Short Film.docx

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  • Words: 1,737
  • Pages: 12

Group #1 Ajero, Patricia Añasco, Kacelyn Ayson, Alyssa Balili, Brian Cunanan, Denise Alyson Diones, John Enoc, Reynaldo Fabila, Angel Marie Fortunado, Frince Galvez, Crissa Go, James Robert Hirado, Carl Saimon Lazaro, Bea Maxinne Malto, Allana Mañabo, Jhayvee Ortegam Janyn Palomino, Gabrielle Kylie Pataueg, Shanlee Piñon, Christene Reyes, Clarence Santos, Janah Marie Talins, Aaron Faith Trajano, Paul Dominic



People were busy with their own lives. Happiness and contentment was visible in everyone else’s eyes. However, it isn’t safe in the dark. Hiding somewhere unseen, there is someone patient enough to wait to bring chaos to the world. But tonight, he pauses and reflects on the happenings in his life instead.

BUKNOY, as young as 10 years old, is a victim of child abuse and poverty. He’s committed various crimes for a living, snatched and hurt people in order to have himself enough money to buy something to eat.

BUKNOY (Whispers angrily)

Life (beat) has been (beat) terribly cruel to me. (beat)

Ever since I were a child, no one dared to take care of me. I needed to feed myself on my own, work for the people how should’ve been working before me. And these people? They have it that easy?

I wish people knew about the significance of privilege.

Gazing at the family eating at the fast food chain, he is envious about the life they have.

BUKNOY (Frustrated, leans toward a wall and crossing his arms) I learned that no one would ever take care of me. That I am alone in this world full of predicaments. Nothing is ever made easy for me.

Runs and leaves the place and isn’t found for the rest of the night.

BUKNOY [V.O] This is my story. FADE OUT. FADE IN: EXT. ESKINITAS—DAY BUKNOY (Eyes his friends when he saw a rich-looking man passing-by.) This RICH MAN is wearing a formal attire, BUKNOY and his other friends saw him as a jackpot thinking that this RICH MAN has a huge amount of money and could feed them and their family for a week. BUKNOY (Walks somewhat away from his friends, waiting for the perfect timing.)

BUKNOYS friends are BENTONG and TOTO, they are siblings. They are in the same age as BUKNOY in the timeframe. Both of them are in the same state of living and these children are similar in the way they try to survive their everyday life.

TOTO (Signals Bentong) BENTONG (Waits for the rich man to go near them) RICH MAN (Walks pass the three friends looking worried) BENTONG (Yells and grabs a knife out of nowhere, pointing it to the rich man) Stop! This is a hold-up! BUKNOY & TOTO (Smirks and goes near Bentong, blocking the rich man’s way) BENTONG I’ll make this easy for you, mate. Give me what’s in your bag, pocket and wrist.

The rich man refuses at first, making Bentong a bit annoyed. BENTONG (Annoyed) I’ll tell you once again, mate. Give me those.

Bentong comes closer to the rich man and points out what he wanted out of the rich man using a knife.

RICH MAN (Nervous) Come on, Man, don’t do this.

This rich man helplessly tried to walk past by these dirty boys but he was pushed back by Bentong.

BENTONG You’ve left me with no choice.

Bentong stabs the poor man near the stomach, leaving him bleeding while Buknoy and Toto made their way to take all his belongings. These men soon leave the rich man lying on the ground.

BUKNOY (Somewhat guilty) I’m sorry.

Bentong tries to find the rich man’s phone, while Toto searches for the wallet, other belongings of this man. Buknoy tries to run along with the same phase as his friends and that day ends with that.

BUKNOY [V.O.] Don’t judge too quickly yet, there’s more.




Buknoy is said to be a chainsmoker, he was buying a stick of cigarette while watching the people walk on a sidewalk, searching for another subject.

BUKNOY (Puffing his cigarette, staring at a teenage girl) What a day, what a day. (beat) I do think I got lucky today.

Buknoy then waits for another minute to finish his cigarette and when he did, he started running towards a girl named Cai.

CAI is just a senior high school student that is on her way home. She had a rough day. CAI (busily searching for her phone in her bag)

Buknoy then finds it an opportunity to steal his bag because she was off-guard. Buknoy runs towards her and gets the bag, he successfully has done it once again.

CAI (Yelling and running) Help! Snatcher, snatcher! He got my bag! Help!

But after a few minutes of running, Buknoy was lost in her vicinity making her break down.

BUKNOY (Panting) Damn, this bag is heavy.

Buknoy soon checks out the bag only to find various luxury things like a gold ring, several notebooks, phone, and a pocketful of money probably Cai’s allowance for one week.

BUKNOY (Smirks and is happy) One crime a day, keeps the hunger away.

