Recreation Brochure Fall 2009

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Denville Recreation

The Rec Room Volume 10, Issue 1

Fall & Winter 2009

Senior Social

Important Safety Tip! Working Smoke Detectors save lives. Please check your smoke alarm’s batteries on a regular basis. The life you save may be your own.

Denville Fire Dept. National Fire Prevention Week October 5th-9th

The Sunday Senior Socials will be held at the Church of the Saviour, 155 Morris Avenue, in Denville, from 1:30pm to 4:30pm. The social is sponsored by the Denville Recreation Committee and is open to all seniors 55 and older and is free of charge. The social offers a Sunday afternoon of fellowship, dancing, and refreshments. Seniors, come out to an enjoyable Sunday afternoon. You do not have to dance to attend this function. There is ample parking and the facility is handicapped accessible. 2009 Fall Dates: September 27th, October 25th, November 22nd and December 13th . The Denville Recreation Committee will once again host the Sunday Senior Socials beginning in April 2010.

Inside this issue:

Denville Ski & Snowboard

Denville Recreation Activities


Culinary Quest


Halloween Parade Information




Events at the Denville Library


Nets and Devils Ticket Information


Denville Youth Sports Programs


The Denville Ski & Snowboard program is the Best deal in town! 2010 rates have not increased, 2009 rates are still in effect. The Denville R ecreation Ski & S nowboard Program will once ag ain be o ffering Saturday N ight Ski & Snow board Trips thi s w inter to S hawnee M ountain. Our first scheduled trip will be Saturday, January 9, 2010, weather permitting, for 6 weeks. Charter Bus transportation, ski and snowboard rentals and lesson options ar e available. The Denville Rec Department is proud to announce that the Ski & Snowboard rates for 2010 season are the same as 2009. Forms will be available October 7th at the Denville Township Recreation Office or you can r equest your application be sent to you via e-mail at [email protected]



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Denville Recreation AcRegistration Information for Recreation Sponsored Activities Registration will be held on Wednesday night October 7th, from 6pm to 7:30pm in the Community Room located in the Municipal Building. Registration will also be available in the Recreation Office starting Thursday October 8th. Cash an d checks w ill be acce pted, sorry no credit cards w ill be accept ed. No refunds once tickets are purchased or supplies have been ordered. Sorry no exceptions. Trips and activities may be canc elled due to lack of participation. In the event this should occur, all fees will be refunded. All Denville Recreation sponsore d activities are open to all D enville Residents and open to nonresidents one week after initial registration. For m ore in formation please c heck t he Rec reation Web Pag e a t You ca n e-mail your questions to the recreation department at [email protected], or call the office

Adult Co-Ed Volleyball The Den ville Re creation C o-Ed v olleyball pro gram is open to all De nville Re sidents 18 an d older. Volleyball w ill m eet every T uesday a nd Thursday from 8pm to 10 pm i n t he Riv erview Gym. Thi s i s a fun non-competitive pr ogram. C ome out an d enjoy the fun. Si gn-ups ar e Wednesday nigh t October 7th, from 6pm to 7:30pm , in the Comm unity Room in the Mun icipal Building, or d aily i n the R ecreation Office. Fee i s $ 10.00. Proof of r esidence i s r equired. The program starts October 13, 2009 and ends on May 13, 2010.

Adult Men’s Basketball The Adult Recreation Basketball program is for DENVILLE RESIDENTS ONLY! All residents 18 and older are welcome. A Denville Recreation issued Photo ID is needed to participate. ID’s will be issued on Wednesday night October 7th from 6-7:30pm in the Municipal Building, and daily in the Recreation Office. Cost of the program is $20.00 per player. This program starts October 19, 2009 & ends on May 12, 2010, on Monday and Wednesday nights from 8-10pm in the Lakeview School Gym.

Facility Use Information Tennis Court Information: Badges are required for the use of all tennis courts. Tennis Badges cost $8.00 each or a family 4 pack for $20.00. Badges are available from the Recreation Office or the Clerk’s Office daily from 8am to 4pm. Permits are required for all reserved usage of all fields, picnic areas, pavilions and parks. To obtain facility usage permits please contact the Recreation Department at 973-625-8300 ext. 238. Please allow four weeks for the processing of permits.

