Saving Dr. Katter (intense Short Story By Me)

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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 1,637
  • Pages: 6
Urbassik 3rd period English

Eamon Barkhordarian 1/26/08

Saving Dr. Katter “Is everyone ready?” Dr. Katter asked his group of scientists. They all nodded in unison with smiles of hope and glee. It was 2:30 in the afternoon, and Dr. Katter could see their suits brighter than ever now, with the small yellow symbol of the Baghdad Science and Research symbol sewed on the front. Dr. Katter was a scientist sent from The U.S to the Middle Eastern city of Baghdad to help cure a common disease called Diaphio in which the victim suffered severe headache and emotional distress until he finally died a day or two after being diagnosed with the disease. In front of the scientists was a live victim of the disease at the brink of death. The scientists had experimented for a cure with multiple animals, and they seemed to have found the treatment. This was the moment most of them had been spending their whole life’s research on. As soon as Dr. Katter injected the shot into the victim’s body, they would know whether they had found the cure within seconds of the injection. Dr. Katter grabbed hold of the victim’s arm, and slowly injected the solution. He took a glance at the cell monitor computer, and immediately noticed a change in the victim’s cells. The Diaphio infected cells started to heal and become healthy again, until the victims face turned back to its original color. The computer showed that the victim was completely cured within seconds. It was an amazing sight for all of them. “We have just cured Diaphio, gentlemen,” Dr. Katter announced in joy as all the scientists jumped up in delight. Never had such a discovery occurred in any of these

Urbassik Eamon Barkhordarian rd 3 period 1/26/08 English scientists’s life. But suddenly the monitoring machine went berserk, and the heart rate of the victim went beyond anything possible for a human to handle. “This is not possible!” one scientist shrieked. The victim then ripped through its restraints tied around him and launched itself at the nearest scientist. The group screamed in horror as they saw their end before them.

Back in America, in the U.S Marine Base 2.78, Mark Daemon received his final Intel. There stood a man standing at 6’2”, with his face holding a permanent fixture of a straight mouth, showing no sign of happiness or fear. In his arms he held a semiautomatic rifle, with a tough, bulletproof vest covering his body, which had saved his life countless times before. “Section 4.65, Squad 89, this is Ruby, do you copy?” Mark’s walky talky whispered. “Yeah, what you got for me Ruby?” Mark answered back. “Yesterday, our radars intercepted un-humanlike activity in central Baghdad.” But that’s not all. We’ve gotten a report from the Middle East Control Center that the entire population has been decimated. Not one being alive.” “Don’t joke with me Ruby. Are you telling me that there are aliens that somehow killed everyone? Bah, don’t waste my time. Never has a city’s population been completely wiped out.” “This is a serious matter commander. All joking aside. We have already sent squad section 534 through 763 toward the area immediately. And following them is the

Urbassik Eamon Barkhordarian rd 3 period 1/26/08 English Navy, with squad section 432 through 543 enclosing their perimeter. Whatever we’re facing, is to be taken down at all costs.” “Squad section 534 through 763 and section 432 through 543 of the Navy?! That’s 100,000 troops at least!” “That’s true. And we’re sending in your squad immediately to their location. At 1400 hours you’ll be picked up and sent to central Baghdad. You will retrieve Dr. Katter at any cost and take him out of there.” “Affirmative. Over and out”

Within only one hour, Mark and his squad were in central Baghdad after going at mach-8 speed in the fastest fighter jet in the world. In Mark’s squad, everyone was called by a number rather than their name. It made things quicker and more efficient. What Marks squad was about to see was nothing any of them had suspected. The streets were deserted, building smashed to almost nothing, and not a single marine. What had happened? “Where the hell is everyone?” #6 asked in fear. Suddenly, a dark creature jumped from the shadows and hurled himself onto #6’s back, grabbing his face and body. “What the f*** is that!? Oh my god!!!!” the squad shouted. “Sh**!! Get it off me!!!” #6 screamed as he struggled to break loose. The creature was at no means human and his sharp fangs and claws dug deep into #6. Mark immediately raised his semi-automatic rifle and took a clear shot at the creature’s head, sending the creature to the ground with a bullet hole in its skull. But he was not quick enough. #6 was already dead. Suddenly #6 started to shake tremendously and his eyes

