen Pokok Bahasan

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Practice of Translating: Indonesian-English 2 ING 1 S1

As a second part of a sequence course in translating, this course also encourages an intensive and accurate of translating from English to Indonesian in different subjects. Except for the first session which is intended to inform students (at glance) values of translation from both scientific and economic points of view and to motivate them to learn the translation skills more intensively, all the sessions in this course takes the form of guided and supervised exercises. The materials of 150-200 words, basic and intermediate levels, are taken from a variety of branches of knowledge and culture, from a variety of sources as to give the students various basic knowledge, as a background required by every professional translator. TIU : This course is intended to: 1. provide students with some basic skills and experiences in translating English texts of various branches of knowledge and culture; 2. train students to work as a professional translator; 3. give them economic motivation which may be useful for their future TIK : Alokasi : 17 kali pertemuan Sumber : Bell, Roger T (1989), Translation and Translating - Catford (1965) Linguistic Theory of Translation - The Jakarta Post Editorials - Newmark, Peter (1988), A Textbook of Translation - Larsoin, Mildred (1984), Meaning-based Translation Update Terakhir : 2004-08-12 File : Download Silabus Nama Mata Kuliah : Practice of Translating: Indonesian-English 3 Kode Mata Kuliah : ING Semester : 1 Jenjang : S1 Dosen : Pokok Bahasan : This course is the continuation of translating 2 and again encourages an intensive and accurate of translating from English to Indonesian in different subjects. Except for the first session, which is intended to review what has been covered and discussed in the previous sequence, all the sessions in this course take the form of guided and supervised exercises. The materials of 200250 words, intermediate and advanced levels, are taken from a variety of branches of knowledge and culture, from a variety of sources as to give the students various basic knowledge, as a background required by every professional translator. TIU : This course is intended to: 1. provide students with some basic skills and experiences in translating English texts of various branches of knowledge and culture; 2. train students to work as a professional translator; 3. give them economic motivation which may be useful for their future TIK : Alokasi : 17 kali pertemuan Sumber : Bell, Roger T (1989), Translation and Translating - Catford (1965) Linguistic Theory of Translation - The Jakarta Post Editorials - Newmark, Peter (1988), A Textbook of Translation - Larsoin, Mildred (1984), Meaning-based Translation Update Terakhir : 2004-08-12 File : Download Silabus Nama Mata Kuliah : Practice of Translating: Indonesian-English 4 Kode Mata Kuliah : ING Semester : 1 Jenjang : S1 Dosen : Pokok Bahasan : This course is the highest of all course levels in practice of translating and therefore emphasizes an intensive and accurate translating from English to Indonesian in different subjects. Except for the first session, which is intended to review what has been covered and discussed in the previous sequence, all the sessions in this course take the form of guided and supervised exercises. The materials of 250-300 words, intermediate and advanced levels, are taken from a variety of branches of knowledge and culture, from a variety of sources as to give the students various basic knowledge, as a background required by every professional translator. TIU : This course is intended to: 1. provide students with some basic skills and experiences in translating English texts of various branches of knowledge and culture; 2. train students to work as a professional translator;

3. give them economic motivation which may be useful for their future TIK Alokasi Sumber

: : 17 kali pertemuan : Bell, Roger T (1989), Translation and Translating - Catford (1965) Linguistic Theory of Translation - The Jakarta Post Editorials - Newmark, Peter (1988), A Textbook of Translation - Larsoin, Mildred (1984), Meaning-based Translation Update Terakhir : 2004-08-12 File : Download Silabus Nama Mata Kuliah : Research Method Kode Mata Kuliah : ING Semester : 1 Jenjang : S1 Dosen : Pokok Bahasan : This course is designed to introduce students to theoretical and practical aspects of doing research in language and linguistic studies. This course will provide theoretical, practical and hands on experience in dealing with the work of researching language including selecting and formulating research problems and hypothesis, developing research designs and data collection instruments, analyzing data and interpreting the results, and developing research report. TIU : TIK : Alokasi : 16 kali pertemuan Sumber : Hatch, E. and H. Farhady. 1981. Research Design and Statistics for Applied Linguistics. Rowley: Newbury House Publishers. Inc. Nunan, D. 1992. Research Methods in Language Learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Sinclair, J. McH. and R.M. Coulthard. 1975. Towards All Analysis of Discourse: The English Used by Teachers and Pupils. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Suherdi, Didi. In press. Discourse Analysis in Classroom Research. Wray, A., K. Trott and A. Bloomer. 1998. Projects in Linguistics: A Practical Guide to Researching Language. London: Arnold.

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