Rotaract Branding

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 835
  • Pages: 18
Asia Pacific Regional Rotaract Conference 2007


Branding of Rotaract

What is a “Brand” ? What is “Branding” ?


What is a “Brand” ? See what the dictionaries say ? Brand : • Trademark or distinctive name identifying a product or a manufacturer. • A product line so identified: a popular brand of soap. • A distinctive category; a particular kind: a brand of comedy that I do not care for. • A mark indicating identity or ownership, burned on the hide of an animal with a hot iron. • A mark burned into the flesh of criminals. • A mark of disgrace or notoriety; a stigma. • A branding iron. • A piece of burning or charred wood. • A sword: "So flashed and fell the brand Excalibur" (Tennyson). …… 3

What is a “Branding” ? See what the dictionaries say ? Brand : • To mark with or as if with a hot iron. • To mark to show ownership. • To provide with or publicize using a brand name. • To mark with disgrace or infamy; stigmatize. • To impress firmly; fix ineradicably: Imagery of the war has branded itself into the national consciousness. (Webster's New Millennium™ Dictionary of English, Preview Edition (v 0.9.7) Copyright © 2003-2007 Lexico Publishing Group, LLC) In marketing, the sum total of a company's value, including products, services, people, advertising, positioning, and culture. 4

Branding of Rotaract

Are there any other relevant definitions ? brand strength, brand equity, positioning, marketing, packaging, PR, identity, image ………………   5

Characteristics & benefits of a good brand or image

Core values, customer focused, uncompromising quality, innovation, fairness, integrity, trust worthiness, good public image


“Rotaract” - what come to mind ?


Internally Family of Rotary, Partner in Service, Professional Development, Leadership Development, Fellowship ,Friendship


Externally Rotary in Action, ,Fellowship Through Service ,Young people serving the community Networking, Career Opportunity


A quick SWOT analysis on “Rotaract” as a brand ?

S = Strength W = Weakness O = Opportunities T = threats 10

A quick review on Rotaract  Since 1968, Rotaractors have continually shown that they can be an innovative and positive force for change in their communities. Service activities commonly undertaken include projects to improve the environment, visits with the elderly or disabled, blood or organ donation campaigns, and aid to developing countries. One example of the ingenuity employed by Rotaractors is a project undertaken by the Rotaract Clubs of Heemstede and Hillegom-Lissee, the Netherlands, in 1987. In order to raise funds for PolioPlus, Rotaractors from the two clubs designed an amphibious cycle that would cross the English Channel under the power of 36 Rotaractors. The campaign raised US$210,000 for PolioPlus and earned the Rotaractors a place in the Guinness Book of World Records for their speedy crossing. Today, Rotaract continues to experience phenomenal growth. There are currently more than 7,600 Rotaract clubs in more than 158 countries, with an estimated membership of more than 176,000 Rotaractors. As the program continues to grow, Rotaractors repeatedly show that they are prepared for "Fellowship Through Service." ............................................................................................................ Information obtained from The Rotarian, Rotaract News, Rotary International Office Communications, the Minutes of the Rotary International Board of Directors, "A Brief History of Rotaract," by Cyril Noirtin and Magali Füss, and the personal correspondence of Bill Kemp, Rotary Club of North Charlotte, USA. 11

Sharing of Best Practices Outstanding Rotaract Clubs & Award-winning projects 2006-07 RI Convention The Rotaract Club of the University of Calgary,Canada: - Project Nicaragua The Rotaract Club of Knust, Ghana: - Leukemia Awareness Drive The Rotaract Club of Munting Pag-asa Davao, Philippines: - Childhood Nutrition Project


The Rotaract club of Munting Pag-asa Davoa

In the project, club members worked to lower the rate of infection by intestinal parasites among children, providing information on hygiene to parents and children,and carry out a six month food and nutrition program.


How would you like “Rotaract” to be described in the future ?


How do we promote “Rotaract”?


Targets, Strategies, Tactical plans, Resources, Timeline

Club Level District Level Regional level RI Level 16

Some suggestions • •

• • • • • • • • •

Agree on a the ‘Rotaract’ image (brand) for Asia Pacific in line with RI’s guidelines & Rotary’s global image campaign Conduct a reality check on how Rotaract & Rotary identities are used at club & district levels (use of Rotaract & Rotary logo, colour, policy & guidelines) More training on PR and brand building (PR Workshop, Rotaract PR Ambassadors ) Maximize PR for internal & external audience ? (PR kit – club level, district level, regional level) Maximize collaboration opportunities among districts in the region Formation of Multi District Information Organization Maximize learning opportunities – sharing of best practices ? Forming of an Asia Pacific Rotaract PR Resource Group ? Building a stronger relationship with sponsoring Rotary Club ? How to leverage / ride on Rotary’s Global Image Campaign ? Periodic identity checks on image ‘brand’ development 17



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