Rotaract Newswire

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Rotaract Newswire RI Rotaract Committee News July 2009

Chair Dong-Joon Lee Rotaractors and Rotarians, it is a privilege to serve as the 2009-2010 Chairman of the Rotary International Rotaract Committee, and I would like to thank RI President John Kenny for the opportunity. I’d also like to recognize last years’ committee members who worked so hard during the previous Rotary year.

In this Issue: Message from Chair Dong-Joon Lee


Achievements of the 2008-09 Committee


RI Rotaract Committee


Rotaractors Make Dreams Real at 2009 Preconvention, Birmingham, UK


Polio Challenge Update


New Generations 6

In addition, I’d like to congratulate and thank Lisa Hunter and Mary Kathryn DeLodder for preparing such a great 2009 Preconvention meeting and the members of the Rotaract Host Organizing Committee for a fabulous party program. This is truly an international event and an ideal platform for us to share ideas and meet friends from all over the globe. Yet in order for these gatherings to be successful, we not only need the dedicated individuals behind the scenes, but also all of you around the globe to attend. Your participation is what makes Rotaract the dynamic and energetic organization it is. You are helping motivate young people from around the world to develop their skills and are contributing to their communities through service projects and activities. Rotaract enables people to gain exposure to enriching experiences with an international component, and develop long-lasting friendships. For Rotarians, it provides an exciting opportunity to work with the young people in their communities, and to help them learn and mature into our future leaders. As Chair of the RI Rotaract Committee, I will focus on strengthening this relationship between Rotaract Clubs and their Sponsor Rotary Clubs. Some Rotaract Clubs are already fortunate enough to have strong relationships with their sponsoring clubs, while others still have room for improvement. For Rotaract clubs to maximize their resources, it is critical that Rotary clubs play an active and supportive role, and that the lines of communication between the organizations remain open. In achieving this goal, I plan to work closely with my new talented and diverse team. I am confident that we will build upon the successes of our predecessors to continue to make Rotaract a valuable and fun organization for young people all over the globe. I am excited for what we can accomplish together, and I look forward to working with all of you to gather feedback and provide recommendations to the Board that might further improve the Rotaract program. In a collaborative and cooperative manner, we can identify the best ways to strengthen the relationships between Rotaract clubs and their sponsoring Rotary clubs. Having seen your enthusiasm during the 2009 preconvention, I feel energized and excited to continue working with you as the Chair of the Rotaract Committee. I would also like to encourage you to accept President Kenney’s invitation to attend next year’s preconvention in Montreal, Canada. Given how much fun we had in Birmingham, I’m already looking forward to seeing all of our Rotaract and Rotarian friends again next year. In closing, I would like to recognize Terry Phillips for his leadership as chairman during 2008-09, as well as the past committee members. My sincere thanks also go to Haris Sofradzija for his tireless efforts in support of our work. I am honored to serve as Chairman of the RI Rotaract Committee for 2009-10, and I look forward to an exciting and productive year. Help us to share the exciting and informative information contained within this newsletter — we want it to reach as many Rotaractors and Rotarians as possible but we need your help.

2009-10 Rotary International Theme

• • • •

Forward this newsletter to all your Club/District/Region/MDIO members Add the newsletter to your Club/District/Region/MDIO website Send this newsletter to the Rotarians in your sponsoring Rotary Clubs & District Governor Create a note on Facebook and link it to this newsletter

Rotaract Newswire

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2008-09 Status Report - What your Committee Achieved For the second year in a row, the Rotaract Committee was invited to Rotary International Headquarters in Evanston, Illinois, USA. The RI staff provided essential information which enabled us to accomplish a great deal during our two day meeting. We made recommendations to the RI board and we also decided to issue a regular newsletter to keep Rotary Family members around the world up-to-date on important information. We also created a Google Group to communicate with MDIO’s around the world and issued our first communication before we left Evanston. The committee also decided to encourage each Rotaract Club to help Rotary End Polio Now by contributing a minimum of $100 a year for the next three years. In total we made 11 recommendations to the RI Board, 8 of which were approved. We also made 2 recommendations as a joint Youth and Young Adult Services Resource Group, 1 of which was approved. All of our recommendations are detailed below: Approved Recommendations: The Board • amends the Standard Rotaract Club Constitution to reflect gender neutral language throughout the document. • requests the general secretary to collect information on Rotaract clubs interested in forming twin club relationships, similar to information already collected for Rotaract clubs interested in home hosting, and to include this information in the Worldwide Rotaract Directory. • requests the general secretary to examine clubs started by former Rotaractors to identify best practices and trends • develops a CD containing the main Rotaract publications for distribution to Rotaract Clubs • requests the general secretary to create a Rotaract district best practices document based on input from districts with strong Rotaract programs • requests the President to consider sending a letter to District Governors encouraging them to help fund District Rotaract Representatives and other Rotaractors to attend the 2009 Rotaract Preconvention Meeting in Birmingham. (This went out in March 2009) • extends its congratulations to the dedicated Rotaractors and Rotarians in Korea for their support of the INTEROTA meeting in Seoul, Korea, and offers

