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NEWS LETTER OF ARMARC MARCH -2009 Editorial An emulsion is a type of formulation used in different medicinal systems since long to make avail the required components of drugs to target cells. It is a mixture of two unblendable liquids, where one liquid is dispersed in the other. This is neither chemical nor mechanical but a physical process and we come across number emulsions using in day to day life as milk and cream etc. Ayurveda has been using this type of technology since long in form of various ghrita, taila preparations etc. Many emulsions are oil/water emulsions, with dietary fats being one common type of oil encountered in Ayurveda. The process is important for anti-pathogenic treatments. The better understanding of mechanism and its proper utilization makes the formulation more effective as well as attractive by means of easy handling. The dispersed particles encounter lipids on a bacterial membrane or a virus envelope and they force the lipids to merge with themselves. On a mass scale, this effectively disintegrates the membrane and kills the pathogen. The smaller the droplet for dispersed phase increases the surface tension of molecules and thus the chances to merge with other lipids increases. This is the nature of colloids to come in its original forms by means of processes of flocculation, cream or coalescence (exception is for nanoemulsions or extreme microemulsions). To avoid any such condition usually emulsifiers are used which stabilize an emulsion by maintaining the kinetic motion of molecules of dispersed phase. Ayurveda uses honey, wax etc. as emulsifiers while modern science regards with cetearyl alcohol, polysorbate 20, ceteareth 20 etc. are frequently used as emulsifiers other than frequent use of lecithin obtained from yolk of eggs. The smaller the droplet for dispersed phase increases the surface tension of molecules and thus the chances to merge with other lipids increases.This is the nature of colloids to come in its original forms by means of processes of flocculation, cream or

Vol 1.81 coalescence (exception is for nanoemulsions or extreme microemulsions). To avoid any such condition usually emulsifiers are used which stabilize an emulsion by maintaining the kinetic motion of molecules of dispersed phase. Ayurveda uses honey, wax etc. as emulsifiers while modern science regards with cetearyl alcohol, polysorbate 20, ceteareth 20 etc. are frequently used as emulsifiers other than frequent use of lecithin obtained from yolk of eggs. Emulsion forms of drugs have served humanity since long without any side effects to cells except red blood cells and sperm cells. At present, some types of nanoemulsions have been shown to effectively destroy HIV-1 and various tuberculosis pathogens, for example, on non-porous surfaces. In various forms of medicated emulsions available in market, ingredient selections are based on utilization of best ingredients available. They are carefully blended to come up with a line of herbal medicines. Emulsions are also made in polymers and used for different purposes along with their use as bandages. These polymers are widely used as the polymeric base for a variety of general-purpose adhesives. The largest volume market for these materials is packaging adhesives used for paper and paperboard packaging, including boxes, folded cartons and paper bags. Emulsions also serve as binders for pressure sensitive adhesives used for diversified materials. In This Issue 1) PHYTO-OESTROGEN EFFECT OF NAGKESHAR IN INFERTILITY. 2) CLINICAL MANAGEMENT OF ESSENTIAL HYPERTENSION THROUGH TAKRA DHARA. 3) PHARMACEUTICAL STUDY of “PANCHAKOLADYA GHRITA” & “PUNARNAVA GHRITA” 4) Formulation Profile (Series-A/4)

Swadamshtradi Kwatha 5) Herbal Drug Profile (Series-A/5) Lemongrass

Newsletter of ARMARC


MARCH -2009


old WNIN/Ob female rates (-/-) type were randomly


selected. The rats were housed in standard polypropylene cages with stainless steal top grill having

Dr. Dayanand Suttakoti

facilities for keeping powder diet cup, and water bottles.

Dr. Nagalu Sujatha

An ambient temperature of 22 o C (+ or – 1o C) along

Prof. (Dr.) Vidyasagar M.

with humidity of 50% to 60% and light dark cycles of 12 hours duration with 200 to 400 Lux light intensity


