Moon Jumada-2 1429 In 3 Languages

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þþ þþþþþþþþ RESEARCH ABOUT THE VISIBILITY CHANCES OF THE MOON OF ''JUMADATH-THANIAH'' 1429 Tuesday 3rd June 2008 :( Pakistan: 28 Jumadal-oola* Saudi Arabia: No announcement of moon sighting made* According to Ummul-Qura: 29th Jumadal-oola.) The birth of the moon of the month of Jumadath-thaniah 1429 will take place on 3rd June 2008 at 19:22 Universal Time. In Pakistan the time will be 01:22 a.m. of the night between Tues. and Wed. and in Saudi Arabia it will be 10:22 p.m. As the birth of the moon will take place many hours after the sunset of Tues. 3rd June; and as the crescent will only be 7 hrs. And 29 min. old even in the Far West (e.g. San Diego, USA) and furthermore as the other factors affecting the visibility, i.e. Lag, Rel. Azi. and Elongation etc. will be extremely defective even in the Far West on that day, the Astronomy Department of Jamia-tur-Rasheed is of the opinion that in accordance with more than half a dozen old and new criteria of moon sighting, there is no possibility at all of sighting the moon with the naked eye on 3rd

3 June anywhere in the world let alone in Pakistan, India, Iran, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia. Only and only Khalid Shaukat (America), founder of and Odeh (Jordan), founder of ICOP, have expressed a possibility of the moon being sighted with the aid of a telescope in Alaska etc. But according to Bernard Yallop there is no possibility of sighting the moon in Alaska even with the aid of a telescope. Wed. 4th June 2008. (Pakistan: 29th Jumadal-oola * Saudi Arabia: No announcement of moon sighting made * According to Ummul-Qura: 30th Jumadal-oola The new lunar crescent will clearly be visible in Saudi Arabia, Iran etc. according to all the new and old criteria. In Pakistan, experts are of different views about its visibility on 4th June 2008. According to Al-Beruni, Yaqoob bin Tariq, Dr. Ilyas, Bernard Yallop and a number of other researchers, the moon will be clearly visible to the naked eye in Pakistan also; whereas according to Khalid Shaukat etc. the new moon will only be clearly visible to the naked eye in the western-most parts of Pakistan (Jiwani, for example) and its visibility in other parts of the country will depend on perfect atmospheric conditions only. In India and Bangladesh, according to some experts, there is no possibility at all of sighting the moon on 4th June 2008, Some other experts however maintain that it will be clearly visible; while according to yet some others, the visibility will depend on specific atmospheric conditions. According to nearly all ancient and modern criteria the moon will be clearly visible in the following regions: North America, Central America, upper half of South America and Africa, Northern Europe along with Britain and the extreme western part of Asia. There is no possibility of the moon being seen on 4th June in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Argentina etc. but it will be clearly visible in all these countries on 5th June 2008. Conditions of the moon on Wed. 4th June 2008 in Karachi: According to MoonCalc 6.0 ---- DOS program developed by Dr. Manzoor Ahmad, the conditions of the moon on Wed. 4th June 2008 in Karachi, at sunset i.e. at 20:19 will be as follows: Altitude = 10.3 Rel. Azi. = -0.1 Elongation = 11 Age = 18 hrs. 56 min. Lag = 57 min. According to the data given above it is very clear that there are ample possibilities of sighting the

4 moon with the naked eye in Pakistan on Wed. 4th June 2008. Thus in all probability the 1st of Jumadath-Thaniah 1429 will fall on Thursday 5th June 2008. In Saudi Arabia, 1st Jumadath-Thaniah will positively fall on Thurs. 5th June 2008. It is to be noted that as the new moon of Jumadath-Thaniah will only be born many hours after the sunset of Tues. 3rd June in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia etc. and furthermore the moon will set much before the sun in both the countries, therefore, if a person claims to have sighted the moon on the evening of 3rd June, and if his claim is accepted without the verification and investigation of Ulama and astronomers then that will be an extremely surprising and incomprehensible decision. Muhammad Sultan Alam, Head of the research committee Astronomy Department of Jamia-tur-Rasheed Ahsanabad, Karachi, Pakistan 14-05-2008


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