He was about to throw away the unnecessary stuff but, he figured that the notebooks, he shall keep them.

BUKNOY (beat) Well, (beat) I want to study to.

EXT. Dirty Neighborhood—MORNING Buknoy arrives home only to find that is dad is doing drugs again.

VICTORINO is the name of his dad, he’s an alcoholic and a bit messed up, the “shabu” he’s intake affected his mind. He sometimes beats up Buknoy due to a shallow reason. VICTORINO (Wheezes) Well what do we have here? (beat) Oh look, my ungrateful son! What a surprise!

BUKNOY (Grunts) Good morning to you too.

VICTORINO (Appears to be very sarcastic with a desire to piss Buknoy off) What are you doing here, son? Tired of being a criminal?

Buknoy just lets his dad pass with all his remarks and searches for food. He got slightly unamused when he found none.

BUKNOY (Bangs the plates) I gave you bunch of money yet there is no food? Where did you people spend it on once again?!

VICTORINO (Out of his mind, impulsively grabs Buknoy) Well why don’t you ask your mother, you useless child. (beat) Or mayve, since you,huh,(beat) you are an all too good son, why don’t you feed yourself?!

Buknoy locked his jaw but remained silent, his fist showing the anger he feels. His father notices and violently pushes him.

VICTORINO What is that for, huh? (beat) You wanna punch me? Go ahead! Punch me!

Buknoy is quiet and lets his dad do everything he wants.

VICTORINO What? You can’t do anything? Tell your mind this, Buknoy. (beat) You, are a hopeless child and is meant to die starving! You! Are nothing. (beat) You see, you, are a piece of garbage. Get out of my house, you selfish prick.

JOSEFA is his mother, ever since Buknoy was born he saw him as a “pabigat” and a black sheep. Josefa in in her middle age, with dried hair and funny clothing. JOSEFA (Worried) Dios Mio! What is this again? VICTORINO (Angrily points out Buknoy) You, woman, should teach your child a lesson. I promise to you that I am close to killing that useless man.

And then Victorino walks out, Buknoy was left with his own mother only to find a lot more trouble.

JOSEFA (Yelling in disbelief) Why the hell are you causing problems again? (beat) The audacity of you to do such things!

Buknoy just walked away from his angry mom and banged the door, completely disgusted with his life.

BUKNOY (Whispering) Man (beat) I just want this life to end.

Buknoy then searches for his friends to accompany him to eat outside a sari-sari store and luckily, Toto, Bentong and Jeyson were around.



EXT. RAGGED HOUSE—AFTERNOON Buknoy tried to live a normal life, he didn’t possess any negativity having his friends’ presence. Bentong and Toto have left, leaving him and Jeyson alone walking back to their own houses. JEYSON is Buknoy’s best friend. Chinky-eyed and had a secretive humor that him and Buknoy only understands. He is a childhood friend and has an unbreakable bond. However, he sees the good in Buknoy and wants him to change.

BUKNOY & JEYSON (are sharing random stories)

BUKNOY This day has been dull, isn’t it? (beat) I told you, I should’ve snatched even what’s in the girls pockets, if I did that, I should be treating you in Jollibee right now. JEYSON Yup, sure, but can you spend a day crime free? It’s stressful how we live our lives like this. BUKNOY Hope we can set ourselves from our own chaotic lives. JEYSON (slaps Buknoy’s arm)

Now, now, (beat) Stop being so sentimental! BUKNOY But, I always contemplate about life, pare. It’s miserable to think why He chose me in this type of living. JEYSON (Sips at his RC Cola) I don’t know either. (beat) Who knows? Maybe, just aybe, if you decided to be a better person, you’ll be the next (beat) Jeyson puts his both hands up. JEYSON Philippines! You don’t always have to question your God. BUKNOY To be honest, I planned to many dreams for myself. (beat) But I guess I won’t reach any of them. JEYSON I believe in you. Buknoy and Jeyson went silent and went separate ways on their way home. Buknoy, however, still bought food for his parents before he heads out to their door, only to hear his parents fighting once again. JOSEFA (Distressed) How can you do this to me? (beat) How could you do this?! VICTORINO (Is fuming and yelling) Is it really that doubtful? Look at yourself! You’re an old, ugly and used!

Buknoy had a deep sigh. He couldn’t do anything to cal his parents down, instead, he’s filling a glass with water and opens the food he bought earlier. JOSEFA

Remember that I only have become like this because of you! It is your fault! VICTORINO Is it? If you weren’t such a slut back then, this wouldn’t have happened! Josefa slaps Victorino and he walks away. Leaving another mother and son moment. Buknoy approaches his crying mom and leads her to the dining table with food prepared. She then suggests her mom to eat and calms her down.


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