its appreciation for their successful efforts. • encourages Governors-Elect to consider including information on New Generations programs (Rotaract, Interact, RYLA, and Youth Exchange) in their PETS program. Rejected Recommendations • does not agree to change the name of the Rotaract Preconvention meeting to the Rotaract Convention. • does not agree to produce the Guide for District Rotaract Representatives as a print publication.

Board Decisions regarding Joint Youth Program recommendations • thanks Interact, Rotaract, RYLA, and Youth Exchange Committees and the general coordinators of the Youth Services Resource Group for their collaborative efforts to promote these four programs • encourages District Rotaract, RYLA, and Youth Exchange chairs to conduct joint activities in support of cross-promotion and in the enhancement of the Rotary experiences for youth and young adults Rejected items • does not recommend the creation of a new district youth service committee to oversee the district , Rotaract, RYLA, and Youth Exchange Committees Approved: The Board • Requests the General Secretary to develop a New Generations Exchange promotional brochure in 2009-2010 and approves a 2009-2010 budget allocation of US$1,100 for this purpose. During the year we also saw Rotaract spread to two new countries, Kazakhstan and Iceland. We welcome both of them. Rotaract now has clubs in 164 countries. By Terry Phillips, Rotaract Committee Chair 2008-09

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Who are the 2009-2010 Rotaract Committee? Below are the members of the 2009-2010 Rotaract Committee, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact any of them. Chair: Dong-Joon Lee (USA) (Term ends 30 June 2011)

Vice Chair: Michele Guy (Canada) (Term ends 30 June 2010)

Member of Rotary Since: 1984

Member of Rotary Since: 1991

Special Interests: Reading and Travelling

Special Interests: Helping people, socializing,

Email: rotarian [at]

making a difference, and reading the newspaper front to back!

Email: mguy [at]

Members Member: Héctor A. Boffelli (Argentina) (Term ends 30 June 2010) Member of Rotary Since: 1989 Special Interests: reading and travel. I

Member: Eva Brodehl (Germany) (Term ends 30 June 2011)

Member of Rotary Since: 2005

also enjoy training Rotarians, Rotaractors, Interactors, RYLArians etc about Rotary.

Special Interests: maintain & improve their vision.

Email: beblo [at]

Email: eva.brodehl [at]

Member: Martin Bridge (UK) (Term ends 30 June 2012)

Member of Rotary Since: 1975 Special Interests: computing, cycling, mini's (Austin, Morris - not BMW!) & many others!




Member: Filippo Maria Pirisi (Italy) (Term ends 30 June 2012)

Member of Rotary Since: 1977 Special Interests: classical music, sailing Email: pirisi [at]

Email: pdg1992-rotary [at]

Rotaract Representatives Member: Lisa Hunter (England)

Member: Mary Kathryn DeLodder (USA)

Member of Rotaract Since: 2000

Member of Rotaract Since: 2000

Special Interests: Lisa enjoys swimming, Taebo boxing and visiting new countries.

Special Interests: Spending time with my husband, recycling, fish keeping, Rotaract education

(Term ends 30 June 2010)

Email: lisa [at]

(Term ends 30 June 2010)

Email: mkdelodder [at]

Member: Henrique Bragança (Brazil) (Term ends 30 June 2010)

Member: Kristine Binzer (Denmark)

Member of Rotaract Since: 2004

Member of Rotaract Since: 1997

Special Interests: people, travelling, blogging

Special Interests: Global health and development, skiing, sailing, playing music, travelling

meeting dancing,

Email: hbraganca[at]

(Term ends 30 June 2010)

Email: kristinebinzer [at]

