Rotaract Impact: First Issue

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  • Words: 2,579
  • Pages: 6
Volume 1, Issue 1 August 31, 2009

T h e

O f f i c i a l

P u b l i c a t i o n

o f

t h e

R o t a r a c t

D i s t r i c t

C o m m i t t e e ,

R . I .

D i s t r i c t

3 8 1 0

ROTARACT IMPACT Rotaract DISTAS 2009, A Success! More than 280 Rotaractors from 40 clubs converged at the Technological University of the Philippines for the Rotaract District Training and Assembly last July 25, 2009. Guests of Honor and Speakers were no less than District Governor Connie Beltran and Mr. Mark Ruiz, co-Founder of Hapinoy and Rags2Riches, who gave a very inspiring talk on shaping the future through social entrepreneurship. The Rotaract District Training and Assembly’s primary purpose is to serve as a venue to train Rotaract Officers on the effective use of club resources, and service opportunities, as well as prepare them for their responsibilities. With both seasoned Rotarians and Past District Rotaract Representatives as trainers, Rotaractors learned about the effective ways of organizing programs for the different avenues of service. The Rotaractors also learned about Rotary’s thrusts for the year, as well as the goals, activities, and plans of the District and the Rotaract District Com m ittee (RDC). T he y also witnessed the handover and induction of the District’s Rotaract leaders.

The RDC reciting their oath of office.

DG Connie Beltran discussing R.I.’s thrusts for the year. IPDRR Charlemagne “Charlie” Chua formally turned over the leadership reign to DRR Izel Marie “Izel” Guatno (RAC Manila). She, the officers of the Rotaract District Committee (RDC), and the Visionary Rotaract Club Presidents then took their oath of office during the event, with no less than District Governor Connie Beltran, SDG Ernest Yuyek, DCC John Jay De Castro, and DCHR Gabe Trias as witnesses. DISTAS 2009 was also a time for the Rotaractors to have fellowship with people outside their clubs and meet other partners in service. Rotaractors had fun with the games and dance activities, as well as the face-painting service sponsored by the District Rotaract Committee. Congratulations to RC Cavite Export Processing Zone (Lead Host Rotary Club), led by Pres. Yvonne Nakazawa; Rotaract Manila Metro (Host Rotaract club), led by Pres. Paolo Naïve, RAC CEPZ (support club) and the RDC for a successful DISTAS!



RDC PR Campaign


Creating Change


Meet the RDC


District Calendar


Message from the DCHR and DRR




Club Presidents Shine in ROTARACT PETS 2009 The ROTARACT PETS consisted of plenary sessions and group discussions on leadership, planning, club administration, among others. With a wellprepared program and outstanding speakers from both Rotary and Rotaract clubs, this year’s Presidents truly gained a lot from this training.

Attendees of ROTARACT PETS 2009 at AIM, with the guest speakers and organizers.


Visionary Rotaract Presidents started the year right when they came in full force for the ROTARACT President-Elect Training Seminar last June 13,

2009 at the Asian Institute of Management, Makati City. Close to 50 RAC Presidents attended, the biggest number of attendees in recent years.

The theme of this year’s PETS was, “Rotaractors: the Future Leaders of Rotary. Make it Happen!” The training was hosted by RAC STI CollegeMakati (sponsored by RC Pasay Silangan), and co-hosted by RAC Manila Bay (sponsored by RC Manila Bay), in coordination with the Rotaract District Committee Officers.

RDC Officers Jumpstart Rotaract PR Campaign Watch out for these activities as the RDC shows to the country and to the world how the D3810 Rotaractors are making a difference.

“What is Rotaract?” This is the question often asked by people when they see the red logo of Rotaract. To promote awareness of Rotaract and to encourage membership and support for the activities of Rotaract clubs in the district, the Rotaract District Committee launched its Public Relations Campaign during the July 4 District Meeting at Sta. Isabel College, Manila.

was the launch of the Impact Shirts. The Impact Shirts are on sale to Rotaractors and non -Rotaractors, with the goal of capturing the community’s interest and encourage them to serve through Rotaract. The first set of shirts were released during the DISTAS, and the next designs will be on sale this September, during the New Generations Celebration.

The first part of the campaign was the launching of the Rotary D3810 website, which includes a webpage that features the activities of Rotaractors. The webpage is a project of DCHR Gabe Trias (RC CEPZ), who is also the District’s Webmaster.

The next part of the PR campaign will be a Tri-Media exposure for the Rotaract clubs of the District. The RDC, with the guidance of its DCHR, are currently working on possible TV appearances and radio guestings, as well as features in local publications in the The first set of Impact Shirts coming months.

The second part of the campaign



Creating Change: The Rotaract Clubs at Work Serving with Passion, Commitment, and Excellence: This is the trademark of the Rotaract Clubs of District 3810. With the support and guidance of their sponsoring Rotary clubs and their district leaders, as well as partnerships with other cause-oriented groups, these dynamic Rotaractors hold not merely projects, but sustainable programs for the benefit of their communities and for their clubs. Here are some of the Rotaract Clubs at work. Photos feature some of their activities for the months of June and July 2009. Expect to see more photos of the D3810 Rotaractors in the succeeding issues!

