Rules & Regulation Kce Refreshed)

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  • July 2020
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  • Words: 1,608
  • Pages: 5

1) Leave


10 days Casual Leave. 7 days Medical Leave & 14 days Privilege(Earned) Leave per year. These leaves may be encashed fully/partly at the end of the financial year. No Medical Expenses will be reimbursed by the Company.

2) Working Hours


Between 07.30 a.m. to 07.30 p.m. for all working days including Saturdays for all Offices/Warehouses and H.O. Staff. The Lunch-break will be at 2.00 pm to 2.30 pm except the Reception/Counter Staff. He / She will go on lunch after 2.30 pm when everyone is returned after lunch and he/she will be replaced by someone in the Reception/Counter.

3) Daily Attendance/ Late Attendance/Early Leave


H.O. Employees should attend office strictly within 09.30 am in case there is any late in attending office they will Get 15 Minutes grace in a day. It is to be noted that such 3 days late in a month will cause the deletion of one day’s salary. It will be deducted from his salary or will be adjusted against his earned Privilege leave, if due. Every employee will sign in the Attendance Register which is kept in Office with arrival and departure time. Everyone will not leave office as per his duty hours and in case of emergency he should take special permission & approval from their HOD/HR.

4) Daily Reporting

5) Responsibility



Every Worker should give his daily report to the Workshop In-Charge or any other authorised person. Machine-men are given Registers in which they are to fill in their daily report and get it checked by the Workshop In-Charge or any one authorised by him. Everyone will give job profile to understand the others about his/her responsibility of work. Also be noted that every one have to responsible for the company assets using by them.



7)Files & Stationary

Everyone will enter in the office after opening their shoes at the gate and keep the shoes in the Bracket kept for this.


List of holding the files by an individual will be given to the Director for his knowledge and the stationery required by each will be taken from Miss Shilpa who will keep a record for the same.

8) Use of Phone


Monthly rentals of Mobile phones provided to the staffs will be paid by the company within a limit & extra cost has to be deducted from the salary.

9) Movement of Files & Assets


No one can take the file/files & any Assets outside Office or Workshop without record and prior permission of the proper authority, except for company provided mobiles.

10) Application for : Earned Privilege Leaves

Application of earned Privilege Leave i.e. 10 days in a year must be submitted to the HR through the Head of Department / Division of the location or Division for approval before enjoying any such leave. Such leave enjoyment without prior approval will be treated as absent and the salary of the concerned staff will be deducted from his salary & WILL NOT BE adjusted against any leave. THIS LEAVE IS ENCASHABLE FOR PERMANENT EMPLOYEES ONLY BUT, AFTER THE END OF 2 YEARS FOR ANY EMPLOYEE & CAN BE CARRY FORWARDED FOR 3 YEARS WITHOUT BEING LAPSED.

11)Application for Medical leave:

In case of sickness, the employee should send the messages of his sickness in writing through any media within 2 days from his sickness describing the nature of sickness and the probable date of his resuming duty, failing which, it will be treated as absent and his salary for that absent period will be deducted from his salary & WILL NOT BE adjusted against any leave. THIS LEAVE IS ENCASHABLE FOR PERMANENT EMPLOYEES ONLY BUT, AFTER THE END OF 2 YEARS FOR ANY EMPLOYEE & CAN BE CARRY FORWARDED FOR 3 YEARS WITHOUT BEING LAPSED.

12) Confidentiality

None of the employees should take any paper, document, article etc. without the permission of the Executive present and they should not disclose any information of the office as well as activities to any outsider whosoever


he may be. No Worker should take anything not belonging to his out of the Workshop. 13)General


There should be no direct link between Workshop workers and the Office Staff. Everything should be conveyed through Workshop In-Charge. No Worker is permitted to smoke inside the Workshop. No one is permitted to cook/bath in the Workshop except Those who are permanent residents there. Permanent Resident-workers should use this before or after working Hours or during lunch break, if practicable. No Worker is permitted to use telephone without the Permission of the Workshop In-Charge or the person authorised by the In-Charge during his absence. Anyone using the telephone even with the permission of the InCharge should fill the Telephone Register kept for the purpose.