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Rotaractors Make Dreams Real at 100th Convention Over 200 Rotaractors from all over the world congregated in Birmingham, England, to take p a r t i n t h e R o t a r a ct Preconvention and the historic 100th Rotary International Convention in June 2009. From 19th – 20th June Rotaractors enjoyed their own Preconvention where they shared ideas on how to motivate and increase membership, how to plan effective community and international service projects and enjoy the fellowship with Rotary Family members from all 4 corners of the world. There was a fantastic line-up of speakers for the Rotaract Preconvention including Past Rotary International President Frank Devlyn talking on leadership and Rotaract and how members of Rotary Youth Programs are the leaders of tomorrow. During the opening plenary session RI Rotaract Committee Chair, Terry Phillips, gave a very enthusiastic presentation on what the committee had achieved in the last year. He also updated us all on the status of Rotaract worldwide, including statistics on the fastest growth area. He also welcomed 2 new countries to the Rotaract family, Kazakhstan and Iceland, who chartered their first Rotaract Clubs during 2008-09. This means Rotaract is now present in 164 countries. One plenary session focussed on the End Polio Now challenge where Rotaractors heard from John Germ, Rotary's US$200 Million Challenge Chair, who explained the importance of the challenge and how Rotaract can help to eradicate this terrible disease from our planet. John thanked all Rotaractors for what we have already done in support of End Polio Now. During this session we also heard from Hanny Wan, a past Rotary Foundation Scholar, who told all present about her experience on a Polio immunisation day. Hanny challenged all Rotaractors to participate in a National Immunisation Day (NID) to show their support to the challenge and to see Rotary in action. During the 2008-09 Rotary year R.I President DK Lee urged us to “Make Dreams Real”, and what better way to show how we have achieved this than hearing from the 2009 Rotaract Outstanding Projects Award Winners? There were presentations from the 8 winners from all over the world, all providing inspirational stories as to

how they have all made dreams real. The international winner was the Rotaract Club of Birmingham, Alabama, USA with their project “Ready 2 Read”. The Ready 2 Read project has provided more than 30,000 books to 129 classrooms at a cost of $150,000. A $100,000 endowment has been set up to maintain the libraries and replace books. You can find out full details about all project winners at: /conv09june21rotaract.aspx We were also treated to a presentation from Emma Donovan, a Rotarian from High Wcyombe, England. Emma is a Past President of High Wycombe Rotaract and a past DRR for D1090. In October 2007, Emma was given the opportunity, as a Rotaractor, to travel to Sierra Leone with the charity Mercy Ships for two weeks. Before she went a list of items was given out, on which was a plea for cotton underpants. Emma continued to tell us that she, with help from friends and family, handed over 532 pairs of pants to the clinic in Freetown, much to the Clinic Managers delight. After a few conversations, Emma realised that underwear was in high demand, and decided to do something about it. On her return to England she approached an old school friend, Celia Talbot, who grew up in Tanzania, and decided to form their own charity, Knickers 4 Africa to help bring about a change. We were also very fortunate and privileged to be addressed by both the 2008-09 Rotary International President DK Lee, as well as the 2009-10 Rotary International President John Kenny. DK Lee spoke first by thanking Rotaractors for helping Make Dreams Real all over the world. He also told Rotaractors that we are much more than future Rotarians; we are a vital part of the Rotary Family. He finished by urging Rotaractors around the world “not to wait for an invitation to a Rotary Club, but to ask for an invitation.” Our final plenary session had the theme “The Future of Rotary is in Your Hands”. This is the 2009-10 RI Theme and it was therefore fitting that John Kenny, RI President 2009-10, spoke to us.

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Convention continued... Kenny said he was “proud to have Rotaract as part of our organization” as he outlined his aims for the coming year. He told us all to “Seize the day make your lives full of meaning". John Kenny’s parting comment was "I wish I could take all your energy and put it in a bottle!"

Brum09 team who put on a great party programme with the theme of “Swinging Sixties Britain”. On Thursday night delegates enjoyed the culture and colour of an Indian theme night with traditional curry dishes and bollywood dance performances. On Friday they grooved their way to the award winning Oceana nightclub to enjoy an evening of swinging sixties, with great music, 7 different bars and a free glass of bubbly on entry.

Saturday saw everyone make their way to Brindley Place to soak up the lively and sophisticated atmosphere on the organised pub crawl. The event ended in the Pitcher Outside of the main plenary sessions Rotaractors and & Piano dancing until the very early hours. Rotarians attended various workshops to gain more knowledge on specific subjects including PR, transition On Sunday the Brum09 team had organised a farewell from Rotaract to Rotary, organising a new Rotaract Club brunch so we could say goodbye to those that would be and membership development to name a few. In total leaving us. Everyone got to enjoy muffins and coffee there were 20 different workshops for participants to and continue the lively discussions with their new found friends. choose from. The 2009 Rotaract Preconvention closed with remarks by RI Rotaract Committee Chair, Terry Phillips, who thanked everyone for their service to Rotary over the last year and for attending this convention. Terry also took the opportunity to thank the 2008-09 RI Rotaract Committee for all their hard work and dedication to Rotaract. He also made a very special presentation to Lisa Hunter, committee member, in recognition for her service in producing the RI Rotaract Committee Newsletter and for being one of the main organisers, along with Mary Kathryn DeLodder and RI Staff member Haris Sofradzija, of the 2009 Rotaract Preconvention. Terry presented Lisa with a Paul Haris Fellowship with one Sapphire, as Lisa is already a Paul Haris Fellow. After the Rotaract preconvention several Rotaractors stayed in Birmingham to enjoy the historic 100th Rotary International Convention and were treated to some truly amazing speakers.