COLORS OF HEALING. Members of the Rotaract Club of Manila (sponsored by RC Manila) together with the Rotaract Club of Marianas (sponsored by RC Guam, D2750) spent an afternoon with the children cancer patients of the AFP Medical Center last July 3, 2009. The activity is part of their Saludo sa Sundalo at Kapamilya program, a support program for soldiers and their children who are being treated for cancer.

READ US A STORY. The children of Dakota St., Manila, excitedly listen to a volunteer from the Rotaract Club of Malate as she reads a story from a book. The activity is part of the club’s Read Aloud Program, a long-term literacy program in support of the United Nations’ Global Campaign Against Poverty. RAC Malate is sponsored by RC BagumbayanManila.


TO SMILE. The Rotaract Club of Binondo (sponsored by RC Manila), in cooperation with the Rotaract Club of UE Dentistry (sponsored by RC UDM), gives the public a reason to smile as they regularly hold dental missions in various communities. Their most recent, “Oplan Checkup Bunot” was held at Plaza Recto, Bauan, Batangas last July 12, 2009.

A BRIGHTER FUTURE. Hope for a brighter future can be traced on the faces of these children from the Rotary Village in Gawad Kalinga, Alapan, Imus, Cavite as they check on their new school bags filled with school supplies distributed last July 5, 2009 by the Rotaract Club of Manila Metro. The distribution of school bags is part of the club’s S.I.K.A.P (Sa Iyong Kamay Ang Pag-asa) program, which is in collaboration with RC Manila Metro and the Inner Wheel Club of San Leandro, California, District 5170.



At Your Service: Meet the RDC Officers “Ready to Serve”. This best describes the officers of the Rotaract District Committee, the District Rotaract Representative’s partners in serving the Rotaract Clubs of District 3810. The Rotaract District Committee or RDC is appointed by the District Rotaract Representative (DRR) to help meet the goals for the year and to plan the district projects. Part of their responsibilities is to hold district training sessions for incoming club officers and recommend club service ideas to improve Rotaract clubs. They also work with the District’s Rotarians in organizing new clubs. The RDC reports to the DRR and the District Rotaract Chairman. Treasurer: Ramilito “Ramil” Modesto Past President Rotaract Club of Cavite Economic Zone (sponsored by RC CEPZ)

Asst. Treasurer Miriam Teresa “Mia” Ocoma Past RDC Treasurer, Rotaract Club of Manila Metro (sponsored by RC Manila Metro)

Directors: Club Service Romy P. Mejia Immediate Past President, Rotaract Club of STI CollegeMakati

This year’s batch of RDC officers is a good mix of Legacy and Sharing Presidents, students and young professionals. They all come from active and excelling Rotaract clubs in the district. As early as May 2009, they have worked together to set goals and plan activities for the Rotaractors of D3810. Their dynamism, enthusiasm, and passion for service is truly amazing. It would not be surprising if the next Rotary year’s district Rotaract leaders will come from this team.

Community Service Karen Christa “Kai” Canimo Immediate Past President, Rotaract Club of Manila Bay

Group Study Exchange Scholar, 2005

Secretary: Marie Goldilyn “Gold” Uy Immediate Past President, Rotaract Club of Manila

Asst. Secretary: Nicole Candice So Immediate Past President, Rotaract Club of Binondo (sponsored by RC Manila)

Manila Rotaract Clubs Clarice Joy “Clang” San Jose Immediate Past President, Rotaract Club of Malate

International Service John Michael Marc “Iggy” Salazar Past District Rotaract Director, Rotaract Club of STI College-Makati (sponsored by RC Pasay Silangan)

(sponsored by RC Bagumbayan)

Pasay and Mindoro Clubs John Michael “Mike” Labarda Charter President, Rotaract Club of Pasay Millennium (sponsored by RC Pasay Millennium)

Area Representatives:

Jennelyn “Jen” Rosario

To see photos of the RDC in action, readers can check the following sites:

Immediate Past President, Rotaract Club of Bacoor (sponsored by RC Bacoor)

Cavite Rotaract Clubs

Past District Rotaract Director, Rotaract Club of Our Lady of Remedies (sponsored by RC Bagumbayan-Manila)

District Rotaract Secretary, RY `08-`09 Past President, Rotaract Club of Manila (sponsored by RC Manila)

(sponsored by RC Manila)

Here are the officers of the Rotaract District Committee. The committee is composed of 10 executive officers and 2 assistant officers.

