01 Ministry Rules And Regulation

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Council of Ministers.

Resolution No. (27) For the year 2005 Regarding the specification of the regulatory stipulations For the development in different areas in the Kingdom.

The head of the councils of the ministers: After the review of the law of the buildings regulation issued by the decree by law no. (13) for the year 1977 which is amended by the decree by law no. (15) for the year 1993 and in particular of the article (20) of thereof, And the decree by law no. (2) for the year 1994 of the constructional planning, And the decree by law no. (3) for the year 1994 regarding partitioning of lands prepared for construction and development, And the decree by law no.(1) for the year 1996 with respect to electricity and water, And the decree by law no.(2) for the year 1996 regarding public roads works, And the decree by law no. (28) for the year 1999 regarding the construction and organization of the industrial areas, And the law of municipalities issued by the decree by law no. (35) for the year 2001, And the law no.(6) for the year 2006 of the amendment of some of the rules of the decrees by laws, with respect to the land ownership for the public benefit, organization of buildings, constructional planning, the partitioning of lands prepared for construction and development and the works of the public roads, And the resolution of the head of the council of ministers no.(3) for the year 1998, regarding the specification of the regulatory stipulations for construction in different areas of the Kingdom and the amendment thereof, And based on the presentation made by the minister of the municipalities Affairs and Agriculture,


And after the approval of the council of ministers, It has been resolved: Article (1) The regulatory stipulations for construction attached to resolution, shall be applied in different areas in the Kingdom.


Article (2) Areas, on which the aforesaid stipulations are to be applied, shall be specified by a decision from the concerned minister at the municipality’s affairs. Article (3) The resolution no. (3) for the year 1998 shall be cancelled with respect to the determination of the construction regulatory stipulations in the areas in the Kingdom. Article (4) The concerned minister at the municipality’s affairs shall execute the rules of this resolution and shall be applied with effect from the day following to the date of the release of thereof in the official gazette.

The head of the council of the ministers, Khalifa Bin Salman Al Khalifa

Issued on: 14th Jumada Al Akhira 1426 Hijri, Corresponding to: 20 July 2005.


First Chapter Definitions

Article (1)

In the application of the rules of this resolution the following words and phrases shall have the meaning stated in respective of each, unless the context of the provision requires otherwise.

The construction: The performance of the construction process or the preparation of thereof or the land partitioning as a preparatory step for the installation of constructions in thereof or the reclamation and filling for the construction or excavation for mining or any operations above or under the ground or the carrying out of a radical change in the use of the buildings, lands or the spaces inside the land plot. The construction areas: Areas specified by a resolution issued by the concerned minister of municipalities where regulatory stipulations are applied thereof at the different parts of the Kingdom and provided for by Article (20) of the Building Organization Law issued under the Decree by Law No (13) for 1977 and amended by the Decree by Law No (15) for 1993. The construction lands: They are all the lands suitable for construction and for which general layout and detailed plans have been approved and that which is facing one passing and approved road or more, provided that it shall be connected with the roads network and the public utilities.


Areas of private residence: They are residential areas in which it is allowed to construct one residential unit or more for each plot of land and be with low or medium constructional intensity. Area of linked residence: They are the residential areas located at the center of the cities, villages and their extensions and it is allowed in thereof to construct a single residential unit or more which is linked from one side or more and be with medium or high constructional intensity. Area of garden residence: It is a residential area located outside the vicinity of the cities and villages and be with low constructional intensity. Industrial areas: They are the areas specified for industrial and production purposes with its different categories and in which the processed and semi processed raw material are transformed to other products. Agricultural areas: They are the areas specified for agricultural purposes and the activities associated with thereof such as the green houses, nurseries, animal sheds, stables and the development of the animal wealth. The greenbelt: They are the areas specified for agricultural activities only for the purpose of keeping and developing thereof and the protection of the environment surrounding thereof and where not allowed to carryout any constructions in thereof. Villas (The residential house): It is an independent or linked building which includes the living rooms, bed rooms, dining rooms, health utilities, closed and opened spaces and be an independent from any other residential house, with its own entrances and internal staircase, if any.


Residential utilities: They are utilities for uses that serve the accommodation such as the external kitchen, guard room, the external Majlis "receiving hall", laundry room, stores and alike and be inside the land plot either linked with the main construction or separated from thereof. The building's supplements: They are utilities that serve the building (such as the residential or commercial multi-storey building or alike) and they include the watchman room, the gas room, the electricity sub-stations of the building, the utilities, the stores and alike and be inside the land plot, either it is linked with the main construction or being separated from thereof. The flat: It is each part of a floor which forms an independent residential unit from the rest of the floors and is constituted of one room or more and includes one kitchen and bathroom as a minimum limit and the occupant of thereof can enter into thereof or exit from it without passing through an another residential unit in the same floor or building. The commercial outlet: It is an open construction to a public path or an approved road with one façade or more and allowed to be used for commercial activities as per what is specified by the approved construction maps. The garden residential complex: It is a plot of land facing an approved road and includes villas, residential houses; services and utilities, garden and open common passes and where one entrance or more exist. Multi-storey building: It is an independent building facing an approved road formed of a group of floors or residential or administrative flats or commercial independent places commonly joint or separated in the entrances, the staircase and the elevators.


The construction ratio: It is a maximum percentage allowed for the total plain areas of the building in proportion to the area of the land plot. The plain areas of the construction: They mean the built areas for all the floors in the building or the buildings located inside the land plot measured from the external face of the external walls or from the middle line of the common wall and such plain areas include the following: • • •

The plain areas of all the floors in the closed spaces of the building of which are the towers. Spaces resulting from constructional elements which maybe suitable for accommodation. All the constructed plain areas which are not excluded upon the calculation of the constructional plain areas.

The mezzanine: It is a deducted floor which includes part of the height of the ground floor either it was commercial place, factory, workshop or a service place and the built ratio in thereof is not more than 70% (seventy percent) of the area of the ground floor and is specified for the purposes of storage, administration, offices and work and it is not allowed to make direct entrances to thereof from the outside and the entrances of thereof are from the ground floor and the height of which is not more than 2.60 meter (two meters and sixty centimeters) in commercial places, provided that the height of the ground floor including the mezzanine shall not be more than 6 m. (six meters). Construction retraction areas: They are the areas confined between the limit of the ownership and the construction line of each façade of the building's façade. Types of retractions can be divided into the following: A- Front retraction: It is the minimum limit of the distance between the ownership boundary facing the road and the construction line of the façade facing thereof at the ground floor and the upper floors, unless upper projections are allowed.


B- Side retraction: It is the minimum limit of the distance between the boundary of the ownership facing the side neighbor in the perpendicular side to the front façade and the line of the construction of the façade facing thereof, either the neighbor was a plot of land, garden, plain area or pedestrian lane, in the ground floor and all the upper floors, unless it is provided to allow for upper projections which are allowed to build in thereof at the upper floors. C- Back retraction: It is the lower limit of the distance between the boundary of the ownership facing the back neighbor in the opposite side to the front façade and the line of the construction of the façade facing thereof, either the neighbor was a plot of land, garden, plain area or pedestrian lane, in the ground floor and all the upper floors, unless it is provided to allow for upper projections which are allowed to build in thereof at the upper floors. The height of the construction: It is a vertical distance before the façade of the construction from the level of the upper surface of the pavement, if any, or from the surface of the road axis to the upper of the surface of the roof of the upper floor and it is measured from the middle of the façade of the construction in case of the inclined roads with inclinations and it is not included in the calculation of such vertical distance each of the……… domes, and the minarets in religious buildings and the staircases pits or the chambers of the machines of the elevators, water tanks and air conditioning unit, if any, and which are allowed with heights not more than 7 m. (seven meters) above the roof surface of the upper floor. The construction line: It is a line which determines the area allowed for construction at the ground floor inside the plot of land and may conforms with the organization lines, if any, or retracts from the boundary of the road, street, garden or the pedestrian's lane by retractions to be specified by the regulatory stipulations of the construction for the façades overlooking thereof.


The organization line: It is a line to which it is retracted upon construction as per the statement of the approved detailed plans and it is a line which separates between private ownership of the lands and common ownership. The road axis: It is the route of line which determines the middle of the road's width. The road boundary: It is the line which specifies the middle width of the road from one side of the road’s axis and there exist two limits for each road. The road campus: It is meant by thereof that space confined between the two opposites boundary of the road and it includes angles of vision, interceptions and areas reserved for public utilities all along the road. Pedestrian lanes and services: It is meant by thereof the space that separates between ownerships and the boundary of the road and used for the passing of the pedestrians, services or both of them and it is not allowed for machinery trucks to pass through it. Covered car parks: They are areas devoted for car parks, provided they have a ceiling for the protection of thereof from all external factors. Uncovered car parks (The open): They are areas specified for car parks and with no ceiling. Multi-storey car parks: They are floors or part of floors repeated in the building or in separated buildings which are specified for car parks.