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Denville Recreation AcScary House Contest The Denv ille Recr eation Comm ittee w ill be hosting i t’s 10 th Annual Hallo ween Scar y House Cont est on Wednesday nig ht, O ctober 2 8, 2009 . Decor ate y our home in a fun and scary way. Entry forms must be received by the Recreation Department by October 26, 2009. Re gistration forms will be av ailable on at the Recreation Office or e-mail your request to [email protected] beginning October 7th. Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd places. Sorry, 2008 winners are ineligible for 2009 prizes.

Holiday Lighting Contest The Denville Recreation Committee’s Annual Holiday Lighting Contest is open to all Denville Residents. Decorate your house and or yard any way you’d like for the Holidays and light up your neighborhood. Committee Members will judge all entries on Wednesday, December 16, 2009. Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd places. Registration forms will be available in the Recreation Office or e-mail your request to [email protected] starting November 23rd. All entries must be received by Monday, December 14th. Sorry but 2008 winners are ineligible for 2009 prizes.

Santa Calls Here he comes again!! The Denville Recreation Committee will once again be working with Santa this holiday season to make sure that your child receives a call from the man himself! Calls will be made on Monday night, December 7th, starting at 6pm. Santa will confirm that your child is behaving, and that they are ready for Santa’s visit. Is your child starting to doubt? Have Santa surprise them with a “Doubters Call”. Registration forms are available from the Recreation Office or e-mail your request to [email protected]. Forms will be available beginning November 4th through December 4th.

McARP Denville Is a p articipating m unicipality in t he Mo rris Co unty A daptive Re creation P rogram (McARP). For anyone new to the AR C/Morris Chapter, our program offers recreational opportunities to indiv iduals with intellectual and related developmental disabilities, providing opportunities to meet new friends and participate in the community. In order to participate in any of the ARC programs you must be a registered member, to register please call the office at 973-455-1288 and we will be happy to assist you.



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Community Bulletin Board DISCLAIMER The community bulletin board exists for the convenience of the Township of Denville community and the purpose of advertising community activities. Acceptance of an advertisement does not evidence an endorsement or sponsorship by the Township or its Recreation Department. We reserve the right to accept or reject any posting at any time for any reason. We are not responsible for the content of any community posting. Anyone participating in an event posted on the community bulletin board should perform their own investigation of the personnel and facilities.

Contacts for Senior Citizen Activities Membership to the Wednesday Chapter I Group President: Alice Casey, 973-627-7091

Senior Citizen General Club President, Richard Angus, 973-627-6236

Membership to the Monday Chapter II Group President: Carol Sandra, 973-625-4066

Senior Citizen Trip information Call: Marion Lester, 973-625-0898

Membership to the “Shoot the Breeze Club” President: Andy Mucci, 973-625-4548

Meals on Wheels Volunteers Needed The Denville Meals on Wheels program is in need of volunteer drivers during the week. If y ou can h elp del iver meal s to shu t i n Seni ors dur ing the day , pl ease contact Grace Predmore at 973-625-8300 ext. 269.

Help the Recreation Department serve you better! To all Denville Residents: the Denville Recreation Department is working on an e-mail distribution list to notify you of upcoming Recreation and Township events. If you would like to be part of our e-mailing list please e-mail us at [email protected]. Please leave your name, phone number and e-mail address so we can add you to our distribution list! Thank you for your participation.

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Community Bulletin Board Denville Social Services Food Pantry The Township food pantry is located on the second floor of the Municipal Building in the Social Services office and is open to Denville residents week days from 8:00 am until 1:00 pm. We are accepting all types of non-perishable food items, paper products, toiletries, and cleaning supplies. If you would like to donate a turkey or ham or other perishable items for our families around Thanksgiving, please contact Gracie Predmore at 973-625-8300 x269. Gift cards for local supermarkets are always gratefully accepted. Adopt-A-Family Program Anyone interested in assisting our families in need can contact Gracie Predmore at 973-6258300 X269 for more information. We will be collecting gift cards for stores in our area to assist our families. Cards from stores such as Wal-mart, Payless Shoes, Target, and gift certificates from local cinemas, fast food restaurants, and pharmacies are always needed and appreciated. All donations are tax deductible. If you would like to help with either of these programs please e-mail [email protected] or call Gracie Predmore at 973-625-8300 x269 for more information.

Halloween Parade The Denville Fire Department will hold it’s annual Halloween Parade on Friday October 30th. Line up will begin on Second Avenue. The parade route will continue on to the Main Street Fire House. Line up will start at 5:30pm and the parade will start a 6:30pm sharp.

