Sectoral Study

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SECTOML STUDY Asa Component of the ParticipatoryActionResearch towardsDeveloping a Comprehensive Sorsogon Ecotourism Plan


TheLingapparasa Kalusugan ngSambayanan, Inc.(LtKAs) Forthe Foundation for Phitippine Environment (FPE), Foundation for a Sustainable Society, Inc.(FSSI) andthe PeaceandEquityFoundation (PEF) November. 2007

Tableof Contents

Title Introduction

Page 1

TheResearch Process Results andAnalysis


5ummary andRecommendations

2 1- 2 3



EXECUTIVE SUll,lARY Whatmakesa destination suitablefor ecotourism? Wittthe Drovince of particularty,makeit as a poputarandcompetitiveecotourism Sorsogon, site? Mth ecotourism asoneof the coreprograms of the newprovincial Government thiscoul.dbecomea reality,especia{ly with the fact that aseartyas2005Locat GovernmentUnits (LGUs),governmentline agenciesand civit socrery organizationshave forged a commitmentto reatize this thrust. They formutateda vision for ecotourismthat is basedon the principtesof biodiversityconservationand sustainabtedevelopment.They aimed for programs and projectsthat shoutdbenefitboth the rich biodiversity of the provinceand the income and quality of tife of the communitiesand organizations that workto maintainit, A studyon the laborand skitlssectorsinvotvedin tourism,or the socatledtourismUnkageindustries,was undertaken in Sorsogon and in nearby Daragaand LegaspiCity in Atbayprovincefrom Juneto August,2007.The assessment wascenteredon the tevetof sufficiency andquatityof the tourism tinkageindustries. Theindustries'hardwarelike the facititjesandutititiesand softwarecomponents suchas the peopte,systemsand serviceswere tooked into. Theresearch formedpart of a three-partstudy,the othertwo beingSite Assessment andMarketResearch. Thetourismindustryis a peopte.oriented andpeopte-powered busjness. It holdsmuchpromisefor job seekersin Sorsogon with the industry,svaried rangeof knowtedge and skiltsrequirements. The sectoralstudyshowedthat thereare but a few tocalpeopleemptoyed in it. Thosealreadyin the business, from the owners/employers, the managers, to the rankand fite, stitt tacka basic understanding of ecotourism.Business-for-Drofit is foremostin their minds,leavingthe etements of community participation ownership, andbenefit andenvironmentat conservation on the side. With the businessthrust, then, one would naturaltytook for the presence practices.0n the contrary,the studysho/ved of soundbusiness that the estabtishments have been operatingwithout any strategicptans.For example,business missionsand strategiesare not ctear and updated,the emptoyees are not adequatety trained,andsystems tikewastemanagement are not wett-ptanned. Tourpackages havebeenverylimitedto Donsot with no little or optionfor other culturat,historical,or recreationat attractionsoutsideof Donsol. Tourguideshavebeenorganized andtrainedbut needfurthertraining products on management guiding andtour itsetf. like artsandcraftshaveoeen designed in the "usual"way with tittle innovativeproductdevetoDment and marketins. Dro-active

jn-u,Oo:niveside,travel the sitesis retativelyconvenient. --, .^9: Airports .to ano rerry terminalsare accessible, the roads iu"ri-Ji*d, uno uir_ conditioned vansandtaxi seryices "r" d; #;;;;i a.e wett*ituateJin vicinities. PhitippineAir Linesoffersa daity ftight ir"r-,f,firf. a L"g"rp,'1n,," C"O" Pacific.has one ftight in the mornrngand anotherin the afternoon.The airport,srestroomsand lounBins

;: ffi; t3;,i:,a.i.,.i,.:l:?i",H.jff jl i"i:?':*,T:1, ::i:g_qlilt, !ii|."' requrres urgent attentionfor truu:t:1.-9lf9rt.fne eufanportfiai no rounging

aJea..forstrandedpassengers ano no.ctean.restrooms.AlthoughA^atnogpoft lacttitiesare better than thosein.6utan,. the municipalityof Matnog 'onenas no organizedgroup to take care of istand.hopein; ;e;;;';;;J'], io"ur ecotourismproductMatnogcan ofter. Communication facilities are.avajtablebut -,, att. towns, tike the fax machine important. not all typescan be found in ior a Ousin6i-trau"G.. *on"y changing facitjtiesare practicattv unavailauteexief,i-j" so,l"e"=,;. a,,v lrosin. For medicat needs. oha

""0 town,/city .",i"i,. pioJi".ili1ffi;i:i ir,. Jl".#ili#iJir",,rT:Fi,.j'i",,1: in sorsoson city", municipalities likelrosinandBulan

iiinilr' *; il



au the sectorsstudied,the accommodation ,-,.._"jIl"C and resraurant Industnes areoperatineretativetvwe[ according to tte minirtilitandards of the DoT.Amongthe ptacesin orovince,sorsoion ciiy, ir"rtn,-ijirui, srtrrun, andButanhavea sufficient number of tourism_r!r"t"J !it.orirn#"irl -recommendations ^^_l!:_191!""i"g short-term,medjum.term,and tong_termintervenuons are presented bv the provinciar

bovernment andotherrocar and*lJ:i,.:ffittt"*n OnOperotions andSerice Management

slOOgrtservlces or the tourismtinkageindustries ,..-.f_!g businesses for profit. For achievingquuti.ty,"rJ.*- arefirst andioremost t*uia, uiiru.,,ng '. u sustainable f{owof touristsandincomi,ii i, importaniina-;E; k;, I Develop areas and businesses according to one ctuster_one product/package conceDt I Conduct Strategic planning Assessmen_t,and ptanning and Business per sector and ensure sectol integration and ,geographicat coordination,executionof :l--:n9 ptans and mobitizationof supportand resources I Facilitateecotourism awareness raisingand capability -tour' buitdingfor the especiauyon Enstish g""d", ::11^.f-?r.c5. ;;l;;;: ..proii.iun.y, marnsrreaming, andotherneededskiits for ecoiourism irZriiii3l

