Shaban Moon 1429 In 3 Languages

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‫  ا ا  ا‬ ‫ رؤ هل ن ‪ 1429‬ه "  ا  "‬ ‫ا  ‪ 1‬أ ‪ :‬ا ا ‪ 28‬ر"! آ ن و ‪ 29‬ر"! ‪ +‬ر *(& أم ا(ى و &‪%‬‬ ‫‪.,‬ء ‪ +‬ر اؤ& ‪ 0‬ا ‪ 1%‬ا  ا د& ‪.‬‬ ‫&‪ <5‬و;دة ه‪8‬ل ‪ , 6,‬ن  ! ا‪ 45‬ا ‪& .‬م ا  ‪ 1‬أ  ا ‪10:12 +‬‬ ‫و &>ن ا‪ 45‬ا ?‪  .%‬آ ن ‪ .‬ذ@ ا‪ 45‬ا ‪ C 4:12 +‬ءا و ‪ .‬ا ‪ >%‬ا ‪ +‬‬ ‫‪ C 1:12‬ءا ‪ .‬ا‪ %+‬ان ‪ G‬ف ا‪& <(D  E‬م ا  و &‪ 0 K‬آ‪ C J‬آ ن و ا‪HI6‬‬ ‫و إ&ان و أ‪ PQ‬ن و ا ‪ >%‬ا  ا د& ‪ 0‬او‪5‬ت ‪G 0 ، M%NC‬ا*‪16:41 C 0E‬‬ ‫ا‪8WC ، 18:26 0‬۔ &‪ K‬ه‪U‬ا ا‪ 1‬ف ‪ 0‬ا ‪ TI‬ا‪ C 5E‬ا ‪ >%‬ا  ا د& و;‬ ‫‪ 6(TIC 0‬ا‪ 1C JWC ،  Q‬ا ‪ C1‬و ا ‪ I&H‬ا ‪I‬رة۔‬ ‫و   أن اا‪ JC‬ا ‪YZ‬ة ‪ .‬رؤ& ا‪86‬ل ‪ C‬ق ا‪Q‬و  )‪ (LAG‬و ق ا‪ 6‬‬ ‫)‪ (REL.AZI.‬و ق ا[او& )‪& . (ELONGATION‬م ا  ‪1‬أ  *>ن ‪H" \5P‬ا‪،‬‬ ‫‪U‬ا ا(  ا‪ C .>%M‬ا‪ &  ( T H,‬آ‪ C J‬ا و‪ .P‬و &(ب  ‪T‬رق و أه‪ J  J‬و‬ ‫‪IP‬ا آ‪T ١٨ C W‬ق ‪ C‬اق ا?‪ W&H‬و ا(‪ <5& &H‬ا‪ ?D‬رؤ& ا‪86‬ل ‬ ‫ا دة ‪ .‬آ‪ C J‬آ ن و ا‪ HI6‬و إ&ان و أ‪ PQ‬ن و ا ‪ >%‬و " < دول ا ‪.‬‬ ‫و & > *(‪ &H‬ا‪ ?D‬اؤ& ‪ .‬ه‪U‬ا ام ‪a‬ن ‪  +‬ا‪86‬ل ‪ .‬ه‪U‬ا ام ‪ TIC `\5a‬ب‬ ‫ آ ن ‪" JWC‬ا‪>& .P‬ن ‪ `%+‬ا‪d‬آ‪ W‬أر < ‪+D‬ت و ‪>&  I c\P‬ن ‪ . b +‬أ‪`\5‬‬ ‫ب ا ‪+D 4D >C JWC >%‬ت إ; ا <‪.‬‬ ‫&م ا ‪ 2 4‬أ ‪ :‬ا ا ‪ 29‬ر"! آ ن‪ + /‬ر أم ا(ى ‪ , 1‬ن ‪ + /‬ر‬ ‫اؤ&  &‪., %‬ء ‪ .‬ا ‪ >%‬ا  ا د& ‪.‬‬ ‫&‪ <5‬ا ?((ن ‪Mf HI+ 6%G‬ء ا آ ن إ‪ P>C‬اؤ& ‪ .‬أ‪ 0\5‬ا ‪ TI‬ا‪6IC  Q‬‬ ‫‪ JWC‬آا*‪ .E‬و "ا‪g c%N*  I ، .P‬راؤه ‪ .‬إ‪ P>C‬اؤ& ‪ ( .‬ا ‪<5& h TI‬‬ ‫ا ‪ j‬رؤ&‪ < " . i‬ا ‪ TI‬و ا‪kl‬ون &‪5‬ن إ‪>C‬ن اؤ& ‪ .‬ا ‪ TI‬ا‪m(  I‬‬ ‫ ‪((? ( T  I‬ت ‪P‬رد&! ا &‪ .P‬و ‪, Hk‬آ‪ C 4‬أ‪ >&C‬و ‪,‬آ‪+ 4‬دة ‪C‬‬ ‫ا‪d‬ردن ‪n‬ن اؤ& *‪ `%+ c5‬ا?;ت ا ‪ (Perfect conditions)% f\N‬و ‪5‬ل‬ ‫ر‪ r‬ا ‪ qI‬ا  )‪ (CFCO‬ا‪H‬آر ‪  +‬أ‪ Js‬ا ‪ `%+ % E‬آ‪ C J‬ا‪H‬آر آ ل‬ ‫إ ‪H‬ا‪ .