Rubric For Papers

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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 499
  • Pages: 2
MIT2412 Paper Grading Guidelines: (4-5 points)

(3.5-3.9 points)

(3.0-3.4 points)

(2.5-2.9 points)

(0.0-2.4 points)

The author establishes and maintains a clear thesis

The author establishes a thesis in the introduction and maintains it throughout the paper. The organization moves the writing forward. Few lapses in unity or coherence exist.

The author establishes a thesis but fails to maintain it throughout the paper

The thesis is not clear and is not maintained throughout the paper.

The paper lacks a thesis.

Some lapses in unity or coherence exists within the organizatio nal structure.

Lapses in organizatio n hut the unity and coherence.

Serious errors in organization make the paper difficult to follow.

The details are relevant and develop ideas/informa tion with some depth and vividness. The author establishes a professional tone.

The details inadequate ly develop ideas or information .

Details lack elaboration , are merely listed, or are repetitious.

Details are minimal, inappropriat e, or random.

The author sometimes achieves a professiona l tone. Numerous spelling, grammar, usage, mechanics, format, and/or documenta tion errors distract the

The paper rarely achieves a professiona l tone. Errors in spelling grammar, usage, mechanics, format, and/or documenta tion seriously

The paper lacks a professional tone.

Each Criteria is worth a maximum of 5 points THESIS





The paper is organized from beginning to end. It contains a logical progression of ideas. It’s fluent and coherent. The details of the paper are pertinent, vivid, explicit, and provides ideas/informa tion in depth. The paper employs a distinctive professional tone The paper contains few or no spelling, grammar, usage, mechanics format, and/or documentatio

Some spelling, grammar, usage, mechanics format, and/or documentatio n errors or patterns of

Errors in spelling, grammar, usage, mechanics, format, and/or documentat ion are great

n errors.


Departures from convention appear intentional and are effective. All style requirements are followed exactly.

errors exist.


interfere with the flow of the paper.

enough to completely interfere with comprehens ion.

A few minor errors but in general most style requirement are followed

Inconsisten tly follows style requiremen ts

Many of the requiremen ts are not adhered to.

For the most part did not follow style requirement s at all.

Style Requirements for Research Paper All style requirements must be followed exactly, or you will lose points on your written assignments. Format: 1-inch margins, 12-point font Times Roman, double-spaced, indented paragraphs (no block), the bottom center of each page must include a page number and your last name (in case the pages get separated), it must be stapled. Cover Page: your paper must include a cover page which includes the title of your paper, your name, interpersonal communication, date, and instructor’s name. The paper will not be accepted if any of this information is missing. Citations: should follow either APA or MLA style. You may use in-text citations or footnotes, but you must be consistent. You must include a bibliography. APA formatting and style guide: MLA page format:

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