r Devetop a pro-active communication program to make aware of and be interestedin the ecotourism customers/tourists pacKages with the and services r Reviewandensurecomptiance of the businesses andLaborCodes Fire,Sanitation, on EcotourismPromotion are phitosophy to gainground,the fottowingproposats Forthe ecotourism stakehotders: presented to provincialecotourism r Intensiveawarenessraisingon ecotourism,its core principtesand values,waste disposat,minimizingwater and energy conservation andgreentechnotogies consumption, r Institutionatize tocal communityparticipationin the decision-making andcontrot process, to imptementation fromconceptuatization like throughthe artsand I lmprovelocalparticipation andownership andevenhome-stay ownedand-runenterprises, crafts,communattypartnership between agreements and estabtish servicedevelopment andprivatepartners/owners community t Connectintended actions with poverty atleviationmeasureslike andemptoyment formation,locaIsourcing cooperative (handicrafts, arts and crafts,local I lmprovetocalproductdevetopment cuisine)to reftect areas' cutture and creativity without depteting anddevatuing them culturatresources historicandheritage r Conduct furtherstudyon cutturalexperiences' andrecreationalactivities attractions, bodiesandmechanisms r Establish andmakefunctionalcoordinative

lntroduction In 2005, LII(ASspearheadeda gatheringof representativesfrom Locat GovernmentUnits (LGUs),governmenttine agenciesand civit society organizationsfor the devetopmentof an integrated ecotourismptan for the province.The representatives Sorsogon formulateda visionfor ecotourismthat is based on the principtes of biodiversity conservationand sustainable devetopment.The programs and projects shoutd benefit both the rich biodiversity of the province and the income and quatity of tife of the communities and organizations that work to maintainit. To achievethis vision requiredretiabteand retevantresearches on the ecotourismdestinations. One of the researchesis on the labor and skitts sectorsinvotvedin tourism,or the so-catted industries. tourismLinkage The researchentaitsthe inventory of existing hotets, restaurants, home-stay providers, resorts, transport/communjcation, heatth services, financing institutions, travet agencies, andtour operators andthe assessment of their needs, The researchprocesswas undertakenin Sorsogon and in nearbyDaraga and Legaspi City in Atbayprovincefrom Juneto August,2007.The assessment was centeredon the level of sufficiencyand quatity of the tourism linkage industries. Theindustries' hardwaretikethe facititiesandutititiesandsoftware componentssuch as the people, systemsand serviceswere looked into. Requirement-based Tecommendations formedpartof the reportwhichinctuded capacity buitding, operations and service management,and ecotourism marketing.The information generatedwas presentedto locat and natjonal tourismstakehotders in a ProvincialVatidationand PtanningWorkshopin October,whereover-atlrecommendations for tourjsmdevetopment embracing the principLesof ecotourjsm or sustainabtetourism were discussedand aDDroved, The researchwas jojntty funded by the Foundationfor PhiLippine Environment (FPE),the Peaceand EquityFoundation (PEF)andthe Foundation for a Sustainabte Society,Inc.(FSsl).

The ResearchProcess Ohjectives The researchbasicattyaimed to providean anatysisof severattourism linkageindustrieslocated in the Provinceand in the nearbyareasof Daraga and LegaspiCity. SpecificatLy, the studyintendedto: 1. ldentifyskiltsand taborinvotvedin the ecotourismsector;

Determineits tevetof sufficiencyand quatity;and,

3 . Surfacewhat the gapsare. Research Setting The sectoralstudycovered9 out of the 12 areasfor the site Asessmenr component of the Participatory Action Research towards DeveLopingo Comprehensive SorsogonEcotourismPlan. The sites are existing ecotourism (ocatedin or within the vicinjtiesof emergingand destinations.Estabtishments potentiatdestinationswere automaticaltyinctudedsincemanyof theseservices and estabtishments are locatedin the town properwhere travet to atmostall destinationsstarts. DataCo\ection Primaryand secondarydata gatheringwere emptoyedin the research process.Secondarydata were gathered from the LGU sites through the Municipal Tourism Officers and the Municipat Ptanningand Development (MPDCS), Coordinators and from the ProvinciatTourismOffice, the Department of Tradeand Industry(DTl),Department of Tourism(DOT),and the Nationat StatisticsOffice (Nso).Theofficial websitesof a few of the LGUSand of NationatEconomicand Devetopment Authority(NEDA)and Departmentof Labor and Employment(DoLE)were tookedinto. Primary data gathering was done through individuat focus group inteMews and actual visit to the estabtishments. A ProvinciatVatidationand PtanningWorkshopwith the respondents and other tourism stakehotders were conducted to enrichthe dataandensureits correctness.

Limitations A majorconstraintin the data gathering wasthe unavailability of some datain the LGUS.Thiswasattributed to the post-election turn-over of workand information.

Resultsand Analvsis What makes a destination suitabte for ecotourism?A destination's suchas on potentialfor ecotourismencompasses variousareasfor assessment attractions, infrastructure and services, market demand, suppty and cultural competitiveness,human and institutional capacity, socio-economic, and natural resourceuse considerationsand environmentaland biodiversity Processwill enable practitionersto guide impacts. "A Tourism Assessment future planning for the development of tourism ventures, projects, or destinationsthat can create neededjobs and income opportunities,white activety contributingto environmentatconservation,communitydevelopment and poverty reduction." (Linking Communities,Tourism & Conservation,A Process.2005) Tourism Assessment process,emanating Sorsogonhas been the site of such an assessment from the reftection of the [oca[ governmentand civit society teadersthat tourist influx need not start and end with the whale sharkinteraction in the coastattown of Donsot.The fottowinginformationand anatysisseeksto provide tourism stakehotderswith a picture of the suppty side of tourism - the vis"d-vis the potentiat sufficiency and qualityof the tourismlinkageindustries marketneeds. The tinkage,which is atsocattedthe five A's of tourism,startswith Arrivat, fo(lowed by Access,Accommodation,Attractions and Activities, as wilt fottow these summarizedin the illustrationbetow.The ensuingdiscussion connections,

Figure1: TourismLinkagefndustries Plane

Housinq/ Accommod'ation

r'[E"l .*"","r."n,@ FEil . so,u.n,,

' Holel

:;:r:r"ffif LeisurelActivity

' Roads . Bridges ' Airporls ' Ports ' Telephone

' Facilities- parks, golf


course ' Casino, pX shops

' rravet ltrA



(Source: Ecotourism OrientationTraining lor ,AMB, LtKAS, August,2006l A. Arrival ,.firstimpression . ,.Thesaying ta to the tourismindustrv.Travelers Inruauycomein contacr*r,n ,r2llli':l9lt:: "Ljl,.rii#"Yitagencies or touroperators,

and terminats tfreairports, u"i"l" what the operators agencies or io ior.irir"',i,,,tn"^l.t " 9"*tnutions' orliscourieethem. "n"rr"rl"li rransportation

i:tf,J,."#lJli:eo "rr"",i'ii'1"