‬و ا‪H‬آر ‪qIC‬ر أ ‪ H‬و ا‪H‬آر رءوف إ‪C‬م و "ر ا&ا‪) [P‬أ  > ( \ ‬ ‫اؤ& ‪ .‬ا ‪ TI‬ا ‪ C‬آا*‪. .E‬‬ ‫‪ <  ( T‬اق ا?‪ W&H‬و ا(‪ %+ <5& &H‬ء ا‪ @%M‬رؤ& ا‪86‬ل ‪ . 6‬آ‪ C J‬ا ‪ >%‬‬ ‫ا  ا د& و "‪I‬ب ا‪ HI6‬و ‪ H5‬ا‪g 4M%k‬راؤه ‪ , .‬ل ا‪ HI6‬و ‪8QI‬د&‪ t‬و إ&ان و‬ ‫أ‪ PQ‬ن وه‪( ،‬ل ا ‪ P>Cn j‬اؤ& ‪5  I 6‬ل ا ‪ P>Cn j‬اؤ& ‬ ‫ \ ‪ .‬و‪
‫و ا‪Cd‬آ ا‪ 6 <5& .‬اؤ&  ا دة ‪ .‬ذ@ ام ه‪: .‬‬ ‫)‪ (1‬أآ‪ W‬ا ‪ (I‬ا‪ C  I‬ا;&ت ا ?‪H‬ة ا‪ < " (2) >&Cd‬دول أ‪ >&C‬ا‪, `D‬‬ ‫"‪I‬ب ا(رة ا‪ >&Cd‬و أ&( )‪(* (3‬ل و أ‪ P D‬و ا ‪ TI‬ا \‪ `%+ 6 %‬ا‪wkd‬‬ ‫ا ‪ TI‬ا ?ذ& ‪ 0 i‬اورو  )‪I" TIC (4‬ب ‪ (5) Dg‬أ‪ TIC !%‬أ‪D‬ا ‪.‬‬ ‫أال ا‪86‬ل &م ا ‪ 4‬ا ا ‪ 2‬أ  >ا*‪: .E‬‬ ‫‪ yCP  ( T‬ا‪H‬آر ‪qIC‬ر أ ‪ H‬ا &‪n Mooncalculator6 P‬ن  ا‪86‬ل &م‬ ‫ا ‪ 4‬ا  ‪ 2‬أ  ‪ 2008‬م >ا*‪>* .E‬ن آ‪: .‬‬ ‫ا;ر*‪M‬ع )‪ 9.2 = (Altitude‬در" ‬ ‫ق ا‪-11= (Rel.Azi.) 6‬‬ ‫ق ا[او& )‪14.8=(Elongation‬‬ ‫‪  +‬ا‪86‬ل = ‪ +D 28‬و ‪ 3‬د‪r5‬‬ ‫ق ا‪Q‬و  )‪ 46 =(Lag‬د‪ (5‬‬ ‫ا‪ +‬را  ذآ ‪  %‬أن اؤ& *>ن وا}? &م ‪ 2‬أ  ‪ .‬ا ‪ >%‬ا  ا د& ‪U ،‬ا‬ ‫&>ن أول ‪ , 6,‬ن &م ‪ 3‬أ   ‪ `%+ >%‬ا( و آ‪ C @U‬ا ? ‪ J‬ا(‪ K‬اؤ& ‬ ‫ آ ن أ&‪ . s‬ه‪U‬ا ام‪U ،‬ا ‪ C‬ا ? ‪ J‬ا(‪ K‬أن &>ن أول ‪ ,‬ن ه‪I‬ك أ&‪MP . s‬‬ ‫ام ‪.‬‬ ‫و; ‪ ` IP‬أن ‪UP‬آ ه‪ I‬أ‪ . iP‬ا ‪>* i "a‬ن أال اؤ& &م ا  ‪1‬أ  ‪ \5P‬‬ ‫"‪H‬ا و ‪ G‬ف ا‪ 0 <(D  E‬ه‪U‬ا ام أ&‪U s‬ا ‪n‬ذا اد‪ `+‬أ‪ H‬اؤ& ‪ .‬ه‪U‬ا ام ‪ .‬أي‬ ‫‪ C (IC‬ا  ا دة و‪ 45Hf‬د‪+‬ا‪ C b‬دون ا"ع إ` ‪ %+‬ء ا‪ i(M‬و ا‪@%M‬‬ ‫>ن ه‪U‬ا ا\‪ qP J?C &H‬و *! ‪.‬‬ ‫‪\?%‬ل ‪ `%+‬أ‪ k‬ر ه‪8‬ل آ‪8W 6, J‬ث ‪Q‬ت )ا‪d‬رد& وا  و ا‪ %M‬ت ‪ C‬ا‪H,‬‬ ‫أ  ‪ g‬د ‪,‬آا*‪ , .E‬آ ن‪.‬‬ ‫‪[email protected]‬‬

