Red Fridays (campaigns Committee Motion)

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 339
  • Pages: 2
Campaign Proposal - Red Fridays on Campus Objective The intention of a Red Fridays campaign at the University of Ottawa is designed to show support for the men and women of the Canadian Forces (CF) who are presently engaged in active missions across the globe. This campaign is not to be a partisan commentary on any missions adopted at present or in the future by the Canadian Forces (i.e. I do / do not support the mission in Afghanistan). Rather, it is an impartial and symbolic way to show our support for those who have chosen to serve in the CF. As Canada’s University, adopting this campaign could serve as a model for other campuses, making uOttawa a campaign leader amongst post-secondary institutions. Resources Sought 1. Advertisement in printed student media, posters around campus, as well as online presence on the SFUO’s website / Campaigns Committee website 2. Assistance from the SFUO Clubs Coordinator in establishing a club to oversee the campaign, in order to avoid a partisan approach to Red Fridays Resolution WHEREAS 8, 000 members of the Canadian Forces are preparing for, engaged in or returning from overseas missions on any given day in Canada AND WHEREAS the University of Ottawa is uniquely placed in close proximity to National Defence Headquarters and the Department of Veteran’s Affairs in our nation’s capital AND WHEREAS the University of Ottawa has recently displayed its support for the troops by joining Project Hero, honouring children of fallen soldiers with an academic scholarship AND WHEREAS the idea of wearing the colour red on Fridays of each week has been widely adopted in workplaces, schools, and other institutions since its creation in 2006 AND WHEREAS members of the University of Ottawa community may have parents, brothers, sisters, friends, or other loved ones currently serving in a Canadian Forces mission

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the SFUO adopt and support a campaign to promote “Red Fridays” on campus as a way to show respect and support for the men and women of the Canadian Forces.

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