Sept 2009 Armarc News Letter

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NEWS LETTER OF ARMARC SEPT -2009 Editorial Literally memory is cognitive processes whereby past experience is remembered. When new information enters through neurons to place of memory storage of brain and encoding of this information getting signal from hippocampus is memory. Such encoding is done by activation of same pattern of nerve cells used to store such information. Several factors as age-related deterioration of hippocampus, relative loss of neurons with age affecting the activity of brain chemicals called neurotransmitters and their receptors, decreased supply of blood flow to brain etc. cause the aging brains to experience changes in ability in retaining and retrieving memories. But numbers of brain functions are unaffected of normal aging like same type of work with repetition, the wisdom and knowledge of experience, common sense, reasonable arguments and judgments, learning of new skills and making then in routine etc. Memory loss due to aging has different position on scale of intensity depending of types as normal forgetfulness like forgetting the place of things, names, appointments etc. are not considered as dementia and they have little impact on daily performance whereas mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is beyond normal one. Here the forgetfulness begins to have consequences where inability to remember details of something seen or read few minutes ago is attended carefully. This is also considered by some experts as precursor of Alzheimer’s and it is true that people with MCI do develop Alzheimer’s at higher rates than the general one. But MCI differs from Alzheimer’s and people with MCI can manage their routine tasks independently, though they may struggle to do so. Alzheimer’s disease is a general mental deterioration due to organic or psychological factors and this is characterized by disorientation, impaired memory, judgment and intellect and a shallow labile effect. There are other factors causing various different forms of dementia. Other than these, conditions of living and lifestyle may also cause memory loss due to aging as lead, mercury, carbon monoxide etc. may cause memory loss or inability to concentrate while coming in contact. The side-effects of many drugs interfere with neurotransmitters essential to memory while excessive alcohol intake or consumption of hallucinogenic drugs hinder the function of neurotransmitters needed for memory. Persistent dep

Vol 1.87 -ression causes a loss of neurons making lack in concentration. Vitamin B12 protects the neuron and due to inability of its absorption memory loss may be caused. Similarly imbalanced metabolism of thyroid may cause such loss as fast metabolism may raise confusion while slow one may cause depression. There are some practices which make healthy memory or may inhibit memory loss due to aging as: 1. Regular exercise: Exercise brings more oxygen to brain and it may also reduce the chances of cardiovascular disorders or diabetes, prime causes of memory loss. It may enhance the effect of chemicals needed for memory. Simply playing games that involve strategy, like chess or bridge, and word games like scrabble; playing crossword and other word puzzles, or number puzzles such as sudoku; reading newspaper, magazines writing down the things etc. are also better exercise for the brain. 2. Healthy diet: Such type of diets carry antioxidants, vitamins etc. to brain cells and avoid the deposition of fats what may cause the stroke and other disorders. 3. Managing stress: Cortisol, a stress hormone is responsible for damage of hippocampus and stress also brings confusion and inability to concentrate. 4. Good sleep: Apnea and insomnia do not allow concentrating and hence it is necessary to have a good sleep. 5. Inhibition of smoking: Smoking heightens the risks of vascular disorders that can cause constriction of arteries carrying blood to brain. 6. Some medications mentioned in ayurveda by name of memory enhancers like Shankhpushpi, Mandookparni, Jyotishmati etc. can be given under guidance to manage the memory loss but exercise and self-will are important to be practiced.

In This Issue 1) RELEVANCE OF BIO-DIVERSITY AND TISSUE CULTURE IN AYURVEDA 2) ARKA KALPANA (DISTILLATION) 3) Formulation Profile (Series-A/10) Kalanusaryaditaila 4) Herbal Drug Profile (Series-A/11) Kuchala (Nux-vomica)


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RELEVANCE OF BIO-DIVERSITY AND TISSUE CULTURE IN AYURVEDA Ravindra Prakash, M.Pharma (Ayu) Final Yr., PGTSFC, IPGT & RA, Gujarat Ayurved University