Research About the Visibility of the Moon of Sha'ban 1429 A.H. (1/2 August 2008)

Friday, 1st Aug. 2008: (Pakistan: 28 Rajab/Saudi Arabia: No announcement regarding ruet made / According to Ummul-Qura: 29th Rajab 1429). The birth of the Sha’ban 1429 A.H. lunar crescent will take place on Fri. 1st Aug 2008 at 10:12 UT/GMT. In Pakistan the time will be 16:12 on Friday and in Saudi Arabia it will be 13:12. A solar eclipse will also occur on Friday. It will be visible at different times in Pakistan, Hindustan, Bangladesh, Iran, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia etc. Visibility time of partial eclipse in Karachi is 16:41 to 18:26. This solar eclipse will be visible only in the eastern regions of Saudi Arabia, not in its western parts like MakkahMukarramah and Madinah-Munawwarah. As the age of the crescent and the other factors affecting its visibility, i.e. Lag, Rel. Azi. and Elongation etc. will be extremely defective throughout the world on Fri. 1st August 2008, Therefore in the opinion of the Department of Astronomy, Jamia-turRasheed, in accordance with more than eighteen old and new criteria of moon sighting, including Al-Beruni, Yaqoob-bin-Tariq, Babylonians and the ancient Indians, there is no possibility at all of sighting the crescent with the naked eye in Pakistan, Hindustan, Iran, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia or anywhere else in the world even in Americas. How defective will be the conditions of the crescent on 1st Aug? It can be judged by the fact that the age of the moon will hardly be 4 hrs. 30 min. in the furthermost western regions of Pakistan (Jiwani, for example) and 5 hrs. 45 min. in the furthermost western areas of Saudi Arabia (Makkah Mukarramah, for example). Sat. 2nd Aug. 2008. (Pakistan: 29th Rajab / Saudi Arabia: No announcement regarding ruet made / According to Ummul-Qura: 1st Sha’ban 1429). If the sky remains clear, then, according to all the criteria, the crescent will be clearly visible in the coastal areas of Pakistan (e.g. in Karachi and Jiwani etc.). In other regions of the country, however, researchers are of different opinions concerning the visibility of the moon. Some of them maintain that it will be clearly visible throughout the country while others say that there is a possibility of its appearing in the southern part of Pakistan only. According to the research of Bernard Yallop (England), Khalid Shaukat (America), and Shaukat Odeh (Jordan), the visibility of the crescent in other regions of Pakistan, besides the coastal areas, depends on Perfect atmospheric conditions. Dr Omar Afzal, Chairman of the Committee for Crescent Observation International, [an American Institute of Astronomy established since 1978 and among whose members are Dr. S. K. Abdali, Dr. Monzur Ahmed, Dr. Rauf Imam, Charles Evans (Abu Bakr)] is of the opinion that it is difficult to sight the crescent in the areas above Karachi. According to all the ancient and new criteria the crescent will be easily visible in

