News Letter Of Armarc

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NEWS LETTER OF ARMARC JUN -2009 Editorial Acquainting with the future is luster of everyone. Astrology if properly studied in reference to astrochart makes this true up to broader extent. This is such a vast science which also predicts about the probable ailments due to effects or affliction of certain planets. These all depend upon the position of planets and condition of nakshatra at the time of birth. The rashis and angle of those planets to see the various prime positions also reveal the happenings of life. It is well known fact in astrology that with fight of Sun and Saturn chances of eye problems, digestion related problems etc. may occur similarly as the blood related problems with bad Mangal (Mars). Mentioning of medicines other than those mantras, gems and havans clearly indicate their importance for anyone’s life and as consequence astromedicines come vital to resolution. Our great seers have introduced these with various herbs for separate or combined remedies leaving indications of presence or affectionate to gods. Their exposition for relevance of plants, ailments, god and ailments also come to true while carefully and systematically analyzed. These herbs can heal on mental and spiritual level as well as on physical plane. Different planets rule the distinct part/s of the body and remedies for ailments caused due to effects of these planets by any means depends upon the plants affectionate to them as: Planet Body part or Plants God function Sun Heart and circulation Motherwort, HanuGinger Mars Blood Beet,Nyctan- man thes, Elder Santoshi Venus Appearance and maa Sage, Shani/ Vervain mental strength Saturn Mysterious knowl- Ficus Maruti edge (Continued on 2 page.........)


Ayurveda always intimate by a hint for holistic approach of its treatment by believing in supernatural power and nature. This is a treasure of that power itself for the humanity. Very few of people attached with Ayurveda have perceived this approach. Everyone believes in that supernatural power while science including doctors leaves its hope. This might be somewhere in mind of Honourable Shri Aroor Ramesh Rao and Reverent Smt. Shantha Ramesh Rao to provide a chance of complete eradication of ailments by availing the Ayurveda and God or his representative together in campus where treatment of Ayurveda as well as teaching of this great science is performed. Foundation of Temple of Shri Shri Guru Raghavendra Swami on 25th May 2009 is result of this. (Continued on 2 page.........)



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(Continued from 1 page......... Editorial) Planet Body part or function


Subconciousness, imagination Jupiter Positive frame of mind, leading. Neptune Dream work or Skullcap Uranus Energy, inspiration, sudden change Pluto Sexual phenomenon



Shiva Mint, Watercress Vishnu Ocimum, Evolvulus, Prosopis Bhairav Willow Cinnamon, Ganesha clove Kamdev Damiana, Chlorophytum

If proper works with real scientific analysis could be made, curtains from number of mysteries can easily be evaded. A vast science is still waiting for disclosures for humanity. A team work of different stream of science might brighten this. ************** (Continued from 1 page.........A Holy Soul In Ayurvedic College) Borne with blessings of lord Venketeshwara in a Brahmin family of Vedic scholar Thaimmanna Bhatt, Shri Raghavendra swami inherited his inclinations and fascination to lord. The great sage Shri Sudhendra Teertha was impressed with his sincere devotion and asked him to stay in his Matt only. Time rolled on and Venkanna (name of Shri Raghavendra Swami) completed his study and got married with Smt. Saraswathibai. They had one son Lakshminarayana. After marriage his wife gave her full attention to draw his mind and soul to god. He started worshipping god with all paraphernalia. He was devoted to Mula Shri Ram and Mata Sita. It was his Guruji (Shri Sudhendra Teertha) who brought him for debates in courtship of various kings of Chola, Pandians etc. Guruji handed over the charge of Matt to Venkanna saying that Shri Hari has ordered him to do so. After taking charge he was started to be called as Shri Raghavendra Swami. With more concentration to Shri Ram, Shri Raghavendra swamiji became Siddha Purush (god realized person). He got spiritual power and started to serve humanity