Dr. Prashant Kumar Jha, Head, Quality Control, ALNRMAC, Koppa

Biodiversity is noticeable heterogeneity of living beings in particular habitat. People throughout the globe are directly or indirectly concerned with its application right from the basic needs of food, cloth and shelter to perfumes, furniture or other accessory items keeping health in core as number of traditional medicines used in various system of medicines still relies upon living beings. From the earliest times, vaidyas, tribal priests and medicine practicing men used various plants, minerals and animal organs usually association with strange rituals and incantations, to drive out the evil spirits which they believed to the cause of disease. Astonishingly, these magical rites seemed to help. The uses of plants and animal products for curing various ailments were figured in ancient manuscripts such as the Rig-Vedas, the Bible, the Iliad, the Odyssey and the History of Herodotus. Chinese are using drug plants from over 6000 years. The Egyptians, Babylonians, Sumerions, Greeks and Romans, all developed their respective characteristic Materia Medica. In India, the Ayurvedic System of medicine has been in use for over 3000 years. Charak and Sushrut, two of the ancient authors had sufficient knowledge of the properties of the Indian Medicinal Plants and other animal drugs. Their medical works, Charak Samhita and Sushrut Samhita are esteemed even today as treasures of literature on indigenous Indian medicine. The edifice of the drug science of Ayurveda stands on the foundation of basic fundamental principles i.e., Panchmahabhut and Tridosh. The five Mahabhutas viz.. Prithvi, Aap, Tejas, Vayu and Akash constitute the animal body as well as the vegetable /plant and mineral kingdoms. They also include human body especially for main object of Ayurveda. This type of similarity in constitution of body tissues and drugs is basis of action which is either stimulating or depressing.

SEPT -2009 The composition of drugs and their properties is dealt on the basis of Panchmahabhut with their application on the basis of Triodosh. All substances can be used as drug for medicinal purpose. Any dravya can be termed as drug only when those are used for a definite purpose with rationality. The properties of drugs are well mentioned in separate branch of Ayurveda very well known as Dravyaguna. This is a science of drugs (dravya), their properties (guna) and actions (karma). It includes the application of drugs and divides drugs in to three types on the basis of origin as Plant products, Animal products and Minerals. Their further classifications are also well mentioned. The plant products are subdivided into four groups as per their source in big trees, small trees, shrub and herbs. The animal products are also subdivided in to four groups as mammalians, birds & fishes, insects and frogs & earthworm etc. Even today the claimed modern medicine i.e., allopathic system of medicine uses directly or indirectly more than 50% of the plant and animal products. Hence, the significance of these products automatically comes to central theme. The variety and diversity of drugs available for same alteration is only possible while the diversity in availabilities of these living beings exists and, this is the application of biodiversity in Ayurveda. The more diversified population means richer biodiversity and variety of drugs available for the purpose of Ayurveda. As in North-eastern states of India or in Western Ghat region, presence of dense population of living beings especially plants with different species reveal the richer biodiversity and variety of drugs available and mentioned in Ayurveda. To meet the loss in biodiversity and lack of plant materials, tissue culture is applied. Tissue culture is a phenomenon to regenerate the plant materials/parts or complete parts in vitro giving with artificial environment viz., culture medium, temperature, sterilize conditions etc. Impacts of Biodiversity: The dependence of Ayurveda on biodiversity is real fact on which very few of us rely in lack of information. But the understanding of these two different streams comforts the scientists, vaidyas and pharmacists to select the drugs as:

Newsletter of ARMARC

1. In Ayurveda, drugs are suggested to be taken according to place (desh), time (kaal) etc. and due to changes occurring in thickness of population of various species at different place, this con cept of Ayurveda is being affected. 2. A collection of facts regarding the availabilities of drugs in Ayurveda gives the thinking of alternative drugs in wake of absence of less available drugs. Means the fundamental of Substitute & Adulterants come in origin to fulfill the demand of drugs. The mushrooming drug industries and heavy deforestation for diversified uses of plants have affected the source of drugs and biodiversity. 3. More than ninety percent of the drugs used in Ayurveda come from plants or animal origin, their sources are limited. Hence any unintelligent use may cause total failure in balance of biodiversity. 4. Number of plants may reach to red line area like endangered, vulnerable, on the verge of extinction etc. Benefits of Tissue culture 1. Tissue culture may ensure the availabilities of drugs when all the needs of tissue culture are provided with condition. 2. It avails the drugs according to the phytogeographical conditions avoiding the variation in constituents and potency of drugs with change in place. 3. It also makes the drugs potent even after seasonal variations as usually drugs collected in winter may not have same potency while using in summer. 4. It may expose the chemicals for chemotaxonomy in better way. 5. Plants provide us new chemical entities (lead molecules) for the development of drugs against various pharmacological targets, tissue culture helps to study them separately. 6. Tissue culture technique gives rise to culture of stem cells from human beings as well as from animals, these cells may help to collect the app-


