Rubric For Background Information

  • May 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 418
  • Pages: 1



Rubric for Background Information/Introduction Below Standard

Meeting Standard

Above Standard

Research question is not clearly stated in the beginning and/or the ending.

Research question is clearly stated in the beginning and the ending.

Research question is clearly stated in the beginning and ending, and is also connected to a real-life situation. A possible hypothesis is also stated.

Manipulated variable and the values of the MV are not clearly stated. Research is not used to explain the choice of the MV.

Manipulated variable and the values of the MV are clearly stated (ex: different colors of paper, red, blue, green, black, and white). Research is used to explain the choice of the values of the MV.

Manipulated variable and the values of the MV are clearly stated. Thorough research is used to explain the choice of the values of the MV. Parenthetical citations are from at least three different sources.

Responding variable and the units of measurement are not clearly stated. Research is not used to explain the choice of the RV.

Responding variable and the units of measurement are clearly stated (ex: weight measured in grams and height in cm). Research is used to explain the choice of the values of the MV.

Responding variable and the units of measurement are clearly stated. Thorough research is used to explain the choice of the RV. Parenthetical citations are from at least three different sources.

Relationship between the MV and RV is not clear. Research is not used to support the relationship.

Relationship is clear between the MV Research shows a clear relationship and RV. Research is used to support the between the MV and RV. relationship. Parenthetical citations are from at least three different sources.

More than two spelling and/or grammar errors. Third person is not used consistently.

One or two spelling and/or grammar errors. Third person (no I, me, my or we) is used consistently.

Spelling and grammar is correct. Third person is used consistently and in addition, scientific vocabulary is used.

Works cited page is missing or incorrectly formatted.

Works cited page is correctly formatted.

Works cited page is correctly formatted and contains at least ten authored sources.

Self-grade is not complete.

Self-grade (completed by circling this rubric) is complete.

Self-grade, adult grade, and peer grade is complete (include signatures for adult and peer grade).

Scoring: If the standard is met in all areas the score is 79%. For each below standard area 5% is deducted. For each above standard area 3% is added.

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