Rubric Final Project

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Final Project Rubric for MIT2412G University of Western Ontario, Spring 2009 Criteria Organization

Distinguished ­­ Extremely  well  organized.

Proficient ­­ Generally well  organized.

Basic ­­ Somewhat  organized.

­­Introduces the    ­­Introduces the    ­­Introduces the    purpose of the  purpose of the  purpose of the  presentation clearly  presentation clearly. presentation and creatively.

Unacceptable ­­ Poor or non  existent organization. ­­Does not clearly    introduce the purpose of the  presentation

--Effectively includes ­­Include transitions    ­­Includes some    ­­Uses ineffective    smooth, clever to connect transitions to transitions that transitions which are key points but better  connect key points  rarely connect points;  succinct but not transitions from idea  but there is difficulty  cannot understand  choppy in order to in following  presentation because  connect key points to idea are noted. presentation. there is no sequence  for information. ­­ Student presents    ­­ Student jumps    information in  -- Presentation is around topics.  logical, interesting  ­­  Most information  Several points are  choppy and sequence which  disjointed; no presented in logical  confusing. audience can follow. apparent logical order sequence; A few  of presentation minor points may be  confusing ­­Ends with an    --Ends without a summary or accurate  conclusion  conclusion. ­­Ends with a    showing   thoughtful,     summary or  strong evaluation of  ­­Ends with an summary of main  conclusion; little  the evidence  points showing some  evidence of  presented. evaluation of the  evaluating content  evidence presented. based on Evidence.


Final Project Rubric for MIT2412G University of Western Ontario, Spring 2009 Criteria





Content: Depth ­­Speaker provides an --For the most part, --Explanations of explanations of concepts and/or accurate and  and Accuracy concepts and theories theories are complete explanation  Content are accurate and inaccurate or

--No reference is made to literature or theory. Thesis not clear; information of key concepts and  complete. Some incomplete. Little included that does not theories, drawing  helpful applications attempt is made to tie support thesis in any of theory are in theory. There is a way. upon relevant  included. great deal of literature.  information that is Applications of  not connected to the theory are included to  presentation thesis. illuminate issues. 

­­Provides evidence    of extensive and valid research  with multiple (you  provide number) and varied sources.

­­Combines and    evaluates existing ideas to form new  insights.

­­Presents evidence    ­­Presents evidence    ­Presents little or no    of research of valid evidence of with sources. research with  valid research.  multiple sources.

­­Combines existing    --Shows little ­­Combines existing    ideas. evidence of the ideas to form combination of ideas. new insights.

--No significant errors are made; a --Information few inconsistencies completely accurate; or errors in all names and facts information. were precise and explicit

--Level of presentation is


--Enough errors are made to distract a knowledgeable listener, but some information is accurate.

--Portions of

--Information included is sufficiently inaccurate that the listener cannot depend on the presentation as a source of accurate information. --Presentation consistently is too elementary or too sophisticated for the

­­Level of  presentation is  appropriate for the  audience.

generally appropriate.presentation are too audience. elementary or too sophisticated for audience.


Final Project Rubric for MIT2412G University of Western Ontario, Spring 2009 Criteria




Research Effort ­­Went above and 

­­Did a very good job ­­Used the material  beyond to research  of researching;  provided in an  information; solicited utilized materials  acceptable manner,  material in addition  provided to their full  but did not consult  to what was provided; potential; solicited  any additional  brought in personal  more than six types  resources. ideas and information of research to  to enhance project;  enhance project; at  and utilized more  times took the  than eight types of  initiative to find  resources to make  information outside  project effective. of school.


­­Uses the  ­­Some originality  unexpected to full  apparent; clever at  advantage; very  times; good variety  original, clever, and  and blending of  creative approach that materials/media. captures audience's  attention.

­­Graphics  are  Use of Communication designed  reinforce  presentation thesis  Aids

--While graphics relate and aid presentation thesis, these media are not (e.g., Transparencies, and maximize  as varied and not as Slides, Posters, audience  well connected to Handouts, Computerunderstanding; use of presentation thesis. Generated Materials) media is varied and  appropriate with  media not being  added simply for the  sake of use. --Font size is appropriate for reading. ­­Visual aids were  colorful and large  enough to be seen by  all be even those in  --Appropriate information is back of the class prepared. Some


­­Did not utilize  resources effectively;  did little or no fact  gathering on the topic.

­­Little or no  ­­ Bland, predictable,  variation; a few  and lacked “zip.  original touches but  Repetitive with little  for the most part  or no variety; little  material presented  creative energy used. with little originality  or interpretation.

-- occasional use of graphics that rarely support presentation thesis; visual aids were not colorful or clear Choppy, time wasting use of multimedia; lacks smooth transition from one medium to another.

--Student uses superfluous graphics, no graphics, or graphics that are so poorly prepared that they detract from the presentation.

--Font is too small to --Font is too small to be easily seen. be easily seen

--Communication aids are poorly prepared or used inappropriately. Too much information is material is not supported by visual included. Unimportant material aids. is highlighted. ­­Media are prepared  in a professional  manner. Details are  minimized so that  main points stand  out.


Criteria Use of Language: Grammar, Word Choice, Voice

Distinguished --Poised, clear articulation; proper volume; steady rate; enthusiasm; confidence; speaker is clearly comfortable in front of the group. --Correct, precise pronunciation of terms ­­Selects rich and    varied words for context and uses  correct grammar.

Proficient --Clear articulation but not as polished; slightly uncomfortable at times Most can hear presentation.

Basic ­­Audience  occasionally has  trouble hearing the  presentation; seems  uncomfortable.

--Presenter is obviously anxious and cannot be heard or monotone with little or no expression.

--Student mumbles, -Student pronounces incorrectly most words correctly. ­­Student incorrectly    pronounces terms incorrectly. pronounces terms.  ­­Selects words    -Selects words appropriate for ­­Selects words    inappropriate context and uses  inappropriate for forcontext; Uses correct grammar. incorrect grammar. context; uses  incorrect grammar.

--Presentation has no more than two    --Presentation has misspellings and/or ­­Presentation has no misspellings or grammatical errors three misspellings  grammatical errors. and/or grammatical  errors. --Sentences are complete and grammatical, and they flow together easily. Words are chosen for their precise meaning.


--For the most part, sentences are complete and  an follow the  grammatical, and they ­­C presentation, but  flow together easily. some grammatical  With a few exceptions, words are errors and use of  chosen for their slang are evident.  precise meaning. Some sentences are  incomplete/ halting,  and/or vocabulary is  somewhat limited or  inappropriate.


--Student's presentation has four or more spelling errors and/or grammatical errors.

-- Cannot focus on the ideas presented. Because of difficulties with grammar and appropriate vocabulary.

Eye Contact


­­Maintains eye    ­­ Student maintains  contact;  seldom  eye contact most of  returning to notes;  the time but  presentation is like a  frequently returns to  planned  notes. conversation.



­­Some eye    ­­ Student reads all or  contact,but not most of report with no  maintained and at  eye contact. least half the time  reads most of report.



Audience Response ­­ held the audience's ­­Presented facts with  ­­Some related facts  ­­Incoherent; audience  attention throughout. some interesting  but went off topic and lost interest.  "twists"; held the  lost the audience. audience's attention  most of the time.


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