Saudi Arabia and South India on Sat. 2nd Aug. 2008 but experts are of different opinions about its visibility in northern India, Bangladesh, Iran, Afghanistan etc. Some astronomers are of the view that the crescent will be easily visible in these regions while others maintain that it will be very difficult. All researchers unanimously agree that there is no possibility at all of sighting the crescent with the naked eye in UK. According to all ancient and modern criteria, there is a distinct possibility of sighting the crescent with the naked eye in the following areas: 1) Major southern part of the United States of America. 2) All countries of Central America, Southern America and Africa. 3) Portugal, Spain and all the neighboring countries, especially the European countries lying along their latitude. 4) Southern part of Asia. 5) Major part of Australia. nd Sat. 2 Aug. 2008: Conditions of the Crescent in Karachi. According to Dr. Monzur Ahmad’s software Mooncalculator6.0, the conditions of the crescent on 2nd Aug. 2008 at 20:16 will be as follows: Altitude = 9.2 Rel. Azi. = -11 Elongation = 14.8 Age = 28 hrs. 3 min. Lag = 46 min. According to the details given above it is apparent that as there is a possibility of sighting the crescent clearly in Saudi Arabia on Sat. 2nd Aug. and of sighting it to a great extent in Pakistan, hence it is highly probable that the 1st of Sha’ban will fall on Sun. 3rd Aug. 2008. It is to be pointed out here that as the conditions of the Sha’ban crescent will be extremely defective throughout the world on Fri. 1st Aug and the solar eclipse will also occur on that day, therefore if anyone claims to have sighted the crescent with the naked eye on the evening of that day in Saudi Arabia or in Pakistan or anywhere else in the world, and if his claim is accepted without the verification and investigation of experts of Fiqh and Astronomy then that will be an extremely surprising and incomprehensible decision. Note: Every month, an up-dated write-up of prediction about the possibility of sighting the moon of new Islamic month can be downloaded in three languages (English, Urdu and Arabic) from the following website along with important maps and pictures: Muhammad Sultan Alam, Head of the research committee Astronomy Department of Jamia-tur-Rasheed Ahsanabad, Karachi, Pakistan 15-07-2008

([email protected])

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file://J:\MOON\1st DAY\1429\8.Shaban\Prediction\1429shb.html

The Astronomical New Moon is on August 1, 2008 (Friday) at 10:12 Universal Time or GMT (i.e., 6:12 am EDT, and 3:12 am PDT). On August 1, it can only be seen in Hawaii, and Pacific Islands. On August 2, It will be visible in the rest of the world, except Norther Russia, where it will be visible on August 3.

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Moonsighting for Sha'ban 1429

Moonsighting for Sha'ban 1429


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No sighting reports are expected.

August 1, 2008 (Friday):

Moonsighting for Sha'ban 1429


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Awaiting sighting reports

August 2, 2008 (Saturday):

Moonsighting for Sha'ban 1429

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Karachi. 2 August 2008 @ sunset

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