Denville Boy Scouts and Denville Girl Scouts Denville B oy S couts are o pen to a ll b oys a ges 8 to 1 8, for m ore inf ormation please co ntact Tom Andes at 973-625-7636. Denville Girl Scouts are for girls in Kindergarten and up. Fore more information about Girl Scouts please contact Pam Jones at 973-625-4296.

Rabies Clinic The Denville Health Department will hold their annual rabies clinic on Saturday, November 7th, at the Pound, located at 140 Morris Avenue. The clinic will run from 8am to 10am. For more information please call the Health Department at 973-625-8300 ext. 265.



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Community Bulletin Holiday Parade

Holiday Open House and Children’s Shopping Night The annual Holiday Open House and Children’s Shopping night will be Friday, November 27th from 4pm to 8pm, on Broadway.

The annual Holiday Parade will be held on Sunday, November 29, 2009 at 2pm down Broadway.

Holiday Tree Lighting The annual R otary Christmas T ree Lig hting will be hel d at Sa nta Land o n S aturday, November 28, 2009, at 7pm.

Santa Land

Menorah Lighting The Men orah Lighting w ill ta ke place on T uesday Night December 15th near the West Main Parking lot beginning at 5pm. New schedule for 2009

Santa Land will open after the parade on November 29th until 6pm. Friday Dec. 4th, 3-7pm, Saturday & Sunday Dec. 5th & 6th, 1-6pm. Friday Dec. 11th, 3-7pm, Saturday & Sunday Dec. 12th & 13th, 1-6pm. Monday to Friday Dec. 14th to 18th, 3 to 7pm & Saturday & Sunday Dec. 19th & 20th 1 to 6pm. Monday to Wednesday December 21 to 23rd, 3pm to 7pm.

PRIDE Blood Drive, Fall 2009 Denville PRIDE will be holding their Fall Blood Drive on Saturday, October 24, 2009, from 9:30am to 3pm in Town Hall. For more information please contact Bob Ranft at 973-627-7341.

Denville Fire Dept. Open House The Denville Fire Department will be holding an Open House on Friday, October 9th, at 6pm at the Main Street Fire House. The Denville Fire Department is also looking for volunteers, no experience is necessary, training will be provided.

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Community Bulletin Denville Township Health Fair The Denville Health Department will be hosting a Season Flu Clinic on October 1, 2009, hours are 10am-12 noon, by appointment only. The fall SMAC Clinic will be held November 4, 2009, hours are 8am-9am, by appointment only. To schedule your appointment or for more info please contact the Public Health Nurse, Peggy Grossman at 973-625-8300 x264.

Fall Art Enrichment Classes: Art enrichment classes for children ages 6-9 & 10 and up. Have fun drawing and painting, plus study the masters. Students will also learn to work with pencil and charcoal shading as well as pastels & acrylic paints. Color & form will be introduced while working on a 9X12 painting. Fee is $128 for 8 classes & includes supplies. Class is 2 hours long with approx. 6-8 students (minimum 4). Your choice of class times: Wednesdays, Oct. 14, 21, 28, Nov. 4, 11, 18, & Dec. 2, 9. Thursday Class: Oct. 15, 22, 29, Nov. 5, 12, 19,. Dec. 3, 10. Classes are held in the instructors studio at 65 Parks Road. Instructor is artist, Val Golden, who has over 30 years of teaching experience. For more information or early registration call 973-627-8051.

Ladies Night Out Painting Class! Relax, hav e f un & learn t o paint landscapes, st ill lif e’s or from y our phot os. $128 for 8 classes, Wednesday O ct. 14 , 21 , 28, Nov . 4 , 11 , 18, & Dec. 2, 9.. A 9x 12 ca nvas is included, only b ring a small se t o f oil or ac rylic paint s. M inimum o f 4 student s. Pleas call Val G olden a t 973- 627-8051 for more information or to register.