The approved commercial street: It is a street that allows the opening of commercial shops in the building facing thereof, as per the approved construction maps. The approved service street: It is a street that allows the opening of service workshops in the building facing thereof, as per the approved construction maps. The service workshop: It is a construction inside the land plot connected with one façade or more through a lane or an approved commercial road and in which service activities are allowed. The approved re-construction maps: They are the maps of the general and detailed layouts for areas in which construction is allowed as per the resolution of the minister concerning with the municipality affairs and they include the specification of the construction areas in which the regulatory construction stipulations stated in this resolution are applied on its land as shown by the public roads and the organization lines, if any, and the open areas and areas in which construction is allowed as per special rebuilding and construction conditions and also the areas in which construction is suspended or banned. The approval of plans with respect to the suitability of the site for construction: It is a certificate issued by the cities and villages planning directorate as per the request of the landlord or the property and the ministry concerning the municipalities affairs shall determined the regulatory stipulations for construction which are applied in thereof, including the uses, construction stipulations, the condition for providing car parks and others of the regulatory stipulations stated in this resolution as per the approved construction maps.


Areas of special stipulations: It is meant by thereof areas parallel to the features of the distinguished style or archeological areas, historical or areas specified for important planning purposes and are specified by classification maps of the construction areas in the Kingdom or that the determination of which is issued by a resolution from the minister concerned with municipalities affairs and shall be subject to the conditions regarding the construction of thereof, provided for in the resolution. Projects of special characteristics: They are non-stereotyped projects for which they are no provisions seen to be ruling that in the regulatory construction stipulations stated in this resolution and maybe suggested to be constructed in areas with an approved prepared public or detailed construction plans or an open areas of no plans being prepared for it and it is necessary for the approval of thereof to perform specialized studies that may include: A- The planning construction effects of the project on areas adjacent to thereof. B- The traffic effects on the roads network existing on different levels. C- Environmental and naval effects. D- Social, cultural and economic effects. E- Any other studies considered necessary for the approval of the project's application. And the project is considered of special nature in view of what is required of the development of the layout plans for the accommodation of the construction requirements thereof, including the development of the roads network and utilities in the side thereof in the land adjacent to thereof. Areas of special architecture: They are the areas with special architectures which include old archeological areas or the renovated areas with special distinguished style and it is necessary when applying the stipulations stated in this resolution to adhere to the special construction conditions of this areas and the consideration of the planning aspects in terms of the provision of car parks and the imitation of the architectural style for the buildings thereof.


Second Chapter Areas of Residential Houses The first section

Areas of special residence-A-. Article (2)

The usage: The residential usages are allowed for thereof and it include separate and linked residential villas and it is not allowed for residential flats in thereof, as per the statement of the maps specifying the approved construction areas. Article (3) The ratios of the construction: 1. The percentage of the construction shall not be more than 180% (one hundred eighty percent) of the total land area. 2. The construction plain surface of any floor shall not be more than 60% (sixty percent) of the land area. 3. It is allowed to construct additional percentage of not more than 15% (fifteen percent) of the land area and with the maximum limit of 100 (one hundred square meter) to be specified for the residential utilities only and it is allowed to construct in thereof on the boundary of the side neighbor from one side only, provided that the height of thereof shall not be more than one floor with a maximum limit of 4 m. (four meters) measured from the pavement level.


4. It is allowed to construct residential utilities above the roof surface of the building with an area not exceeding 30 sq.m. (Thirty square meters) and shall be with the height of the level of the staircase room on the roof. 5. It is allowed to make an external Majlis of an area not more than 10% (ten percent) of the land area and with a maximum limit of 100 sq.m. (one hundred square meter) and shall be computed from the allowed construction percentage and it allowed to construct the Majlis on the front boundary of the land facing street or road and shall be in a manner that the length of the Majlis façade and the entrances of car parks shall not exceed 40% (forty percent) of the length of the front façade of the land and it is also allowed to construct on the boundary of the side neighbor from only one side in a manner that the height of the Majlis shall not be more than one floor and with a maximum limit of 4 m. (four meters) from the pavement level. 6. It is necessary to provide parking for two cars at least inside the land plot and the car parks are not accounted within the allowed construction percentage. 7. It is allowed to construct a tunnel the area of which is not accounted for within the said allowed construction ratio.

Article (4)

Retractions: 1- Front retraction: Construction is allowed on the ground floor on a distance not less than 3 m. (three meters) of the land boundary of the front façade facing a street or road and allows the setup of upper projections above the ground floor with a maximum limit of 1.20 m. (one meter and twenty centimeter), and in case the land is located on more than one street the construction shall retract to a distance not less than 3 m. (three meters) from the side of the street of the more importance to the location.


2- Side and rear retraction: Construction is allowed on the ground floor at a distance not less than 2 m. (two meters) from the land boundary of the side and rear façade, and it is not allowed to make upper projections in floors located above the ground floor.

Article (5)

The height of the construction: 1- The height of the construction shall not be more than 3 floors (three floors) and with a maximum limit of 15 m. (fifteen meters), and in case of the construction of a tunnel the maximum limit for the height shall be 16.50 m. (sixteen meter and fifty centimeters). 2- Incase of the construction of a tunnel, the height of the ground floor shall not be more than 1.50 m. (one meter and fifty centimeters) from the level of the pavement surface.

Article (6)

Special stipulations: 1- It is allowed to construct villas linked from one side or more or separated or both together, provided that the share of one villa shall not be less than 200 sq. m. (two hundred square meters) of the land area.

2- The widths of the internal streets in the residential complexes shall not be less than 8 m. (eight meters), provided that the retraction of the front façade of the villa shall not be less than 5 m. (five meters) from the boundary of the internal street.


The Second Chapter Areas of special residence- B-

Article (7) The usage: The residential usages are allowed in thereof (separate and linked residential units), as per the statement of the maps of the determination of the approved construction areas in the Kingdom. Article (8) The ratios of the construction: 1- The percentage of the construction shall not be more than 180% (one hundred eighty percent) of the total land area. 2- The construction plain surface of any floor shall not be more than 60% (sixty percent) of the land area. 3- It is allowed to construct a supplementary building with an additional construction percentage of not more than 20% (twenty percent) of the land area to be specified for the construction of Majlis and residential utilities only, provided that the height of thereof shall not be more than one floor and with height which is not more than the level of the ceiling of the ground floor and it is allowed to construct the Majlis on the front boundary of the land facing street or road and in a manner that the total length of the Majlis' façade and car parks entrances shall not be more than 40% (forty percent) of the length of the front façade of the land and it is also allowed to construct on the boundary of the side neighbor from one side only, and all the residential utility shall be grouped in one side of the land.

4- It is allowed to construct residential utilities above the roof surface of the building with an area not exceeding 30 sq.m. (Thirty square meters) and shall be with the height of the level of the staircase room.


5- It is necessary to provide parking for two cars at least inside the land plot and the car parks are not accounted within the allowed construction percentage. 6- It is allowed to construct a tunnel the area of which is not accounted for within the said allowed construction ratio.

Article (9) The retractions: 1- The front retraction: Construction is allowed on the ground floor on a distance not less than 10 m. (ten meters) of the land boundary of the front façade facing a street or road and allows the setup of upper projections above the ground floor with a maximum limit of 1.20 m. (one meter and twenty centimeter), and in case the land is located on more than one street the construction shall retract to a distance not less than 3 m. (three meters) from the side of the street that allows to open at it. 2- Side and rear retraction: Construction is allowed on the ground floor at a distance not less than 2 m. (two meters) from the land boundary of the side and rear façade, and it is not allowed to make upper projections in floors located above the ground floor.

Article (10) The height of the construction: 1- The height of the construction shall not be more than 3 floors (three floors) and with a maximum limit of 15 m. (fifteen meters), and in case of the construction of a tunnel the maximum limit for the height shall be 16.50 m. (sixteen meter and fifty centimeters). 2- Incase of the construction of a tunnel, the height of the ground floor shall not be more than 1.50 m. (one meter and fifty centimeters) from the level of the pavement surface.