were maintained throughout the experiment. A standard

Infertility among the women is inability to rat chow was provided to the animals. For the study, conceive even after one year of normal marital relations animals were divided into two groups, each group without contraception. Ayurveda recognizes this as consisting of 9 rats. In these groups, first group ‘Vandhyatwa’. In Ayurveda, Vandhyatwa is mentioned consisting of 9 rats are wistar rats (Lean rats) and in 80 diseases originated by not proper meeting of vata without having the disease vandhyatwa while the second and samadhatu mala kriya. Arthwa (ovum or menstrual groups is consisting the obese rats (WNIN/Ob) and blood) is important from these regards. Conditions of having the disease vandhyatwa. unovulation, immature/altered ovum, ovarian alterations etc. are taken as ‘Arthava dusti’. Modern medical A. Physical examination: Here pubertal attainment science finds after the nutritional deficiencies, hormonal is judged by noting the days taken for the opening of imbalances, developmental anomalies of reproductive vagina. All the rats from each group were observed organs etc. daily for this purpose from 35-38 days onwards. Selection of Drug Ayurveda always offers the drugs for those B. Preparation of Vaginal smear: For the vaginal what is considered problematic alteration in allopathic smear preparation, the days of estrus cycle was system of medicine as we find in case of liver problems observed by preparing vaginal smears as described by where Liv-52. Similar might be the case for infertility Nicholas (1942). First of all, thin small coconut broom amongst the women also. Ayurveda offers greater

sticks, head wrapped in cotton wool plugs (moistened

scope for reducing Infertility besides being cost effective with saline) were prepared. The rats were held loosely and maintenance of health harmony, many formulations on left hand while the vaginal margins were separated like phalaghrita, mahaa kalyan ghrita,

and the prepared broom stick pled get was then rotated

ashwagandha taila etc, are well described in Ayurvedic inside clock wise. The material obtained from the pled texts for treating vandhyatwa. Bhavaprakasha, get was transferred to a microscope slide. The slide Chakradutta, Yogaratnakara and Rajamarthand find was stained with methylene blue for 7 minutes. The slide Nagakesara being useful in vandhyatwa. The reason is was then washed in the plain water to remove excess quite obvious to select Nagakesara for the purpose of stain and the stained slide was left in a slanting position evaluation in infertility due to PCOD (Polycyctic at room temperature for 10 minutes. The slide was later Ovarian Dieseases). examined for the various stages of estrus cycle under Materials and Method As per the original experimental design 35 days

the microscope. C. Organ Weighing: At the age of 90 days, animals

Newsletter of ARMARC

were sacrificed by CO2 inhalation. The major organs like liver, kidneys and spleen along with reproductive organs were collected from the viscera of the animals and rapidly removed. They were trimmed of fat and trimmed on the blotted paper and were weighed to the nearest milligram on Esssae Digi analytical balance. D. Histopathological examination: The removed organs were fixed in the appropriate fixatives and processed for histological studies. In the present study 10% buttered formalin was used. i. Preparation of 10% Formalin: This was made by mixing 10% concentrated formaldehyde (37-48% in H2O) to 90cc of distilled water along with a phosphate buffer to give a pH around 7.0 – 7.2 . This fixative was used for major organs like kidney, spleen and reproductive organs. All organs were subjected to routine processing. 4 micron paraffin embedded sections were stained with haematoxyline and eosin for microscopic analysis.


MARCH -2009 -occurred, and in II group Gr-ob experimental in which drug given after pubertal attainment 2-3 cycles irregular that is 4 stages (di-estrus, pro-estrus, estrus, meta-estrus) are there, but prolongation of stages occurred (2-3 days for each stage) than normal wistar rats. Afterwards in the experimental group also estrus cycle is very regular like Wistar control group i.e. group I. Reproductive organs weights: The reproductive organ weights are given. There is no significant difference in weight on the uterus in the experimental group. Group II ( 0.50+/-0.36) as compared to control Wistar group, Group I (0.60 +/- 0.15) and the length of uterine horns in GroupII slightly increased (4.76 +/0.68) than control Group I wistar (4.14+/-0.21). In Group II, the weight of the ovary found to be non significant with control wistar group. It was (0.016 =0.11) compared to control Group I (0.12=0.04).

Results: In homozygous obese rats it was seen that Weekly weights and food intake: The weights and food intake of the animals were not affected, it clearly shows the safety of the drug Nagakesara churna with Goghrita fed to the animals. All those data is presented in the table no. 1.

uterine weights, in Group II compared to Group I control was almost equivalent. The length of uterine horns was increased in Group II ( 4.7cms) than the control Group I (4.1cms). (Continued...............)