(sponsored by RC Pasay Silangan)

Professional Development Ruby Ann Dayday

District Rotaract Representative: Izel Marie “Izel” B. Guatno



Mark Your Calendars: District Activities Here are the list of activities for the R. Y. 20092010. Rotaractors, block off your schedule and make sure to be present in these activities. For the Rotaract Club officers, take note of the deadlines as well. JUNE 13 ROTARACT PETS JULY 1 Start of Rotary Year 4 District Meeting 25 ROTARACT DISTAS AUG. Membership and Extension Month 4 Interact Assembly/ Rotaract to Interact Campaign 8 District Meeting and Creating a Newsletter Session 15 July Monthly Report

30 District Octoberfest and DanceFest

15 Jan. Monthly Report *RDC Fundraising Activity and Visit to Mindoro on Oct or Nov. NOV. The Rotary Foundation Month 7 District Meeting 15 Oct. Monthly Report 22-25 Asia Pacific Regional Rotaract Conference, Singapore 30 Mid-year Report Deadline DEC. Family Month 5 District Meeting 12 Rotary, Rotaract, and Interact Xmas Party 15 Nov. Monthly Report 19 Rotaract District Committee Service Project

16 Rotary Family Day *DRRE Elections on Dec. SEPT. New Generations Month 12 District Meeting and New Generations Celebration 15 Aug. Monthly Report 20 NEWGEN Celebration: ROTARUN and Rotaract/Interact Badminton 26 DROSSCON OCT. Vocational Service Month 3 Voters’ Education Seminar and 4th District Mtg. 15 Sept. Monthly Report 17-18 United Nations’ Global Campaign Against Poverty

13 RDC Valentine Fundraising Activity

JAN. Rotary Awareness Month 9

ROTARACT Discon Launching and District Meeting

15 Dec. Monthly Report 16 Rotaract to Rotary Campaign 23 Submission of R.I. Outstanding Projects Recognition Form FEB. World Understanding Month 7 District Meeting

MARCH Literacy Month 6

District Meeting

8-13 World Rotaract Week 12-13 Rotary DISCON and Rotaract Clubs Exhibit 15 Feb. Monthly Report 21 Deadline of RI Presidential Citation, World Rotaract Week Recognition Form, and President-Elect Information 2828-29 ROTARACT DISCON APRIL Magazine Month *Month-long PR Campaign and Multi-District Service Project (TBA) 26 Deadline of YearEnd Report and Club Inventory MAY 1

Submission of Club Information to R.I.

JUNE Rotary Fellowships Month 5 District Awards and TurnTurn-over Ceremony 20-23 R.I. Convention at Montreal, Canada

Message from the District Rotaract Chairman Congratulations on publishing this first issue of the Rotaract District Committee Newsletter— the Rotaract Impact. A great feat of District Rotaract Representative Izel B. Guatno in leading the Rotaractors in accomplishing their goals with style! I’m appealing to all Rotaract Clubs in our district to contribute to this newsletter on their activities you have completed. Let us show the world what you’ve done to make an impact for the betterment of our society. Let us all participate in our district programs to experience the camaraderie with your counterparts and increase your leadership skills and responsible citizenship and help achieve our service

goals in our own communities. These are just one of our opportunities to motivate the young generation. Let me remind all Rotaract Clubs to submit the list of your members so that we may issue the official membership card from Rotary International. We would also require all new Rotaract Clubs to submit a copy of the Organization List submitted to RI with the payment of $50. The Incoming Rotaract Officer Data Form must also be submitted by clubs already registered to confirm your registration with RI. Let us all participate in supporting the advocacy of our District Governor Connie Beltran this coming New Gen Celebration to

discover and develop talents in the marathon and badminton tournaments specially to the Rotaract and Interact in general. Make use of this event to raise funds for your club. Lastly, get more involved in the Rotaract District Committee to continuously achieve its goals in the district level. Your sponsoring Rotary Clubs count on your leadership to help and assist your sponsoring Rotary Club and our district to improve the quality of life at home and abroad. Make an impact! Rotaract! DCHR Gabe Trias

Your Voice: The District Rotaract Representative “I’m gonna make a change, For once in my life. It’s gonna feel real good. Gonna make a difference... Gonna make it right.”

These words come from Michael Jackson’s song, “Man in the Mirror”. I am sharing this because I wish to remind everyone of our shared vision, and the challenge that comes with it. I believe that the first issue of ROTARACT IMPACT is the best venue for this. There are many issues and problems happening in our society. As Rotaractors, we have to remember that there is always something that we can do.

If we have hope, determination, and unity, we can serve as inspiration to others. Real change starts with you and me. We have the power to shape the future. The question we have to answer is not, “Is it possible?”. Rather, it is “How can we do it?”.

make that change. We can make an impact. DRR Izel Marie B. Guatno



The Official Publication of the Rotaract District Committee, R.I. District 3810

Here in D3810, we can shape the future if we do our best to make our clubs strong and active, develop well-rounded leaders, and strengthen Rotaract’s image through relevant programs and better partnership with our sponsoring Rotary clubs. We must make excellence and commitment to service a way of life. Through these, we can truly

Serving with Commitment, Passion and Excellence 1/F, District Governor’s Office Immaculate Conception Dormitory, Leon Guinto St., Manila Email: [email protected] _________________________ Editorial Board: DCHR Gabe Trias * DRR Izel Guatno DRDCS Romy Mejia, Jr. Photo Contributors: Marissa Yecla* Cess Encabo, Sol Racelis* Nicole So

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