Article (11) Special stipulations: 1- In lands of an area which is less than 300 sq.m. (three hundred square meter) or the length of its front façade is 12 m. to 15 m., it is allowed to establish a construction on the boundary of the side neighbor in one side only, and in lands with façade of a length which is less than 12 m., it is allowed to establish a construction on the boundary of the two sided neighbors. 2- In lands with front façade length of less than 12 m. (twelve meter), the construction retracts from the front side to a distance of 3 m. (three meter) and from the rear side to a distance of 1.50 m. (one meter and fifty centimeter), provided that it is allowed to establish a construction on the two side boundaries of the land. 3- It is allowed to construct above car parks with roofs (garage) and residential utilities, provided that the area of the construction above the parking and utilities areas shall not be more than 50 sq.m. (Fifty square meter). 4- It is allowed to construct more than one residential unit on the land plot in a form of residential units which are linked from one side or more, separated or both together, provided that the share of each residential unit shall not be less than 150 sq.m. (One hundred fifty square meter) from the land area on a condition that car parks are made available at a rate of one park for each unit. 5- It is allowed to construct more than one residential area in the land plot in a form of flats in floors, provided that the area of the flat shall not be less than 100 sq.m. (One hundred square meter) on a condition that car parks are made available at a rate of one park for each flat. 6- Incase the land is located at a commercial or services street, the regulatory stipulations regarding the high (multi-storey) buildings 3 floors (three floors), located on commercial and services street and stated in the article (54-item 3), shall be applied on thereof. 7- The widths of the internal street and the residential complexes shall not be less than 8 m. (eight meter), provided that the retraction of the front façade of the building shall not be less than 5 m. from the boundary of the internal street.


The Third Chapter

Area of linked residence- A-

Article (12)

The usage: The residential usages are allowed in thereof (Houses, villas and residential apartments), as per the statement of the maps determining the approved construction areas in the Kingdom.

Article (13) The ratios of the construction: 1- The percentage of the construction shall not be more than 210% (two hundred ten percent) of the total land area. 2- The construction plain surface of any floor shall not be more than 70% (seventy percent) of the land area, including the residential utilities. 3- It is allowed to construct residential utilities above the roof surface of the building with an area not more than 30 sq.m. (Thirty square meter) and shall be with the height of the staircase room level. 4- It is necessary to provide parking for one car for each residential unit and the car parks are not accounted for within the allowed construction percentage. 5- It is allowed to construct a tunnel the area of which is not accounted for within the said allowed construction ratio, provided that an approval for the planning of thereof shall be obtained in consideration of the existing roads and services.


Article (14) Retractions: 1- Front retraction: Construction is allowed on the ground floor on a distance not less than 3 m. (three meters) of the land boundary of the front façade facing a street or road and allows the setup of upper projections above the ground floor with a maximum limit of 1.20 m. (one meter and twenty centimeter), and in case the land is located on more than one street the construction shall retract to a distance not less than 3 m. (three meters) from the side of the street of more importance to the location and 2 m. (two meters) from the side of the other street.

2- Side retraction: It is allowed to build a construction on the ground floor on the side boundary of the land and in case of making of openings facing the side neighbor, it is necessary to leave skylights (Horizontal, internal and external), as per the provision of the executive panel of the law of the regulation of buildings issued by the decree by law no. (13) for the year 1977. 3- Rear retraction: Construction is allowed on the ground floor at a distance not less than 2 m. (two meters) from the rear land boundary, and it is not allowed to make upper projections in floors located above the ground floor.

Article (15)

The heights of the construction: 1- The height of the construction shall not be more than 3 floors (three floors) and with a maximum limit of 13 m. (thirteen meters), and in case of the construction of a tunnel the maximum limit for the height shall be 14.50 m. (fourteen meter and fifty centimeters).


2- Incase of the construction of a tunnel, the height of the ground floor shall not be more than 1.50 m. (one meter and fifty centimeters) from the level of the pavement surface.

Article (16) Special stipulations: 1- It is allowed to construct residential apartments, provided that the area of one flat shall not be less than 80 sq.m. (eighty square meter) with the necessity of providing a car park for each residential flat for one flat at least in a floor in the case of impossibility of providing the required areas for the parks. 2- In case the land is located on a commercial or service street the construction shall retract to a distance not less than 5 m. from the front boundary of the land and it is allowed to make some projections at the upper floors with a distance not more than 1.20 m. and it is allowed to add (mezzanine) floor in a manner that the height is coping with what has been stated in the law of the regulation of the buildings being referred to, provided that it shall not be computed within the construction ratio and the area of thereof shall not be more than 70% (seventy percent) of the area of the ground floor.


Fourth Chapter

Area of linked residence-B-

Article (17) The usage: The residential usages are allowed in thereof (Houses, villas and residential apartments), as per the statement of the maps determining the approved construction areas in the Kingdom. Article (18) The ratios of the construction: 1- The percentage of the construction shall not be more than 300% (three hundred percent) of the total land area. 2- The said ratio shall include all the buildings, including the compound “Laywan”, services and staircases pits. 3- It is allowed to construct residential utilities above the roof surface of the building with an area not more than 30 sq.m. (Thirty square meter) and shall be with the height of the staircase room level with a maximum limit of 3000 m. 4- It is allowed to provide car parkings areas inside the land plot and the area of thereof are not accounted for within the allowed construction percentage. 5- It is allowed to construct a tunnel the area of which is not accounted for within the said allowed construction ratio, provided that an approval for the planning of thereof shall be obtained in consideration of the existing roads and services.


Article (19)

Retractions: 1- The front retraction: It is allowed to build a construction on the ground floor on the front boundary of the land of the front façade thereof. 2- Side & rear retraction: It is allowed to build a construction on the side and rear boundary of the land, and in case of making some openings which are accessed to the side or rear neighbor, it is necessary to leave some skylights (Horizontal, internal or external), as per the provision of the executive panel of the regulation of buildings.

Article (20) Heights: 1- The height of the construction shall not be more than 3 floors (Three floors) and with a maximum limit of 13.00 m (Thirteen meters), and in case of the construction of a tunnel, the maximum limit for the height shall be 14.50 m (Fourteen meters and fifty centimeters). 2- In case of the construction of a tunnel, the height of the floor of the ground floor shall not be more than 1.5 m (One meter and fifty centimeters) from the pavement surface level.


Article (21) Special stipulations: 1- It is allowed to construct residential villas, provided that the area of one flat shall not be less than 60 sq.m (Sixty square meters) or one flat in the floor, in case of non-availability of the required area, including staircases. 2- In case of the availability of car parks at the ground floor, it shall be compensated by allowing building on the fourth floor in an area equals the area specified for car parks. 3- In case the land is located on a services or commercial road, it is allowed to add (Mezzanine) and shall not be accounted for within the construction ratio and the area thereof shall not be more than 70% (Seventy percent) of the area of the ground floor. 4- The application of the conditions of local areas, shall be adhered to with respect to: 1- The provision of car parks inside the land. 2- The architectural parameters of the area's construction and heritage style, if any.

The Fifth Chapter

Area of garden's residence.

Article (22)

The usage: Residential usages are allowed in thereof (Houses, separate and linked residential villas and garden apartments), as per the statement of the maps determining the approved construction areas.


Article (23) The construction ratios: 1- The construction ratio, shall not be more than 55% (Fifty five percent) of the land area for all constructions where it is allowed to construct more than one residential unit inside the land plot, provided that the share of one residential unit shall not be less than 500 sq.m (Five hundred square meter) of the land's area. 2- The area of the utilities for each residential unit at the ground floor shall not be less than 5% of the unit's share, with a maximum limit of 25 sq.m (Twenty five square meter), and it is allowed to construct the utilities on the boundary of the side neighbor of the building from one side only, provided that the height thereof shall not be more than one floor, with a maximum limit of 4m (Four meters) measured from the pavement level and are not accounted for in the construction ratios. 3- It is allowed to construct upper utilities for residence with an area not more than 30 sq.m (Thirty square meter), at the top roof of the building and shall be of a height similar to the level of the staircase room and are not accounted for within the allowed construction ratios. 4- It is allowed to construct an external "Majlis" or a multipurposes hall and general entertainment utilities that group the land in a manner that the percentage of thereof, shall not be more than 10% within the land's area and are not accounted for from the allowed construction ratios (percentages). and it allowed to construct the Majlis on the front boundary of the land facing street or road and shall be in a manner that the length of the Majlis shall not be more than 25% (forty percent) of the length of the front façade of the land and with maximum limit of 30 m (Thirty meter), and also, it is also allowed to construct on the boundary of the side neighbor from only one side, and shall be in a manner that the height of the Majlis shall not be more than one floor and with a maximum limit of 4 m. (four meters) from the pavement level. 5- It is necessary to provide parking for two cars at least inside the land plot and the car parks are not accounted within the construction percentage.


6- It is allowed to construct a tunnel, the area of which is not accounted for within the said construction ratio.

Article (24)

Retractions: 1- Front retraction: It is allowed to build a construction on the ground floor on a distance not less than 5 m (Five meters) from the front boundary of the land of the façade facing street or road which allows the opening of some entrances to thereof and allows the construction of upper projections above the ground floor, with maximum limit of 1.20 m (One meter and twenty centimeter). 2- The side and rear retraction: It is allowed to build a construction on the ground floor, on a distance which is not less than 3 m (Three meters) from the side and rear boundary of the land and it is not allowed to build upper projections on the floors above the ground floor.