1. TravelAgencies andTourOperators

interviewed j'a"f l s€ncv outori 2or .were rTouili ;:: rl*,,"n1?i,ir"JiJff t:'9 in Lesazpi based citv in A'tan-ita' andone 99'9d fi-;r';;H;::



coveringwhalesha* i"i"i".ti""]l.,l1tkag€ limited.toAtbavsitesina oonsoi, offersa one-dayr"."r iiri i-"'iill"Scrursrng andfireflieswatching.Another of visitsto Dancatan-Beach Durusan Lakern Butusan, and lruluo H.9o:-tiltutive Resort in lrosin,

Barcelona, theoldchurch nitura"uir'in ffi;;'i::."YI!: of whale shark Donsot interaction in , andt'" p..oi. ;;1i.";;i^"i::tit|tto-and cottese and Fernando sorsoson city.irr" ,ti'iilr'il,r'ii:"fl: Horerin :::T

unram'iarity *iir,ir,l-al,iiilir;;:,"ff;"il#T,l::lffil ;i: lfi:,.;f:it*

actual sjte visits were impractica{.Learningcould not possibtyhappenwith sucha fast-phased visit. Touristsmay find this disorienting and disconcerting whichcoutdredoundto unfavorabte,,word-of-mouth,, Dromotion. One offer describesthe Donsotoption as,,Enjoy the rare experienceof snorketr'ng and watchingthe whate sharksas they swim lazity white feeding. Someare biggerthan your boat!',.Advertisements are not learning-oriented and "touristic",far from promotingthe prjnciptes of ecotourism or s;stainabte tourism.Apartfrom this, there are no descriptionsof the other sites. Tours rates for whate sharking package range from php993.00 to Php3,550.00 per personfor 3 daysand 2 nights,depending on the numberof personsin the group. A one-daytour without any accommodation costsfrom Php307.00 to Php1,583.00 per person.Stitt anotheragencyoffers one-oay sorsogon tour costingfrom Php350.00 per person.Inctusions to php550.00 of package the fees are bustransfers,accommodation in locat resorts,tour guide services,interaction guides,entrance fees and governmenttaxes, souvenjr items and/or food attendantsin the bus, comptjmentary streamers, fun and gamesinsidethe bus,first aid kit, and travelinsurance. Theseare the usual perlcandattractions in the business. 2. AirlinesandAirDorts The airport.isin LegazpiCity and a one-hourdrive from Sorsogon City. _. There..are 2 airlinesservicing the route, phitjppineAirtinesand Cebupacifii, providing daity ftights to and from Manila. Cebu pacific has morning and afternoonftigh-ts.This is advantageous to passengers originatingfrom Soasoqon sinceLegazpiCity is atmost3 hoursfrom the towns of Butan,Matnogand Sta. Magdatena. The airporthasbeenrenovatedrecently.Restrooms areitean and with adequatein water supply.Toilet papersand soips are not provided.There are no hooks inside the units to hang bags for ease especjaLtyto unaccompanied passengers. 3. Ferriesond Seaports The piersof Pilar, Butanand Matnogin Sorsogon were visited.The piersare the jump-off points for other ptacestike SorsogonCity from pitar and the Visayasistandsfrom Butanand Matnog.The phitippineports Authority (ppA)is managing the operationsof theseseaports.The ports,facititiesneedto be improvedfor better passenger comfort. In Bulan, no loungingareafor strandedpassengers and hygienic comfort roomswith regularwater suppty.There are no telephoneLrnesanO jnternet accesswhichare a ,,must,,especial.ty for foreigntourisi:s.Avaitablesea transportation includesonlycommerciat boatswhichtravetto Masbate Cityand other smatterboats. The ferry boat serviceis no tongeroperationat.

Matnogport is undergoingrehabititationand expansion.There is no service' organizedgroupof boat operatorsthat can provideisland-hopping route presentlyhas4 regutardajtytrips (2 in the morning The Pitar-Masbate and 2 in the afternoon).Thereare big and smatlfastcrafts,with the big unit and the smalterone 81-89peopte'The seats 144 passengers accommodating are comfortableand toitets are avaitabteand maintained.The AreaManagerof the MontenegroShippingLines operatingthe trips reveatedthe company's wiltingness to open a Pilar-SorsogonCity route especiatty during the and "butanding"seasonas long as the price is right and site inspections afford can possibitity, enthusiasts "butanding" oermitsare favorabte.Withthis without taking a taxingland trip. of Sorsogon" side the "other io experience Sites that can be covered through this option are the historic Panlatuan Bagatao trade, Magatlanes' shipyardduringthe time of the Manita-Acaputco hetd, andthe in Luzon was mass Churchwherethe first lsta;dor the Gibalong pearl farms of castil(a before finatty dockingto the "rompeolas"of sorsogon and at the "rompeotas" buscan meetthe passengers tity. An air-conditioned take them to the other townsof Sorsogon. 4. BusTerminals route.Theend'points ptyingthe Manita"Sorsogon Thereare 5 buscompanies City. Ticketing Sorsogon and are Butan,Matnog,Bulusan,Sta. Magdatena, officesand pick-uppointsare convenienttytocatedin the centersof the towns. to The waiting areas, however,are not comfortabteas to a(tow passengers poor white the time away productivetyand restfutty.The dirtinessand maintenanceof the toitets, if there are any' aggravatethe passengerof busterminats. unfriendliness 5, Tronsportservice A totat of l1 out of 24 organizedtransportationgroupswere interviewed, -Sorsogon, PiLar/ Daraga with 5 operatingpubticutitity vansptyingthe Legazpi routes. The rest were jeepney/bus/tricycte Sorsogon,and Matnog'sorsogon groupsin Sta.Magdatena andButusan. or cooperatives; Hatf of the transportgroupsare organizedas associations emptoyment mission, structure, however, onty 2 mentionedhaving business peopte. Atmostatt of poticiesand reservationsystem.They emptoy311 local Engtish but this requires speak them expressedthey can fairty read, write and vatidation. Drivers and dispatchers have been trained onty on Traffic Relations or Service. on Customer and nonewhatsoever Management The bus and van pubtic transport groupscan be reachedthrough mobiLe phonecommunication. They serveatl of the towns of Sorsogonand can be

hired for trips even to the Visayas,Mindanao,and Manita. They ask for passengerreservationsone week before departuredate during peak seasons. Off-seasonreservationscan be made anytime, Most require down payment white a few requireeither reservationfee or paymentbeforethe actuatdate of the trip. 6. RestroomAyoilobitity Traveting oftentimes disrupts the toitet scheduteof passengers;thus, convenientty-tocated and sanitaryrestroomsdo servethe purposeof ensuring passenger/traveter safetyand comfort. The avaitabjtityof cteanrestroomsis a gender-responsive service to women traveters, A review of the route from Daragato Sorsogon reveatedthat there are tittte welt-maintainedrestaurants and 7 gasolinestations atong the way that can provide restroom service. WhateveravaiLabte are unsanitaryand do not providesoapsand toitet paper. B. Access Tourismentajtsmovementof peoptefrom the origjnto the destination.Thjs underscores the importanceof having adequateinfrastructureand basic servicestike communicationnot onty to developan ecotourismdestinationbut atsofor tourist convenience. L


