Harris Academy South Norwood Short Term Planning Template: Weekly Overview (3 lessons) Subject Area: History Half Term: 2 Week Beginning: 7 Class: Year 7 Title:“How did a foreign power successfully invade this island?” 3 lessons Differentiation
All (NC Range)
Most (NC Range)
Weekly Learning Objectives Students will have an understanding of what England was like before the Norman invasion. They will understand the positions of the various claimants to the throne in 1066 and why it was disputed. They will understand some reasons why the English lost the Battle of Hastings. Above and they will differentiate between Briton, Saxon and Dane, and be aware of how divided England was in Saxon times. Above and will be able to argue the case for a particular claimant and give reasons why they have chosen him.
Weekly Learning Outcomes
Make a title page about England in 1066 using pp 6-9 and W/S#1.
“Invasion, Plague and Murder” (Wilkes)
Complete a card-sort and ranking exercise for the contenders using pp10-11 and W/S#2.
Worksheets 1, 2, 5, 6, 7
Write some sentences explaining their opinion as to why William won the battle. Use pp14-19 and W/Ss# 5,6 and 7. Above and illustrate their title page. Above and rank their contenders’ claims. Write a few paragraphs explaining their opinion as to why William won the battle. Use pp14-19 and W/Ss# 5,6 and 7.
“Invasion, Plague and Murder” (Wilkes) Worksheets 1, 2, 5, 6, 7
Above and be able to include tactical reasons about the Norman victory.
Some (NC Range)
Above and they will understand the social and economic divisions between people.
Above and give their title page added info.
Above and will be able to make rational comparisons between the various contenders and give a balanced argument.
Write an essay explaining their opinion as to why William won the battle.
Above and be able to discern between varying interpretations of the battle.
Above and explain their ranking choice.
“Invasion, Plague and Murder” (Wilkes) Worksheets 1, 2, 5, 6, 7
Starter Show map of Britain’s invasion by Germanic tribes. Excerpts from “500AD” and “The Isles”
Suggested Learning and Teaching Ideas Development Read, begin and complete exercises in “Invasion, Plague and Murder”
Assessment Extended writing – essay “Why did William win?”
PowerPoint and exercise “Who Should be King?” W/S#4 “Telling Tales” Resources “Invasion, Plague and Murder” (Wilkes) • “England before 1066” pp6-9 • Chapter 1 “Who will be king?” pp10-21 Video Clip (DivX): “Battlefield Britain – Hastings” www.learnhistory.org.uk www.schoolhistory.co.uk
Cross Curricular Checklist (in relation to 6 week overview) Lit