Just because the Rotaract Preconvention was over didn’t mean the party events were. On Tuesday they got to throw themselves down the 170 metre realsnow slope at the SnowDome in Tamworth. It was the best 40 minutes ever, with everyone reverting to childhood! Who knew you could have so much fun in toboggans! The final Brum09 event was an afternoon visit to Cadbury World, where the best chocolate in the world is made. The tour included a trip round Bourneville, a village built by the Cadbury family, and a tour of the factory where you could see how chocolate was made whilst getting to sample lots of free chocolate! The 2009 Rotaract Preconvention and Brum09 Party Events were a great success and an amazing experience for everyone who attended. We all made new friends, shared ideas that will benefit our clubs and districts and had a great time. The best thing about international events is meeting Rotaractors and Rotarians from all over the world, sharing ideas and fellowship.

During the opening ceremony we were all delighted to be addressed by Ban Ki-moon, the UN Secretary General, who commended Rotary on their fight against The good news is, if you weren’t able to make it to Polio and expressed his appreciation for the close Birmingham in 2009 then start planning your trip to Montreal, where the 2010 Rotaract Preconvention and relationship that Rotary and the UN share. Rotary Convention will take place. Don’t miss out on Other speakers included Mia Farrow, Tom Henderson this amazing experience, for more information visit: (CEO of Shelterbox) and Jane Goodall, who commented on the potential links between Rotaract and her Grass es/ridefault.aspx?housead Roots Clubs. To see more photos and videos from Preconvention visit: Outside of the Preconvention and Convention workshops, Rotaractors enjoyed the hospitality of the

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End Polio Now Update The campaign to End Polio Now — Rotary’s top priority — received another significant boost from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation last year. At the International Assembly, Bill Gates announced that his foundation was giving Rotary a grant of US$255 million for polio eradication in addition to the $100 million challenge grant received in 2007. This means Rotary now needs to raise $200 million to match this grant challenge. Response to the challenge has been tremendous. As of June 09, more than $90 million in cash, District Designated Fund allocations, and pledges had been received. Rotaractors, Interactors, Rotary Fellowships, and individual Rotarians have all contributed to the effort. Rotarians have come up with many creative fundraising ideas, a number of which involve the general public and promote awareness of the need to eradicate this disease. For example, Rotarians in more than 200 cities and villages in Switzerland raised over $669,000 by selling packets of sunflower seeds on National Day Against Child Paralysis.

Rotaract has also contributed approximately US$43,300 as of 31st May 2009. This is a figure we can all be very proud of and sets us on the right track for the Rotaract US$100 per club per year for 3 years. Although this has been a challenging year on the frontlines of polio eradication, we have seen some encouraging signs. As of 5 May, India had reported only 40 cases of polio as compared to 216 at the same time last year. We have also seen a decline in the number of type 1 polio cases in Kano, Nigeria, once the epicenter of the country’s type 1 polio outbreak, thanks to renewed political commitment in Kano to polio eradication. Rotarian involvement was prominently featured in an Academy Award-nominated short documentary, The Final Inch at, which aired on HBO in April. This film chronicles the challenges that health organizations and governments face during the final stages of polio eradication and features Rotarians immunizing children during a National Immunization Day in India. A number of Rotary clubs have arranged screenings of the film at theaters in their communities. To learn more about progress toward meeting the challenge, subscribe to the End Polio Now newsletter at http://

New Generations Email Rotary International have started producing a New Generations e-newsletter each month. New Generations is a monthly e-newsletter designed to inform program participants and Rotarians about news and developments in Interact, Rotaract, and RYLA and to give you ideas on how to get more involved with these programs in your communities. The RI Rotaract Committee would like to encourage as many of you as possible to subscribe to this e-newsletter to hear about the success stories from around the World. To be added to the distribution list for the e-newsletter, please click on this link:

When the web page has loaded enter your email and click on submit. On the next page select New Generations_ Rotaract from the list and complete the other information, following the instructions on the screen.

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