The provinceis easily accessedfrom other points in Luzonthrough the MaharlikaHighwaysystem.Busesptyingthe Manil.a-Tactoban or Manila"Davao route carry commutersatt the way up to Matnogand are ferried acrossto Atten in Northernsamar.A networkof secondaryroadstinksthe other municipatities together.The port in Bulanmovescargoand passengers betweenSorsogon and Masbate.The roadsare wetl paved. 2. Communication PhonecompaniesseMcingSorsogon inctudethe pLDT,Bayantet,and Digitet companies.Onty in SorsogonCity do alt of these companiesoperate. Municipatitieswhere at least one of theseoperate inctudeButan,lrosin,Sta. Magdatena, Butusan, Matnog,and Gubat.Mretesscommunication systems like the Smartand Gtobeand its affitiatesare nowoperationat in the Drounceand reacheventhe farthesttowns. 3. Shopping MaIIs Thereare no big mattsin the province.The 2 big ones,the LCCand pacific Matts,are tocatedin LegazpiCity. Instead,there are medium-chainstoresin

Sorsogon City [ike the Robertson's,Sampaguita,Footstep,D Best, and a few generatmerchandise municipat-based [ocatty-owned stores. 1. Business Centers Besidesthe tetephonesystems,internet facititiescan be found in Sorsogon City and in 8 municipatities.Theseare connectedto the Smart Bro wireless internet system. Fax machinesare avaitabteonly in SorsogonCjty, Gubat, lrosin,and Bulan. C. Accommodation l. Hotelsand Resorts There were 27 [oca[ hotels/resortsvisited for the study. Of these, 14 are singteproprietor-owned and 3 are corporate-owned. Theyemptoya totat of 198 persons,mosttywomen. There are 16 that had att of its emptoyeesundergo Foodand BeverageHandtingtrainingof the DOTand had sent staff for training on ResortManagementsponsoredby their respectiveLGU.Att other tourismand service-retatedtrainingsprovidedto emptoyeesare found in the tabte betow. Table 1: TrainingsProvidedto Hotel and ResortEmployees Number of Positionof Hotels/Resorts EmDlovee 16 Attpositions

Title/Type of Training

Sponsor DOT



Food A Beverage Handtinq Briefinq ResortManaqement Food& Beverage



Tourism Awareness

7 3

Waiter MessBoys

TourGuidinq TouristReceDtion FoodHandtinq FoodPreparation




HousekeeDinq FirstAid

DOr tGU Sorsogon ProvinciaL Tourism Council (sPTC) DOT DOT DOT Sorsogon State Cotteee DOT


"Tourismis a people-oriented anddepends business on quatityservicefrom trained managersand employees. "(Linking Communities,Tourism & Conservotion, A TourismAssessment Process, 2005).The corestaff hasbeen primary trained on their duties but humanrelationstrainingsand even

ecotourismorientationhavenot beenprovided,lt can be noted that there is a local training institute, the SorsogonState Cottege,that can be tapped for tourism-retated trainings.A capabititybuitdingprogramin partnership with the gap. schoolcoutdhetpfitt the humanresource development Another skitt of importanceto those invotvedin the tourism industry is communication.Mth foreign tourists besidesthe tocats as target groups, proficiency in Engtishof ALL people in the invotved estabtishmentsis a necessity.Thoughatt thoseinterviewedexpressedthat their staff were fair in Engtishreadjng,writing, and speaking, this remainsto be validated.0n the otherhand,the staffis friendly,accommodating, andservewith a smile. Humanresourcedevetopmentinvotvesmorethan capacitybuitdingwork. lt inctudesmanagementof the working environmentto faciLitatebetter work performance.For exampte,are the emptoyeesgiventhe benefitsthey navea right to? Are the satarieswithin the minimumwage requirements? These concernsneedto be addressed, too.

(Rstitu(\onql ca$ac\t\es s$ the Dh)s\ca\, sDesb\\$$s a\$ ma$agemen\ asDet\s

of the businessstrengthenthe competjtivenessof the hotets/resorts.Most often what these businesses offer the touristsand traveterswilt increasethe vatue of the ecotourismdestinationor attraction. The quatjty of the interviewedestabushments on theseaspectsis shownbelow. Table 2: Presence/Availability of SelectedFacilitiesand Services in Hotelsand Resorts System/SeMce InformationDesk

WasteManagement Avaitabitiry of Hotel/Resort Information Highwaymarkers Wordof mouth Locatknowtedge Schoots ptanet LoneLy Ownwebsite Owntour services FLyers, brochures Meansof communication Mobitephone TeLephone Internet Intercom Firefightjng facitities

Numberof E tablishments Present/Available 16 19 7 8 5 2 2 ,I 1 2 19 12 5 1 17

System/Service Securjtysystem Hiredsecu ty guard Barangay tanod None Signboards Avaitabjtityof potabtewater Insurance Tourguide;In-house Contracted/On catl

Transport service:ln-house Contracted/ Oncatl

Numberof E5tablishments PresenvAvailable 8 2

11(8on precautionary measures, 3 onsiteinterDretatjon) 6 1 6 1 4

Massage: ln-house Contracted/On caLl

3 8

Schedute of clean-up of rooms: Rightaftervisitorschecked out Daity


Parkingspace Paved Not paved Gravel Grass Minimum caDacitv

Facitities Convention/conference haLls Picnichuts/Cottages Videoke machines Coffeeshops / restau rants