JUN -2009 by giving his touch of aids in various diseases and sorrows. His performance of miracle received the special treatment of spreading over larger area and devotees from all over the world started to come seeking his blessings. But after certain span of time on the second morning of Shravan, he accepted the valid order of Shri Hari for to leave this mortal body and to be part of Shri Hari. Before that on thursday, he announced this wish to all his disciples. By the time he also exposed about his all time presence to safeguard the faith of beliefs of humanity and human beings. We all hope the presence of this great sage in campus of A.L.N. Rao Memorial Ayurvedic Medical College forever to help all who need Ayurveda for any means. ************** CONTROVERSIAL ASPECTS OF AYURVEDIC DRUGS Bhavya D.C. Kshitij Chauhan Dr.Prashant Kr. Jha The dictionary meaning of controversy is prolonged dispute. If it stands in identification of genuine ayurvedic drugs, it is termed as controversial aspects of ayurvedic drugs. Numbers of reasons exist behind disputes. Some of them can be understood easily. When the present botanical identification method of plant was not invented, Indian learned sects used to deal the entity of plants with different shlokas. These shlokas were based on the characters dealing with appearance, uses, origin etc. of plants as different synonyms as for Guduchi, Amrita, Chhinnarohini etc. given which describes the nature of plants by means of its origin and habit. Similarly for Sriphala, mahakapittha etc. are given for Aegle marmelos and exposing the importance of plants and its relation to Kapittha (Feronia limonia). Likewise various synonyms of each plant being used in ayurveda are given. But it is not true to explain the characters or nature of plants only by seeing the typical synonyms but for complete description of plants mentioned by sects needed attending with all synonyms. With the time people started to use only few of them as in course of easy memory. This caused less utilization or sometimes loss of many of shlokas. Some

Newsletter of ARMARC

Some of them are never complete to disclose the perfect identity of plants. Other than these, the regular invasion on India also caused to loss of our number of precious texts but identity of plants and knowledge their curative power remained alive with the sapphires and ethnic people. Their different language, culture etc. from various geographical variations also presented the same name for two plants or different names for same plants as the meaning in their own language varies. Such way of exhibition of characters of plants for the identification caused controversy in identification of genuine plants. Ignitions were lighted more when texts and vaidyas allow the use of representative drugs (substitute) by same name as we find in case of Rasna. Here the pharmacopoeial one is Pluchea lanceolata while the officially allowed in South India and Bengal are Alpinia galenga and Vanda roxbughii respectively. Number of plants also adapts the geographical changes with the time and races or new species coming to existence. Many of similar but very minute differences were not marked out by the scientists of ancient time and it is quite natural to find out the controversy in genuine identification of plants, if some changes in plants come to be noted out in new race or species get borne. It can be well noted with Convolvulus pleuricaulis, Shankhpushpi in pharmacopoeia differing minutely with C. microphyllus and C. desertii what are usually mistaken as genuine one i.e. C. pleuricaulis. A complete and detailed study with vast screening of these synonyms mentioned in shloka and with representation of each drug with its own name in place of substitute and adulterants may bring the hope for minimizing the controversy as for the Bala various species are provided with differents name. Yes, by means of uses they are said to be substitueted but they have indivisdual identity too as: Bala- Sida cordifolia Mahabala- S. rhombifolia var. rhomboidea Bhumibala- S. veronicaefolia Rajabala- S. acuta Atibala- S. rhombifolia var. retusa and Abutilon indicum Nagabala- S. spinosa and Grewia hirsuta



Dr. Sanjaya K. S.