SEPT -2009 ropriate data of various pharmacokinetics and clinical testings while checking the effects of drugs on these cells. 7. It gives the idea about the changes in chemical compositions with change of external as well as internal conditions by altering the artificially provided environment. 8. It may also give the blue-prints of various drugs used in Ayurveda but now extinct or on the verge of extinction. 9. Modifications in herbal medicines on the basis of chemical constituents are possible through tissue culture to obtain the desired chemicals in more quantity in new races or varities or cultivars. 10. It helps in understanding the physiology at molecular level of both plants as well as human being which may reveal the in vitro study of molecular interactions and their effects in any type of alteration. Discussion The Panchmahabhautik combination of everythings are well mentioned and known and their combination are well related with doshas. The any change in these Mahabhuta may result in change in combination of Vata, Pitta and Kapha which ultimately may cause or cure the alterations. Tissue culture gives the option to study these changes in Mahabhuta by external effects means as per the principles, the change in Mahabhuta of both source and experimental cells can be well exposed and enumerated. To check the shortage of quality of drugs at hand and any imbalance of biodiversity in specific field, the utilization of biotechnology automatically leaves lot of options. Number of drugs viz., Chlorophytum sp., Withania somnifera, Swertia chirata, Coscinum fenestratum, Rauwolfia serpentina, Saraca asoca etc. have been studied on these aspects and various others are being studied. Conclusion The detailed study of drugs and their effects with use of tissue culture gives chances more advantageous study of drugs and their relations with various alterations. It also offers more reasons to accept the biotechnology to maintain the biodiversity and conservation.

Newsletter of ARMARC


SEPT -2009

(Continued from Aug edition..........) ARKA KALPANA (DISTILLATION) Dr. Mahesh.M.Madalageri Fainal M.D. Guide: Prof.(Dr) D.K.Mishra M.D (Ay), H.O.D., Dept. of Bhaishajya Kalpana, Dr.Parshant kumar Jha, Dept. of Quality control Lab , A.L.N.Rao Memorial Ayurvedic Medical College,Koppa 1. Stills : The apparatus used for the generation of vapour is known as Still, though the term is frequently used to indicate the boiler and condenser collectively. The device previously used for distillation was known as “alembic” which as indicated earlier was an apparatus in which the condenser (usually air-cooled) was placed above boiler. With the increased use of the process of distillation, another type of still came into existence. This was known as a retort, a term derived from its bend shape (from the Latin word retort means turned back), and consisted of a bulb having a long tapered neck attached at a sharp angle. The retort performs the combined functions of the boiler and the condenser in one unit. The long neck of the retort was cooled by the atmosphere. Two types of retorts are manufactured, plain and tabulated. The tabulated retort is provided with an orifice in the bulb for more convenience in introducing the liquid to be distilled. Retorts made from glass, porcelain, earthenware, fused silica, platinum, iron, copper, lead etc. may be prepared according to the special purpose for which they are intended. Ex. porcelain and earthenware retorts are used in the distillation of phosphorus and mercury. 2. Condensers: (i) Liebig Condenser: Condensers are available in various forms and designs, for the main part representing modifications of the original Liebig condenser, which consists of a straight condensing tube surrounded by a cooling chamber. The Liebig condenser may be manufactured with the condensing tube and the cooling jacket as separate units, to be assembled by means of rubber or bakelite threaded connections or rubber stoppers. This has the advantage of permitting a replacement of parts in case if only the jacket or condensing tube is broken. The original Liebig condenser was assembled as a single unit, the cooling jacket being sealed to the condensing tube; they may still be obtained in this form, especially if made of Pyrex glass. It is also