Urbassik Eamon Barkhordarian rd 3 period 1/26/08 English soon opened. His appearance completely changed, and looked just like the being that attacked him. He hurled himself at Mark, screaming. Mark prepared for this as he pulled out his army knife and shoved it in the being eye, sending him running away, while blood gushed out of his wound. Suddenly, a horrible thought came to all of their minds. If you turn into one of them once you are bitten, how many of those things are there, now that the marines the U.S sent here are all dead? Mark quickly pulled out his walky talky and shouted in it, “Ruby, this is Mark. Either get us out of here, or send in backup. This is crazy, everyone is dead.” “Ruby here. We discovered that once we lost all connection with the Marines. We have gotten into Code Red Position. We are leveling the city at 1900 hours. That’s in 2 hours Mark. The nuke will be dropped in 2 hours.” She kept on talking but the signal started to fade, until she was completely lost. “Hello?! Ruby? Do you copy?” Mark shouted in the machine. Nothing. Mark remembered his objective and told his squad to keep moving. They encountered a tall building with a yellow symbol of the Baghdad Science and Research symbol at the top. He signaled his men to go inside. Immediately as he took his first step, another creature jumped at him. Mark ducked but #2 behind him didn’t, and was about to pay for it. He screamed as the monster bite him in the neck. The rest of the squad immediately opened fire on both #2 and the creature, killing them both. “Holy s*** boss, we can’t do this anymore.” #1 whispered in fear.

Urbassik Eamon Barkhordarian rd 3 period 1/26/08 English “Shut your mouth. Have you forgotten your objective?” Mark answered. They all looked at the ground, as they realized there was no way out. They followed their leader into the building. They climbed the steps for what seemed like an hour until they finally faced their doom. After arriving at the 35th floor, they were ambushed by yet another group of monsters. Around 40 of them surrounded the squad. It was over, they all thought. Even so, they opened fire in every direction, shooting some of the creatures, but not all. The few that were still alive grabbed the remaining squad members and ripped them apart. But Mark was not going to give up. He yanked two grenades from his pocket and threw them straight into the center of the battle. Bodies flew everywhere as the explosions took all of them by surprise. Mark ran as fast as he could past the bodies, not waiting for them to recover. But he was once again too slow. They soon got up and started to chase after him. It was the pursuit of his life, and he could not afford to get caught. He took some stairs down, not knowing where he was going anymore. But then he heard some whisper in one door. “Help me.” Mark looked at the door in confusion. “But everyone was killed” he thought to himself. And then he heard once again a voice from behind the door. “Please.” Mark turned around. The creatures were coming fast now. He had no choice. He pulled the door open to find Dr. Katter, tied to a chair. Quickly he locked the door as the monsters almost came through. “Dr. Katter?” Mark asked

Urbassik Eamon Barkhordarian rd 3 period 1/26/08 English “Yes, that is me. Were you sent to save me?” The doctor asked as Mark cut the rope tying the man to the chair. “Yes. But I can’t talk right now. We gotta go! Now!” Mark looked at his watch. 1855 hours. He had to get out of here very fast. He pulled out his gun, and took aim at the door which the creatures were banging at. He pulled the trigger. Nothing came out. Mark looked at his gun in horror. He was out of bullets. “S**t!” he screamed as his last hope was lost. “What’s wrong?” Dr. Katter asked in fear, even though he knew exactly what the problem was. Mark looked at his watch. 1859 hours. It was over. He looked into a nearby window and focused on the sky. He could see a fighter jet hovering over the city now. “This was it” he told himself. He foresaw his doom as the plane dropped what looked like a small pellet in the distance. But Mark knew that it was no small pellet, instead something much bigger when it hit the ground. The object fell faster and faster towards the ground, as Mark counted down toward his doom. 5…4…3…2… He was cut short as the bomb exploded in the center of the city, incinerating everything in its path. Nothing.

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