Some of problems occurred to the body are usually suffered silently by the patients in wake of shyness to explain or show the thing to the doctor. Piles (hemorrhoids) is one of such problem. Piles is a simple engorged blood vessels of the anus resulted from dilatation (varicosity) of the haemorrhoidal plexus (veins of anus). It appears as bluish or purple coloured swellings due to stagnated blood. Blood vessels are supposed to suffer with varicosity, when there is obstruction or resistance/sluggish or reduced or back flow of blood/valvelessness, etc. Ayurveda deals hemorrhoids as Arsha. In Charak Chikitsasthan 14/5, Arsha is said as a disease characterized by morbid growth in the muscle tissue. AzÉÉïÇÍxÉ CirÉÍkÉqÉÉÇxÉ ÌuÉMüÉUÉ:(cÉ.ÍcÉ 14/5) AËUuÉiÉç mÉëÉÍhÉlÉÉå qÉÉÇxÉ MüÐsÉMüÉ: ÌuÉzÉxÉÎliÉ rÉiÉç AzÉÉïÇÍxÉ iÉxqÉÉSÒcrÉiÉå aÉÑS qÉÉaÉï ÌlÉUÉåkÉiÉ: (A.¾Òû.ÌlÉ 7/1) Further, Astanga Hridaya Nidana (7/1) defines, “foes torment the person, similarly the sprouts of the muscles gives troubles by obstructing the passage of the rectum, hence it is called as arshas”. Classification: Ayurveda defines the ailments with its own philosophy, therefore, the classification and treatment may vary but as a core the ailment is same what modern medical also regard for. Astanga Hridaya Nidana classifies it as: Arsha


Vaataja Kaphaja



Samsargaja Raktaja


Aardra Shushka According to modern medical science two types of piles is suggested as per the position as Internal piles and External piles. Internal piles lies inside the anus and is usually originated from superior

Newsletter of ARMARC

haemorrhoidal plexus of the upper part of anal canal. It is present above the Hilton’s line. This type is usually painful, since it lies in the upper part of anal canal, which lacks pain-sensitive nerve innervations. The external piles lies outside the anus and is originated from inferior haemorrhoidal plexus of the lower part of the anal canal i.e. it lies lower to the Hilton’s line. This type of external piles is most painful, since the lower part of the anal canal has pain-sensitive nerve fibers. Some piles patients may have both types. Piles is again categorized into primary piles, secondary piles and prolapsed piles. The primary piles occur due to hereditary reason without any causative factor or obstruction. The secondary piles occur in continuation with other diseases or obstruction to portal circulation like liver disorders, portal hypertension due to obstruction, rectal or pelvic tumours, cancer, spleenomegally, etc. while the prolapsed is the piles which gets descend from the place of origin, i.e. internal piles descends to get visualised as external piles. This prolapsed piles gets strangulated and develops into gangrene. Symptoms: According to the type and origin of piles symptoms vary. It is often noticed after constipation and abrasions. Internal piles is usually silent except rarely bleeding but when it gets prolapsed or protruded, produces symptoms like external piles. The common symptoms are: •

Lump or discomfort in anus

Urge for defecation frequently without satisfaction of complete evacuation as the bulge of the blood vessels gives the sensation of impacted faecal matter in anus


JUN -2009 Diagnosis: The diagnosis is done by examination of the anus with finger palpation and by proctoscope. The prolapsed internal piles and external piles are easily visible while the sentinal piles is found as a natural skin tag which guards the extension of fissure. Treatment: The cares to be taken are best in any system of medicine for the patients of piles before any treatment. Following cares are suggested to be undertaken as: •

Avoiding of long walks, long distance travelling and cycling

Keeping away the anything causing constipation and strain

Keeping the wound-side cleaned

Passing of stool regularly at least twice a day to avoid dry hard stool and strain to rectum and anus

Keeping the natural urge going

Using of food or additives or enema etc. to keep the stool in semi-solid state

Possible sitz bath before passing stool where sitting in a shallow bath tub of warm water for 10-15 minutes to relieve the anal spasm and relaxation of anal sphincter is needed

Application of ice in case of constant bleeding

Taking easily digestible, simple cooked foods and avoiding spices and chillies

Taking of green and nourishing foods which may help in wound healing

Avoiding sedentary habits like alcohol, smoking and unnecessary drugs like painkillers

Bleeding from anus just after defecation, sometimes staining the undergarments

Protruding pinkish or bluish colour swellings

Pain of various touches like burning or stabbing or throbbing type of pain

Itching of anus

1) AÂwMüU ÍcɧÉMüqÉÔsÉÇ cÉ zÉÑwMüÉzÉï mÉëzÉqÉlÉÉlÉÉqÉç (A.xÉ.xÉÔ 13)

Discharge or oozing of faecal matter from anus

2) rɲÉrÉÉåUlÉÑsÉÉåqrÉÉrÉ rÉSÎalÉ oÉsÉuÉ×®rÉå

Strained and frequent urination due to irritability of anus with the contact of expanding, filling bladder.