possible to secure brass jackets to replace the glass cooling jacket, which greatly reduces the danger of breakage. (ii) Worm Condenser: It is a particularly efficient type of condenser, since it offers a much greater cooling surface in proportion to its length than does the straight Liebig condenser. It requires a vertical mounting in use. (iii) Hallock block - tin coil condenser: This condenser tubing is made of block tin because block tin has little solubility in water or the common solvents and is frequently used in the condenser tubes of stills used to produce distilled water. (iv) Reflux condenser (Return – flow condenser) : The Hopkins and the Allihn reflux condensers are especially designed for the purpose of increasing the condensing surface and hence securing greater efficiency. The condenser tube of Allihn condenser contains a series of bulbs for increased the condensing surface. The Hopkins reflux condenser employs a somewhat different principle in that the cooling chamber is contained inside the condensing tube. The cooling water is admitted at the upper tube, this extends to the bottom of the cooling compartment, from which it flows upward to the exit tube, also located near top of the condenser. (v) Soxhlet extraction apparatus: It is widely employed for the extraction of animal or vegetable drugs. It has the advantage of requiring only a limited amount of solvent. Which is used repeatedly by being purified by redistillation following each passage through the drug. Process of Distillation : In the process of distillation, condenser is mounted in the neck of the flask containing the material being treated. As vapourization occurs, the vapour enters the condenser, the pressure of the vapour causes the distillate to spurt out from it. At the same time, a certain amount of back pressure is produced by the presence of the liquid retained

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in the condenser and this interrupts the smooth progress of the distillation process. Distillation consists of two steps (A) Evaporation (B) Condensation A) Evaporation: Evaporation may be defined as the free escape of vapour from the surface of a liquid. It should be distinguished from boiling or ebullition, which takes place at one temperature only for a given pressure. The Kinetic theory of matter assist us to understand how evaporation takes place at any temperature and from the surface of a liquid only. It is presumed that the molecules of a liquid are always in motion, moving hither and thither at enormous speeds, frequently colliding. The molecules of a liquid are believed to exert an attractive force upon each other. It will be seen that the Kinetic theory affords an explanation of the fact that when a liquid is allowed to evaporate without being heated it gradually becomes cooler. This is because the molecules with the highest velocity are escaping from the liquid. Latent heat of Vapourization : It will be seen, therefore, that if it is desired to change a liquid into a vapour without fall in temperature, heat must be supplied. This heat is called latent heat of vapourization and when the vapour returns to the liquid state the latent heat is evolved as sensible heat. 1 gm. of water at 100°C may be converted in to water vapour (at normal atmospheric pressure) of the same temperature, the expenditure of 537 Cal. of the heat energy is required. B) Condensation : Condensation is the reverse process of evaporation or vapourization. It will be recalled that, in order that 1 gm. of water at 100°C may be converted into water vapour (at normal atmospheric pressure) of the same temperature, the expenditure of 537 cal of heat energy is required. Accordingly, when water vapour is condensed by cooling, this same quantity of heat (the latent heat of vapourization) is liberated. Unless adequate provision is made to carry away the heat that is released, the condenser soon becomes too hot to condense the vapour at all and permits it to escape into the atmosphere. The condensation of water vapour requires a more rapid heat


SEPT -2009 exchange that required for any of the other vapours produced from the common solvents. According to Cookand Lawall - “Remington’s practice of pharmacy”, it has been calculated that steam at 100° C requires about twenty-five times its weight of water at 20°C. to condense it. In most of cases, water is used as the cooling media and is most effective when supplied as a stream from a constant source, rather than when used by simply surrounding the condensing tube with a relatively large volume of water that is not in motion. The constant motion provides for the continuous replacement of the water as it becomes heated. The condenser should be designed so as to have a relatively large cooling surface, since the rate of condensation is proportional to the area of surface exposed. The condensing surface should be made of substance, which is a reasonably good conductor of heat, for the rapidity of condensation is proportioned to the speed with which the heat is carried away. For this reason, metallic condensers are more efficient than those made of glass. Some factors are responsible for distillation, which are as follows : Vapour Pressure: The rate of evaporation depends upon the amount of vapour in the air above the liquid. Evaporation only continues as long as the vapourization of a liquid is taking place in an unlimited atmosphere. If vapourization is taking place in a closed space that space will eventually become saturated with vapour and interchange of molecules will it. A saturated vapour is called the maximum vapour pressure of the liquid and is the greatest pressure that can be exerted by the vapour of the liquid at that temperature. Ebullition / Boiling : When a liquid contained in an ordinary vessel is heated, at first evaporation takes place at the surface, but after some time air bubbles are observed here and there on the sides of the vessel. As the temperature rises these bubbles are seen to give off other and smaller bubbles, which rise towards the surface of the liquid but burst before they reach it. The bubbles within the liquid are first formed of air, but evaporation takes place from their walls and the air within becomes saturated with the vapour of the liquid.