Pubertal attainment: No difference was observed in the days taken for the vaginal opening in the experimental group and control group. In control group, vaginal opening was observed at their 50 days of age while in trial group (with drug Nagakesara churna with Goghritha), the vaginal opening was seen at their 58 days of age. Estrus cycle: Estrus cycle in control group I is regular after pubertal attainment, that is after vaginal opening


Newsletter of ARMARC


MARCH -2009

CLINICAL MANAGEMENT OF ESSENTIAL HYPERTENSION THROUGH TAKRA DHARA Dr.Ravindra Kumar Arahunasi M.D(Ayu) Lecturer Dept of Kayachikitsa B.M.J.Ayurvedic Medical College Gajendraga, Gadag (Dist) INTRODUCTION: Hypertension is the commonest adverse condition, which is affecting the human race. The control of blood pressure being an important factor to the health and longevity of man, the study of hypertension continues to be one of the most intellectually stimulating challenges. Needless to say hypertension is curse of modern, ultra urbanization. Physical and mental stress and strain are the main two culprits playing the major role. WHO has rightly stressed that any study of hypertension is incomplete unless further studies are done. To determine the presence of specific etiological factors and presence or absence of complications. The symptoms usually seen in hypertension are headache, giddiness, vertigo, palpitation, chest pain, some time blurred vision etc. There is no direct resemblance of hypertension in Ayurveda but the clinical condition of hypertension resemblance to many conditions mentioned in our classics like Raktagata Vata, Ma.Ni.22/6, Raktavruta Vata As.Hr.16/39, Pranavruta Udana Vata Cha.Su.20, Siragata Vata Cha.Chi.28/36, Rudhira Mada Cha.Su.24. Stress factor play a major role in the causation of hypertension, which may sometimes cost once life. The conventional therapies do not have major say in satisfactory management of hypertension. Hence an attempt is being made to effectively control the blood pressure through Takra Dhara. Hypertension is an established risk factor for all clinical manifestation of arteriosclerosis. It is a common and powerful, independent pre-disposing factor for development of coronary heart disease, stroke, peripheral arterial disease and cardiac failure.

The high prevalence of hypertension, its powerful impact on the incidence of cardio vascular diseases and the potential impact on the control justify high priority, efforts to detect and treat elevated blood pressure. Cardio-vascular diseases squally imposed by hypertension occur at a 2 to 4 fold increased rate compared with Normotensive persons of the same age. Although the risk ratio it imposes is greatest for heart failure and least for coronary heart disease. The Essential hypertensive patients diagnosed after repeated readings were selected. They were put on Amapachana for 3 days, in the mean time BP was recorded at different intervals. The management of hypertension so that its sequel can be checked is our primary objective. The yoga which is selected for Takra Dhara comprises of Takra, Musta and Amalaki. Efficacy of this Takra Dhara on hypertensive cases was done and appropriate recordings were done. Totally 15 subjects were taken which was diagnosed and mild and moderate degree of hypertension according to J.N.C.7 role. On going through the recordings, it is found that the Takra Dhara is having a very good therapeutic effect in controlling hypertension of mild and moderate degree. Essential Hypertension: Synonyms : Primary Hypertension, Idiopathic Hypertension Blood pressure is caused by various complete series of factors controlling blood vessels caliber response control of fluid volume within and outside the vascular bed, and resultant cardiac output. All such factors are interrelated with each other making it difficult to determine single or sure causes for hypertension. Thus, when the definite cause cannot be determined or established the hypertension is called as essential

Newsletter of ARMARC

hypertension. It was named as essential under belief that it springs up as essential for proper circulatory functions of the blood in all organs. But now it is defined as hypertension, the causes of which are not definitely known. Constant diastolic hypertension above 90 mm of Hg or systolic above 140 mm of Hg or both, considering age factor rise and judging transient fluctuation with due care can be termed as essential hypertension. About EHT we may conclude that – 1. Among all hypertensive 95% patients suffer from EHT. 2. The constitutional (genetic) dietary and environmental factors are involved in rising arterial pressure in EHT. This is associated with impaired endothelium mediated vasodilatation. Causative factors: 1. Age and Sex 2. Genetic factor – A. Hereditary B. Race 3. Environmental factor, a. Stress, strain, anxiety, b. Excessive sodium or salt in take c. Alcohol d. Obesity e. Smoking f. Physical exercise 4. Neural causes -Bar receptors, Chemoreceptors. 5. Hormonal causes;Renin Angiotensin aldosterone system. Epinephrine and nor epinephrine. Anti diuretic hormone. Arterial Natriuretic Peptide. Parathyroid hormone and Calcitriol. 6. Auto regulation failure – Physical changes and Chemical mediator.

Classification of Hypertension: Classification of Hypertension by blood pressure: Category Systolic pressure Diastolic pressure mm/Hg mm/Hg Normal <130 <85 High normal - 130-139 85-89 Stage 1 (mild) -140-159 90-99 Stage 2 (moderate)- 160-179 100-109 Stage 3 (Severe) - 180-209 110-119 Stage 4 (Very severe)- >210 >120 (Continued on next edition.........)