I 6 5 1 '10vehictes

12 11 11 9

The tabtes aboveshowsthat the businesses have the usuatseMce or procedureslike the informationdesksJwaste disposalthrough avaiLabitityof garbagecans,fire extinguishers and daily cLeaningof the rooms.Facititiesare wett-maintained and surroundings kept ctean.Furnishings are was observed,though, that the waste segregatjonis not done and the fire extinguishersneed to be checkedfor their expirationdates. The fire stations are generattymorethan a kitometerawayfrom them, whichalt the morecouro frighten the touristsawayif they are awareof this condition.Comptiance with the Fire Codehasto be checkedas wett as with the SanitationCodeif ouatitv serviceis to coverensuringheatthand safetyof ctients. The operationof the estabtishments was not strategicattyptanned. Thoughinvestmentsand efforts were madeon the buitdingstructuresand basic facitities and on ensuringstaff courteousness and friendtiness,the business missions and organizationat structures were not ctear. The ontyprocedures or


mechanisms that havebeenarrangedwere the poticiesfor reservations and the rates of service. The businesseshave been started to resDondto the planning. opportunity for tourismwithoutan accompanying strategicbusiness Tour guidingis not an in-houseservicein the hotetsand resorts. Four personscontractedfor tour guidingservicewere interviewed. Onty one has attendeda TourGuidingSeminarof the SEAMANCOR and anothertook part in an Ecotourism Seminarof LlKAs.Theyhadinvolvedin tour guidingfor various reasonssuch as through membershipin SEAMANCOR, recommendation of retatives,and referraIfrom the barangaycaptain. Tour guidingas well as languageinterpretationis an opportunjtyfor tocatemptoyment.What better coutdcaptivatetouriststhan colorfutlocal site storiesthat are basedon history and scientific informationand interestingLy totd?Tourguidingrequires trainedpeoptewhichare of shortsuppty.Thosewho are engagedin it at the momentare aptty informedfrom famity storiesbut not from scientificand research-based knowtedee. Table3: Tour Guides'Knowledge of LocalTourismSites Fomiliarity

VeryFamjtiar- 3






Geography" 3

Features - 3

Source Storiesfrom famjty - 4

Research- 1

Formal tra]ning- 2

Thetour guideshaveonlythe tourists'satisfaction in mindin theirwork. perception Their of ecotourismis centeredon the touristsand lackingin orientationon how tourismcan be madeto work for the ecotogicat, cutturat, sociaIand economicbenefitto the residentsof the sites.

Table 4: Tour Guides'Perceptionof QuatityServiceand Ecotourism Perceptionof Qualityservice Knowledgeof Ecotourism ptacenotfound Goodsericel eoodrelationswith visitors Ptaceto retax,beautr'fut

anywnere e$e Hoppyond sotisfied tourists


VoI'unteer service

Environment is n'ch,naturaL resources stjtL aDouno in thearea,natureNature avaitabLe friendty Protecting the environment sotourists wilt comeandvisit

QualityserviceprovjdedJworkswith 0a55ton Entertaining the visitorsweLlsotheywitI comeDacK Giveatt that can be givento satisfy customer

Fivehotetscanbe considered standardhotetsunderthe ctassification of the Department of Tourism,thoughnot in the strict sense.For exampte, foreignexchange counterandmedicalservices are not avaitabte insjdetheir bujtdings. Table 5: Classificationof Resortsper DOTStandards ClassA


Sorsogon City Boanerges BeachResort Fisherman s Hut Dino'sBeachResort Dizon's BeachResort

BaconBeach& DiveCenter


PatmCreekBeach Gubot RizatBeach Buluson DancalanBeach CrystalSpringResort lrosin GuestWodd Resort MateoHot & CotdSpring Sto. Mdedoleno



BatadingBeachResort NewPort BeachResort PamanaBeachResort Motnog BantiguiBeachResort Prieto Dioz Sabang Beach

Three resortspassthe criteria for a CtassAA resort. The wetl-operated and maintainedhotetsand resortscan be found in Sorsogon City, emphasjzing the needfor attracting touristsinto the heart of Sorsogon white at the same time facititatingthe development and/or improvement of ecotourism-retated estabtishments in the other towns. Hotet and resort rates are cheaperin Sorsogonthan that of Atbayaccommodations but higher than other ptacesin the Phitippineslike in Palawan.Mth tourists mostty budget tourists and backpackers, the roomratesin Sorsogon are definitetyaffordabte. Table 6: Typesof Hotel and ResortRoomsand Rates Numberof AircondltionedRooms


Numberof Non-air conditionedRooms



Php800.00/room goodfor 4 persons


Php900.00/ room goodfor 1 person Php2,100.00/ room goodfor 6 persons


Php250.00. 700.00/pefson Php2,500.00 for 12 persons



Php800.00 6,000.00/room





Php400.00600.00/Derson Php'l,600.00 singte room Php1,875.00 doubLe room



Php400.00/room goodfor 5 persons




15 - 1

Php750.00/room Php600.00/room goodfor 4 Php200.00/person

Php300.00 fora srngteroom Php780.00 for a doubLe room Php250.00/person Phpl,000.00/ room for 2 persons

Numberof AirconditionedRooms 18 - 1

20- z

27- 1



Numberof Non-air conditionedRooms

Php2,425.00 room goodfor 4 Dersons Php1,000.00 double room Php1,500.00 good for 4 persons Php375.00 to 600.00

35- 1


Php'1,060.00 double room Php1,250.00 good for 3 persons Php1,600.00 Cood for 4 Dersons Php150.00600.00/person Php1,080.001,500.00/room


Php990.00/room goodfor 4 persons Phpl,080.00/ room goodfor 5 Dersons Php100.00/person Php800.00 for a roomgoodfor 7 Persons(famity room) Php1,500.00 "bahaykubo"

Thehotetsandresorts'perception of quatityseMceis customer-focused andis evidentin theirconcentration on the basicoperation of facititiesand services. Their knowledge of ecotourism needs to be strengthened, bejng _ business"focused and famity profit-orientedwjth tittle iecoenition of communityparticipation and benefit.Thereare but onty4 respondEnts which recognize etementsof ecotourism tike the financiatandsociatbenefitsfor the sitepoDULation. Table 7: Perceptionof euality Serviceand Ecotourism. Accommodation Establishments PerceDtionof Goodottitudes (nice/courteous/ h AIwovssmile Guestsleavesatis

Presentabte attire Goodfood Goodfacitities Attendto/entertain estswetL Saf

24l7 service

Preservotion of the naiiialiesources in Encourogeeueststo isit ands proqressfor the LGA Business/ LiveLihood for the communi Devetopment of the Loca[

