Hope Center
Monday September 15, 2003
Thomas Watkins Harry Harshaw
Meeting Place: Hope Center Wood stock Georgia Meeting time: 6:00pm to 11:00pm Hours of meeting: 5 hours Goal: 1. Configure added Security on the network 2. Ensure network integrity by placing my laptop on the network to act as an unwanted guest Notes: Today was to enhance the amount of Security on the network up until this point we only configured the Router firewall. Norton firewall was also configured to allow access to the whole IP range of through We placed the Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP). Harry placed the key on to the network and we attempted to access the network through the wireless network. We choose to use a pass phrase for the network instead of a raw Hexadecimal address for the members of the hope center. It was easily chosen it contained the first three letters of three different names. Another aspect of the security that had to be addressed was to configure Norton on each individual machine to only allow traffic in and out from certain IP addresses this was to combat traffic in the situation that someone was able to hack into the network past the WEP key. Since all of the network shares use server-based storage and no individual PC has a share of their own. It was configured to allow traffic in and of, which is the server address. After these two things, where configured the WEP key was turned off so I could access the network. I was able to obtain an IP address but was unable to connect to any network resources with out a Windows 2000 server password. In essential there are three levels of security first is the WEP key, second is Norton security then network passwords. Setbacks: No identifiable setbacks security is functioning, as it should be.