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  • Words: 1,557
  • Pages: 7

1.1 BACKGROUND Education is the most important thing for development in order to improve the dignity of a nation. Education as an effort to prepare humanswho are ready to use in various fields of work and expertise to answer life's challenges. Education will later have to be able to foster future generations to become human beings with strong character, with a clear identity and with various abilities that are in accordance with the problems faced by the nation, both current and future problems. School education is currently regarded as the main element in the development of human resources (HR). As stated earlier, HR is considered more valuable if it has attitudes, behaviors, insights, abilities, expertise, and skills that are in accordance with the needs of the community or employment in various fields and sectorsdevelopment. These HR values can be developed through school education, both at the elementary, secondary and high levels of education. The type of schooling education itself consists of general education and vocational education, which one hasdifferent implications for HR development.

1.2 PURPOSE To improve the implementation of curriculum management in high school

1.3 BENEFIT To be more responsible and responsible for curriculum management in educational units.



The school has management in a predetermined curriculum that contains various subjects that students must learn. The curriculum is the first step in building a curriculum when curriculum workers make decisions and take action to produce plans that will be used by teachers and students. While planning itself is the selection of a number of alternatives regarding the establishment of procedures for achievement, as well as estimates of the sources that can be provided to achieve these objectives. To be able to strive for the implementation of curriculum management in schools efforts are needed in accordance with management functions that are reviewed from the education system, components, dimensions, elements and criteria at the intended education level. So that management as one of the tools in educational organizations, management behavior is largely determined by the behavior of the personnel involved in it. Behavior of practitioners in an educational organization, is determined through a set of rules, sets of tasks and mechanisms that also apply to the level of education, especially applicable regulations or with reference to applicable. Planning is an effort to formulate what you want to achieve and how something you want to achieve can be accomplished through the formulation of an activity plan. The curriculum management planning process in schools must be carried out collaboratively, meaning by including school personnel in all stages of planning. This participation will create a feeling of belonging (sense of belonging) that can provide encouragement to teachers and other school personnel to try to make the plan successful. The scope of planning includes all components of education management as mentioned earlier, namely curriculum planning, special services, community relations, teaching-learning processes (facilities), and school administration, experiences in field trips and others, all of which are situations learning situations that are rich in education. Therefore the curriculum covers all the experiences that the school deliberately provides to foster children's development by creating a teaching and learning situation.



The research conducted in this paper is using descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The use of this approach is adjusted to the main purpose of the research, which is to describe and analyze the implementation of curriculum management in high school. The qualitative approach is more concerned with the aspect of the process than the results, so based on this research will look at and analyze the description of the implementation of curriculum management so that the data to be collected later will be more complete and can be accounted for scientifically and more objectively. In the use of a qualitative approach, Nasution (2010: 50) explains that this approach: 1. Having flexibility adjusts to double things. 2. Presenting directly the nature of the relationship between researchers and respondents. 3. Be more sensitive to the sharpening of values that qualitative researchers encounter, observe people in their environment, interact with them and try to understand and interpret their thoughts about their world. In descriptive method it is more appropriate to be used to answer problems in research, with consideration in accordance with the current situation and circumstances. Sudrajat (2007: 120) explains that descriptive research is research that attempts to describe symptoms and events. Moleong (2005: 165-166) suggests that the characteristics of a qualitative research sample are: (a) the sample cannot be determined or withdrawn first, (b) the sample selection sequentially to obtain information that has been earlier so that it can be contested or there is a gap information, and ((c) continuous adjustment of the sample. Initially the sample is considered the same, then the inflating information turns out to be wider, so the sample will end if information repetition has begun or completeness or saturation has occurred and no significant additional information is obtained.



Education is the most important thing for development in order to improve the dignity of a nation. Education as an effort to prepare humans who are ready to use in various fields of work and expertise to answer life's challenges. Professional teachers as surrogates for parents do not mean depriving their students of independence. The success of a school in improving student achievement as an indicator of education quality and education levels is highly dependent on the effectiveness of its curriculum management. If curriculum management is already effective, the learning process will also be effective and student achievement will also increase significantly. As a substitute for the parents of professional teachers, it opens up more space for the development of independence in educational institutions. If parents often lose objective consideration of their children, a professional teacher must be objective, in which of course there are many obstacles for students who are learning to stand alone. Education will later have to be able to foster future generations to become human beings with strong character, with a clear identity and with various abilities that are in accordance with the problems facing the nation, both problemspresent and future.

The curriculum in an education system is a very important component. This is said because the curriculum is a role model in the implementation of the teaching and learning process. The quality of the output of the educational process is determined by the curriculum and the effectiveness of its implementation. The curriculum must be in accordance with the philosophy and ideals of the nation. The secondary school curriculum is a set of learning experiences designed for high school students in an effort to achieve educational goals. Given that secondary schools are educational institutions that are responsible for giving students the ability to continue to higher education, this curriculum must be understood intensively by all school personnel, especially by principals and teachers. The implementation of curriculum management is highly dependent on the ability of the principal to be able to play an active role in school management by empowering all the components involved in the overall implementation of the school. It means


the competency of the principal in empowering the school community needs attention to be continually improved. The Directorate General of Basic and Secondary Education (2005: 66) argues that: The implementation of the curriculum must be directed so that the learning process goes well, with benchmarks for achieving goals by students. So how is the strategy so that learning objectives can be achieved. Teachers need to be encouraged to continue to refine the strategy, for example by implementing action studies in learning through classroom action research.




Curriculum management planning prepared by high school teachers is in accordance with current curriculum standards (KTSP), this can be seen from curriculum management planning starting from the development of syllabus that follows the format of the Ministry of National Education syllabus development which includes: identification of subjects, school levels, classes, semester, competency standards, basic competencies, subject matter / learning, student learning experience, time allocation, and reference sources, in addition to developing the teacher syllabus also composes the Annual Program (Prota), Semester Program (Prosem), Learning Unit (Satpel), and Learning Implementation Plan (RPP). Next formulate innovative learning models, teaching aids, and learning simulations that are in accordance with the field of study they care for. The implementation of curriculum management is carried out by high school teachers in the form of teacher documents to carry out learning activities which include the development of syllabus, Annual Program (Prota), Semester Program (Prosem), Learning Unit (Satpel), and Learning Implementation Plan (RPP), besides the implementation of curriculum management is the assignment of teachers, provision of additional assignments, preparation of schedules, distribution of study groups, filling in absenteeism for teachers and students, determination of extra-curricular activities, conducting examinations and filling out report cards, as well as 4.2 Suggestion Implementation of curriculum management activities in operational actions, so that teachers must be active in developing skills through discussions with colleagues, through training, upgrading or MGMP activities, because this activity is very helpful for teachers in implementing curriculum management.



Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah (2005:66) Moleong, Lexy J., 2006. Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif, Bandung: PT.Remaja Rosdakarya. Nasution, 2010. Metode Penelitian Kualitatif, Jakarta: Bumi Aksara Siagian. Sondang. P., 2007. Fungsi-fungsi Manajerial, Jakarta: Bumi Aks


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