Partof tounsm Utitization of rawmateriats in tfrearea Devetopment of the Dl.aci


of Ecotourism

on of OualitvService


that offers 'a serviceis anotherform of accommodation Home-stay thosewith timited especially homeawayfrom home".lt offerstocatresidents Therewere4 business' for gettinginto the ecotourism capitatwifh opportunity -provi-ding home-stayservicesin Butusan,Donsot' iaiiiies inte'r"iewed The operatorsare retiredcoupleswho have and Sta.Magdatena. A4agattanes, 'business They can read, write, and speak with companionship. coribined ingtishfairty and two haveactuattyobtainedcottegeeducation'They have of 5 years'One of oneyearanda maximum for a minimum Ueinin ttrebusiness famity offers tour guiding'They are not awareof the NationalHome-stay of the DOT. Program arein andthe houses anddurabte areconcrete structures Thebuilding rooms,the other2 ontyhavenonthe town proper.lwo offer air-conditioned toitetand cleanandwetl-maintained rooms.Forthe 3 homes, air-conditioned bathfacititiesaretocatedinsidethe rooms.Meatsarenot served' but their perception The home'stayprovidershaveheardof ecotourism is timitedto the fottowing: of ecology I something aboutdevetopment r cteanandrichenvironment fromthe highend r involvesPeoPte I takingcareof whatwe have destinations/sites of tourism showcase I nationat/internationat D. Restaurants wereinteMewed,with 18of them A totat of 23 restaurantestablishments of their Composition and the rest corporation"owned. individuatty-owned is asfotlows: emptoyees By sex in Restaurants, Table8: Typeof EmPloyees TvDeof Employees

: 1-2staff Manageriat

Mates 9









TvDe of EmDlovees

RankandFite; 1-2staff

3-5 6-8 9-11

outnumbers that of men in the restaurantbusiness. Femaleemptoyment tookinginto the gender-sensitivity andgender-responsiveness Thisunderscores sector.Tabte8 atsoshowsthe (imitedoperationof the of eventhe ecotourism indicates.Trainingfor these business as the few numberof emptoyees is reftectedin Tabte9 below. emptoyees Tabte9: TrainingsProvidedto RestaurantEmployees Numberof Restaurants

2 18 77

Positlonof EmDlovee

Marketinq crew Service crew In-house bovs LOOK



Itqe/ type oT

Tralnine Salesmanshio Stationtraininq FoodhandUne Cooking

Orjent Makati


Dininestaff Foodservice PrivatesDonsor Kitchenstaff Kitchenmanaeement TESDA Waiter/waitresses Tabte setting and customerrelations Diningand kitchen Emptoyer-emptoyeeDTI staff retationshio

It is in the restaurant business is that capabititybuitdingon serviceprovision accordedimportanceas indicatedin the numberof restaurants that had its fronttine workerstrained. other training institutionsremain untappedto updateandcapacitatethe workers,eitherfrom lackof informationor lackof financiaIresources in supportof thisintervention. Therestaurants visitedwerethoselocatedin the centerof the towns/city. Thereis a dearthof eatingptacesthat arewithinthe vicinityof the ecotourism sites.The restaurants were visitedare wett-maintained, cteanand orderty. Thereare separatetoitetsfor men and womenand washingfacitities,with adequatewater suppty.Workingareasin the kitchenare spacious.Waste management is timitedto the ptacement of trashcansin the proper[ocations. The quatityand of food shoutdbe further assessed for comptiance with the requirements of the Sanitation Code.

Onty 5 had security guardsunder their employ. Fjre extinguisherswere availabtein just 13 restaurants.Safetyand securityof ctients are, therefore, concerns that needfurtherattention. The restaurantshavetheir own speciattiesand offer cateringserviceseven to the [ocal resorts.For their ingredients,18 respondentssourcetheirs from the tocalities. This is a window of opportunity for local residentsto be involvedin the ecotourismbusiness by venturinginto food production. The restaurants ptace importance on enjoyment and satisfaction of customersfrom eating and this is evidentat least in the physicalmaintenance of the restaurants and in the provision of trainings for the workers. Ecotourism,for those in the restaurantindustry, is confined to traditionat tourism with the exception of a few respondentswho expressedeconomic, ecologicaI andcutturaldimensions of ecotourism. Table 10: Perceptionof quality Serviceand Ecotourismof Respondents, Restaurant Business PerceDtionof OualitvService goodfood quolity cleansurroundings/

Knowledgeof Ecotourism peoptevisjt the sjte

entertainthe customers

touristsftockjngto the area

consistent foodproducts in termsof taste,appearance; consistent, fast,and efficientservice;hadresearched new menu5 encourage customers

needfor differentgroups of peoplefor the town'sprogress


entertaining we{tthe visitors

hetpsetevatethe statusof tourism

protecting the ecotogicaI system

presentLocat foodto tourists

incometo the disadvantased Drovidine

E.Souvenir ShoDs Anotheravenuefor sensing the applicationof ecotourism is in the settingof [oca[productsto tourists. First, communities can be madepart of this as indivdualentrepreneurs or in groupsthroughcommunityorganizations. Second,the communityresidentscan be sourcesof raw materiatsor the productsitsetf and benefit from additionaLsourcesof income.And third, productscan be madeto reftectthe tocalities'way of life and cutturewhile preserving its authenticityandsuppl.y.

There were 8 souvenirshopsinterviewed, 7 of them owned by singte proprietorsand the other one by a cooperative.Five are registeredwith the DTIand had hadits workers,25-50of them, trainedthroughthe department's skittstrainings. Items sold were wattets, housedecorations,t-shirts, accessories, and piti sweets.Bestse[ing items are the accessories and thosesotdin butkwere house decorations,Discountsare atwaysgiven. Sourcesof raw materiatsare within and outsidethe municipatities but stitt within the province.There are two which sourceout from other provinces.Productsare made-to-order for 5 of the shops. The "one town, one product"conceptof the DoT needsto be appliedin the souvenirshop business. Speciattyproductsneed not be limited to non-food items,for exoticcuisine/food tike the "Bicotexpress"and the "kinagang" atso havea way of attractingvisitors.Additionatinformationon the food ethnicity woutdappeaIto anyoneinterested in tocalculture. For thosein the souvenirshopbusiness,their perceptionof quatity service is very basic as having "quatity products",getting clients and ensuring satisfaction asTable11 shows.Onthe otherhand,the tackof organization and strategic businesssenseevident even simpty in the types of productssotd contradictthis. The abacaproductsand shell crafts can be foundin other parts of the regionANDthe Phitippines, imptyingthe needto further devetopthe province'sspeciaLtyproducts.For example,if Sorsogon leadsthe regionin the production of piti, an in-depthstudyinto the piti industrywitt be mosthetpfut. For the concept of ecotourismto be nurtured in the province,the souvenir shopindustryis a criticatvehicteto demonstrate communityparticipation and batancing cutturaIauthenticity andresource conseryation. Table 11: Perceptionof Quality service and Ecotourismof Respondents, souvenirshoDs Perceptionof QualltyService providing quoli A products goodapproachemDLoved entertainingwel[ to 5atj5fycLjents