Article (25) The height of the construction: 1- The height of the construction shall not be more than two floors and with a maximum limit of 10 m. (Ten meters), and incase of the construction of a tunnel the maximum limit for the height shall be 11.50 m. (Eleven meter and fifty centimeters). 2- Incase of the construction of a tunnel, the height of the ground floor shall not be more than 1.50 m. (one meter and fifty centimeters) from the level of the pavement surface. Article (26)

Special stipulations: 1- It is allowed to build more than one residential unit in the plot of land in a form of houses or villas linked from one side or more or separated or both together, provided that they are distributed


inside the land and car parks are made available at a rate of one park for each residential unit. 2- The distance between the separated residential units inside the land, shall not be less than 4 m (Four meters), and it is allowed to utilize the retraction areas among the units as car parks with roofs and the height of the roof of thereof shall not be more than 3 m (Three meters). 3- The widths of the internal streets in the residential complexes shall not be less than 8 m. (eight meters), provided that the retraction of the front façade of the building shall not be less than 5 m. (five meters) from the boundary of the internal street. 4- It is allowed to build more than one residential unit in the land plot in a form of residential units (Garden apartments), and shall be in a manner that the area of one flat shall not be less than 150 sq.m (One hundred fifty square meter), with the provision of car parks at a rate of one park at least for each residential unit.

The Third Chapter. Areas of Tall Buildings (Multi-storey buildings).

The First Section.

Areas of the Investmental Buildings (A)

Article (27).

The usage: Residential, commercial or administrative usages or all of them are allowed in thereof, as indicated by the maps determining the approved construction areas.

Article (28)


The construction ratios:

The construction ratios are determined in these areas as follows: 1- The construction ratio shall not be more than 1200% (One thousand two hundred percent) of the land area. 2- The construction plain surfaces of any floor are not more than 60% (Sixty percent) of the land area. 3- It is allowed to construct a tunnel, the area of which is not computed within the construction ratio, provided that part of thereof of an area not less than 70% (Seventy percent), shall be used as car parks, provided that the height of the ground floor, shall not be more than 1.50 m (One and half meter) from the pavement level.

Article (29)


1- The Front retraction: It is allowed to build a construction on the ground floor on the front boundary of the land, unless there is an approved construction line with detailed layout plans to which the construction shall retract, and it is allowed to make some upper projections above the ground floor with a maximum limit of 1.20 m (One meter and twenty centimeter). 2- The side and rear retraction: The retractions in the ground floor are not less than 6 m (Six meter) from the boundaries of the side and back land, and it can be used as corridors and it is allowed to construct upper projections on floors above the ground floor, with a maximum limit of 60 cm (Sixty centimeter).

Article (30) 26

Special stipulations: 1. It is necessary to provide car parks inside the land plot at a rate of one car for each flat at least and shall be in a manner that the number of car parks shall not be less than one park for each 100 sq.m (Hundred square meters) for the constructional plains specified for other uses. In case it is not possible to provide the required number of car parks on the land plot at the ground floor, it is necessary to provide parks for the remaining number of car parks, either by repeated floors or making of a tunnel or both of them, and also it is allowed to construct a multi-storey car parks for the cars on the boundary of the land from all directions and are not accounted for within the allowed construction percentage). 2. Areas used for entertainment activities, private utilities and services are not computed within the allowed construction percentage, provided that it should not exceed 20% (Twenty percent) of the total construction ratio (Percentage). 3. In case of the multiplicity of uses, it is necessary to separate entrances, elevators and staircases leading to the residential apartments from other non residential uses. 4. In land plots facing approved commercial streets, commercial and administrative uses are allowed, provided that the construction shall retract for a distance not less than 6 m (Six meter) from the ground floor from the front boundary of the land and used as lanes for the pedestrians and car parks, and it is allowed to make upper projections above the ground floor, with a maximum limit of 1.20 m (One meter and twenty centimeter). 5. In case the land is located on a commercial street, it is allowed to add (Mezzanine) and shall not be computed within the construction ratio (Percentage) and its area shall not be more than 70% (Seventy percent) of the area of the ground floor. 6. In cases where the areas of land plots are less than the areas stated in the executive panel of the decree by law No.: (3) for the year 1994 of the partitioning of the lands prepared for construction and development, the regulatory stipulations stated in places that cope with the areas of thereof, shall be applied to thereof.


7. In land plots located at the diplomatic area, the percentage of the construction is not more than 700% (Seven hundred percent) of the land's area, and the construction is allowed on the front boundary of the land, provided that a compound shall be created with a width of 3.60 m (Three meters and sixty centimeters) and with a height not less than 5.80 m (Five meters and fifty centimeters), provided that the construction shall retract from other directions to a distance not less than 3 m (Three meters) with the provision of car parks, either with a tunnel or by repeated floors.

The Second Chapter.

Areas of investmental Buildings – (B).

Article (31)

The usage: Residential, commercial or administrative usages or all of them are allowed in thereof, as indicated by the maps determining the approved construction areas.

Article (32) The construction ratios: The construction ratios are determined in these areas as follows: 1. The construction ratio shall not be more than750% (Seven hundred fifty percent) of the land area. 2. The construction plain surfaces of any floor are not more than 60% (Sixty percent) of the land area. 3. It is allowed to construct a tunnel, the area of which is not computed within the said construction ratio, provided that part of thereof of an area not less than 70% (Seventy percent), shall be used as car parks, provided that the height of the ground floor, shall not be more than 1.50 m (One and half meter) from the pavement level.


Article (33)


1. The Front retraction: It is allowed to build a construction on the ground floor on the front boundary of the land, unless there is an approved construction line with detailed layout plans to which the construction shall retract, and it is allowed to make some upper projections above the ground floor with a maximum limit of 1.20 m (One meter and twenty centimeter). 2. The side retractions: The retractions in the ground floor are not less than 4.50 m (Four meters and fifty centimeters) from the boundaries of the side land, and it can be used as corridors and it is allowed to construct upper projections on floors above the ground floor, with a maximum limit of 60 cm (Sixty centimeter). 3. The rear (retractions: The retractions in the ground floor are not less than 6 m (Six meters) from the rear boundary of the land, and it can be used as lanes and car parks, and it is allowed to construct upper projections on floors above the ground floor, with a maximum limit of 60 cm (Sixty centimeter).

Article (34) Special stipulations: 1) It is necessary to provide car parks inside the land plot at a rate of one car for each flat at least and shall be in a manner that the number of car parks shall not be less than one park for each 100 sq.m (Hundred square meter) for the constructional plains specified for other uses. In case it is not possible to provide the required number of


car parks on the land plot at the ground floor, it is necessary to provide parks for the remaining number of car parks, either by repeated floors, making of a tunnel or both of them, and also it is allowed to construct a multistorey car parks for the cars on the boundary of the land from all directions and are not accounted within the allowed construction percentage (ratio). 2) Areas used for entertainment activities, private utilities and services are not computed within the allowed construction percentage, provided that it should not exceed 20% (Twenty percent) of the total construction ratio (Percentage). 3) In case of the multiplicity of usages, it is necessary to separate entrances, elevators and staircases leading to the residential apartments, from other non residential usages.

4) In land plots facing approved commercial streets, commercial and administrative usages are allowed on the ground floor, provided that the construction shall retract for a distance not less than 6 m (Six meter) from the ground floor from the front boundary of the land and used as lanes for the pedestrians and car parks, and it is allowed to make upper projections above the ground floor, with a maximum limit of 1.20 m (One meter and twenty centimeter). 5) In case the land is located on a commercial street, it is allowed to add (Mezzanine) and shall not be computed within the construction ratio (Percentage) and its area shall not be more than 70% (Seventy percent) of the area of the ground floor. 6) In cases where the areas of land plots are less than the areas stated in the executive panel of the decree by law No.: (3) for the year 1994 of the partitioning of the lands prepared for construction and development, the regulatory stipulations stated in places that cope with the areas of thereof, shall be applied to thereof.


The Third Chapter.

Areas of Investmental Buildings – (C).

Article (35)

The usage: Residential, commercial or administrative usages or all of them are allowed in thereof, as indicated by the maps determining the approved construction areas.

Article (36)

The construction ratios: The construction ratios are determined in these areas as follows: 1) The construction ratio shall not be more than 500% (Five hundred percent) of the land area. 2) The construction plain surfaces of any floor are not more than 60% (Sixty percent) of the land area. 3) It is allowed to construct a tunnel, the area of which is not computed within the said construction ratio, provided that part of thereof of an area not less than 70% (Seventy percent), shall be used as car parks, provided that the height of the ground floor, shall not be more than 1.50 m (One and half meter) from the pavement level.