In Ayurveda number of drugs are given being useful in Arsha, among them Chitrakamoola is said to be best for Shukarsha.

A³ÉmÉÉlÉÉæwÉkÉ SìurÉÇ iÉiÉç xÉåurÉÇ ÌlÉirÉqÉzÉïxÉæ: (cÉ.ÍcÉ 14/247)

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According to Charak, food ingredients and drugs causing downward movement of vayu and which are the promoters of the power of digestion are all invariably useful for piles. Further it is said that the physician should also overcome piles by the use of different types of fried vegetables, thick gruel, vegetable soup, meat soup, a sour preparation, milk and butter milk as given in Charak Chikitsa (14/246). Using of Chitrakamoola is given in various forms and with different drugs as: In form of Bhrishta Saka̧ÉuÉëÑiÉç SliÉÏ mÉsÉÉzÉÉlÉÉÇ cÉÉXaÉårÉÉïͶɧÉMüxrÉ cÉ rÉqÉMåü pÉÎeÉïiÉÇ S±ÉiÉç zÉÉMÇü SÍkÉ xÉqÉÎluÉiÉqÉç (cÉ.ÍcÉ 14/122) Leaves of trivrut, danti, palasha, changeri, and chitraka should be fried with ghee and oil and should be given along with curd. In form of Peya, Yusha and MamsarasaÌmɹæaÉïeÉ MühÉÉ mÉÉPûÉ MüÉUuÉÏ mÉgcÉMüÉåsÉMæü: iÉÑqoÉÑuÉïeÉÉeÉÉ kÉÌlÉMüÉ ÌoÉsuÉ qÉkrÉæ¶É MüsmÉrÉåiÉç TüsÉÉqsÉÉlÉç rÉqÉMü xlÉåWûÉlÉç mÉårÉÉ rÉÔwÉ UxÉÉÌSMüÉlÉç LÍpÉUåuÉÉæwÉkÉæ: xÉÉkrÉÇ uÉÉËU xÉÌmÉï¶É SÏmÉlÉqÉç (A.¾Òû.ÍcÉ 8/50 ) Paste of gajakana, pata, karavi, panchakola, tumburu, ajaji dhanyaka and marrow of bilwa are said to prepare in syrup forms with sour fruits. The mixing with drinking water and medicated ghee is also hinted for the purpose of carminatives. Preparation of peya form is further discussed by cooking with pippali, pippalimula, chitraka etc. It should be made sour by adding the juice of sour fruits and sizzled with ghee and oil. Intake of this peya cures piles. ÌmÉmmÉsÉÏÇ ÌmÉmmÉsÉÏqÉÔsÉÇ ÍcɧÉMÇü ......... ........ÌmÉwOèuÉÉ mÉårÉÇ ÌuÉmÉÉcÉrÉåiÉç (cÉ.ÍcÉ 14/89)