Sales-tatk weti offerinq[oca[products

Knowledqeof Ecotourism friendsfrom other countriesvisit our ploce Dromotionof the beoutvof the Dloc materiats in the Dlaceare avaiLabte promotion of peopte's vaLues

business sense DtaceLovisit

F. Leisure/Activity A vatueaddition to an ecotounsm site is anyactivityor attractionthat would encouragetourists to smy rongerin the ptaceor evenexpLoreother

sites.Examptes are culturalattractionsshowingtraditionaldancingor rituals, sports andfitnessfacitities, andmedicat/heating centers. For this study emergingactivitiessuchas spaswere visited.One is locatedin lrosin,Sorsogon andthe othertwo are in Sorsogon City. Massage, acupressure, acupuncture, steambath, and reflexologyare offeredin these centers.Herbalsoapsand medicines are availabtefor sate,Homeserviceis a commonoption.Thepaymentfor steambathsrangesfrom Php50.00 to 150.00 dependingon the durationand for acupressure and massageit is from Php150.00 to Php250.00 depending on the [ocation of the ctient.Theservice providers are proficientin Engtish andhavebeenformatlytrainedtikewith the Technical Education (TESDA) SkitlsDevetopment Authority andwith the Phitippine Centerfor TraditionalandAseanMedicine.spaworkers/operators' perception of ecotourismis confinedto havingtouristswho havemoneyto spenoano comingfor pteasure with the community benefiting in the end.Besides the center-based estabtishments there are individuatpractitioners in each municipatity whoareon-cat[for hotelandresortcustomers. Thereis actuallyinadequacy of organized leisureor activitiesto choose from. With whale-sharking as the star attractionin the province,cuttural practicesand historic attractions have been given littte attention. A recreationalactivity commonfor atLareasis the operationof videokebars. Apartfrom these,other educationat, recreatjonat, and evenmedicat/heatjng packagesfor tourists need further conceptuatization or develoDment and Promotion. G, Adequacy of Establishments/Sectors perMuniclpality Ecotourism destinations can be ctusteredin the devetoDment of tour packages. Withoutsettingasidequatity,the presence or absenceof tourismretatedindustriesin eachof the municipatity/city in the provinceis of prime consideration if the clusteringis to be viable.Tabte 12 showshow these industries aredistributedthroughout the proMnce. Sorsogon City and lrosin provide the most number and types of establishments necessary for the ecotourism destinations. lrosinhasadvanced par to be at with Sorsogon Cityfor the avaitabitity of supportservices dueto its strategictocationandto the presence andnearnessof "pioneer',tourismsites - the MateoSpringsResortandthe Butusan Lake.Sorsogon City and lroslnare centrallylocatedandcanbe actualtytinkedwith the otherptacesfor whatever viableandattractivepackage. Pitar,Butusan, andButancomesecondin having available servicesfor tourist comfort and convenience. Amone the estabtishments, moneychanging facititiesarehardto find.


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andRecommendations Summary Thetourismindustryis a peopte-oriented andpeople-powered business. It existswith the touristssoletyin mind,their comfort,convenience, health requiringthe emptoyof humanresources with is service-focused strategies,lt the necessary capacitiesand appropriateservicemanagement hotdsmuchpromisefor [oca[job seekerswith its variedrangeof knowtedge andskittsrequirements suchason: r I I r r r

Managerial andoperational Accounting andcontrotUng Humanresource management Marketing andsa(es Leadership Foodservices skitlssuchasmenuplanning, foodpreparation andwaiting tabtes r Housekeeping guestservices I Reception r Travetagencyservices I Touroperations I Attractionandrecreationa[ management r Knowtedge of destination, i.e,, cutturatheritage,historyandbiodiversity I Interpretation, guidingandtanguages I Parkandprotectedareamanagement r Architecturat design,tandscaping andbuitding I Business planning anddevetopment I Land-use ptanning, zoning andbuitding codes t Environmentat management andauditing I Banking andcreditcardservices (LinkingCommunities, Tourism& Conservation, A ToutismAssessment Process, 2005) The studyof tourism-retated industriesor the supportservicesbrought to the fore its existinggapsin quatityandsufficiency that showhowthe above opportunities havenot beentakenadvantaged of to the futl. A gtaringfindingis - the the tackof basicunderstanding of ecotourism amongthosein the business owners/employers, the managers, andthe rankandfile. Actionsemanatefrom perceptions. Withontyquatityservice andbusiness/employment/income in the mindsof the ownersandthe workforce,the etements of community ownership, participationand benefit and environmental conservation are sidetracked. Survivalis of utmostimportanceyet the meansto achieveandsustainit are not accorded its dueconsideration. With the business thrust,one wouldnaturallytookfor the presence of sound businesspractices.On the contrary, the study showedthat the estabtishments havebeenoperatingfor purposes of havinga profit-for-income

actions.Theyhavetaken operationfor the momentwith littl.eforward-tooking withoutany made decisions astheycameatongand the business opportunities missions attendantstrategicassessment and planning.For exampte,business not are adequatety and strategiesare not clearand updated,the empLoyees Eventhe are not welt-planned. trained,and systemslike wastemanagement from these operatingwett, are not exempt hotels,which are comparabty havebeenvery timitedto Donsotwith no optionfor findings.Tour packages other cutturat,historicat,or recreationalattractions.Groupsof trainedtour guideshavebeenestabtished and but needfurther trainingon management in the guiding crafts have been designed itself. Productslike arts and tour "usuat" way with tittte innovativeproduct devetopmentand pro-active marketing, Travet NoteveMhingis on the redin the supportservicefor ecotourism. Airportsandferryterminalsareaccessibte, to the sitesis retativetyconvenient. vansandtaxi services arewet[and air-conditioned the roadsarewetl-paved, availabilityin regutarpointsalong situatedin the terminatvicinities.Restroom travel route and toilet sanitationmust be given the Albay to Sorsogon attention, though. Communication amenitiesare compteteexcept for fax machine and internet shopscan be foundin almostall the centersof the avaitabitity moneychanging facitityneeds of readity-accessed towns/city.Theinadequacy pharmacies in medical needs, are conveniently-located to be addressed, For the town/city centers.The provincialhospitaland two privatehospitatsare found in the city white doctors' clinics can be found only in central municipatities tikelrosinandButan. and restaurant Amongalt the sectorsstudied,the accommodation per teast minimum standards of the industries are operatingrelativelywett,at and in sorsogon, City,lrosin,Pitar,Butusan, DoT.Amongthe ptaces Sorsogon estabtishments. Bulanhavea sufficientnumberof tourism-related in supportof ecotourism, the With the presence of possiblebusinesses capabitityof the potentiatlabor force requiresto be equaLlyconsidered. Assumingthere is adequateworkforce,are there enoughresourcesand trainingsto buildthem up?Whichinstitutionsare avaitableto supporttourism developmentin the area?Theseare criticat concernsthat the provinciat government and privateptayerscoutdtookinto if the ecotourism ecotourism paradigm is to takerootsandbearfruits. ls Sorsogon, then, a suitableecotourismdestination? Witt its present supportservicesaddressthe needsof the tourists?with the followingshortrecommendations it canbe term, medium-term, and long-term interventions maoelrue,