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Effect of Pressure on Boiling Point : The boiling point of a liquid is its temperature of ebullition at normal atmospheric pressure (760 mm). If the pressure on the surface of the liquid be increased, it will require to raise to a higher temperature before it boils and conversely if the pressure be diminished, it will boil at a lower temperature than when under ordinary atmospheric pressure. Finally, the direction of flow of the cooling water should be opposite to that of the flow of vapour to be condensed. (This does not apply to the use of reflux condensers) As the vapour enters the condenser, the pressure of the vapour causes the distillate to spurt out from it. At the same time, a certain amount of back pressure is produced by the pressure of the liquid retained in the condenser and this interrupts the smooth progress of the distillation process. Distribution of Agni in Arka preparation : In Arka Prakash(1/80-84) for the preparation of Arka 6 grades of Agni are given on gradual increase of fire. 1. Dhumagni – Without any flame if there is huge amount of fumes, such Agni is known as Dhumagni. 2. Dipagni – If the flame of Dhumagni is increased to four times, it is considered as Dipagni. 3. Mandagni – If the flame of Dipagni is again increased to four times, it is termed as Mandagni. 4. Madhyamagni – The Agni in which the flame is in between Dipagni and Mandagani it is termed as Madhyarnagni. 5. Kharagni – Fifth part of complete Agni is known as Kharagni, this Agni is used for all-purpose. 6. Bhattagni - The Agni in which the flame spreads all over the bottom of the vessel is considered as Bhattagni. Agniman: – Ar.P.1/85 While preparing the Arka at first, Dhumagni should be given upto 1½ prahara (4½ hrs.) followed by 1 Prahara (3 hrs) , Dipagni and ½ Prahara (1½hrs.) , Mandagni and then Madhyamagni should be given for - 1, Muhuruta (45 minutes) for 1 Muhurta(45 minutes) Kharagni should be given. Bhattagni is not described anywhere for preparation of Arka. For producing proper Agni (heat) coal should be dry and hard Charcoal prepared out of Khadir Kastha are considered to be the best according to Ravana in Arka-prakash. The Agni in which the flame spreads all over the bottom of the vessel is considered as Bhattagni.


SEPT-2009 Test of Arka : Taste and odour of the drug from which, Arka Patan is done must be present. When Arka is filled in different Patra, the colour of Arka should be similar to Shankha, Kundan and moon rays. Colour should not change if it is filled in Jirnasthi Mrutika Patra. General Dose of Arka – 12-24 ml (AFI) Anupan: – Tambulbhakshana /Lavanga. Durgandhanashan Vidhi : If Arka is having bad smell then it has to be fumigate with Dhum produced by powder of Hingu, Methika, Rajika etc. mixed in Ghrita and then it should be kept in Navin Handi. If the process of fumigation is repeated several times, Arka will loose its bad odor and develop good odour (flavour) and in addition it will gain its therapeutic efficacy of increasing Jatharagni. Storage : Arka should be stored in airtight glass bottles. Any Arka if kept open and exposed to air will loose its volatile medicinal principles. Virytavadi: 1 year Arka & its uses: 1. Ajamodarka- Agnim¡ndya (Digestive impairment), Ajerna (Dyspepsia), Bastiroga (Diseases of urinary system), Vatakapharoga (Disease due to Vata Kapha dosha) 2. Karpuradyarka- Arocaka (Tastelessness), Agnimandya (Digestive impairment), Mukha Daurgandhya (Halitosis), Hrudroga (Heart disease), Medoroga (Obesity) 3. Jatamamsyarka- Agnimandya (Digestive impairment), Arocaka (Tastelessness), Mukha Daurgandhya (Halitosis), Unmada (Mania/Psychosis), Apasmara (Epilepsy) 4. Misreyarka- Mandagni (Impaired digestive fire), Adhmana (Flatulance with gurgling sound), Shula (Colicky Pain), Krimi (Helminthiasis/Worm infestation), Yonishula (Pain in female genital tract)

Newsletter of ARMARC

Formulation Profile (Series-A/10)


SEPT -2009

Herbal Drug Profile (Series-A/11)

Kalanusaryaditaila Dr. Ramkumar , Guid: Prof. D.K.Mishra M.D (Ay) Dr.Mahesh.M.Madaalageri, Bhavya D.C.

Kuchala (Nux-vomica) 1. Prof. M.Vidyasagar 2. Prof. K.S.Sanjay 3. Dr. Hari Venkatesh 4. Dr. Prashant Kumar Jha

Ingredient: Tagara, Agaru, Eala, Jati, Chandana, Padmaka, Darvi, Guduchi-40 gm Manashila and Tutha-40gm Tail-1600 gm Jala-6.4 Ltr.

