Stay Refreshed

  • Uploaded by: Stephanie Cofrin
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  • December 2019
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  • Words: 367
  • Pages: 1
S t a y R e f r e s h e d Whet heryou’ r et r avel i ngbypl ane, t r ai noraut omobi l e,t heset r avel pr oduct swi l lhel pyoust ayf r esh.

FACESPRI TZER Not hi ngi swor s et han hav i ngt hi r s t y , dehy dr at eds k i n. St ayr ef r es hedwi t h t hi sl i ghtmi s tofwat er . Ev i anTr i o,$18; f l i ght 001. c om

SI CKNESSBAND Thi sc ombi nat i onof or ange,gi ngerand pepper mi ntwi l l hel p c ont r ol t hatl ous y mot i ons i c k nes s . Ar omet her apy Si c k nes sBand,$7; f l i ght 001. c om

PI LLOW ANDEYEMASK Youwon’ tl os eawi nkofs l eep wi t ht hi ss i l k ys et ,as s umi ng t haty oudon’ thav ear eal l yl oud s nor ernex tt oy ou. Si l kEy eMas k&Pi l l owSet ,$48; f l i ght 001. c om

HANDWI PES Don’ tl ety ourt r i pbec ont r ol l ed byger ms !Keepy our s el fheal t hy andc l eanwi t ht hes emi ni wi pes . Cheek yChi mpMi ni Wi pes , $5eac h,f l i ght 001. c om

TRAVELKI T Equi ppedwi t hhai r s pr ay ,t ampons ,c l earnai l pol i s h, nai l pol i s hr emov er ,anemer yboar d, l i pba; m,ear r i ngbac k s ,doubl es i dedt ape, s t ai nr emov er ,adeoder antwi pe,pai nr el i v er , c l earel as t i c s ,as ewi ngk i t ,br eat hf r es hner , dent al f l os s ,andadhes i v ebandges Mi ni * Mer genc y ,$12;f l i ght 001. c om ©2009www. pr et t y i nt el l i gent . c om

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