OnOperotions ondService lrlanagement Thesupportservices or the tourism[inkageindustries arefirst andforemost businesses for profit. For achievingquatity seMce towardsattracting a sustainabLe ftowof touristsandincome,it is importantandurgentto: r Devetopareas and businesses accordingto one cluster-one product/package concept I Conduct Assessment per Strategic and Ptanning and Business Planning sector and ensure sectoral and geographicatintegration and coordination,executionof ptans and mobitizationof supportand resources I Facititateecotourism awareness raisingand capabititybuitdingfor the work force especialtyon Engtishproficiency,tour guiding,gender mainstreaming, andotherneeded skittsfor ecotourism industries r Devetop a pro-active communication program to make customers/tourists aware of and be interestedin the ecotourism pacKages I Reviewand ensurecomptiance of the businesses and services with the Fire,Sanitation, andLaborCodes OnEcotourismPromotion phitosophy Forthe ecotourism to gainground,the fottowingproposats are put forwardto provincja[ ecotourism stakeholders: I I I

t I r I

Intensiveawarenessraisingon ecotourism,its core principlesand conseryationvalues,waste disposat,minimizingwater and energy consumption, andgreentechnologies participation lnstitutionalize local community in the decision-making process, fromconceptualization to imptementation andcontrol lmprove[oca[participation andownership Likethroughthe artsand crafts,communaltyownedand-runenterprises, andevenhome-stay servicedevelopment partnership andestabtjsh agreements between private partners/owners community and Connectintended actions with poverty atteviationmeasureslike cooperatiye formation,locaIsourcing andemptoyment lmprovelocatproductdevelopment (handicrafts, arts and crafts,tocal cuisine)to reftect areas' cutture and creativity without depteting culturatresources anddevaluing them Conduct furtherstudyon culturalexperiences, historicandheritage attractions,andrecreationaIactivities Estabtish andmakefunctionatcoordinative bodiesandmechanisms



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ANNEXC LISTOF RESPONDENTS/ESTABLISHMENTS INTERVIEWED/VIsITED Resorts/Hotels PatmCreekBeachResort WoodlandBeachResort Amor Farm BeachResort Vitton BeachResort NewDortBeachResort BaladingBeachResort BantiguiBeachResort BantiguianBeachResort SabangParkand BeachResort Rizal BeachResort DancalanBeachResort CrystatSpringResort GuestWorldResortand lnn MateoHot and ColdSpringResort Orok Springs BaconBeachResortand Dlve Center Fisherman's Hut Fernando'sHotel Villa Kasanggayahan VillA lsabet IngkoHotel Sta.ClaraRidgeInn Tentyard Hotel and Restaurant MayorgaPensionHouse SorsogonState CollegeHostel El Retiro Retreat House FragasMansion Home-stav RSFidela Lodge L3lnn Bartilet LodgingHouse Harongni LolangErna Pilarcommercial

Restaurants SmatlTatkCaf6

KabuluanCaf6 Fe Supelena'sEatery LourdesCarinderia Aida'sCarinderia SGGRestaurant Dopol'sRestaurant DulayRestaurant Carol'sEatery 7J's Restaurant GuestworldRestaurant Marivic B. NermalEatery Dangalan's Eatery ChowKing Graceland's Greenwich KalundanRestaurant ,rtangocrill Pao-paoNoodlesHouse CasaDominga Tia Tinay'sRestaurant MEDDRestaurant AA ldjao Kitchenette SouvenirShoDs Sta. MagdalenaNative HandicraftDisplayCenter Rizal BeachResortSouvenirShop Forest Hills Arts and Crafts CoraF. FuloHandicrafts LindaPrimo's NoveltyStore Zafe Native Products Domalaon's MarineProducts Tia Berning's Tour Guides Baywatchers Tribu Bulusanon Pinagkaisang Samahanng mgal agsasaka(PNAGSAMA) Inc. NagsurokCavesGuides Seamancor Spa Estoblishments ZaideLota Reftex/Massage Clinic JalmascoReflexCenter


CIMED Tr qnspor t FaciIi ti esI Groups l ontenegroShippingLines FilcabPitar IntegratedTransportCoopof Pilar PPAFerry TerminatOffice TUSOK Sta. MagdalenaJeepneyOperator-Driver-Conductor Association r{agdalena Padyak Operator-Driver Association Sta. BulusanJeepneyDriver Association Sorsogon-Legazpi TransportCooperative


ANNEX D THERESEARCH TEATA l{arian A. La , adrid-Ferreras AmeliaA. Nanoz-Gacias ZosimoE. Gamba

List of Tabtes TableNo. and Title


1: TrainingsProvidedto Hotel and ResortEmptoyees


2: Presence/Availability of SetectedFacilitiesand Services in Hotelsand Resorts


3: Tour Guides'Knowledgeof LocalTourismSites


4: Tour Guides'Perceptionof quality Serviceand Ecotourism


5: Classificationof ResortsDer DOTStandards


6: Typesof Hotel and ResortRoomsand Rates


7: Perceptionof quality Serviceand Ecotourism, Accommodation Establishments


8: Type of Employeesin Restaurants,By Sex


9: TrainingsProvidedto RestaurantEmployees


10: Perceptionof Quality Serviceand Ecotourismof Respondents,RestaurantBusiness


11: Perceptionof Quality Serviceand Ecotourismof Respondents, SouvenirShops


'l 2: Numberof Tourism-related Establishments. By Municipality


List of Fisures FigureNo. andTitle 1: TourismLinkageIndustries

Page 7

List of Acronvms


Department of LaborandEmployment


Department of Tourism


Department of Tradeandlndustry


LocalGovernment Units


planning Municipat andDevetopment Coordinators


Nationat Economic andDevelopment Authority


NationalStatistics Office


portsAuthority Philippine


Seagrass, /vlangroves andCoralsEco-developers,


Technical Educatjon SkiusDevelopmenr Authority

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