Main Course Cooking Classes: Whether you are looking to become a better cook or just want to have fun in the kitchen. The Main Course cooking classes are for you! We offer a 6 week program (1 night per week) that offers some fundamental kitchen skills as well as teaching you how to quickly prepare healthy, delicious meals. Here is a quick listing of class titles. Week 1: Kitchen Fundamentals 101. Week 2: It’s Easy Being Green. Week 3: Fast and Frugal. Week 4: Party Appetizers. Week 5: Say Cheese. Week 6: Super Foods. To see a full description of our classes please go to our web site Classes will run from 7pm-9:30pm, for 6 weeks. Class size is limited to 12 people ages 16 and older. Each class is $40 per student per week. Registration is done via the web site



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Community Bulletin Denville Dance Arts Center, Dance Classes Come &make new friends while having fun dancing at DDAC. Denville Dance Arts Center will be offering 8 week classes to our Denville residents at a discounted rate. Join the fun & excitement. Our 54th season. Registration Information: Classes begin the week of October 5th. For information & registration please call 973-627-1440 or e-mail [email protected] or visit our web site Monday: 10:15-11am: Ballet/Tap, ages 3-5, $75. tap, ballet shoes & dance clothes Monday: 11-11:45am: Princess Ballerina, ages 3-5, $75. ballet shoes & dance clothes Monday: 11:45-12:30: Tap/Jazz, ages 3-5, $75. tap shoes, ballet shoes & dance clothes Monday: 8:30-9:30pm: Ladies Cardio Hip Hop Dance & Fun, $70. comfortable clothing Tuesday: 10:15-10:45am: Pre-Dance, ages 2.5-3.5, $50. dance or play clothes Tuesday: 10:45-11:30am: Tap & Tumbling, ages 3-5, $75. tap shoes, sneakers & dance clothes Wednesday: 10:15-11am: Mommy & Me, 18 months-2 yrs, $55. dance or play clothes Wednesday: 10:15-11am: Princess Ballerina, ages 3-5, $75. ballet shoes & dance clothes Thursday: 11:45-12:30: Ballet/Tap, ages 3-5, $75. tap, ballet shoes & dance clothes Thursday: 12:30-1:15: Tap/Jazz, ages 3-5, $75. tap shoes, ballet shoes & dance clothes Friday: 9:30-10:15am: Princess Ballerina, ages 3-5, $75. ballet shoes & dance clothes Friday: 10:15-11am: Tap & Tumbling, ages 3-5, $75. tap shoes, sneakers & dance clothes

“Eagles/Knights” Autumn Soccer Camp This 2 day Autumn Soccer Camp offers a challenging atmosphere for soccer players while striving to enhance all aspects of their game. We provide a safe environment for learning with fun and improvements being our ultimate goal. Two levels of soccer training will provided at the camp. Recreation Players and Travel Team Players ages 4-14. Fee is $50.00 per player by Oct. 1st, after Oct. 1st $60.00 per player. Camp will be held at Gardner Field on Thursday and Friday, November 5th and 6th, from 9am to noon. (Teachers Convention) For more information please contact Mike Mugavero at [email protected] or 201-213-5229. Registration forms are available at the Denville Recreation Office in the Municipal Building, open daily 8am to 4pm.

Tennis Lessons, Fall 2009

Professional Tennis Instruction given at Gardner Field Tennis Courts on weekdays & Saturday for children & adults. Instruction for all levels of play: beginners, advanced beginners, intermediates & advanced. Private Lessons: $65 per hour, $35 per 1/2 hour, Semi-Private (2 students): $35 per hour per student, Group Lessons: 3 students-$25 per hour per student, 4 students-$20 per hour per student, 5 students$15 per hour per student. To register for lessons please call number below. Instructor Joe Hollis, Tennis Professional: Phone (973) 452-1783. Winter Indoor Lessons also



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Community Bulletin The Ayres/Knuth Fall Farm Festival The Ayres/Knuth Farm Foundation presents its annual Fall Farm Festival at the farm site at 25 Cooper Road. The festival will be held on Sunday, September 27th from 10am-4pm rain or shine. Family event with something for everyone...variety of music and food, tractors and antique machinery, hay rides and Kiddie car rides, games pony rides, petting zoo, crafts, 50/50, and lots more. More information at

The Ayres/Knuth Christmas Tree Sale The Ayres/Knuth Farm Foundation will once again be selling Christmas Trees this Holiday Season at the Union Hill Farm Stand on Cooper Road. We will be open the first three weekends in December. Hours on Friday are 5-8pm and Saturdays and Sundays are 10am-4pm. Week 1: Friday the 4th, Saturday the 5th, and Sunday the 6th. Week 2: Friday the 11th, Saturday the 12th, and Sunday the 13th. Week 3: Friday the 18th, Saturday the 19th, and Sunday the 20th. Please stop by and check out our Trees, Wreaths and other Stuff.