Article (37)

Retractions: 1) The Front retraction: It is allowed to build a construction on the ground floor on the front boundary of the land, unless there is an approved construction line with detailed layout plans to which the construction shall retract, and it is allowed to make some upper projections above the ground floor with a maximum limit of 1.20 m (One meter and twenty centimeter). 2) The side retraction: The retractions in the ground floor are not less than 3.50 m (Three meters and fifty centimeters) from the boundaries of the side land, and it can be used as corridors and it is allowed to construct upper projections on floors above the ground floor, with a maximum limit of 60 cm (Sixty centimeter). 3) The rear retraction: The retractions in the ground floor are not less than 5m (Five meters) from the rear boundary of the land, and it can be used as lanes and car parks, and it is allowed to construct upper projections on floors above the ground floor, with a maximum limit of 60 cm (Sixty centimeter).

Article (38)

The Heights: 1- The height of the building shall not be more than 10 floors (Ten floors) and with a maximum limit of 50 m (Fifty meters), and incase of the construction of a tunnel the maximum limit for the height shall be 51.50 m. (Fifty one meter and fifty centimeters), in addition to the height of the floors specified for services and car parkings areas. 2- In case of the construction of a tunnel, the height of the ground floor shall not be more than 1.50 m. (one meter and fifty centimeters) from the level of the pavement.


Article (39)

Special stipulations: 1It is necessary to provide car parks inside the land plot at a rate of one car for each flat at least and shall be in a manner that the number of car parks shall not be less than one park for each 100 sq.m (Hundred square meters) for the constructional plains specified for other uses. In case it is not possible to provide the required number of car parks on the land plot at the ground floor, it is necessary to provide parks for the remaining number of car parks, either by repeated floors, making of a tunnel or both of them, and also it is allowed to construct a multi-storey car parks for the cars on the boundary of the land from all directions and are not accounted within the allowed construction percentage (ratio). 2Areas used for entertainment activities, private utilities and services are not computed within the allowed construction percentage, provided that it should not exceed 20% (Twenty percent) of the total construction ratio (Percentage). 3-In case of the multiplicity of uses, it is necessary to separate entrances, elevators and staircases leading to the residential apartments, from other non residential uses. 4- In land plots facing approved commercial streets, commercial and administrative uses are allowed on the ground floor, provided that the construction shall retract for a distance not less than 6 m (Six meter) from the ground floor from the front boundary of the land and used as lanes for the pedestrians and car parks, and it is allowed to make upper projections above the ground floor, with a maximum limit of 1.20 m 4 (One meter and twenty centimeter). 5- In case the land is located on a commercial street, it is allowed to add (Mezzanine) and shall not be computed within the construction ratio (Percentage) and its area shall not be more than 70% (Seventy percent) of the area of the ground floor. 6- In cases where the areas of land plots are less than the areas stated in the executive panel of the decree by law No.: (3) for the year 1994 of the partitioning of the lands prepared for construction and development, the regulatory stipulations stated in places that cope with the areas of thereof, shall be applied to thereof.


The Fourth Chapter. Areas of Investment Buildings – (D).

Article (40)

The usage: Residential, commercial or administrative usages or all of them are allowed in thereof, as indicated by the maps determining the approved construction areas.

Article (41) The construction ratios: The construction ratios are determined in these areas as follows: 1- The construction ratio shall not be more than 300% (Three hundred percent) of the land area. 2- The construction plain surface of any floor is not more than 60% (Sixty percent) of the land area. 3- An additional construction percentage of not more than 50% (Fifty percent) is allowed from the area of the upper floor to be specified for the residential utilities only, and shall be of a height of not more than 4 m (Four meters). 4-

It is allowed to construct a tunnel, the area of which is not computed within the said construction ratio, provided that part of thereof of an area not less than 70% (Seventy percent), shall be used as car parks.


Article (42) Retractions: 1- The Front retraction: It is allowed to build a construction on the ground floor on the front boundary of the land of the façade facing a street or road, unless there is an approved construction line with detailed layouts plans to which the construction shall retract, and allows the making of some upper projections above the ground floor with a maximum limit of 1.20 m (One meter and twenty centimeter). 2- The side and rear retraction: The retractions in the ground floor are not less than 3 m (Three meters) from the side and rear boundary of the land and it can be used as lanes and it is allowed to construct upper projections on floors above the ground floor, with a maximum limit of 60 cm (Sixty centimeters).

Article (43) The Heights: 1- The height of the building shall not be more than 6 floors (Six floors) and with a maximum limit of 30 m (Thirty meter), and incase of the construction of a tunnel the maximum limit for the height shall be 31.50 m. (Thirty one meter and fifty centimeters), in addition to the height of the floors specified for services and car parkings areas. 2- In case of the construction of a tunnel, the height of the ground floor shall not be more than 1.50 m. (one meter and fifty centimeters) from the level of the pavement surface.

Article (44) Special stipulations: 1. It is necessary to provide car parks inside the land plot at a rate of one car park for each flat at least and shall be in a manner that the number of car parks shall not be less than one park for each 100 sq.m (Hundred square


meter) for the constructional plains specified for other uses. In case it is not possible to provide the required number of car parks on the land plot at the ground floor, it is necessary to provide parks for the remaining number of car parks, either by repeated floors, making of a tunnel or both of them, and also it is allowed to construct a multi-storey car parks for the cars on the boundary of the land from all directions and are not accounted within the allowed construction percentage(ratio). 2. In land plots facing approved commercial streets, commercial and administrative uses are allowed on the ground floor, provided that the construction shall retract for a distance not less than 6 m (Six meter) from the ground floor from the front boundary of the land and used as lanes for the pedestrians and car parks, and it is allowed to make upper projections above the ground floor, with a maximum limit of 1.20 m (One meter and twenty centimeter). 3. In case the land is located on a commercial street, it is allowed to add (Mezzanine) and shall not be computed within the construction ratio (Percentage) and its area shall not be more than 70% (Seventy percent) of the area of the ground floor.

4. In cases where the areas of land plots are less than the areas stated in the executive panel of the decree by law No.: (3) for the year 1994 of the partitioning of the lands prepared for construction and development, the regulatory stipulations stated in places that cope with the areas of thereof, shall be applied to thereof.


Fifth Chapter

Areas of multi-storey buildings – 4 storeys. Article (45) Usage: Residential, commercial or administrative usages or all of them are allowed in thereof, as indicated by the maps determining the approved construction areas.

Article (46) The construction ratios: 1) The construction ratio shall not be more than 240% (Two hundred forty percent) of the land area. 2) The construction plain surfaces of any floor are not more than 60% (Sixty percent) of the land area. 3) An additional construction percentage of not more than 30% (Thirty percent) is allowed from the area of the upper floor to be specified for the residential utilities only, and shall be of a height of not more than 3 m (Three meters). 4) It is allowed to construct a tunnel, the area of which is not computed within the said construction ratio, provided that part of thereof of an area not less than 70% (Seventy percent) of thereof, shall be used as car parks.


Article (47)

Retractions: 1) The Front retraction: It is allowed to build a construction on the ground floor on a distance not less than 5 m (Five meters) from the front boundary of the façade facing a street or road that allows the opening of entrances to thereof, and the areas of retractions are used as pedestrian lanes and car parking areas and it is allowed to make roofs for thereof and also allowed to make upper projections above the ground floor, with a maximum limit of 3.20 m (Three meters and twenty centimeters). In case the building is located on more than one street, it retracts to a distance not less than 5 m (Five meters) from the boundary of the land faces the street of more importance to the location and a distance not less than 2 m (Two meters) from the boundary of the land facing the other streets. 2) The side and rear retraction: The retractions in the ground floor are not less than 2 m (Two meters) from the side and rear boundary of the land, and it can be used as pedestrian corridors and it is allowed to construct upper projections on floors located above the ground floor of these side and rear façades. Article (48)

The Heights: 1- The height of the building shall not be more than 4 floors (Four floors) and with a maximum limit of 20 m (Twenty meter) in case there is no tunnel, and incase of the construction of a tunnel the maximum limit for the height shall be 21.50 m. (Twenty one meter and fifty centimeters), in addition to the height of the floors specified for services and car parkings areas. 2- Incase of the construction of a tunnel, the height of the ground floor shall not be more than 1.50 m. (one meter and fifty centimeters) from the level of the pavement.


Article (49)

Special stipulations: a. The area of one flat shall not be less than 80 sq.m (Eighty square meter). b. It is necessary to provide car parking areas at a rate of one car park for each residential unit (Flat). c. In case the land plot is located in a place facing a commercial or service street, the construction shall retract for a distance not less than 5 m (Five meter) from the ground floor from the front boundary of the land of the façade facing the commercial or service street and areas of retractions are used as lanes for the pedestrians and uncovered car parks, and it is also allowed to make upper projections above the ground floor, with a maximum limit of 1.20 m (One meter and twenty centimeter). d. In case the land is located on a commercial or service street, it is allowed to add (Mezzanine) and shall not be computed within the construction ratio (Percentage) and its area shall not be more than 70% (Seventy percent) of the area of the ground floor.