MARCH -2009

(Continued from February edition.....) PHARMACEUTICAL STUDY of “PANCHAKOLADYA GHRITA” & “PUNARNAVA GHRITA” Dr. Jayaraj. M, P.G Scholar, Guided by Prof. Bimal Dev Mishra M.D(Ay) Prof. Dinesh Kumar Mishra M.D(Ay) Department of Bhaishajya Kalpana, A.L.N R.M. A. M.C, Koppa, (Karnataka). Method of preparation: Above mentioned quantity of Ghrita was taken in a vessel and heated slightly over Mandagni till the evaporation of water content, disappearance of froth and sound coming from Ghrita. Then powder of Haridra and 1/4th of total water was added and was heated. When 1/4th of that water remained, another 1/4th part of total water and Matulunga Swarasa was added and heating was continued. When some water remained in the pan, the remaining water (1/2 of total water) was added along with the powder of other drugs in the Kalka form and the process was continued. Ghrita Paka was done till it got the Sneha Siddhi Lakshana, after that vessel was taken out of fire and the Ghrita was filtered through a clean cloth and Kalka was put into Nishpeedana Yantra and the remaining part of Ghrita was collected. Precaution: Madhyamagni was maintained throughout the procedure. Kalka was added only after heating the ghee. The chronology of addition of Kalka Dravyas was maintained as mentioned in the procedure. Continuous stirring was carried to avoid sticking of Kalka to bottom of pan and carbonization. Sneha Siddhi Lakshana was observed as it was nearing to completion. In the end ghee was filtered with precaution so as to avoid any possible loss or contamination. Observation : Soon after the addition of the Haridra Kalka, profuse frothing was occurred. The Murchita Ghrita in the liquid state was yellowish green in colour. After the process, the Murchita Ghrita obtained has very good odour. After solidifying it was semi solid and dark yellowish green in colour.

Newsletter of ARMARC


MARCH -2009

Result : The Murchita Ghrita taken 1200 g. Yield of Trial drug ΙΙ 1050 g. Loss 150 g. Loss in % 12.5 % The process of preparation of Trial Drug “Punarnava Ghrita” is also repeated for 3 times. Sl. No.

Amount of Ghrita Ghrita Taken in Kg Obtainedin Kg Practical No. 13 1.2 1.05 Practical No. 15 1.2 1.06 Practical No. 17 1.2 1.02

Loss OccurringIn Gm 150 140 180

% of Loss

Average % of Loss

12.5 11.7 15


These prepared medicines are subjected to analytical studies as a step towards the process standardization. The various tests are done. Parameters 1 Description

Sample 1 Panchakoladya Ghrita A medicated Ghrita, Green in colour, odour pleasant & characteristic.

2 Loss on Drying at


Sample 2

Sample 3

Punarnava Ghrita A medicated Ghrita, Light Yellowish Green in colour, odour pleasant & characteristic.

Murchita Ghrita A medicated Ghrita, Dark Yellowish Green in colour, odour pleasant & characteristic.




40 C. (in %)

1.67 Acid Value 1.78 1.89 235.01 Ester Value 234.92 233.87 27.62 Iodine Value 28.91 33.66 236.88 Saponification 236.70 235.76 Value These Trial drugs are then subjected to Animal Experimental study (using Wister Strain Albino Rats) to assess the Anti-Inflammatory property using Plethysmograph. The results of this study are coined as follows. 3 4 5 6

Groups Standard & Control Trial I & Control Trial II & Control Standard & Trial I Standard & Trial II Trial I & Trial II

t-value 13.581 11.088 7.7728 1.1001 1.8095 0.8621

p-value <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.20 <0.20 >0.20

remarks Standard > Control Trial Ι > Control Trial ΙΙ > Control Standard = Trial Ι Standard = Trial ΙΙ Trial Ι = Trial ΙΙ

The statistical analysis of the results obtained after experimental study showed that the two trial drugs Panchakoladya Ghrita and Punarnava Ghrita had significantly better result when compared to Control group. But mutually upon comparing the two trial drugs, insignificant result was observed. The trial drugs when compared individually with Standard drug Indomethacin also, the result was insignificant. This shows that the efficacy of these three (2 Trial drugs and Standard drug) is almost the same. However the individual ‘t’ value and mean reduction in the paw oedema of Panchakoladya Ghrita was more when compared to that of Punarnava Ghrita denoting a fast degree of action. This may be due to the presence more Sothaghna and Deepana - Pachana drugs in the formulation.