Botanical Source: The drug consists of dried seeds of Strychnos nux vomica from family Loganiaceae. Geographical Source: Western ghat and hills up to 400 feet etc.

Method of preparation: All the dry powder are taken together and made in to small bolus by adding water. For Jati (Jasminum grandiflorum), flowers and fresh leaves are used. It is made in to kalka by macerating with water on a khalva. The Mineral drugs Manashila and Tuttha are powdered by maceration after the purification and was added in the Kalka as in the preparation of Jatyadi Tila. The raw oil i.e., Amoorchita Tila Taila was heated then dravadravya (plain warm) was added in the wide mouthed vessel and heated on mild fire. Then Kalkas were added to it along with the mineral drug. It is stirred constantly till the Sneha Siddha Lakshna is attained, and the oil is taken from fire and filtered and stored in a vessel. The filtrate i.e., the kalka was put in the manual press and the oil was completely squeezed out, and the oil thus obtained was added to the vessel. Uses: Wound healing For External use only Chemical Analysis: Description


Green colour

Loss on Drying -


Acid Value



Ester Value



Iodine Volue



Soponification Volue


Macroscopic: Disc shaped, flat, slightly concavoconvex with acute or rounded margin, occasionally irregularly bent; 10-30 in diameter, 3-5 mm in thickness, covered with closely appressed silky hairs, radiating from centre to the circumference; hilum lies in the centre of flat surface, micropyle near the margin and a ridge connecting them; endosperm horny, whitish, leaving slit like cavity in the centre; embryo heart shaped, pointing towards micropyle; ash to lead grey coloured, odour nil, taste intensely bitter taste. Microscopic: The cells of epidermis of testa are characterized by extending to form a thick walled lignified ribbed trichomes; a collapsed layer lies underneath this, followed by 2-3 rows of palisade like small sized, thick walled hemicllulosic cells of endosperm, the remaining cells being bigger in size and embedded with protein and oil globules and shows plasmodesmata- protoplasmic thread connecting the two cells. Powder: Brownish with unpleasant odour and bitter taste, shows the fragments of lignified trichomes, broken ribbed pieces and their bases in surface view, cells of highly thick walled endosperm embedded with centrally located masses of protein; fixed oil globules scattered as such or embedded in the cells of endosperm. Chemical Constituents: The seeds contain indole alkaloids, the major one is strychnine (approx.) 50% of the alkaloids; others include strychnine N-oxide, brucine and its N-oxide, alpha-and beta-colubrine, condylocarpi-


New Reseacrhes In Medical Science

High insulin enhances breast cancer risk.

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For All Pharmacopoeial Analysis, Standardization of Single as well as Compound Drugs, with Spectrophotometer, Flame Photomeneter, Photomicrograph etc. at nominal charges Contact: Dr. Prashant Kumar Jha CIPR, DIM, PGDEE, M.Sc., Ph.D. Quality Control Laboratories, ALN Rao Memorial Medical College, Koppa Your Suggestions and Queries are invited.

RNI Regd No. KARENG/2002/7924

ne, diaboline, geissoschizine, icajine, isostrychnine, normacusine, novacine, pseudobrucine, pseudo-alphacolubrine, pseudo-beta-colubrine, pseudostrychnine and vomicine (3-hydro-beta-colubrine). Loganin is also present. Pseudostrychnine is non-toxic. The alkaloidal content of the seeds ranges from 1.8 to 5.3%. Seeds: used in emotional disorders, insomnia, hysteria, epilepsy, paralytic and neurological affections, retention or nocturnal incontinence of urine, spermatorrhoea, sexual debility and impotence, general exhaustion; as antidote to alcoholism; GIT disorders. Bark: Juice is given in acute dysentery, diarrhoea and colic while root is given in intermittent fevers. In Chinese medicine a paste made of Nux vomica seeds is applied topically for treating facial paralysis. It is included among unapproved herbs by German Commission E. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India recommends detoxified seeds in paralysis, facial paralysis, sciatica and impotency.


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Editor: Prof (Dr.) M.Vidyasagar & Co-Editor: Dr.Prashant kumar Jha Research Co-ordinator Dr. Mahesh.M.Madalageri Printed and Published by ARMARC on behalf of Honourable A. Ramesh Rao, Koppa, Chikmagalur Dt., Karnataka - 577126, India

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