The Sixth Chapter. Areas of multi-storey buildings – 3 storeys.

Article (50) Usage: Residential, commercial or administrative usages or all of them are allowed in thereof, as indicated by the maps determining the approved construction areas.

Article (51) The construction ratios: 1. The construction ratio shall not be more than 180% (One hundred eighty percent) of the land area. 2. The construction plain surface of any floor is not more than 60% (Sixty percent) of the land area. 3. An additional construction percentage of not more than 30% (Thirty percent) is allowed from the area of the upper floor to be specified for the residential utilities only on the rooftop of the building, provided that the height shall not be more than 3 m (Three meters). 4. It is allowed to construct a tunnel, the area of which is not computed within the said construction ratio, provided that part of thereof, of an area not less than 70% (Seventy percent) of thereof, shall be used as car parks.


Article (52) Retractions: 1. The Front retraction: It is allowed to build a construction on the ground floor on a distance not less than 5 m (Five meters) from the front boundary of the façade facing a street or road that allows the opening of entrances to thereof, and the areas of retractions are used as pedestrian lanes and car parking areas and it is allowed to make roofs for thereof and also allowed to make upper projections above the ground floor, with a maximum limit of 3.20 m (Three meters and twenty centimeters). In case the building is located on more than one street, it retracts to a distance not less than 5 m (Five meters) from the boundary of the land faces the street of more importance to the location and a distance not less than 2 m (Two meters) from the boundary of the land facing the other streets. 2. The side and rear retraction: The retractions in the ground floor are not less than 2 m (Two meters) from the side and rear boundary of the land and it can be used as pedestrian lanes and it is allowed to construct upper projections on floors located above the ground floor.

Article (53)

The Heights: 1- The height of the building shall not be more than 3 floors (three floors) and with a maximum limit of 15 m (fifteen meter), and incase of the construction of a tunnel, the maximum limit for the height shall be 16.50 m. (sixteen meter and fifty centimeters), in addition to the height of the floors specified for services and car parkings areas. 2- Incase of the construction of a tunnel, the height of the ground floor shall not be more than 1.50 m. (one meter and fifty centimeters) from the level of the pavement.


Article (54)

Special stipulations: i.

The area of one flat shall not be less than 80 sq.m (Eighty square meters).


It is necessary to provide car parking areas at a rate of one car park for each residential unit (Flat).


In case the land plot is located in a place located at a commercial or service street, the construction shall retract for a distance not less than 5 m (Five meter) from the ground floor from the front boundary of the land of the façade facing the commercial or service street and areas of retractions are used as lanes for the pedestrians and uncovered car parks, and it is also allowed to make upper projections above the ground floor, with a maximum limit of 1.20 m (One meter and twenty centimeter).


In case the land is located on a commercial or service street, it is allowed to add (Mezzanine) and shall not be computed within the construction ratio (Percentage) and its area shall not be more than 70% (Seventy percent) of the area of the ground floor.


The Seventh Chapter

Areas of linked multi-storey buildings

Article (55)

Usage: Residential, commercial or administrative usages or all of them are allowed in thereof, as indicated by the maps determining the approved construction areas.

Article (56) The construction ratios: 1. The construction ratio shall not be more than 500% (Five hundred forty percent) of the land area. 2. An additional construction percentage of not more than 30% (Thirty percent) is allowed from the area of the upper floor to be specified for the residential utilities only, and shall be of a height of not more than 3 m (Three meters). 3. In the land located within the commercial areas or facing the main commercial streets, it is allowed to add (mezzanine) which will not be computed within the said percentage and the area of thereof would not be more than 70% (seventy percent) of the area of the ground floor. 4. It is allowed to construct a tunnel, the area of which is not computed within the said construction ratio, provided that part of thereof, of an area not less than 70% (Seventy percent) of thereof, shall be used as car parks.


Article (57) Retractions: 1- The Front retraction: It is allowed to build a construction on the ground floor on the front boundary of the land of the front façade of thereof. 2- Side and rear retraction: It is allowed to build the construction on the side and rear boundary of the land, and incase of making some openings facing the neighbor, skylights (horizontal, internal or external) shall be fixed in thereof as per the provision of the executive panel of the building's regulations law.

Article (58) The Heights: The height of the building shall not be more than 5 floors (five floors) and with a maximum limit of 22 m (Twenty meter), and incase of the construction of a tunnel, the maximum limit for the height shall be 23.50 m. (Twenty three meter and fifty centimeters), in addition to the height of the floors specified for services and car parkings areas, if any.

Article (59) Special stipulations: 1- It is allowed to build residential flat, provided that the area of one flat shall not be less than 60 sq.m (Sixty square meters). 2- It is necessary to provide car parking areas at a rate of one car park for each flat for residential uses. And the number of car parks shall not be less than one park for each 100 sq.m (Hundred square meters) for the constructional plains specified for other uses. And it is necessary to provide the required car parking areas either on the ground floor, the upper floors, the tunnel or in all of them and the car parking areas shall not be computed within the two allowed construction percentage and heights in thereof, and it is necessary to have the approval of the layout plans of thereof in consideration of the requirements of the roads and services.


The Fourth Chapter Area of commercial exhibitions Article (60) Usage: Residential, commercial or administrative uses or all of them are allowed in thereof, as indicated by the maps determining the approved construction areas.

Article (61) Construction ratios: 1. The total construction plain surface area for all the building shall not be more than 300% (Three hundred percent) of the land area. 2. The construction plain surfaces of any floor are not more than 60% (Sixty percent) of the land area. 3. It is allowed to construct the mezzanine, the area of which is not more than 70% (Seventy percent) of the area of the ground floor and its area shall not be computed within the allowed construction percentage. 4. An additional construction percentage of not more than 30% (Thirty percent) is allowed from the area of the upper floor to be specified for the residential utilities only, and shall be of a height of 3 m. (Three meters). 5. It is allowed to construct a tunnel, the area of which is not computed within the said construction ratio, provided that part of thereof of an area not less than 70% (Seventy percent) of thereof, shall be used as car parks. 6. The area of the showroom shall not be less than 100 sq.m. building.


7. It is allowed to construct warehouses related to the commercial exhibitions with the percentage of not more than 30% (Thirty percent) of the percentage provided for with respect to the total plain surfaces of the construction. 8. Exhibitions (Showrooms) are allowed to be constructed with the depths of not more than 100 m. (One hundred meters), measured from the approved regulation line or with the depths of the property, what's ever the less.

Article (62) Retractions: 1- The Front retraction: It is allowed to build a construction on the ground floor and mezzanine at a distance of not less than 6 m. (Six meters) from the front boundary of the land and the retraction areas shall be specified for uncovered car parks to serve commercial exhibitions, and it is allowed to make some projections at the floors located above the ground floor with the maximum limit of 1.20 m. (One meter and twenty centimeters). 2- Side and rear retraction: It is allowed to build a construction on the ground floor at an area which is not less than 3 m. (Three meters) from side and rear boundary of the land and it is not allowed to make some upper projections in floors located above the ground floor.

Article (63) The Heights: 1- The height of the building shall not be more than 5 floors (five floors) and with a maximum limit of 25 m. (Twenty five meter), and incase of the construction of a tunnel, the maximum limit for the height shall be 26.50 m. (Twenty six meter and fifty centimeters). 2- In case of making of a tunnel, the height of the floor of the ground floor shall not be more than 1.50 m. (One meter and fifty centimeters) from the pavement level.


Article (64) Special Stipulations: 1- It is allowed to use the residence for the employees, provided that the percentage specified for residential uses, shall not be more than 30% of the land area and shall be at the rear side of the land which is not facing the front street. 2- It is necessary to provide additional car parks for the cars at a rate of one park for each 100 sq.m (Hundred square meters) of the constructional plain surfaces in residential and administrative uses. And it is necessary to provide the required car parks, either on the ground floor, the upper floors, the tunnel or on all of them and the car parks is not accounted for within the decided construction percentage. 3- It is necessary to provide special areas for loading and unloading of cargo within the limits of the ownership and shall not contravene with the other elements constituting the building and the supplements of thereof.

The Fifth Chapter Industrial Areas First Section Industrial Production Projects (A)

Article (65)

Without prejudice the currently applied industrial laws and regulations, industrial projects in industrial areas are considered as project of a special nature, which require the obtainment of an approval of the layout plans from the cities and village directorate, with respect to the suitability of the site from a planning aspect, in coordination with the concerned authorities.


The Second Chapter Industrial Production Projects (B)

Article (66)

Usage: It is allowed in thereof the industrial production usages, administrative offices, exhibitions and warehouses for the products of these industries, as has been indicated by the plans specifying the approved construction areas.