Denville Historical Society The Denville Historical Society and Museum has made a comprehensive review of its archives and prepared a new exhibit on the history and significant events in history of the Township of Denville. The collection has recently received a number of significant donations that will be on display for the first time. * A history of General Winds, a Denville resident who was the only Revolutionary War General from Morris County and his tombstone rubbing. * A large number of photographs from the extensive collection of Bob Illig covering the early 20th century. * Artifacts from early Denville history in the recently redecorated exhibit rooms’ new show cases. * Displays of events at the lakes of Denville illustrating the primary driving force for the Township’s growth. * Photographs of downtown Denville - then and now. The exhibit opens Sunday, September 20th at 10am, concurrent with the Society’s semiannual Yard Sale. Admission is Free and Refreshments will be available. After the opening, the Museum will be open on Saturdays from 10am to 2pm and at other times by appointment. For any further info, call 973-625-1165.



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Denville Youth Sports Groups 2010 PAL Girls Softball Registration Information Registration for the 2010 Spring Softball is in progress and will run through January 10th. Players attending Kindergarten through 12th grade are eligible to register. Registration forms will be distributed at the Riverview , Lakeview and Valleyview Schools via the electronic Friday Folder. Paper copies will be distributed to St. Mary’s School and will be available at the Denville Recreation Department. Registration forms can also be printed f rom the Denville PAL Girls So ftball website ( by clicking the “Form s” link.. Please direct any question regarding the

Denville Striders Track and Field All Denville girls & boys ages 9-14 (8th grade) are invited to join. Events include sprints (100, 200, 400 meters), Distance (800 & mile), relays & field events (shot put, long jump). The season runs from April through June, with 2 practices per week at Morris Knolls high school. Meets are primarily on Sundays at various high school tracks in Morris County. The cost is $25.00 per child. Current registrations forms are available at the Recreation office in the Denville Municipal building, or on the Denville Striders website. For more information go to We are in urgent need of additional coaches this year, as many of our previous coaches have had their children graduate from the Striders program.

Jr. Eagles Wrestling Club The Jr. Eagles Club will be holding an in-person registration at Morris Knolls High School in the auditorium hallway on Monday, October 5th from 7pm-8:30pm. This program is open to all students (K-8) in the Morris Knolls sending district. The Jr. Eagles have a place for your child at any level, from beginners to advanced. Clinic 5-6 years old (practice Tues. & Thurs.) Novice: 7-14 years old, 1st year wrestlers or if you wrestled clinic the previous year (practice Tues. & Thurs.), Junior Varsity and Varsity. (JV & Varsity practice Mon. Weds. & Fri. at Morris Knolls High School). The fee is $75 per wrestler or $140 per family. Practice starts Nov. 16th. A birth certificate will be required for all new wrestlers along with medical information. Please email Larry Rizzo at [email protected] or go to the web site

Denville PAL Blue Knights Hockey To register please go to the web site: or if you have questions please e-mail them to [email protected] or call Liz Dreisbach at 973-586-1435. Registration fees are listed below. Termite: $200 Mite: $700 Squirt: $800 PeeWee: $800 Bantam: $800 Midget: $400

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Denville PAL Basketball Denville PAL Basketball is open to all boys and girls in Grades 2-12 who reside or go to school in Denville. Players can join either the Traveling League (where players are selected based on skill level), OR the Recreation League (which is a fun league with all games played in Denville Schools), BUT NOT BOTH. The Traveling Boys League consists of 4 teams from Grades 5, 6, 7, and 8. The Traveling Girls League consists of 2 teams combining Grades 5-6 and 7-8. Registration forms are available from the Denville Basketball web site: The basketball season runs from mid November 2006 through March 2007. This program is open to all boys and girls in grades 2 through 12, who reside or go to school in Denville. Fees: Traveling Boys or Girls Teams are $175.00. Grades 3-8 $60.00 Gr ade 2 Clinics $30.00

High School Recreation $30.00

Field Closing Information NO MORE BUSY SIGNALS! FIELD CLOSINGS ARE NOW AVAILABLE ON-LINE! You can now go to or at no cost and view Denville’s postings, or you may choose to sign up for premium service ($9.95 per year) and have a message sent directly to your cell phone.