JUN -2009 In form of Ksheera zÉ×…¡ûuÉåU mÉÑlÉlÉïuÉÉ ÍcɧÉMü MüwÉÉrÉ ÍxÉ®Ç uÉÉ mÉrÉ:| (xÉÑ.ÍcÉ 6/13) Milk is boiled with srungavera, punarnava and chitraka and is suggested good for the purpose. Futher in Ashtanga Hridaya Chikitsa taking of boiled milk with the powder of Chitraka during meal even is hinted to cure piles. rÉÉå eÉÉiÉÉå aÉÉåUxÉ: £ÉÏUɲ̻û cÉÔhÉÉïuÉcÉÔÍhÉïiÉÉlÉç ÌmÉoÉÇxiÉqÉåuÉ iÉålÉæuÉ pÉÑgeÉÉlÉÉå aÉÑSeÉÉlÉç eÉrÉåiÉç (A.¾Òû.ÍcÉ 8/30) In form of Takra lÉ ÌuÉUÉåWûÎliÉ aÉÑSeÉÉ: mÉÑlÉxiÉ¢çü xÉqÉÉWûiÉ: ÌlÉÌwÉ£üÇ iÉή SWûÌiÉ pÉÔqÉÉuÉÌmÉ iÉ×hÉÉåsÉÑmÉqÉç (A.¾Òû.ÍcÉ 8/42) Present shloka reveals that piles masses do not grow again, once they have been rooted out by the use of butter milk as they burn away like the grasses disappear when butter milk is poured on the ground. iuÉcÉÇ ÍcɧÉMü qÉÔsÉxrÉ ÌmÉwOèuÉÉ MÑüqpÉÇ mÉësÉåmÉrÉåiÉç iÉ¢Çü uÉÉ SÍkÉ uÉÉ iÉ§É eÉÉiÉqÉzÉÉåïWûUÇ ÌmÉoÉåiÉç (cÉ.ÍcÉ 14/76) The inside wall of an earthern jar should be smeared with the paste of the root bark of chitraka and in this jar, curd should be prepared.Intake of this curd or the buttermilk prepared out of it cures piles. SÍkÉijÉ ÌoÉsuÉ xÉÇrÉÑ£üÇ rÉÑ£Çü uÉÉ cÉurÉ ÍcɧÉMæü: pÉssÉÉiÉMü rÉÑiÉÇ uÉÉÅ ÌmÉ mÉëS±É¨É¢ü iÉmÉïhÉqÉç Tarpana (refreshing drink prepared of roasted corn flour) mixed with butter milk and added with chavya ,chitraka etc. In form of Kulmaasha (Cooked pulses)

In form of Khada (type of sour drink) £ÉÉU sÉuÉhÉÉÇͶɧÉMü qÉÔsÉ £ÉÉUÉåSMü ÍxÉ®ÉlÉç uÉÉ For the Khada preparation, Chitraka is mixed MÑüsqÉÉwÉÉlÉç pÉ£ÉrÉåiÉç(xÉÑ.ÍcÉ 6/13) with pippali, pippali mula, hastipippali, srungavera, ajaji, It is suggested in Sushuruta Chikitasa to karavi, dhanya, tumburu, bilwa, karkata and pata and later, it is made in sour with addition of juices of sour consume kulmasha cooked with solution of alkali added with yava kshara, lavana and chitraka mula. fruits.