Article (67)

The construction ratios: 1- The percentage of the construction for all buildings shall not exceed than 240% (Two hundred forty percent) of the land area. 2- The construction plain surface for any floor shall not be more than 60% (Sixty percent) of the land area. 3- It is allowed to construct a mezzanine the area of which should not exceed 70% (seventy per cent) of the ground floor area and not to be computed within the ratio of the allowed construction. 4- The total area of the construction specified for the use as exhibitions shall not be more than 20% (twenty percent) of the ground floor area. 5- It is allowed to construct a tunnel, the area of which shall not be computed within the said construction percentage, provided that it shall be noticed that it satisfies the safety and security requirements, as specified by the concerned authorities.


Article (68)

Retractions: 1- Front retraction: It is concerned to build a construction on the ground floor and mezzanine at a distance not less than 6 m. (six meters) from the front boundary of the land facing a structure road, and such distance shall be specified as uncovered car park and it is allowed to make some projections on the floors located above the ground floor, with a maximum limit of 1.20 m. (one meter and twenty centimeters). 2- Side and rear retractions: The retractions distance of the side and rear facades, shall not be less than 4 m. (four meters) and it is not allowed to make some projections on floors above the ground floor.

Article (69) Heights: 1- The height of a building shall not be more than 4 storey (four storey), with a maximum limit of 24 m. (twenty four meters), and it is allowed to increase the height in cases required by the industrial preparations with special specifications after obtaining the approval of the cities and villages planning directorate to thereof. 2- Incase of a construction of a tunnel, the height of the floor of the ground floor shall not be more than 1.50 m. (one meter and fifty centimeters) from the pavement level.


Article (70) Special Stipulations: Additional car parks should be provided in a manner that the numbers of car parks shall not be less than one park for each 200 sq.m. (two hundred square meter) for constructional plain surfaces and it is necessary to provide the required car parks, either on the ground floor, the repeated floors, the tunnel or all of them, and the car parks are not completed from the construction percentage.

The Third Chapter Areas of Stores and Warehouses Article (71) Usage: warehouses, stores and administrative offices are allowed in thereof, as per the statement of the layout plans determining the approved construction areas.

Article (72)

Construction ratios: 1) The percentage of the construction for all buildings shall not be more 240% (Two hundred forty percent) of the land area. 2) The construction plain surface for any floor shall not be more than 60% (Sixty percent) of the land area. 3) The total area of the construction specified for the use as administration offices shall not be more than 20% (twenty percent) of the ground floor area. 4) It is allowed to construct a tunnel, the area of which shall not be computed within the said construction percentage, provided that it shall be noticed that it satisfies the safety and security requirements, as specified by the concerned authorities.


Article (73)

Retractions: 1- Front retractions: Warehouses installations shall retract to a distance not less than 6 m. (Six meters) from the front façade of the installation and to be used as uncovered (without roofs) car parks and for the loading and unloading operations, and it is not allowed to make upper projections in floors above the ground floor. 2- Side and rear retraction: Warehouses installations shall retract to a distance not less than 3 m. (Three meters) from the side and rear façades, and it is not allowed to make upper projections.

Article (74) The heights: 1- The height of the construction shall not be more than 3 floors (three floors) and with a maximum limit of 18 m. (Eighteen meters) and the warehouses which require technical preparations of special specifications, are exempted from this. 2- Incase of the construction of a tunnel, the height of the ground floor shall not be more than 1.50 m. (One meter and fifty centimeters) from the pavement level. Article (75) Special Stipulations: 1- It is allowed to construct linked or semi-linked stores and warehouses, on condition that the approval of civil defense is obtained with respect to the specifications of the emergency exits, gathering points and other of the security and safety requirements in emergency cases such as fire with noticing the easiness of movement among the stores' groups. 2- A distance of not less than 4 m. (Four meters) shall be left between the warehouses and stores installations in a one plot of land.


The Fourth Chapter

Areas of Light Industries

Article (76) Usage: Light industrial usages are allowed in thereof beside workshops, administrative offices, stores, showrooms for the factory products and labor accommodations as shown by the plans specifying the approved construction areas.

Article (77) Construction Ratios: 1) The percentage of the construction for all buildings shall not be more 240% (Two hundred forty percent) of the land area. 2) The construction plain surface for any floor shall not be more than 60% (Sixty percent) of the land area. 3) It is allowed to construct a mezzanine the area of which shall not be more than 70% (Seventy percent) of the area of the ground floor and shall not be computed within the allowed construction percentage. 4) The total area of the construction specified for the use as labor accommodation shall not be more than 50% (Fifty percent) of the total constructed area. 5) The area of one workshop shall not be less than 100 sq.m. (One hundred square meter). 6) It is allowed to construct a tunnel, the area of which shall not be computed within the said construction percentage, provided that it shall be noticed that it satisfies the safety and security requirements, as specified by the concerned authorities.


Article (78) Retractions: 1- Front retraction: It is allowed to make some constructions on the ground floor and the mezzanine at a distance not less than 6 m. (Six meters) from the front boundary of the land facing a street or road and such a distance shall be specified as unroofed car parks, and it is allowed to make some projections on floors located above the ground floor with a maximum limit of 1.20 m. (One meter and twenty centimeters). 2- Side and rear retraction: The construction shall retract for side and rear facades to a distance of not less than 4 m. (Four meters), and it is not allowed to make some upper projections on floors above the ground floor.

Article (79) The heights: 1- The heights of the construction shall not be more than 4 floors (Four floors) and in a manner that the maximum limit of height shall be 24 m. (Twenty four meters), and it is allowed to increase the height in cases required by the industrial preparations with special specifications after the obtainment of the approval of the layout plans of thereof. 2- Incase of the construction of a tunnel, the height of the ground floor shall not be more than 1.50 m. (One meter and fifty centimeters) from the pavement level.


Article (80)

Special Stipulations: 1- Additional car parks should be provided in a manner that the numbers of car parks shall not be less than one park for each 200 sq.m. (two hundred square meter) for constructional plain surfaces and it is necessary to provide the required car parks, either on the ground floor, the repeated floors, the tunnel or all of them, and the car parks are not completed from the construction percentage. 2- It is allowed to construct light industrial buildings, workshops and linked and semi-linked stores, provided that an approval for thereof is obtained from the civil defense general directorate with respect to the specification of the emergency exits, gathering points and other of the security and safety requirements in emergency cases such as fire with noticing the easiness of movement among the stores' groups.

The Fifth Chapter Areas of workshops and maintenance services Article (81) Usage: Light industrial usages are allowed in thereof beside workshops, administrative offices, stores, showrooms for the factory products and labor accommodations as shown by the plans specifying the approved construction areas.


Article (82) Construction Ratios: 1. The percentage of the construction for all buildings shall not be more 240% (Two hundred forty percent) of the land area. 2. The construction plain surface for any floor shall not be more than 60% (Sixty percent) of the land area. 3. It is allowed to construct a mezzanine, the area of which shall not be more than 70% (Seventy percent) of the area of the ground floor and shall not be computed within the allowed construction percentage. 4. The area of one workshop shall not be less than 50 sq.m. (Fifty square meter). 5. The total area of the construction specified for the use as labor accommodation shall not be more than 50% (Fifty percent) of the total constructed area. 6. It is allowed to construct a tunnel, the area of which shall not be computed within the said construction percentage, provided that it shall be noticed that it satisfies the safety and security requirements, as specified by the concerned authorities.

Article (83) Retractions: 1- Front retraction: It is allowed to make some constructions on the ground floor and the mezzanine at a distance not less than 6 m. (Six meters) from the front boundary of the land facing a street or road and such a distance shall be specified as unroofed car parks, and it is allowed to make some projections on floors located above the ground floor with a maximum limit of 1.20 m. (One meter and twenty centimeters). 2- Side and rear retraction: The construction shall retract for side and rear facades to a distance of not less than 2 m. (Two meters), and it is not allowed


to make some upper projections on floors above the ground floor.

Article (84)

The heights: 1. The heights of the construction shall not be more than 4 floors (Four floors) and in a manner that the maximum limit of height shall be 24 m. (Twenty four meters), and it is allowed to increase the height in cases required by the industrial preparations with special specifications after the obtainment of the approval of the layout plans of thereof. 2. In case of the construction of a tunnel, the height of the ground floor shall not be more than 1.50 m. (One meter and fifty centimeters) from the pavement level.

Article (85)

Special Stipulations: Additional car parks should be provided in a manner that the numbers of car parks shall not be less than one park for each 200 sq.m. (two hundred square meter) for constructional plain surfaces and it is necessary to provide the required car parks, either on the ground floor, the upper floors, the tunnel or all of them, and the car parks are not computed from the construction percentage.


The Sixth Chapter Services Areas Article (86) Usage: Light industrial usages are allowed in thereof beside maintenance services and repair workshops, oil change, tires repair, and alike, in addition to administrative offices, industrial and service showrooms and labor accommodation, as shown by the plans specifying the approved construction areas.