All Workers should act collectively at all times, keeping the interest of the Workshop/Management and ultimately to be beneficial to all of the employees.

15) Loan


An employee can take an amount as loan up to the amount Equivalent to his / her three months basic salary. If any one takes more than that amount, the excess amount should be returned immediately or to be adjusted with his next month’s salary. The Executive responsible for making financial disbursements including salary is hereby particularly advised to ensure fulfillment of this provision.

16) Salary


Salary will be paid as prevailing subject to deduction of Income Tax and Professional Tax, if & as applicable.

17) Increment


A staff will be entitled to get increment only when he has Rendered continuous service attendance of min. 710 days during the preceding 3 years in a row. Habitual latecomers – due negligence/ carelessness will have less consideration than those having better record of attendance at the time of giving increment.

18) Cash/Banking Instruments /Cheque/Goods/Assets



19) Bonus


Bonus will be paid @ 8.33% annually calculating exclusively on the basis of Salary. Medical or any other allowance will not be considered in computing Bonus. An employee is entitled to get Bonus only when he has

put in attendance of min. 240 days of continuous employment in the year for which Bonus is to be considered. 20) Gratuity


As and where payable would be calculated exclusively on the basis of Salary. Medical or any other allowance will not be taken into account in calculating Gratuity & IT WILL BE PAID AS PER THE GRATUITY ACT ONLY.

21)Retiring Age


An employee attending 60 years of age will be retired from the services automatically. It is to be noticed below 18 years of age, none is permissible to join the Company.

22)Public Holidays


As notified by the separate Notice. Anyone enjoys any other Holiday which is not a holiday in our Company will lose his Salary and that leave cannot be adjust with his due leave. ONLY 8 DAYS ANUALLY (JAN. TO DEC.).

23)Special Leave


If anyone takes leave over his Annual Leave of 31 days on Medical grounds, he should submit proper medical documents to the Management for the extra leave before rejoining his duties. Beyond the annual leave company’s policy is Strictly, NO WORK – NO PAY. ONLY 90 DAYS MATERNITY LEAVE FOR MARRIED FEMALE EMPLOYEES IS AN EXCEPTION.

24)Termination of Service

Extra Incentive

25) Statutory Deposit:



The service may be terminated or resign by either party by giving 30 days prior notice. Under that circumstance, the employee will be paid his Gratuity as per Company’s rules, from the date of his joining the service till the date of termination/resignation, but strictly as per the gratuity act. Please note that as per company policy you have to serve a notice period of one month when you offer resign. If you do not serve notice period then you will not be entitled to any company benefit for your service, including the current month. Moreover neither will the company or any of its sister concerns now or in the future ever re-employ you or give any reference for or on behalf of you or your service to the Company. Casual Leave is 10 Days annually (April to March) with full pay. Casual leave is neither En-cashable nor it can be carried forward once the year is over. Those having more than 50% casual leave found unutilized at the end of the financial year will be rewarded separately on pro-rata basis, which is higher than their 10 days salary if they have 5 or more days leave unutilized & so on but as per the policy defined for the same. Company will deduct 10% to 20% of salary for the employees joining after 1st of October 2009 as Statutory

Deposit. The entire actual money will be returned back to the employee when he/she either retires/resign or is terminated from his/her duty. No interest will be given on this Statutory Deposit amount being deducted by the Company. The Management reserves the right to make alteration/addition to the above rules/stipulations as and when necessary. This AGREEMENT should be looked into & SIGNED BY ALL EMPLOYEES AS SEEN & READ kept with Mr.Prabir Basu at K. C. EXIM (P) LTD., B.T. ROAD and to Mr. Kalyan Das at K. C. EXIM (P) LTD., Head Office. Every employee is to put their signature over this as confirmation on their part. BY ORDER K. C. EXIM (P) LTD.


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