Newsletter of ARMARC


JUN -2009

PHARMACEUTICAL & ANALYTICAL STUDY ON PATOLADI GANA IN KWATHA, ARISHTA & GHANAVATI FORM Dr. Vibhu Muraleedharan PG Scholar Guided by - Dr. B D Mishra MD(Ayu) Prof (Dr.) D K Mishra M.D(Ayu) H.O.D Dept of Bhaishajya kalpana, A.L.N.R.M.A.M.C. Koppa. (Continued from April.........) PRACTICAL NO. 4 Ingredients: Patoladi Kwatha - 6 ltr,Guda -2.4 kg, Ingredients : Patola,Katurohini, Chandana, Madhu-1.2 kg, Dhataki pushpa - 600 g, Patola Madhusrava,Guduchi, Patha - 500 g, Water- 24 ltr. ,Katurohini, Chandana, Madhusrava, Guduchi, Patha Method of Preparation:As a classical kwatha method - 40 g. Precautions: Method of Preparation Poorva karma ƒ The whole procedure was carried out in mild heat. ƒ After attaining semisolid consistency the compound ƒ Dhupana - An earthern pot having the capacity of 20 ltr was selected, cleaned well and dried in sunlight. was removed from fire and heated in water bath to Then it was subjected to dhupana with Guggulu, avoid carbonization. Jatamamsi, Maricha etc. ƒ Care was taken to avoid loss while filtering and ƒ Lepana - After dhupana the mud pot was subjected handling. to lepana with Ghrita. Observation: Pradhana karma ƒ Colour of Kwatha gradually changed to dark brown ƒ The measured 6 ingredients of Patoladi gana were colour & its consistency became thicker. made into coarse powder. ƒ As it reduced more to get the semisolid consistency, ƒ The earthern pot which was already subjected to Dhupana and Lepana was kept in between the husk it was black in colour and the compound was able to of paddy in a dark room. rolled in to pills. ƒ The compound had a bit sticky nature which helped ƒ 2.4 kg Guda, 1.2 kg Madhu were added to 6 ltr Patoladi Kwatha and mixed well in a container. It was in the easy rolling to pills. filtered through a clean and dry cloth into another Yield of Patoladi Ghanavati - 230 g. vessel. Then the mixture was poured into earthern pot. Purpose ƒ The 240 g coarsely powdered drugs along with 600 ƒ 100 g of Ghanavati subjected to Physico-chemical g dhataki pushpa were put into it and stirred well. analysis. Then it was properly covered with two layered clean PRACTICAL NO. 3 cloth. Ingredients : Patola,Katurohini,Chandana, Madhusrava ƒ After the starting of fermentation (4 days), this pot was closed with a lid. A plastic tube (for lime water Guduchi, Patha - 500 g, Water- 24 ltr. test) was connected through lid to outside with its Method of Preparation mouth temporarily closed. Then sandhi bandhana was ƒ The drugs were separately reduced into yavakuta done with mud-layered cloth. choorna with pounding machine. ƒ It was kept undisturbed till fermentation process was ƒ The yavakuta choorna was taken in a clean tin coated over. copper vessel and was filled with 12 ltr of water. It Paschath karma was kept as such for one night, and on next day after ƒ After 20 days, the plastic tube was opened for adding remaining 12 ltr of water, it was boiled over checking fermentation progress (by lime water test). low flame till volume of water reduced to 1/4th - 6 ltr. ƒ After completion of fermentation (36 days), the pot ƒ Then the container was taken out from the fire and was opened and the supernatant arishta was filtered through clean and dry double folded cloth. the content was filtered to another vessel through a ƒ It was then stored in clean dry coloured glass bottles fine cloth. Thus Patoladi Kwatha was prepared. up to 3/4th of its capacity. Purpose - The whole Patoladi Kwatha was used for (Continued next edition..........) preparation of Patoladi Arishta.


Newsletter of ARMARC

Formulation Profile (Series-A/7) Dashamularitsa Prof. D.K.Mishra

Dr.Mahesh.M.Madaalageri Bhavya. D.C

Ingredient: Dashamula - each drug 5 Pala for Kwatha Chitraka, Pushkara-25 Pala, Lodra, Guduch-20Pala, Javas-12Pala, Vidanga, Haritaki-8Pala, Kusta, Devadaru, Vayuvidanga, Ystimdhu, Bharngai, Kapitta twaka, Nishotha, Bibitaki, Punrnava, Cavya, Jatamasi, Sariva, Krisna jiraka, Harenuka, Rasna, Pippali, Puga, Kachura, Haridra, Shatapuspa, Padma kasta, Nagakeshara, Musta, Indrayava, Jivaka, Rushabhaka, Medha-16 Pala, Madhu, Guda, etc. Method of Preparation: First made kwatha of Dhashamula and other drugs after to add praksepaka dravya like madhu, guda, lavanga etc. Stir the preparation properly & store it in an earthen pot that has been coated with gruta from inside and that has been fumigated keep the pot underground for one month or more or less. Following that one should obtain the medicine and preserve it, take out the medicine and add to it 46gm measure of nimali fruits keep the medicine for overnight period and finally strain it into clean bottles. This medicine is named Dashamularista. Dose:15 to 30 ml Uses: Shula, Swasa, Kasa, Bhagndara, Vatavyadi, Udararoga, Kshya, Arsha, Kamala, Kusta etc. Analytical Report: Specific gravity pH Total solid Total ash Acid insoluble ash Water soluble ash Alcohol content