Newsletter of ARMARC

Formulation Profile (Series-A/4) Swadamshtradi Kwatha Dr. Purushotam K.G Prof(Dr.) D.K.Mishra Dr.Mahesh. M. Madalageri Reference: Cha. Su.26/12. Ingredients: Gokshura 200 gms Eranda Patra 400 gms.(wet) Shunti 200 gms. Varuna 200 gms. Wate 4 litres

MARCH -2009

Herbal Drug Profile (Series-A/5) 1. Prof. M. Vidyasagar 2. Prof. K.S.Sanjay 3. Dr. Hari Venkatesh 4. Dr. Prashant Kumar Jha LEMONGRASS Latin Name: Cymbopogon citratus (DC) Stapf Family: Poaceae Sanskrit Name: Bhustrina or Gandhatrana English Name: Lemon grass, Fever grass

Uses : Prameha roga, Mutrakrichra and Mutraghata. Physical and Chemical characters: The comparative physical and chemical characters of the samples have been presented in the tabular form as: Table: Showing Physical and Physicochemical properties Sl.







1.80% w/w


Acid insoluble Ash


Brown coloured turbid suspension, odour characteristic, taste bitter and unpleasant

Thin Layer Chromatography of Kwatha (Chloroform extract) Solvent system: Petroleum ether : 3 Toluene : 2 Ethyl acetate : 1 Chloroform : 2 Methanol : 2 Spots Observed: Four at Rf 0.19, 0.39, 0.52 and 0.81

Identification: Cymbopogon includes more than 30 perennial tropical grass species with mostly lemon scented foliage. Lemongrass is cultivated for the edible stem and for the essential oil.It is native to India and is now heavily grown and oil produced in the West Indies, Africa and parts of tropical Asia. Lemon grass is an aromatic, perennial, tall grass with rhizomes and densely tufted fibrous roots. It has short underground stems with ringed segments; coarse, green slightly leathery leaves in dense clusters, terminating in a long bristly point. The blades of the grass are about 90 cm long and 0.5 cm wide. The extracted oil of this plant is called lemon grass oil, verbena oil, or Indian melissa oil. Chemical Constituents: Lemon grass contains an essential oil. This oil is sherry colored with a pungent taste and lemon like odor with citral as the principal constituent. The content of this oil varies with the age of the grass. Fresh lemon grass contains an essential oil which has substantial amount of citral. Dry herb yields 0.4 percent essential oil containing up to 72.3 percent citral. The percentage of essential oil in fresh plants goes up to 0.5. Twenty-three (97.3%) constituents are identified. The other main constituents are geranial (up to 33.7%), neral ( up to 26.5%) and myrcene (up to 25.3%). Neomenthol (3.3%), linalyl acetate (2.3%),

FEB -2009

Cultivation: The plant needs pH not varying from 67.2. Lemon grass needs summer days with high heat. The best soil for this plant has a texture that is sandy. Full sun to light shade is best for growing this species. It likes well drained soils. Uses: This plant is used as antidepressant, anti-oxidant, antiseptic, astringent, bactericidal, fungicidal, nervine tonic and sedative. It is also used as a deodorant and body tonic. In skin disorders like acne, rough skin patches, open pores and the link, the lemongrass oil is used by mixing lemongrass with sweet almond or jojoba oil. The oil is with strong antiseptic and bactericidal properties and that’s why it has been used in Indian medicine for thousands of years to fight infectious diseases and fevers. Precaution: Different side-effects like dermatitis from contact with lemongrass, particularly the concentrated oils have been reported. Like other citrus oils, lemongrass can irritate the skin so it needs to be used in a very dilute form.

New Reseacrhes In Medical Science • Anger and Emotions may trigger sudden death. • The brains of men and women respond differ ent to beautiful objects like paintings etc. • Mental fatigue may have adverse effects on physical performance of indivisuals. • Music therapy can help Alzeimer’s Patients. For All Pharmacopoeial Analysis, Standardization of Single as well as Compound Drugs, with Spectrophotometer, Flame Photomeneter, Photomicrograph etc. at nominal charges Contact: Dr. Prashant Kumar Jha CIPR, DIM, PGDEE, M.Sc., Ph.D. Quality Control Laboratories, ALN Rao Memorial Medical College, Koppa Your Suggestions and Queries are invited.

RNI Regd No. KARENG/2002/7924

Z- -ocimene (1.0%), farnesol, citronellal, and E-ocimene are also detected.



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Editor: Prof (Dr.) M.Vidyasagar & Co-Editor: Dr.Prashant kumar Jha Research Co-ordinator Dr. Mahesh.M.Madalageri Printed and Published by ARMARC on behalf of Honourable A. Ramesh Rao, Koppa, Chikmagalur Dt., Karnataka - 577126, India

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