Article (87) The construction ratios: 1. The percentage of the construction for all buildings shall not be more 180% (One hundred eighty percent) of the land area. 2. The construction plain surface for any floor shall not be more than 60% (Sixty percent) of the land area. 3. It is allowed to construct a mezzanine, the area of which shall not be more than 70% (Seventy percent) of the area of the ground floor and shall not be computed within the construction percentage provided for. 4. The area of one workshop shall not be less than 30 sq.m. (Thirty square meter). 5. It is allowed to construct a tunnel, the area of which shall not be computed within the said construction percentage, provided that it shall be noticed that it satisfies the safety and security requirements, as specified by the concerned authorities.


Article (88)

Retractions: 1- Front retraction: It is allowed to make some constructions on the ground floor and the mezzanine at a distance not less than 5 m. (Five meters) from the front boundary of the land facing a street or road and such a distance shall be specified as unroofed car parks, and it is allowed to make some projections on floors located above the ground floor with a maximum limit of 1.20 m. (One meter and twenty centimeters). 2- Side retraction: It is allowed to build the construction on the side boundary of the land, and incase of making some openings facing the neighbor, skylights (horizontal, internal or external) shall be fixed in thereof as per the provision of the executive panel of the building's regulations law. 3- Rear retraction: Retraction for the rear façade shall be to a distance not less than 2 m. (Two meters), and it is not allowed to make some upper projections on the floors located above the ground floor.

Article (89) The Heights: 1. The height of the construction shall not be more than 3 floors (three floors) and in a manner that the maximum limit of height shall be 18 m. (Eighteen meters). 2. In case of the construction of a tunnel, the height of the ground floor shall not be more than 1.50 m. (One meter and fifty centimeters) from the pavement level.


The Sixth Chapter Agricultural Areas

Article (90)

The usage: The following usages are allowed in thereof, as shown by the plans specifying the approved construction area. 1- In this area it is allowed to practice all the agricultural activities, entertainment activity, and the setting up of the green houses and nurseries. 2- It is allowed to construct private residential units, residential complexes and accommodation for farmers, 3- It is allowed to practice animal production activities and establish poultry farms and animals stables, after obtaining an approval of layout plans thereof from the cities and villages directorate with respect to the suitability of the site from the planning aspect, in coordination with the concerned authorities, provided that the licensing for practicing the activities referred to shall be issued by the concerned body in the ministry of agriculture, the general corporation for the protection of marine wealth, environment and the wild life.

Article (91) The construction ratios: 1. The total construction plain surface for residential units, shall not be more than 15% (Fifteen percent) of the land area, where it is allowed to construct more than one residential unit, provided that the share of each residential unit shall not be less than 2000 sq.m (Two thousand square meter) of the land area and hall be grouped at one side of the land. 2. The total area of farmers’ accommodation shall not be more than 5% (Five percent) of the land area.


3. The total area of the animals sheds and stables shall not be more than 10% of the land area.

Article (92)

Retractions: 1- Front retraction: A- Green houses and nurseries installations shall retract from the land boundary on facades facing a street or road, to a distance of not less than 3 meters (Three meters). B- Private residential units, shall retract from the ownership limit to a distance not less than 6 m (Six meters). C- The office, the guard man room, the pumps 'room and the stores, may be constructed closed to the boundary wall at the entrance and at only one side of the land. D- The distance left between the animals barns (Sheds) and the nearest residential house, shall not be less than 50 m (Fifty meters). E- The retraction distance of the farmers residences, shall not be less than 6 meters (Six meters) from the front boundary of the land. F- The front retraction for animal barns and stables shall not be less than 15 m (Fifteen meters) of the front boundary of the land.

2- Side and rear retraction: A- Green houses and nurseries installations shall retract from the land boundary on other facades facing a neighbor, pedestrian lane, and any other residential or commercial area, to a distance of not less than 6 meters (Six meters). B- Private residential units shall retract from the ownership limit to a distance not less than 6 m (Six meters).


C- The side and rear retraction for animal barns and stables shall not be less than 15 m. (Fifteen meters) of the side and rear boundary of the land. D- The distance between the residential units shall not be less than 4 m. (Four meters).

Article (93) The heights:

1- The height of the residential unit shall not be more than 2 floors (Two floors) and with a maximum limit of 10 m. (Ten meters). 2- The height of the office, guard room, farmers' residences, pumps' room and stores, shall not be more than one floor and with a maximum limit of 4 m. (Four meters).

Article (94)

Special Stipulations: The stipulations and general specifications issued by the concerned authorities at the agriculture affairs shall be followed to construct cow's sheds, horses' stables, poultry farms and others of animal and agricultural production and also the stipulations related to the reclamation of the irrigation canals, the drainage and the removal of palm dates.


The Seventh Chapter General Conditions Article (95) The stipulations stated in this resolution shall be applied on lands with an approved and detailed general layout plans, with consideration to the following: A- It is not allowed to reconstruct in the greenbelt areas. B- It is allowed to reconstruct lands and ownerships of an area of less than 60 sq.m. (Sixty square meters), at a rate of one residential unit for each floor, with the adherence to the heights provided for in each construction area. C- Construction is not allowed in open areas, unless after obtaining the planning approval for the suitability of the site for the suggested construction of projects with special nature from the cities and villages directorate and in coordination with the concerned authorities. Such open areas include the following: 1- Lands which contain natural wealth or marine life sources. 2- Quarantines 3- Water Streams, plateaus and valleys. 4- Archeological and historical features. 5- Cemeteries 6- Lands specified for special uses. 7- Lands specified for future construction extension. 8- Non reconstructed arid lands. 9- Water flooded lands. 10- Lands of high levels. 11- Lands surrounding poultry farms as per the approved specifications of the concerned authority at the agriculture affairs.


Article (96) Public utilities and social services projects: In areas specified for services and public utilities, general detailed and approved construction plans are allowed or plans specifying the construction areas at educational, health, sport, social, religious, cultural, entertainment and tourism educational projects and projects of general utilities and alike, on condition that an approval for the layout plans is obtained with respect to the suitability of the site for the suggested construction to thereof from the cities and villages planning directorate, with the specification of the regulatory stipulations for construction of each project within the approval of planning of thereof, in coordination with the concerned authorities, provided that the concerned minister at the municipalities affairs shall issue a resolution concerning the planning parameters and rates, as per the nature of each project.

Article (97) Areas of projects with special nature: In the construction plans of the Kingdoms some areas should be specified for the projects of special nature, provided that planning approval should be obtained with respect to regulatory construction stipulations for thereof, as per the requirement of the nature of each project. Projects of special nature are allowed after obtaining the planning approval of the suitability of the site of each project for construction from the cities and villages planning directorate, provided that coordination shall be made with the authorities concerned with construction, utilities, services and roads and also such authorities may request the land lord to prepare a pre-feasibility study of the effect of the suggested uses on the existing constructions in the area, the roads network, the utilities, environmental studies and the existing services, provided that the directorate of the cities and villages shall be informed with the recommendations of such authorities within a period not less than thirty days from the date of the receipt of the application for the approval, provided that the concerned minister at the municipalities affairs shall issue an order with the construction regulatory stipulations, as per the nature of each project.


Article (98)

Relevant committees: 1- The committee for the facades: The concerned minister at the municipalities, shall issue the ministerial orders of the formation of the facades' committee, which includes representatives of the authorities concerned with the construction and which may be able to set up the bases that contribute in the development of the existing facades and to coordinate between the landlords of the facades of the new buildings and thereof and to upgrade the architectural and construction style of the different construction areas. 2- The committee for the review and study applications of the projects with special nature: The concerned minister at the municipalities affairs shall issue a ministerial order to form a technical consultancy committee to study the applications of the projects of special nature and the stipulations regarding areas of distinguished construction and the projects which are not subjected to the approved regulatory stipulations and the authorities concerned with the construction, utilities, services and roads are represented in thereof, and the committee may request the owners of the said projects to prepare a technical and economic study related to the social, construction, economical, environmental and the direct traffic impacts of the establishment of such projects.

Article (99)

Construction on the boundaries of the main roads: It is allowed to construct on the boundaries of the main roads, as per the detailed common construction layout plans approved by the concerned minister at the municipalities affairs, which specify the construction area devoted for each of them, provided that the construction shall retract to the construction line shown in these plans or in the ministerial orders, and such plans and orders also specify the construction's depth allowed for thereof, measured from the pivot of the road with the specification of the regulatory construction stipulations regarding such roads.


Article (100)

The concerned minister at the municipalities ' affairs shall present, all the cases which have no provisions for thereof and the cases that require amendments in such stipulations, to the ministerial committee of the public utilities to issue the necessary recommendations regarding thereof.


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