: 0.994 : 3.65 : 35.4% : 0.045gm : 0.01gm : 0.005gm : 6.27%


JUN -2009

Herbal Drug Profile (Series-A/8) Shatavari 1. Prof. M.Vidyasagar 2. Prof. K.S.Sanjay 3. Dr. Hari Venkatesh 4. Dr. Prashant Kumar Jha

Biological Source: The drug consists of tuberous roots of Asparagus recemosus Willd. from family Liliaceae. Habit: The plant is climbing, straggling, branched, prickly undershrub; prickles about 0.25 inch, more or less recurved; rootstock thick, bearing numerous fusiform, succulent tubers; leaves reduced to spinescent cladodes (needle-like structure); cladodes 0.5-1.0 inch long, in tufts of 2-6, terete, spreading; flowers tiny, white, fragrant, profuse and in 1-4 inch long racemes. Macroscopic: Roots are fusiform, swollen at base while tapering both sides, 5-15 cm in length and 1-2 cm in diameter; more or less smooth when fresh while wrinkled when dried; colour silver white or light ash; fracture complete; odour not marked; taste sweetish. Microscopic: The transverse section of the root is almost circular in outline showing central stele surrounded by a wide cortex full of cell contents and crystals of raphides; above this lies zone of 3-4 layered cork cells, the wall being suberised; epidermis covers the section; the central core exhibits typical monocotyledonous root where vascular bundle is endarch type; vessels having pitted wall and spiral thickening. Powder: The powder is creamish-white in colour showing fragments of lignified, thick-walled vessels with simple pits, raphides, cell contents in and out of parenchyma cells.

JUN -2009

RNI Regd No. KARENG/2002/7924

Chemical Constituents: The root contains steroidal glycosides and aglycones shatavarins I-IV; â-D-Glc(1-4)-â-D-Glc-(1-2) a- L-rha(l-2) sarasapogenin, 2 arasosapogenin, 3 sterols and diosgenin; asparagamine (alkaloid) etc. Uses: The roots are used mainly to promote milk secretion and as a demulcent, diuretic, aphrodisiac, tonic, alterative, antiseptic and antidiarrhoeal. It is also used to treat debility, especially in women, and infertility, impotence, menopause, stomach ulcers, hyperacidity, dehydration, lung abscess, haematemesis, cough, herpes, leucorrhoea and chronic fevers. Formulations: Brahma Rasayana, Mahanarayana Taila, Shatavari Ghrita, Shatavari Kalpa etc. Dose: 3-6 gm of the drug



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New Reseacrhes In Medical Science 1) Impaired polymorphonuclear leucocyte migration as a possible monitor for the risk of septicaemia in immunosuppressed transplant patients. 2) The tumor growth could be completely prevented by blocking the expression of tumor cell-derived CTGF and that tumor cell survival was compromised under conditions of hypoxic stress in vitro when CTGF levels were low. 3) Fomepizole is a competitive inhibitor of alcohol dehydrogenase that prevents the formation of the toxic metabolites of ethylene glycol and methanol. For All Pharmacopoeial Analysis, Standardization of Single as well as Compound Drugs, with Spectrophotometer, Flame Photomeneter, Photomicrograph etc. at nominal charges Contact: Dr. Prashant Kumar Jha CIPR, DIM, PGDEE, M.Sc., Ph.D. Quality Control Laboratories, ALN Rao Memorial Medical College, Koppa Your Suggestions and Queries are invited.


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Patron Honourable A. Ramesh Rao

Editor: Prof (Dr.) M.Vidyasagar & Co-Editor: Dr.Prashant kumar Jha Research Co-ordinator Dr. Mahesh.M.Madalageri Printed and Published by ARMARC on behalf of Honourable A. Ramesh Rao, Koppa, Chikmagalur Dt., Karnataka - 577126, India

(No. KARENG/2002/7924, RNI, New Delhi) email: [email protected], [email protected]

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