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Denville Youth Sports Groups HUB Soccer HUB Soccer of Denville, Inc. provides a soccer program for recreation and travel soccer players. Fall, winter-indoor and spring sessions are available for both groups. The fall recreation program is for Pre-K through 8th grade players. The winter-indoor and spring sessions are for Pre-K through 4th grade players. Pre-K players must be age 4 to participate. Included in the recreation program is a fall Challenger Division for those players with special needs. Hub Soccer also provides an afternoon “Munchkin Soccer” program for players ages 3.5 thru 5 years old. Details are on our web site Registration for the 2010 winter-indoor recreation session starts in late October. Registration forms will be available via school Friday web folders and at and the Denville Recreation Office. The cost for the winter-indoor program is $55. A late fee of $20 is applicable for registrations received after 1/1/10. The Winter-indoor session is targeted to start Sunday 1/10/10. Starting times for grades PreK through 4th will not be available until registration is completed. Location is at the Morris Knolls High School gym, Sunday afternoons between 12:00 noon and 4:00pm. Any family experiencing financial hardship can contact Don Casse, HUB Soccer’s President at 973-6278173 to have registration fees waived. This policy applies to recreation, Challenger and travel players. The travel program is for boy and girl players U9 through U14 seeking more challenging and competitive soccer program. Travel teams compete in the Morris County Youth Soccer Association, which has a fall and spring season. Some teams also compete in winter-indoor leagues. Tryouts are held in mid May and player evaluations are done by paid independent soccer professionals. Tryout schedule will be communicated via school Friday web folders and at General Information: Don Casse, President, 973-627-8173 Travel Soccer: Tony Groszew, VP Travel Soccer, 973-625-1726

2010 Spring soccer registration starts in February. Fall 2010 soccer registration starts in April.

Learn to play a life sport-Rugby Join the Morris Rugby U 13, U15, U 19 boys, or U19 girls tackle rugby program. This program will commence with 6 Sunday afternoon practice sessions or scrimmages from October 18th through November 22nd from 2pm to 4pm. The annual High School alumni game and U15 scrimmage will be on Saturday November 28th to end of the Fall session. New players are welcome and the October 18th session will be run concurrent with a parent informational meeting. Winter Indoor practice sessions will be held at the Indoor Sports Pavilion in Randolph each week from December through February. Times and dates to be announced. Finally, we will move outside in March to practice and compete in a full spring game schedule which will likely include opponents from Union, Parsippany, St. Peters (Jersey City), Pennsylvania, Connecticut, and New York. This schedule will conclude with the Jersey Cup championship on May 16th where we will defend our 4 time championship! There is no application fee for the fall session, and the fee for the 2010 Spring season will be set then. More information will be made available on the website,

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Denville Youth Sports Groups Web Pages Denville Little League

Denville PAL Softball ht


Denville Blue Angels Football

Denville Dawgs Rugby

Denville Blue Knights Hockey

HUB Soccer


Denville PAL Basketball

// Rock-Den Lacrosse



Denville PAL Striders Track & Field

Denville Dolphins Swim Team

Jr. Eagles Wrestling

Denville Recreation


Field Closings Information

//[email protected] Field Closing Information

New Jersey Devils Tickets The Denville Recreation Department has tickets available for the New Jersey Devils at the Prudential Center. Each ticket will also come with a $10 food voucher New Jersey Devils Game: Saturday night March 20, 2010, 7pm vs. the St. Louis Blues. Seats are located in the upper level, list price is $56 your cost $45 each (this includes your $10 food voucher). A limited number of seats are available, so please order your tickets now. All tickets must be ordered and paid for by Friday, February 5, 2010. Please stop by the Denville Recreation Office, daily from 8am-4pm to order your tickets or e-mail your request to [email protected] and the Rec Department will e-mail you the form and instruction on how to order tickets.

2009 Denville Recreation Committee Members Gary Boroweic, Chairperson Mark Venis, Vice Chairperson Alison Chada, Recording Secretary Don Casse

Joe Lowell

Ben DeSomma

Colleen Perry

Neil Hogan

Bob Ranft

Lene Jennings

Sandy Robinson

Advisors: BL Gross P. Ted Hussa Chris T 1913


Dour Council om Andes Council



Don Bogardus

President Liaison

Administrator Recreation Director

Denville Municipal Building Information Municipal Building Hours: 8am to 4pm, Monday through Friday Denville Police Desk: open 24 hours, everyday Important Phone Numbers: All Police Emergencies: 911 All Police Non Emergences: 973-627-4900 Denville Municipal Building Main Number: 973-625-8300 Denville Public Works Department: 973-625-8334 Denville Recreation: 973-625-8300 ext. 238 Mayor Hussa: 973-625-8300 ext. 224 Administration: 973-625-8300 ext. 225 Denville Township Clerks Office: 973-625-8300 ext. 231

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